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Online Activities Bad For Morality: Thai Culture Ministry Secretary


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I think money under the table, tea money for police, corrupt politicians are part of the Thai culture, no? I was told so by a Thai friend. I'd worry more about that than Facebook. Even though parents should be more involved in the internet life of their kids to spare them from Internet sexual predators and things like that.

Internet is a tool, if well used can be extremely good, for things like keeping in touch with friends that moved away, or when you moved away, google things to learn, even bad things can leave you a lesson.

Religion and morality are 2 different things, you can send a kid to the temple every day, but if you don't teach morality and what's good and bad, kids won't get it, nothing to do with karma, because all religions teach you the same, do good and good things should happen to you, but that's also called common sense.

What are we lacking, religious and moral values? or just plain common sense?

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Networking that ends up in divorces, break ups, sex and so on does not affect me as much as watching kids hooked on that stuff 24/7. I see 6, 7, 8, 9 years old kids that spend ALL of their free time in front of the computer, with their eyes glued to that s**t, instead of going out playing kids games, do sports and what most of us (in our 30s or older) used to do when we were kids. You ask one of the little clitters about stuff like hide and seek, cops and robbers and so on and they look at you like you're from another planet and when you try to explain them, they don't even know where to begin and comprehend the idea. That is truly sad, at least for me it is.

Since ever, I only had 2 dates I meet online and it wasn't a "hello! how are you? let's meet up" kind of thing, more like related to some common activities (not sex related ) and with one of them I'm best friends now after almost 5 years, other than that, I think that finding girlfriends online is just pathetic

Your locked in the past. I'm 36 and I had a computer since I was 8 my boy is 12 he plays online and types a hell of allot better than I did. Fact is computers are a every day part of life for his generation and should be treated as such. Mastering social networking will take him allot farther than you may think.

And your narrow mindedness about finding a partner online is just out right foolishness. I met my wife online and we've been together now 7yrs, and I'm by no means alone.

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I think they are probably speaking about the only kids they know, which is the upper-crust lot- and as a demographic they are lost in an electronic dreamworld, but with their parents perpetually out to lunch (literally, in nice upmarket restaurants) what else can they do? As always, the responsibility belongs with the parents, because it is not the fault of immature minors that their families are so messed up.

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And just what would you expect from a political appointment to the MOE directorship...hmmmm... Always looking to shift responsibilty for something, somebody, somewhere in the west, for their parental neglect...

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Narrow minded cause I'm not fetching girlfriends online? This is simply hilarious. Shy to ask a girl for a date? I am 30, I own a computer since I was 9 years old, but I received an education from my parents who tried and push me for as many outdoor activities (fun wise). You guys can say whatever you want, but let me know what you're gonna do when your kid is gonna turn out obese, as sedentary as their grandfathers and with their eyes looking like a panda bear.

I know internet and electronics in general are the biggest part of our new life, can't argue on that. But why not teach kids to use one of them Nintendo WII or Xbox Kinect and move their <deleted> sometimes? Why not take them out jogging with you? Send them for basketball, soccer, swimming, whatever practice?

With some of the opinions here, no wonder the new generation is gonna drive us straight to hell. Kids that are made, owned and distributed by corporations that not only own us, but our kids too.

Simply amazing...

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Internet is bad: Yes, mobile internet in Thailand is a shame! GPRS at the time of Thaksin was faster than HSPA today!

Ease access to religion: would be a good idea to remember Thailand once was a Buddhist country, today I see it as an half Muslim country...

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Internet is bad: Yes, mobile internet in Thailand is a shame! GPRS at the time of Thaksin was faster than HSPA today!

Ease access to religion: would be a good idea to remember Thailand once was a Buddhist country, today I see it as an half Muslim country...

Could it really have been the fact that phones and calls were expensive and GPRS was not used so much because of the cost and the fact that not many mobiles could access GPRS then.

Then to buy a reasonable mobile phone you would pay 10,000 baht or more and now you can get a mobile that works with GPRS for a 1,000 baht or less.

Also the backbone infrastructure wasn't available then.

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"This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive."

