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Thai Govt In Damage Control On Terror

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How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

Here's an idea for you, Gramps.... Let America take care of its own people and stay of our business. As an American living abroad, if my country issues a warning of something imminent, I'm listening. AMERICA WARNING AMERICANS IS HER BUSINESS. When sh*t hit the fan, you'll be whining, "Why didn't the US do something????? Where was the US???? " Maybe a terrorist's bullet shot at you or a terrorist's bomb exploding in front of your face would impress you....

Gramps? Wow, that's deep. Now I can see the type of scholarly mind that buys this fear mongering tripe.

Here's a better idea: stop assuming you know what I'd do! I don't need nor want big brother's help. I am tired of my country trying to run the world and impacting how other non-aggressive countries have to constantly defend themselves against US foreign policy.

Thailand is minding her own business. The US should give that a try. It actually works!

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How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

1. How do you know anything? Do you have access to the intelligence sources of 14 countries, including America?

2. "Cry Wolf" says you. Again, what do you know? Come one, oh you who know so much - give us your sources.

3. They are not trying to impress you. They are trying to protect me.

4. "How far away?" you ask. I, for one, am grateful my country cares enough to warn me all the way across the world.

5. Here's an idea - why don't you mind your own business? No, I cannot imagine you doing that - you're so well informed, wise and virtuous. Not.

6. If my country warns me and raises awareness and no attack happens - everyone wins - period.

How about this idea:

If my country (America) perceives sufficient threat to warn me; that good enough for me. I imagine they have access to a bit more information than you. I, for one, appreciate being warned.

And here's another suggestion, why don't you keep your nose out of my country's business?

You really upset me Mister.

A grateful American


For starters, I'm an American expat too, so it's not YOUR country. I did exactly what YOUR and my country constantly told me "America, love it or leave it". I left, stop following me!

Now onto your silly questions:

1. How do you know anything? Do you have access to the intelligence sources of 14 countries, including America?

14 other countries are puppets of the US and follow their lead, not breaking news. How do I know anything... really, anything? Let's start with the WMDs that never existed and the subsequent attack of a country that didn't attack my country... oh I can go on and on about the 'anything' that I know.

2. "Cry Wolf" says you. Again, what do you know? Come one, oh you who know so much - give us your sources.

Assuming you're familiar with the story and hoping you're aware that back in the homeland there is a silly 'color of the day' scare system. One day you can go to an airport and there's a yellow level of a potential terrorist threat. The next day it's red. Seriously, do you actually take this seriously? My sources are plentiful, but this is basically common sense. There is money to be made by keeping Americans and other frightened. I suggest watching the brilliant BBC documentary "The Power of Nightmares". It's all available on YouTube.

3. They are not trying to impress you. They are trying to protect me.

They're not impressing me or the tourism industry which is under constant threat from ridiculous pandemic alerts from WHO and the CDC and the highly speculative world of journalism where actual facts play a minor role in reporting events... see the BBC and CNN's coverage of the Redshirt protests where they tried to make this out to be a Robin Hood-ish story with Thaksin as the good guy. They tried to make it seem like these were peaceful protestors... um, see http://www.youtube.c...d&v=Vgl_cgEmzxA Were these photos Photoshopped?

4. "How far away?" you ask. I, for one, am grateful my country cares enough to warn me all the way across the world.

There we differ. I weened myself off of the American teet. I don't want nor need any assistance or advice from Big Brother.

5. Here's an idea - why don't you mind your own business? No, I cannot imagine you doing that - you're so well informed, wise and virtuous. Not.

Here's another idea: grow a pair. I can comment if I wish. If you don't like it, simply don't read what I write.

6. If my country warns me and raises awareness and no attack happens - everyone wins - period.

Everyone wins for giving false alarms. Man, that's really well thought-through. Perhaps you should read The Boy Who Cried Wolf again and actually pay attention to the message. There is a REAL danger in constantly warning people. The terrorists are winning thanks to sheeple like your 'upset' self.

Good day...

For all you're bullshit, you still can't explain to us the bomb materials found. Seriously, spread whatever hate you want about your country, you're entitled to your own stupidity. However, in this particularly case, this isn't about the Americans spreading fear or crying wolf. This is a real threat which I really hope is over.

Yes you're right this was/is a real threat!

However the USA get this always on itself for lie and dirty games all the time. It is perfectly normal people get angry besides what they say or write. They get angry on the big picture.

