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Thai Institute Warns Overusing Cellphones May Cause Cancer


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Overusing cellphones may cause cancer

By The Nation

After the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a warning that people who used mobile phones too much could face the risk of brain tumour, the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Institute (TCPI) said yesterday that Thais faced an even bigger risk because they slept with their cellphone placed near the headboard.

TCPI director Prawit Leesathapornwongsa said the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer study that cellphones had a "2B" classification, or that they could cause cancer. He said the study also found that people using their mobile phones for more than 1,640 hours faced a greater risk of developing glioma brain cancer. Those using a bluetooth hands-free device were 100 times less exposed to electromagnetic waves, while those using headphones faced 10 per cent less risk, he said. He also warned that these devices should not stuck in the ear while not being used. In addition, 3G phones are said to release 100 times less radioactive energy than the GSM phones, he added.

Prawit said a poll conducted in February found that Thai users were more exposed to radiation from cellphones because 64.5 per cent placed them at the top of their bed while sleeping, and 41.6 per cent carried their phone in their pocket. He urged people to keep their mobile phones away from them when they are not in use.


-- The Nation 2011-08-04

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"After the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a warning that people who used mobile phones too much could face the risk of brain tumour, the Telecommunications Consumer Protection Institute (TCPI) said yesterday that Thais faced an even bigger risk because they slept with their cellphone placed near the headboard.".......yeah not to mention even while they are doing a job in bed!!:bah:

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this is a very sensitive issue. many governments around the whole world have conducted rigorous tests on cell phone emissions and found them to be safe. the same applies to cell towers. however it has been found that there are unusually high incidences of cancer around or close to these sites but as yet have given no proof that the towers have caused this. consumer groups insist that there is a very real risk and government and companies say the opposite. i suspect these large companies contribute lots in terms of jobs and money so the governments may be a bit biased in favour of them.

i worked in mobile telecommunications for a long time and while my company insisted there were no real dangers, we did sell radiation cases for the mobiles !

increasingly more and more cell towers are being erected in thailand which is needed and is progress. however the decision to put them in or near schools is worrisome. i teach in a school in a small town in the northeast and directly across the road is a massive cell phone tower and at the base of it is the local park where kids play everyday.

i fear this is another case of give me the money and sod the rest here in thailand. there appears to be no, or very little controls in place as regards the construction of these towers. maybe this scaremongering, whether true or not, will get the thai people thinking and objecting to the erections of these eyesores. after all it is affecting them now and not someone else.

i feel there is a very real danger with the overuse of cellphones here in thailand. every kid has one to their ear 24 hours a day. however if we believe the stories and statistics about thai student IQ then there is no need to worry if there are no brians in there to fry anyway.

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I may be wrong, but EMF exposure is a function of the inverse square of distance from the phone, isn't it ? Meaning that as you get further way, the exposure goes down exponentially....?

Moreover, phones emit microwaves mostly when they are being used (in particular, transmitting while we are talking, rather than receiving whilst listening), so if they are carried or put on the headboard of a bed, they only "ping" occasionally to let the base station know they are there, as they are mostly on "receive" rather than "transmit". Is this in fact the case ?

Having said all that, I think I might carry mine in my bag rather than on my body.........

Edited by Latindancer
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This has been debated ad nauseam in most western countries and while self-proclaimed consumer protection groups claim cellphones being harmful and the transmission towers even worse, also the high voltage power lines, no conclusive evidence has ever been presented. But they got a lot of money for financing their studies. So I guess they have to come up with something to justify their existence.

The most harm these cellphones can do it to your wallet.

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Oh my, the stupid, it hurts...

After the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a warning that people who used mobile phones too much could face the risk of brain tumour

No, they didn't, what they did is list cellphones as "potentially carcinogenic" in one of the lowest level, Group 2B of carcinogenic, which contains also:

  • Coffee
  • Traditional Asian pickled vegetables
  • Talc-based body powders (perinal use of)
  • Carpentry
  • ...

Things like exhaust gas, or being a hairdresser are in Group 2A.

In other words: "We can't tell you there's no risk because we can't know for sure, so we put it there like that you won't try to sue us later"

Additionaly, these recommendations have been given by many health organizations for more than 10 years so I'm wondering what's new here.

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The term "radioactive" is completely wrong referring to the very harmful rays emitted by the decay of radioactive substances.

