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Is Your Wife/Partner An X Bar Girl? My Hand Is Up.


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Who said I pay? I have paid for it plenty of times but not with my gf as she wasn't a bg.

In Post 189 you said

All women are prostitutes, it's only the price the varies.

So let me get this straight:

All Women are Prostitutes

You don't pay for it because your Girlfriend was not a Bar Girl

So it seems all women are prostitutes except you girlfriend???

Perhaps she's with you for your razor sharp intellect.

I'll make it easy for you. All women are prostitutes, it's only the price that varies. Just saying every women has their price and also that men always end up paying in one way or another. My gf isn't/wasn't a bargirl but I'm sure, like every other women that she would have her price. I have bugger all money so she can't want me for that, I'm starting to get the love handles so it can't be for my body, I'm certainly no Brad Pitt. But I do treat her well and I don't have a temper. I've never asked her why she is with me, I'm just happy she is and that is all I need. Of course not saying it will definitely last the distance but I have no reason to have a wandering eye.

Just this week the girls in my office were talking about something they call a 'leave pass'. Apparently it is ok for married women to have 5 men (usually the rich and/or famous) they are allowed to shag. They were all discussing who their 5 would be.

Now if I or any of the guys started having a similar discussion in the office about 5 girls we can shag out of wedlock then the girls would be outraged and complain of us dirty old men.

Sorry to go off topic.

That's it, definitely your razor sharp intellect.

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That's it, definitely your razor sharp intellect.

I'm just wondering why you are so intent of finding out what a women finds attractive in me. Sorry I'm taken, but if you are offering the right amount I may be interested. :D

I think you should print out your Post 189 and take it to a professional who might be able to help you.

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That's it, definitely your razor sharp intellect.

I'm just wondering why you are so intent of finding out what a women finds attractive in me. Sorry I'm taken, but if you are offering the right amount I may be interested. :D

Going through your posts in this thread,are you sure that :

1. You have a girlfriend?

2.you are in Thailand,or ever have been for that matter?

3.Are you sure the married lady's in your office were talking about that they were allowed to have 5 boyfriends?

Edited by janverbeem
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Yes, of course old men (50s and 60s) are happy to go to Thailand - after they have been burnt a couple of times in the West and generally taken to the cleaners. My point was that younger men in their 30s and 40s are often not prepared to go to Thailand even just for a holiday to vist the country for the first time. When I talk about such men, I am talking about professional men with good jobs/incomes in the West. If they were prepared to visit, it might just open their eyes to the opportunities available, and help them avoid the mistakes the old men made.

Good reply and certainly consistent with what I have seen & heard.

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Lovely thread. If 2 people can find happiness without damaging themselves or others, bless them and all the best.

BTW, the comments about how western women have "burnt" western guys forcing them into the arms of bargirls illustrates why the guys got dumped: It's always someone else's fault. It takes 2 to have a fight and if one looks at some of the losers that saturate the beer bar venues, is it any wonder why the western ladies escaped the clutches of such losers?

The man that can say, hey I found her interesting, and we clicked vs, the man that says the western women forced his hand blah blah blah. Who do you think will end up crying the blues in TVF after his Thai ladyf riend dumps him? Who do you think is probably having a happy life and may actually have a loving relationship?

In any case if you want true love, please visit SCAD Bangkok or SoiDog as they have forever friends waiting for a home. wink.gif

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Lovely thread. If 2 people can find happiness without damaging themselves or others, bless them and all the best.

BTW, the comments about how western women have "burnt" western guys forcing them into the arms of bargirls illustrates why the guys got dumped: It's always someone else's fault. It takes 2 to have a fight and if one looks at some of the losers that saturate the beer bar venues, is it any wonder why the western ladies escaped the clutches of such losers?

The man that can say, hey I found her interesting, and we clicked vs, the man that says the western women forced his hand blah blah blah. Who do you think will end up crying the blues in TVF after his Thai ladyf riend dumps him? Who do you think is probably having a happy life and may actually have a loving relationship?

In any case if you want true love, please visit SCAD Bangkok or SoiDog as they have forever friends waiting for a home. wink.gif

i got a image of thai girls burnt in my head on my first visit with my ex western gf in 04 lol . when we split up i said i have to go back on my own. but i wasnt dumped. it was very much my decision but in the end it was amicable decision, and went back for fun, not to cover up any pain. and also very true about losers in bars, as i said in previous post that sitting at a bar is becoming painful. good chit chat with nice people is hard to come by

Edited by metisdead
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I don't know of too many guys that would marry a farang girl that wouldn't be exclusive to him. I don't know of too many guys that go on a first date with any girl that tries to put himself in the best possible light, including money.

