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Why Does Fox `news` Operate In Thailand?

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So what's the solution? Get your President to notify China that they have one year and one day to allow the Yuan to float on the international currency markets. If they do not do so then impose a 100% tariff on every product coming out of China.

So, Donald Trump is posting on Thai Visa. :thumbsup:

I'll take it you agree with Donald Trump then, or would you prefer to owe China $5 Trillion in a few years time?

I agree with Donald Trump. :)

I didn't know that was Donald Trumps' policy but if it is then I agree with Donald too biggrin.gif


The TVARBB (Thai Visa's Anti-Religion Bigotry Brigade) raises it's ugly head for the millionth time...:rolleyes: Interesting how we have rules against blasting Thais, other countries, ethnic groups, etc. But slurs against some groups, particularly Christians or Americans, seem to stand, for the most part, unchallenged. [Compare: How long would "Thai Buddhist nutters" be allowed to stand unchallenged on this forum? whistling.gif ]

No not bashing Americans/Christians at all. Just those of the Flat Earth Society. If they happen to be American/Canadian/French etc then so be it.

Well, if that's what you mean, it wouldn't hurt to say it in your original post. Why wait until someone "outs" you? smile.gif

Yes, you have outed yourself as someone that believes in ancient idols in order to justify your own existence.

How do you respond to the irrefutable scientific evidence that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and not 6 thousand years?

Only you have made that logical leap about what I believe. Sorry, one is leaping with you. whistling.gif


FOX News is the equivalent of fake wrestling.

The news is the same news as on every other major network.

Their main problem is that they always start with the presumption that the US (or at least US Republicans) is/are in the right. Sometimes though that causes them to get a story right that others get wrong, as assuming that America is always wrong is a trap as well.


Look, they concentrate on an audience who have no interest in Thailand or indeed anywhere else in the world unless America has a bone to pick with them.

Did any of you see any coverage of the terrible floods in Bangkok? Of the human suffering? But hey - a kitten was rescued in Arkansas. Do they honestly think a Thai/ Brit/ German etc. is interested?

Why DO they bother?

I don't think that they do bother, rather I think that they are just making their domestic US feed available on satellite along with Fox and Star entertainment programming. Whereas CNN and BBC customize content for local markets, Fox does not appear to. As a result they often have their most popular content airing at hours of the day that ensure that not many people in Asia will be watching. Essentially they are offering it on a "take it or leave it" basis and probably are incurring next to nothing in additional expenses to make their news feed available internationally.


Look, they concentrate on an audience who have no interest in Thailand or indeed anywhere else in the world unless America has a bone to pick with them.

Did any of you see any coverage of the terrible floods in Bangkok? Of the human suffering? But hey - a kitten was rescued in Arkansas. Do they honestly think a Thai/ Brit/ German etc. is interested?

Why DO they bother?

I don't think that they do bother, rather I think that they are just making their domestic US feed available on satellite along with Fox and Star entertainment programming. Whereas CNN and BBC customize content for local markets, Fox does not appear to. As a result they often have their most popular content airing at hours of the day that ensure that not many people in Asia will be watching. Essentially they are offering it on a "take it or leave it" basis and probably are incurring next to nothing in additional expenses to make their news feed available internationally.

Thank you very much for your answer. I would call it fair and balanced, but that would be pouring turmoil over troubled waters....


Look, they concentrate on an audience who have no interest in Thailand or indeed anywhere else in the world unless America has a bone to pick with them.

Did any of you see any coverage of the terrible floods in Bangkok? Of the human suffering? But hey - a kitten was rescued in Arkansas. Do they honestly think a Thai/ Brit/ German etc. is interested?

Why DO they bother?

I don't think that they do bother, rather I think that they are just making their domestic US feed available on satellite along with Fox and Star entertainment programming. Whereas CNN and BBC customize content for local markets, Fox does not appear to. As a result they often have their most popular content airing at hours of the day that ensure that not many people in Asia will be watching. Essentially they are offering it on a "take it or leave it" basis and probably are incurring next to nothing in additional expenses to make their news feed available internationally.

