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New Zealand Sports Head Murdered In Thailand


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I could not agree more.

It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

You all have over stayed your welcome.

Go back to the utopia you came from.

note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

Is there no topic, no situation, no moment of sadness that rises above the self-satisfying rush to Thai bashing?

Oh God not another 'if you don't like it go home post'. People come on this forum to discuss issues and just because they don't agree with you does not make them wrong. If they did not do this there would not be any point in having a forum, would there?

RIP to the victim.

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I could not agree more.

It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

You all have over stayed your welcome.

Go back to the utopia you came from.

As someone who is moving back to Thailand in two weeks, with a job, to *stay* I have to add to this. Really, if you can't say something kind or useful in a tragic situation like this, then maybe it's best you find another board.

The highest level of irritation for me reminds me of an old situation at the church I grew up in. Someone would come to the rector, complaining about something that wasn't working, or was incorrect (and it usually meant they weren't getting anything out of it), and he would say, "Thank you for bringing this to my attention. You are so right, that (thing, situation, etc.) is really an issue that we could be doing more about. What do you plan to do? Start a committee, I'll arrange meeting space and a time for you to have your meeting." And he'd leave it at that. They usually, never came back, stopped complaining and started to get the clue. The smart few took him up on it and learned a little bit about *really* trying to get things done, to change things.

So, forum, with all your sharp-tongued criticisms, what do you plan to do about it? Any meetings? I'll be there in two weeks, I'm happy to help you arrange a meeting.



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Sad....... I really like living here, and have been here a long time. But it is a little spooky to see what appears to be an endless stream of my fellow farangs dying here. Maybe time to arm myself.... :-)

"The officer indicated Mr. Jones may have met someone on Pattaya Beach who was taken back to his room."

I was a bit confused to see the police saying he had picked someone up in Pattaya. How on earth would they know that ?? It is almost alluding that he went out and picked up a bad person, so what happened was somewhat his fault. Bizarre......

Edited by rhiekel
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I could not agree more.

It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

You all have over stayed your welcome.

Go back to the utopia you came from.

note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

Is there no topic, no situation, no moment of sadness that rises above the self-satisfying rush to Thai bashing?

I'll book a flight back to my Utopia the moment that I have verified that you have lost you rose tinted spectacles and thus fallen off your Cloud 9.

Do people find it rather comic that a farang tells other farangs that they have overstayed their welcome? Does anybody else have the word pretention on the tip of their tongue?

As for the welcome that most of us receive when arriving at Swampy do you think the Thailand could do better than confront visitors with hordes of ripoff artists?

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"...Initially local Police attempted to prevent journalists from reporting on the murder..."

Why o why is it always like this?? Please, somebody enlighten me...

Maybe croquet isn't the sort of thing Pattaya wishes to be associated with???

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Im going back to Thailand next week,I have a Thai Mrs and we have got to visit her family.

Im not looking forward to going to be honest,im tired of Thailand and its corrupt nature,if I didnt have to go back for

her family I dont think I would go back again,there are some beautiful places in Thailand and some really nice people and some really bad people,in my eyes the bad out way the good,and thats the reason after coming here for 5 years that I ve had enough.

There are some posters on here who prefer people to hide their thoughts or feelings on the place rather than be honest,as someone has already added what's the point of forum if it's not to debate.

I dont see the point,its places like Bangkok and Pattaya that I am bored of,its more fake that Disney land,the only difference is

there's a good chance of you leaving Disney land with an empty wallet and your LIFE,same cannot be said about Thailand.

Edited by kobrien
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Why it comes as a surprise to you (all) that Thailandhas this problem is beyond me, since it was the Americans who turned it into a private whorehouse for GI's during the Vietnam Invasion.

Let's assign any blame accurately, shall we? Leaving aside the fact that the sector of that caters to foreigners is maybe 10% at best of the sex industry in this country, the Americans had nothing to do with how prostitution (and its antecedents) had been viewed in this country for centuries prior to their involvment in SEA. It's more than proximity to Vietnam that made this place what it was during the war (was Hong Kong or Malaysia etc as ripe for it?)