Aren't we all cretins because when we are trying to win the affection of the opposite sex we hide our shortcomings and hilight our positives, sometimes saying what we think they want to hear? In effect you are 'buying' another human by not being completely open and hiding your bad points. Or on your fist date do you let rip a few farts and pick your nose just to show the girl what you are really like to live with.

Again, another poster that thinks they are far superior to others simply because of who their choice of partner. When I see an old guy with a young girl I smile. I doubt very much you would smile at their happiness.

Not superior; just . . . different. I just don't believe that ALL women are prostitutes with a price. I had successful relationships with women back in England with attractive, smart women with whom I'm still friends years later . . . and no hint of a desire for compensation - financial or otherwise; just a mutually beneficial and enjoyable relationship. Here, in Bangkok for the last 4 years, I've avoided bargirls or any woman with even a whiff of a mercantilist agenda and this policy has served me well. I play the field, for sure, but I don't feel the need to bullshit since, ultimately, no man worth his salt will try to win the genuine affection of a woman - bargirl or otherwise - he wants to have a relationship with by saying things he thinks she wants to hear or alluding to his financial means. If he does lead with his wallet, surely he can't complain when - not if - it turns out that it's all she's interested in.

You make the male/female relationship that most non-neanderthals regard as perfectly normal sound tawdry as if the male, by taking her out or purchasing a gift on occasion is some kind of price to be paid in return for carnal favours. That may very well be how you look at things but, from any normal standpoint, it really does sound particularly sad.

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I know for utter certainty that the biggest nutter I got involved with was a bloody travel agent, and bar girls are babes in arms compared to that fruit !

And they all have a nasty temper when riled over losing face....

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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

There is nothing wrong to have fun with these girls. You just don't take them back home or marry them.

Ah, but Scorpio disagrees, seeing how he has married a BG.

Of course, Scorpio knows everything that needs to be known about farang / bargirl relationships because he's in one. I wish him well and success in his relationship, although from his posts he states that he is not safe when his missus goes ape-<deleted> and has to run and hide.

IMO, Thais have zero moral trepidation in phucking anyone they chose. Doesn't matter if it's a good girl, bad girl or somewhere in between. It's the westerners that have the judeo-christian moral dilemma about sleeping with someone who is not in a committed relationship, while at the same time they are out phucking anything in sight. Oh the irony.

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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

It's good that you can laugh with it,but you should cry when you realize that you married one of them insteads of keep it to chatting.

Sorry but from your past posts it is clear that you did that umpteen times already..................crying about i mean.

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Regardless of where a guy met his wife/girlfriend, the dumbest thing he could do is introduce her here on ThaiVisa. He'll always regret having done so.

Got that right GH! Those of us who have been around ThaiVisa for a few years know exactly how this is going to go.

I don't think anyone has asked the OP yet, so I will:

Scorpio- I'm curious as hell to know; is the woman in your Avatar the ex-bargirl wife which we are all discussing?

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I cant help laughing at it because i sit drinking in soi nana or walking street and i watch all these "suits" obviously business types sitting chatting and drinking with bar girls, but off course theyre only passing the time of day right?

Don't see how that's relevant; chatting with a bar girl is very different from marrying one. I love chatting with and getting to know bar girls; that's what bars are for.

I would not marry one, but that's largely for the same reasons I would not marry anyone else who's from a very different background/education/social status. I always have to smirk a bit when people (not you) set off on this big rant against bar girls, but then seem perfectly happy to marry a waitress, massage girl, karaoke girl (yes, have heard people proclaim that this is t-o-t-a-l-l-y different from bar work :rolleyes:) or shop girl. You get the same issues, usually related to money and education.

That said, half of my friends have married (or are in long relationships with) ex bar girls (or related professions), and for most of those it works out just fine. (Actually better than the current divorce rate in the UK) Only one couple have broken up, out of 25 or so, over a period of over 10 years.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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That's it, definitely your razor sharp intellect.

I'm just wondering why you are so intent of finding out what a women finds attractive in me. Sorry I'm taken, but if you are offering the right amount I may be interested. :D

Going through your posts in this thread,are you sure that :

1. You have a girlfriend?

2.you are in Thailand,or ever have been for that matter?