EMF (electro-magnetic flux) is much more accurate, the wavelength being huge in comparison to radioactive emissions.

There is only one way to stop these emissions from power lines and cell-phones from frying your brain. Make a peaked hat out of aluminium foil and wear it at all times when out-of-doors. When constructing, make sure that the sides are no more than 30 degrees from the vertical to achieve maximum reflection, and that the brim is at least 2 inches wide, slightly turned down at the front a la Bogart style.

BEWARE of malevolent persons whose foil cap is constructed at 45 degrees - they are trying to reflect their share of the radiation at others and should be avoided at all costs.

I also recommend an alumunium foil tent over your bed. This prevents the silent black helicopters from inserting strange thoughts into your head as you sleep. :ph34r:

Dancer, you are correct AFAIK.

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this is a ten year old news.

Anyway, good advice. If you can't use wired headset use the phone with your the left ear. Why? The mebrance that filters the blood to the brain is less affected this way. Wireless bluetooth and alike may cause the same problems as the phone itself.

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I only read the headline, not the article, but yeah, this stuff isn't new news since I have read about these claims many times before (hence I didn't bother reading this article). However, I do realize that we need to take this advice seriously...mobile phone radiation could be the leading cause of cancer in years to come. Minimize cell phone usage, always use a handsfree set where possible (earphones are better than bluetooth, even though they seem like a more conventional technology), turn off your phone when you don't need to use it or when you don't expect any calls (such as at night) etc. and then you'll probably find yourself greatly minimizing your chances of getting cancer.

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Oh my, the stupid, it hurts...

After the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a warning that people who used mobile phones too much could face the risk of brain tumour

No, they didn't, what they did is list cellphones as "potentially carcinogenic" in one of the lowest level, Group 2B of carcinogenic, which contains also:

  • Coffee
  • Traditional Asian pickled vegetables
  • Talc-based body powders (perinal use of)
  • Carpentry
  • ...

Things like exhaust gas, or being a hairdresser are in Group 2A.

In other words: "We can't tell you there's no risk because we can't know for sure, so we put it there like that you won't try to sue us later"

Additionaly, these recommendations have been given by many health organizations for more than 10 years so I'm wondering what's new here.

Well the TCPI director has only just heard about it, and because none of his friends have, it must be hot news.

But I'd have more confidence in such spokesmen if they didn't put Band Aids on their face when they get toothache . . .


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1960's Before cell phones' We had two way communication with our business office. The shop had what was termed "a wife line" (land line phone) used primary by those hen pecked individuals who had to run errands on the way home after work.

1970's' Motorola sold us telephones for our vehicles, with the phone hooked up to the horn. A rat race ensued when the oiles were gathered at the local watering hole and a horn blew. If no answer you were home or at a designated number.

1980's onward' Worked out of my home office with a answering machine/fax tied in to phone system. I returned calls when I returned. Most of my business calls came in at night due to time difference so no problem, faxes were reviewed on wake up.

moved here 20 years ago and have no need for cell phone, (retired) If you call and I am not at home to answer you can call back later. If I were in a situation where the cell phone would make me money, I would have one but I cannot think of any reason to want one or have one under present conditions. Family/friends know where I hang out in town so can be reached if I want to be. Wish the rest of the immediate family felt the same way (3 females) but my conservative estimate is 2 of them spend 3 to 4 hour/day on cell phone (personal calls) the other uses it when she is out and needs a ride home or to change plans, etc.

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This headline pops up once in a while, the last one was May 31st on CNN. It could be harmful, just like many other thing if you are overusing them.

But so does tobacco use, artificial sweeteners, hair dye, magnetic fiels exposure, X-Rays, pesticides, excess fat,etc. just to name a few.

You will be fine if you are not staying on the phone for hours every day. And if you do use it more, make sure to use the speakerphone or a headset.

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I certainly think you should limit your usage of mobile phones and try to use speaker mode where possible.

When I hear brain surgeons in Australia talking about the potential dangers of mobile phone useage and how they have noticed that heavy users are presenting with tumours near where they held their phones then I think it pays to be cautious.

By the time any study comes up it may well be too late for many people.

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if there is a free choice for the young generation : a ) reduce time on mobile phone today, b ) 'may' cause cancer 20 years later. you guess ?

using or 'over-using' cellphone in driving may HURT OTHERS, does anyone care here ? no even police do casual spot check for some pocket money !

Edited by ETatBKK
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