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Law Prohibiting Marriage To Foreigners Over The Age Of 50 Proposed To Thai Cabinet


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"In many cases they are old enough to be their father" ( or grandfather) but hey, I'm not casting stones. :)

"If these people don't have enough money to retire then they shouldn't be here and become a burden to Thailand," I'm not sure how farangs who don't have 800,000 baht in the bank can be a burden. It's not like in the U.S., where a quite a few Thai's draw welfare checks and food stamps, which they don't have in Thailand. I would need an explanation on that statement please.

How about they put that proposal on a nation wide ballot. Think it would fly?

"Nationwide Ballot" ? Nah, they only do that sort of thing in democratic countries. They wouldn't ask the People for fear of getting an unfavourable response!

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Actually, this law may prove beneficial to these silly grandpas walking the Sukhumvit catwalk. Several times a year you read these terrible stories of Farangs being tossed out of the home they built for their "innocent" girlfriend. Sometimes these guys are found dead near their Pattaya condos.

Some say the Thais are correct in this regard. I say put the burden on the grandpa's own government. Just get her a visa to London and marry her there. Problem solved.

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I married my Thai wife a couple of years ago.

She is 43; I am...er older.

When I die she will get slightly less than half of 2 of my pensions as my widow. She will also get the appropriate amount of the State Pension based on my contributions. All based on the fact that we were legally married in Thailand when I was over 50.

She will get these for the length of her life.

The money she gets from me now and the pensions in the future go a fair way towards paying for her parent's and son's upkeep.


Do they feel I should divorce her and so take this away from her? :lol:

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It is ridiculous to tell a man and a woman who are otherwise of legal age and sound mind that they cannot marry. This is really one of the more stupid, of countless very idiotic things the Govt. of Thailand has talked about implementing over the 28 years I living here.

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April 1st comes along once a year. People who manage to fill the pages of TV with indignant responses to the OP are here every day! Well done George..........errr.....what if it's real though?...oooeeerrrr!

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How true, It is disgusting that thiese dirty old men go to Thailand to marry the young girl. I think they are closer being a legal age Pedofile.

Yes. Thailand should bring in this law to prohibit older Farangs and other foreigners from marrying very young women .

I have seen some farangs with young wives who could be their grand daughters!.

Laos and Cambodia have enacted these law: why not Thailand.

Why should it be the goverments job to protect the women. They are not forced into the marriage and i would imagine 95% are for good reason

'she wants secruity and someone to help with the family

he wants a young lover/maid/lover/companion that he cant get in the west

who is hurt???

If u object to this than i suggest u look at ur reason why u find this offensive>>>

I know this is April Fools but this is the kind of reactionary rubbish that you read all too much of these days - a pedophile is someone who has an attraction to pre-pubescent children. There is, I agree, a grey area between childhood and adulthood but in almost every country in the World people are "adults" at 18.

Secondly why is a marriage of convenience always wrong if it is convenient to both parties - the younger person gets security, education and a lifestyle they would not enjoy even as an adult the older person gets an attractive companion and few last years of pleasure that many "respectable married men" are denied for the latter part of their marriage. You may say its like prostitution - well to be frank I feel that this should be a respected profession and not looked down on or made illegal - so if you want to take issue on moral grounds I cant and wont argue with you - however marriage is a practical arrangement for the protection of people who choose to live their lives together whatever their motive may be

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I can't read through all 27 pages of posted messages, but I do see one massive misinterpretation of what was stated in the article. It is NOT that the proposed law would prohibit over 50 farangs from marrying just anyone younger. It would prohibit it in ALL cases. A 51 year old farang would not even be allowed to marry a 100 year old Thai woman. The article posits essentially that Thailand would prohibit 50 year old foreigners from Thai marriages period.