3.Are you sure the married lady's in your office were talking about that they were allowed to have 5 boyfriends?

1. Yes, fiance/gf, same thing

2. I am not currently in Thailand, been many times. Now in Oz for 6 months with my girl.

3. Yes positive as we were all in the same room. But not allowed 5 actual bf's. They are allowed 5 shags with celebrities and discussing their top 5 picks.

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3 years ago on my way back to Oz, I did 8 days in Phuket , out the front of the hotel I stayed was a massage place and there was young woman who was giving me a foot massage, then

I asked her if she wanted to come with me while I did some tours and for her 24 years of age she was very upfront saying that she has a young girl and wanted to meet a farang to take care of her and the kid then look after her family.

We went on some tours and then we parted ways.

There was a movie called Filipina dream girls a pommy movie about a group of poms going to the Philippines through one of those dating agencies

Some of the guys met up with bar girls and it was a good movie.

We meet people in many different places and what I do not think is right is that many people put down Thai women, some are very intelligent not all are dummies.

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From what I've seen in my neck of the woods I don't think former occupation has much to do with it. If you associate with normal Thais you will see that every criticism posters are making about bar girls is true about non bar girls in Thailand (and the rest of the world) also. Its not about their former job but the morals of the person no matter where they are from.

I haven't met many Thai/Farang couples in my area and of the couples we have met I don't know for sure if the women were bar girls. Only one of the couples have had there relationship go sour. The others seem like normal family people (kids go to same school as our kids) that seem happy.

Seems a better success rate if you compare to divorce rates in the west.

As for posters who comment saying that farangs who marry Thai women are some sort of losers that is true in some cases ofc. Many however are normal men who are professionals or retired. Some men who divorced later in life have the means to live overseas and marry a beautiful younger wife. Why should they marry an older woman from the west who may have a lot of baggage. Face the facts unless a man in his 40 - 50's is rich he isn't going to find many good choices of younger brides. Why should men settle for less if they don't have too?

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Yeah I meet and married a bargirl and I have got to say its one of the worst things that I have ever done.

But that is life some are decent I guess that I was just unlucky.

You are a very wise man. I have known a number of men who married bargirls who have had very successful, long-term relationships that they are grateful for.

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As for posters who comment saying that farangs who marry Thai women are some sort of losers that is true in some cases ofc. Many however are normal men who are professionals or retired. Some men who divorced later in life have the means to live overseas and marry a beautiful younger wife. Why should they marry an older woman from the west who may have a lot of baggage. Face the facts unless a man in his 40 - 50's is rich he isn't going to find many good choices of younger brides. Why should men settle for less if they don't have too?

Don't agree with you. One of my colleague who's working in our European HQ, in her 40's, just got remarried a few month ago. We were chatting on the phone and she was joking there is a huge second hand market, people who have been married for 10-20 year and divorced or lose their other half and find they are too young to stay alone for the rest of their life.

Of course you won't get a young girl half your age unless she has very good "motivation" . But decent people, there is no shortage.

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From what I've seen in my neck of the woods I don't think former occupation has much to do with it. If you associate with normal Thais you will see that every criticism posters are making about bar girls is true about non bar girls in Thailand (and the rest of the world) also. Its not about their former job but the morals of the person no matter where they are from.

I haven't met many Thai/Farang couples in my area and of the couples we have met I don't know for sure if the women were bar girls. Only one of the couples have had there relationship go sour. The others seem like normal family people (kids go to same school as our kids) that seem happy.

Seems a better success rate if you compare to divorce rates in the west.

As for posters who comment saying that farangs who marry Thai women are some sort of losers that is true in some cases ofc. Many however are normal men who are professionals or retired. Some men who divorced later in life have the means to live overseas and marry a beautiful younger wife. Why should they marry an older woman from the west who may have a lot of baggage. Face the facts unless a man in his 40 - 50's is rich he isn't going to find many good choices of younger brides. Why should men settle for less if they don't have too?

The "loser" tag assumes these guys tried & failed to snag a western woman, and had to "settle" for a Thai woman. This is often a slur made by western women because they don't understand why men would be attracted to women from a different culture and who speak a different language. I don't think they understand there is a strong genetic attraction that drives a lot of men to marry and have children with "opposites" to their genetic makeup.

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