"If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."

- Dalai Lama

Edited by wxyz
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I wouldn't take what he says too seriously. Likely just trying to justify funding for the department of religion which is under the ministry of culture. The statistics he uses are rather old. If there really is a trend toward a higher divorce rate and increased internet usage in Thailand it simply indicates to me Thai society is entering the 21st century.

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Ease access to religion: would be a good idea to remember Thailand once was a Buddhist country, today I see it as an half Muslim country...

It used to be Hindu.

The name doesn't matter, what does matter is the moral compass displayed by, I hate using this term, elders and betters, sadly, when the elders and betters here display all the morals of a Ferengie with a get out of jail free card, what do you expect is going to happen.

As someone pointed out earlier about kids being corrupted by Elvis, Rolling Stones etc.... stop pointing fingers at easy targets to divert attention away from yourself. (not you tinom btw, them)

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Personally I think that the only way that Thailand will emerge from the darkness that has descended on her is for people to know the truth. The real truth.

Progaganda of all varieties has filled people's heads whether by partisan radio, red shirt villages, TV channels etc.

The quickest way to enabling the light to get through to the flowers will be the electronic age.

Dare I say it but the cost and availability of the Android operating system and supporting platforms will change Thailand's political landscape more that the committee for truth and reconciliation ever could and 10 times faster.

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Yes sure ,its always easy to blame internet ,..... blame also the car manufacturers for all the road's accidents .

Not to forget the alcohol and and beer producers.

Hey leave them out of this argument. They provide a very valuable commoditylicklips.gif

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Education, communication, science, independent thought and inquisitive mind are bad for morality too.

Are you equating Religion with morality ?

If so, then one can argue that, for instance, Science is bad for Religion.

Indeed they have been at odds for centuries.

Independent thought too diverts one from the Religious doctrine.

Secular Education too.

Problem is that morality and Religion are not the same.

So these aspects of modern life are in no way in conflict with morality.


Buddhism's karma and other "natural laws" are a good foundation for ethical living, and in fact many of the world's "religious" leaders and teachers say that's ALL it is, it's very common to hear that Buddhism isn't even a religion, since they don't believe in God, don't "pray" the way other belief systems teach.

Problem is here the morality *is* based on religion - take away the religion's guidance and where are people supposed to get their standards of behavior from - community leaders? rule of law? objective humanistic philosophy? Are you laughing as hard as I am yet?

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Ministry of Culture has and always will be the collection-ministry of those that fail at life and need an easy way out. It is a manufactured Ministry without any purpose and is responsible for more inane suggestions and proposals than all other ministries combined - and that doesn't say a little!

The sooner someone axes that complete fabrication of a Ministry, the better.

I couldn't agree more (and I'm sure TAWP will know how hard it was for me to say that)!

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Buddhism's karma and other "natural laws" are a good foundation for ethical living, and in fact many of the world's "religious" leaders and teachers say that's ALL it is, it's very common to hear that Buddhism isn't even a religion, since they don't believe in God, don't "pray" the way other belief systems teach.

Problem is here the morality *is* based on religion - take away the religion's guidance and where are people supposed to get their standards of behavior from - community leaders? rule of law? objective humanistic philosophy? Are you laughing as hard as I am yet?

"take away the religion's guidance" - and the world would be a much better place.

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All organised religion is just another branch of the Mafia who rely on oppression of the little people. The Archbishop of Canterbury lives in Lambeth Palace, the Archbishop of Rome lives in the Vatican - and/or his summer palace. Who pays for all that?

Oppressed people, particularly ladies who universally get to hold the shitty end of sticks, attend churches and make offerings to support these shysters. In their misery and despair all they have to cling to is religion. Just as the Lottery is a tax on the stupid, so is parting with hard earned to these spinners of impossible and mythical fables. As far as the second coming is concerned isn't this just a euphemism for 'batting on a sticky wicket'?

As for politicians, particularly of the Thai ilk, others have said it all before me. If the Culture Minister thinks that the Internet is an evil influence on society, (no prizes for recognising his true agenda), why are laptops being handed out to the school children? Wouldn't that be like throwing more fuel onto the fire?