Thank you very much for your answer. I would call it fair and balanced, but that would be pouring turmoil over troubled waters....

I think that the lack of customization of Fox's content for international market makes it look even more biased & myopic. One gets a much different impression of CNN, for instance, when you watch it overseas than in the US. In the US, they are trying to counter program against Fox, as is MSNBC, by copying at least some of Fox's tactics but pushing the opposite of Fox's point of view. Take away that counter-programming (as is done on CNN's international feeds) and then Fox appears to be all the more over the top. Also, outside the US CNN runs a lot more international stories the they do on their domestic US feed, so when you view both them & Fox outside of the US Fox appears to be much more blinkered in comparison.


FOX News is the equivalent of fake wrestling.

The news is the same news as on every other major network.


It continues to baffle me how so many people complain about their news coverage ,which is more balanced than the other networks in the US it does try to keep it in the middle, and the more plentiful opion shows which make up the bulk of their broadcast. They do separate opinion from news which the others do not. Those here that complain have the right to turn the channel, just push a button on the remote and presto something different to watch. Really I think most are politically to the left and cannot abide differing opinions as they might hear something they might have to agree with and change their narrowed opinions.


I just returned from the states and watched cnbc talk about out right rubbish with a left wing agenda after watching them you would think that obama has created jobs is saving the economy and that the republicans were in control of the house and senate for the last 30 yrs. Fox news is as fair and balanced as any news channel on US tv having said that I am in Thailand and would prefer to know a bit more about world news Al J is my pick when i want to see what is happening in asia BBC i as others have posted left wing rubbish.

Amen Brother!!!! MSNBC & CNBC Is the Obama Socialist Programs!!! If you like entitlements you'll like CNBC and Food Stamps!!! I watch Fox because they are Fair & Balanced and you get the Facts and Not Fiction!!! This is the channel for Americans who want the News and not the Liberal Spin!!!!

IsanTom - :) Korat


This may be of interest to some.

This study refutes it.

“A 2007 Pew Research Center poll of general political knowledge ("Who is the governor of your state?", "Who is the President of Russia?") indicated that Fox News Channel viewers scored 35% in the high-knowl­edge area, the same as the national average. This was not significan­tly different than local news, network news and morning news, and was slightly lower than CNN (41%). Viewers of The O'Reilly Factor (51%) scored in the high category along with Rush Limbaugh (50%), NPR (51%), major newspapers (54%),”



FOX News is the equivalent of fake wrestling.

The news is the same news as on every other major network.


It continues to baffle me how so many people complain about their news coverage ,which is more balanced than the other networks in the US it does try to keep it in the middle, and the more plentiful opion shows which make up the bulk of their broadcast. They do separate opinion from news which the others do not. Those here that complain have the right to turn the channel, just push a button on the remote and presto something different to watch. Really I think most are politically to the left and cannot abide differing opinions as they might hear something they might have to agree with and change their narrowed opinions.

If you think Fox is balanced (as per their oft repeated claim), then you are even more myopic than the left wing you despise.

BUT, as I said in an earlier post, only those that share their views will continue to watch the channel - so who cares?


This may be of interest to some.

This study refutes it.

"A 2007 Pew Research Center poll of general political knowledge ("Who is the governor of your state?", "Who is the President of Russia?") indicated that Fox News Channel viewers scored 35% in the high-knowl­edge area, the same as the national average. This was not significan­tly different than local news, network news and morning news, and was slightly lower than CNN (41%). Viewers of The O'Reilly Factor (51%) scored in the high category along with Rush Limbaugh (50%), NPR (51%), major newspapers (54%),"


Not sure a study conducted 4 years earlier refutes it. Things change.