The Americans bear their share of the blame (for the demand side of the equation -- though I believe statistic will show that the Europeans more than made up for their late entry into that over the following decades of sex tourism as the US declined in its participation) but your comment is quite simply wrong: it was to a FAR greater extent the Thais who turned it into what it was. Willingly and with alacrity (and for obvious and arguably understandable reasons).

Personally, I have mostly contempt for the rabid and unreasoning Thai bashers and have never condemned Thai people for having the vast sex industry that they do. But I have at least as much contempt for the paternalistic, condescending Westerners (or their Thai counterparts with an equal aversion to the truth) who would like to assign any and all blame for anything bad about Thailand to the evil west.

There's crime here (just like virtually everywhere). There's prostitution (like everywhere though more than lots of places). No one forced the Thais to engage in either any more than they are forced to use drugs or eat fast food or whatever else...

A guy was tragically murdered and as the violent crime rate in this country is fairly high it's not all that unusual. Blame the Americans? Really?


Off Topic PS: The Americans never invaded Vietnam. By all means, condemn them for what they did do - but get your facts straight.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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Considering the propensity for inaccurate reporting it is not advisable to make unfounded accusations. Anyone recall the alleged 10 man Thai gang that supposedly murdered the former telephone fraudster? It turned out to be 2 swedes. How about people wait for some reliable facts?

I could not have worded that better myself. I was really surprised at the level of commentary when the 10 Thais were alleged to have slashed the victim's neck; I was actually even more surprised when it transpired the truth was so detached from the reporting. Muppets reporting, muppets commentating ...

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Considering the propensity for inaccurate reporting it is not advisable to make unfounded accusations. Anyone recall the alleged 10 man Thai gang that supposedly murdered the former telephone fraudster? It turned out to be 2 swedes. How about people wait for some reliable facts?

I could not have worded that better myself. I was really surprised at the level of commentary when the 10 Thais were alleged to have slashed the victim's neck; I was actually even more surprised when it transpired the truth was so detached from the reporting. Muppets reporting, muppets commentating ...

Not to take anything away from GeriatricKid but to me what he said just goes without saying and should be common sense...unfortunately common sense is perhaps not all that common round here...

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Once again, Pattaya make the news -- for the wrong reason.

And given what Pattaya is all about, just how would you expect this oversized, tawdry seaside tourist resort to make the news? Look, Pattaya, the only major city in Thailand where even the long time ex-pat residents can't pronounce correctly, has been making this exact same type of news for decades now so why would anyone expect a significant changes in the type of news generated there?

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I could not agree more.

It is like a formula ((News) + (Conjecture)) x ((Ignorance + Hate)) = Postings on this site.

You all have over stayed your welcome.

Go back to the utopia you came from.

note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

Is there no topic, no situation, no moment of sadness that rises above the self-satisfying rush to Thai bashing?

Some of use are here because of the people we love and not the country. So mabe you should respect the death of a good man and stop smoking that shit because it'll get you life.

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note that 'murder' not confirmed, MFAT says 'died'

Facebook - maybe not the most reliable source for a newspaper to quote from.

We all know what the BiB are going to conclude anyway...

Some how I think this investigation will be a little higher that just your average farang one. Some 15 yr old burmese kid will take the rap for this one. It won't just be coincidence or suicide.

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May he Rest In Peace.

I donot wish to take anything away from such a tragic death. But I feel many foreigners who come here donot really grasp the concept that life has no value here, thais donot care about your status in your home country, your life has the same value as a Burmese squid fishers. We all know how the Burmese workers get thrown overboard at sea rather than pay them. The wild east is a reality and people should be aware of it or stay home.

Very well said,I find it amazing how many people shout about human rights when something bad happens to them out here,I think if

you go pass that first two week holiday stage and cant see the regard that Thailands poverty stricken eyes view falangs then you should never leave your home country in the first place.

I felt sorry in the early days when I read stories about some falang getting mugged...that is until you find out he was wondering around pissed in a all Thai area,thats like

walking into the lions den with the keys to KFC in your pocket!

While I agree naivity is a very dangerous thing here the vast majority of Thais feel exactly the same way as you or I about this kind of lowlife scum, they get robbed by them too.

I don't see another Farang usually unless I go to Bangkok or Bang Saen ,Thai areas are mostly safe, just don't flash your cash about. I would be more worried about getting robbed in Pattaya.