This nonsense pronouncement confirms my belief that most Government Ministers couldn't run a whelk stall.

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Studies and statements lamenting the state of current morality (or crime) among the young are always, at their most innocent, simply wrong or, more often, a deflection of focus from real social, political and economic issues (e.g. unemployment, youth nihilism, youth suicide).

There was a fascinating study by the University of Melbourne tracing the use of the state of current morality (or crime) among the young as a tactic over time, used by Victorian, mediaeval and classical Greco-Roman politicians, bureaucrats and commentators. It is a reliable, but cynical, old strategem politically as the young (current and past) are usually unable to defend themseves.

Visit any bar anywhere and you will find some old git holding forth with 'back in my day, we wouldn't let these young people get away with ... etc., etc'. Simplistic rubbish.

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Everything has good points and bad points. I believe that Facebook, or Farcebook(ha ha) and Twitter have more bad points than good. Looks like to me they cause lots of divorces and problems in the world.

I think Facebook and Twitter are useful for many reasons...however, they do make it much easier for someone to cheat on their partner. Cell phones and texting are also a useful tool but they too make it easier to cheat. In the olden days, ha ha ha....when you had to call from you home phone, a payphone or meet in person to talk it was much more difficult to have a relationship outside of a marriage. Today it is just too easy .... temptation is too great for some people

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The reason this is happening here in Thailand is because there is NO real home education from their parents. Most parents do not care what their kids do until it is too late. Now they are in trouble and / or worse DEAD. Don't tell me it is the job of the proffesional teachers in schools, thay can not do everything.

I would love to read the entire report that the ministry is talking about.

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The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

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The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.

Socrates (469–399 B.C.)

My Dad (yesterday)

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Narrow minded cause I'm not fetching girlfriends online? This is simply hilarious. Shy to ask a girl for a date? I am 30, I own a computer since I was 9 years old, but I received an education from my parents who tried and push me for as many outdoor activities (fun wise). You guys can say whatever you want, but let me know what you're gonna do when your kid is gonna turn out obese, as sedentary as their grandfathers and with their eyes looking like a panda bear.

I know internet and electronics in general are the biggest part of our new life, can't argue on that. But why not teach kids to use one of them Nintendo WII or Xbox Kinect and move their <deleted> sometimes? Why not take them out jogging with you? Send them for basketball, soccer, swimming, whatever practice?

With some of the opinions here, no wonder the new generation is gonna drive us straight to hell. Kids that are made, owned and distributed by corporations that not only own us, but our kids too.

Simply amazing...

I think you didn't got his point. He means that you are narrow-minded (without trying to offend you I think), because in this internet-age you simply spent more time on the pc and on social networks and stuff then 20 years ago, so it's not more than normal that you will also have more chance to meet someone on the net. 21 years ago you had (most likely) no access to the internet and if so it was not the same net as we know it now (I use the internet since about 20 years ago, which then was text-based (with lynx etc if that says something to you). Let's face it, when you owned a computer 20 years ago you were considered to be a geek (I was:)). Now it's the otherway.

Now I'm not saying that you can't meet a girl just outside the internet. Of course you can and many will, but pc's and social media are just daily life now, so for sure there is a higher chance that you can also meet a partner through the net.

By the way, besides learning to use a pc/iPad etc. as a tool, to study and also to play games etc. my daughter also likes her ballet classes. Furthermore I also bought and will still buy non-electronic toys (like Lego, an old fashioned schoolboard, wooden toys etc.) to stimulate that as well.

Anyway, to keep my post on topic: to claim that online activities are bad for morality is just BS.

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Like everything in this world, everything has to be treated with common sense in order to work. Congratulations for the way you're raising your kids, I'm terrified for the moment when I'm going to have mine. I know that everything I talk about it's easier said then done. But just because the current trend points internet and all this electronic era, doesn't mean that this is the right way...all I'm saying is that we should have the right to interact with the world the way common sense dictates us. Everything is beautiful as long as it's natural and makes sense, for us as souls and reasonable, rational, decent human beings

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