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: Happy April fools day :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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I can't read through all 27 pages of posted messages, but I do see one massive misinterpretation of what was stated in the article. It is NOT that the proposed law would prohibit over 50 farangs from marrying just anyone younger. It would prohibit it in ALL cases. A 51 year old farang would not even be allowed to marry a 100 year old Thai woman. The article posits essentially that Thailand would prohibit 50 year old foreigners from Thai marriages period.

I really suggest that you go and read at least SOME of the replies.

Oh and GentlemanJim excellent job on outing yourself. Look out for the ban stick. whistling.gif

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I can't read through all 27 pages of posted messages, but I do see one massive misinterpretation of what was stated in the article. It is NOT that the proposed law would prohibit over 50 farangs from marrying just anyone younger. It would prohibit it in ALL cases. A 51 year old farang would not even be allowed to marry a 100 year old Thai woman. The article posits essentially that Thailand would prohibit 50 year old foreigners from Thai marriages period.

I really suggest that you go and read at least SOME of the replies.

Oh and GentlemanJim excellent job on outing yourself. Look out for the ban stick. whistling.gif

Just trying to stir the pot.

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This is no big deal. There is no need to marry, and it will bring a sigh of relief from many who are being pressured by their GF and her family. What is not mentioned in the article that the proposal also includes a restriction on inheritance. Any clause in the Will of foreigner which favours a Thai national will be become null and void. And this IS retro-active. This will cause some consternation, and possibly protests which will overshadow anything the red shirts have managed.

Can you explain more fully the clause you mentioned regarding inheritance. If one is married and have a valid will in Thai and English are you saying that the wife as legal next of kin cannot have what the will states??

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I was the first to trust in this article and get angry, around 7:00 Am. Even more i was stupid enough to republish it in my website.

Great hoax! :lol:

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Unbelievable 28 pages and still counting. :cheesy::Thaiflag::clap2:


As good as the recent post of TV concerning the intended flights between the two bangkok airports....first word in the article...SATIRE, but people still didnt believe it was intended as a joke....

Well done George...good parody of the recently implemented law in Cambodia....Yes dear TV readers, that law is real in Cambodia, considering some of the comments on this topic, the Thai goverment should considering implementing this law post haste as to not to dilute the Thai gene pool with regards to IQ which is currently low enough.....:lol:

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No Jim - you haven't been around very long, this is a highly plausible story. Especially following the lead of the Cambodians.

The Thai government is, of course, shooting itself (or it's lady residents) in the foot. There are far more benefits that accrue to a Thai wife who is married to a Falang after the death of the Falang. They cannot claim these if unmarried.

As I said to my better half "som nom naar" because of your government YOU will lose and Mama will not get the 10 Baht of gold and 500k sin sot that I planned for next year. :lol:

She, of course, blamed ME (not her government) and called me Falang khee niao :jap:

Happy April 1st.

??? LMAO! So you are saying I haven't been around very long because of the date under my name? Maybe the number of posts? Are you for real? Ever considered how many times people change names on anonymous forums?

Jim - the word you are looking for is 'banned' - you half-wit !


No, that was not 'the word I was looking for', nor am I a half wit. I used the precise words I wanted to, and didn't need to look for any of them.:yellowcard:

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Well I don't have the energy to laugh, because I actually lost a night's sleep. In Europe at the moment, I saw the message alert just before logging out of my email account for the night. Tired from a stressful day, it actually sickened me, and I am feeling the consequence of sleep deprevation.

So for me, two things have been lost:

1. an important night's sleep.

2. My trust in Thaivisa.com as a credible news source.

One would not have this happen on either CNN or the BBC. It should not happen here.

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April fools no i would not put it past them any way in the news Wales UK or not so united as now the NHS has made prescriptions free to all of Wales and Scotland the UK England still has to pay £7.50

what the hell has this got to do with anything ?

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I don't have time to read all of the posts. But I was surprised to note that none of those that I did read made any mention of what day it is today. Why was this information mentioned here and not in the Nation Newspaper?.

I have heard that the San Francisco Bay Bridge is up for sale for a very low price.. Anyone want to buy a bridge? >

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