Is there any all Thai areas in Pattaya tourist areas ?


Edited by arthurwait
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Sad....... I really like living here, and have been here a long time. But it is a little spooky to see what appears to be an endless stream of my fellow farangs dying here. Maybe time to arm myself.... :-)

"The officer indicated Mr. Jones may have met someone on Pattaya Beach who was taken back to his room."

I was a bit confused to see the police saying he had picked someone up in Pattaya. How on earth would they know that ?? It is almost alluding that he went out and picked up a bad person, so what happened was somewhat his fault. Bizarre......


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May he Rest In Peace.

I donot wish to take anything away from such a tragic death. But I feel many foreigners who come here donot really grasp the concept that life has no value here, thais donot care about your status in your home country, your life has the same value as a Burmese squid fishers. We all know how the Burmese workers get thrown overboard at sea rather than pay them. The wild east is a reality and people should be aware of it or stay home.

Very well said,I find it amazing how many people shout about human rights when something bad happens to them out here,I think if

you go pass that first two week holiday stage and cant see the regard that Thailands poverty stricken eyes view falangs then you should never leave your home country in the first place.

I felt sorry in the early days when I read stories about some falang getting mugged...that is until you find out he was wondering around pissed in a all Thai area,thats like

walking into the lions den with the keys to KFC in your pocket!

While I agree naivity is a very dangerous thing here the vast majority of Thais feel exactly the same way as you or I about this kind of lowlife scum, they get robbed by them too.

I don't see another Farang usually unless I go to Bangkok or Bang Saen ,Thai areas are mostly safe, just don't flash your cash about. I would be more worried about getting robbed in Pattaya.

Is there any all Thai areas in Pattaya tourist areas ?


I spent 9 months in Pattaya last year, rather than enjoyed the place,you can live a healthy life to a certain extent by going to

the gym,taking up a sport ... I got really bored of the usual bar chat and usual bad stories you hear in these bars.

The cheaper the rent,the closer you get to 95% all Thai area,whenever I come to Thailand my partner always ask's and checks the area before we move

in,she hates being surrounded by Thai's,this is not all Thai's,im talking about the people who are always sitting on the side of the road slowly downing Thai whiskey,

then when his bottle and pockets are empty he then decides if he has no drugs to sell that he will either mug/steal or kill for money.

If you come from a poor family in Thailand the chances are you are gonna stay poor unless you break the law,I have heard the argument before

about these guys should get a job at 7/11 but if you dont go to college and have the relevant qualifications they struggle to even qualify for what

has to be a very dull job.

If we were all going on holiday in the East end of London then im sure we would all complain about the crimes there,I tired of these positive pompus people

who get insulted when talk straight about Thailand.

Edited by kobrien
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In the Thai Daily News (25/08/11) they're saying there's CCTV footage of him entering the apartment with a Middle Eastern looking man at 10:00 pm on Monday 22/06/11.

Neighbours heard the sound of an argument in English and then it went silent. The body was found the next day. He'd been stabbed to death and valuables were taken.

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The guy was murdered. When he went home a man from a restaurant on 2nd road/Pratumnak rd by the VC hotel was in the lobby waiting for him and is seen on the video cameras leaving later. A friend of his was shpwing the pictures the other day and he was with him before he went upstairs with the guy in question. You guys can speculate all you want and be as self rightious as you want but until you know more....

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"...Initially local Police attempted to prevent journalists from reporting on the murder..."

Why o why is it always like this?? Please, somebody enlighten me...

Maybe croquet isn't the sort of thing Pattaya wishes to be associated with???


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it was the Americans who turned it into aprivate whorehouse for GI's during the Vietnam Invasion.

Sorry for the OT but i'd like to state my point of view about this.

The first time i heard about this, it sounded kind of plausible, but when i started traveling across the country, in remote areas, how comes it is full of "brothels" more or less explicits to accomodate the local requests? really, it's full of them and certainly they are not there for the foreigners, also, when you look at history and even some ancient eastern sculptures, you can clearly see some veeeeery explicit stuff made in stone.

The Pattaya phenomenom might have only contributed to concentrate and expand a particular kind of business in high demand and ALREADY well radicated inside the territory.

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