On another note. Around 12-18 months ago Faux News wanted to set up in Canada and asked the government to change the news media laws. Canada refused so they packed up and went back to the US. Under Canadian law a news channel cannot knowingly lie.


I watch it sometimes to watch what the American right wing propaganda machine is spinning at the moment. Its scary to know they are the most influential media organ in the US because they talk such total garbage. Watch for their classic tactic of saying SOME PEOPLE SAY constantly. Such as -- some people say Obama supports man-dog marriage. Never say who said it. Its always the Fox News fiction writers. You're right, they don't cover Thailand the way BBC and Al Jazeera English do. I wish my local cable had CNN US version, it doesn't even have CNN international but I think the US version is much better.

I have to say that the BBC you get in Thailand is absolute rubbish and not a patch on the 'proper' Beeb. You might want to go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ or http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ and click on 'Listen' to get the flavour of the real thing.

I agree. The international BBC is total rubbish with it's PC BS and playing sports all the time- British football IS NOT NEWS you plonkers- plus the amount of time they waste on self advertising and ad nauseam repeats is sickening. How the mighty has fallen!

However to get back to the OP, I love Fox as they rubbish the Annointed One ( to use Hannity's term ), and I could listen to their attacks on the people that bailed out the criminal bankers and destroyed my world all day. However, no sane person would call their programme "International News", and they don't claim to be that.


I watch it sometimes to watch what the American right wing propaganda machine is spinning at the moment. Its scary to know they are the most influential media organ in the US because they talk such total garbage. Watch for their classic tactic of saying SOME PEOPLE SAY constantly. Such as -- some people say Obama supports man-dog marriage. Never say who said it. Its always the Fox News fiction writers. You're right, they don't cover Thailand the way BBC and Al Jazeera English do. I wish my local cable had CNN US version, it doesn't even have CNN international but I think the US version is much better.

I have to say that the BBC you get in Thailand is absolute rubbish and not a patch on the 'proper' Beeb. You might want to go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ or http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ and click on 'Listen' to get the flavour of the real thing.

I agree. The international BBC is total rubbish with it's PC BS and playing sports all the time- British football IS NOT NEWS you plonkers- plus the amount of time they waste on self advertising and ad nauseam repeats is sickening. How the mighty has fallen!

However to get back to the OP, I love Fox as they rubbish the Annointed One ( to use Hannity's term ), and I could listen to their attacks on the people that bailed out the criminal bankers and destroyed my world all day. However, no sane person would call their programme "International News", and they don't claim to be that.

To be fair to the BBC they are a Public Service Broadcaster and they have limited funds. I agree with you that the content is repetitive and I would add very patchy, and it's a disappointment. To me they should put BBC News24 on a constant feed and back it up with International content.


I watch it sometimes to watch what the American right wing propaganda machine is spinning at the moment. Its scary to know they are the most influential media organ in the US because they talk such total garbage. Watch for their classic tactic of saying SOME PEOPLE SAY constantly. Such as -- some people say Obama supports man-dog marriage. Never say who said it. Its always the Fox News fiction writers. You're right, they don't cover Thailand the way BBC and Al Jazeera English do. I wish my local cable had CNN US version, it doesn't even have CNN international but I think the US version is much better.

I have to say that the BBC you get in Thailand is absolute rubbish and not a patch on the 'proper' Beeb. You might want to go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/ or http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ and click on 'Listen' to get the flavour of the real thing.

I agree. The international BBC is total rubbish with it's PC BS and playing sports all the time- British football IS NOT NEWS you plonkers- plus the amount of time they waste on self advertising and ad nauseam repeats is sickening. How the mighty has fallen!

However to get back to the OP, I love Fox as they rubbish the Annointed One ( to use Hannity's term ), and I could listen to their attacks on the people that bailed out the criminal bankers and destroyed my world all day. However, no sane person would call their programme "International News", and they don't claim to be that.

No, they claim to be 'fair and balanced' :lol:.

Obviously they're not close to that but, as I said in an earlier post, who cares?

Only those that agree with their views will continue watching. Everybody else will find their own news source.


On another note. Around 12-18 months ago Faux News wanted to set up in Canada and asked the government to change the news media laws. Canada refused so they packed up and went back to the US. Under Canadian law a news channel cannot knowingly lie.

Speaking of lies this is not true (despite being all over the left-wing blogs). Fox News is NOT available on Basic Cable in Canada because channels in that tier must be dominated by Canadian ownership (and content). However, FNC is available on higher cable tiers and in other channel packages, for which one must pay extra. ;)


On another note. Around 12-18 months ago Faux News wanted to set up in Canada and asked the government to change the news media laws. Canada refused so they packed up and went back to the US. Under Canadian law a news channel cannot knowingly lie.

Speaking of lies this is not true (despite being all over the left-wing blogs). Fox News is NOT available on Basic Cable in Canada because channels in that tier must be dominated by Canadian ownership (and content). However, FNC is available on higher cable tiers and in other channel packages, for which one must pay extra. ;)

Again, who cares?


A number of people on this very thread. :whistling:

Quite. They are making the mistake of thinking those with an independent view will be swayed by Fox :rolleyes:.


On another note. Around 12-18 months ago Faux News wanted to set up in Canada and asked the government to change the news media laws. Canada refused so they packed up and went back to the US. Under Canadian law a news channel cannot knowingly lie.

Speaking of lies this is not true (despite being all over the left-wing blogs). Fox News is NOT available on Basic Cable in Canada because channels in that tier must be dominated by Canadian ownership (and content). However, FNC is available on higher cable tiers and in other channel packages, for which one must pay extra. ;)

Sorry, I must have put it poorly. I'm not talking about a Faux News US feed, I'm talking about what would amount to Faux News Canada.


On another note. Around 12-18 months ago Faux News wanted to set up in Canada and asked the government to change the news media laws. Canada refused so they packed up and went back to the US. Under Canadian law a news channel cannot knowingly lie.

Speaking of lies this is not true (despite being all over the left-wing blogs). Fox News is NOT available on Basic Cable in Canada because channels in that tier must be dominated by Canadian ownership (and content). However, FNC is available on higher cable tiers and in other channel packages, for which one must pay extra. ;)

Sorry, I must have put it poorly. I'm not talking about a Faux News US feed, I'm talking about what would amount to Faux News Canada.

So the US Fox can broadcast in Canada despite it's supposed "lies", but they can not have a Canadian Network? Sorry, but Sun TV is very simular to Fox and broadcasts in Canada, but they have Canadian owners which gets around the real problem.


A number of people on this very thread including those who keep posting about it and saying, "Who cares" over and over again. :whistling:

How dare you, Ulysses, introducing mere facts and truth into the Occupy Fox News thread when nobody cares, except about the lies.


So the US Fox can broadcast in Canada despite it's supposed "lies", but they can not have a Canadian Network? Sorry, but Sun TV is very simular to Fox and broadcasts in Canada, but they have Canadian owners which gets around the real problem.

Faux don't broadcast in Canada, their feed is shown but they don't broadcast as a Canadian entity.


I often wonder about the characters of people who spend their 20's in various institutions collecting letters after their name. ;)

Here are a couple of Brits who didn't so spend their 20s


and happily you needn't wonder about their characters--which should be comforting.

So if you needed, say, neurosurgery then you'd certainly prefer it performed by an illiterate, of good character by definition, rather than by a reputable surgeon who had spent his 20s collecting an M.D. after his name and therefore acquired a doubtful character.

If you have a choice between

  • surgeon #1, less competent but a politically correct socialist who cares awfully much about baby seals, and
  • surgeon #2, much more competent, with a much better success rate, but a right-wing SOB only in it for the money,

which one would you choose to perform your operation?


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