Thai sources said that during his questioning, the detained Hezbollah operative confessed that a terror squad was intending to launch an attack on Israeli targets, including places where Israelis stay.

Why nobody talk about this part?

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I unsubscribed to the embassy mailing list a long, long time ago. You have absolutely no idea what I would do after an attack! What a ridiculously speculative and purely conjectural thing to say.

Question: Why do terrorists do what they do? One answer is so that they can scare everyone. Bad guys can send out some message over the internet or somehow let it be known that they're planning some problems or, in this case, some 'intelligence' agent thinks they found something out and the whole world of media reactionaries and embassies jump on it like it's news of the Second Coming. If the embassy has solid evidence that something is going to happen then they should be more specific. They don't need to keep secrets from us.

I stand solidly behind by proposition that this is yet more Crying Wolf. Real threats are being watered down. In fact, it's already watered down. Almost all of my friends and acquaintences think this is pure speculation. Be scared if you want and be a bit extra cautious if you choose, but don't assume the realists among us believe one word of it.

Did you ever get your handgun or shotgun? Not sure if a few guys on a motorcycle scaring you warrants getting a gun; realistically. All your friends are like this?

Wow, when did I mention a gun? I left America to get away from the gun culture... way to assume. Assuming is usually much better than actually coming up with a valid, logical retort to something that someone says.


I unsubscribed to the embassy mailing list a long, long time ago. You have absolutely no idea what I would do after an attack! What a ridiculously speculative and purely conjectural thing to say.

Question: Why do terrorists do what they do? One answer is so that they can scare everyone. Bad guys can send out some message over the internet or somehow let it be known that they're planning some problems or, in this case, some 'intelligence' agent thinks they found something out and the whole world of media reactionaries and embassies jump on it like it's news of the Second Coming. If the embassy has solid evidence that something is going to happen then they should be more specific. They don't need to keep secrets from us.

I stand solidly behind by proposition that this is yet more Crying Wolf. Real threats are being watered down. In fact, it's already watered down. Almost all of my friends and acquaintences think this is pure speculation. Be scared if you want and be a bit extra cautious if you choose, but don't assume the realists among us believe one word of it.

Did you ever get your handgun or shotgun? Not sure if a few guys on a motorcycle scaring you warrants getting a gun; realistically. All your friends are like this?

Wow, when did I mention a gun? I left America to get away from the gun culture... way to assume. Assuming is usually much better than actually coming up with a valid, logical retort to something that someone says.

No assumption. Read the topic your started http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/72705-guns-dont-kill-people/page__p__781055#entry781055

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How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

And if we did it could have happened.


Governments in most countries including US do not inform the public of Terrorists plots. Why?

To avoid mass panic just like what happened in Thailand.

P.s. when was the last terrorist attack in Thailand aimed at foreign tourists?

September 16th 2006. Hat Yai.

Happy now?


How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

My sentiments EXACTLY... Thank you...

Since it is highly unlikely that "America" is reading this thread and won't get the various ideas presented, it could work to your advantage to make use of the Embassy services offered. As a citizen you have the right to complain, offer sound advice on how to run the Embassy services and tell them to stop pissing on the world, mind their own business and to stop crying wolf. Instead of moaning, make that difference.


I am certainly thankful for the information.

Good shout. If you dont like what they are saying, then dont read it. It's like these people who sit through a TV program just so they can maon abaout it. If you don't like it, then turn it off....duh!

Again, I agree...But...(there is always a "but"...) I find they do listen in a patronizing way, but they never hear us...

Thai sources said that during his questioning, the detained Hezbollah operative confessed that a terror squad was intending to launch an attack on Israeli targets, including places where Israelis stay.

Why nobody talk about this part?

Thai sources said no flood for Bangkok too, American sources said 40 years ago there would be a flood in Bangkok at this time.... Food for thought ;)


Thai sources said that during his questioning, the detained Hezbollah operative confessed that a terror squad was intending to launch an attack on Israeli targets, including places where Israelis stay.

Why nobody talk about this part?

Thai sources said no flood for Bangkok too, American sources said 40 years ago there would be a flood in Bangkok at this time.... Food for thought wink.png

Hmm that one get boring, this time it was right "Israeli targets". Not that i give a F... I will have a Bagel in the Israelic pub tomorrow lol.


If it was not for the Yanks, you would probably not be speaking English, possibly German or Japanese.

As for the warning, better to get it out there than no warning at all.

I think you need to look at history, and take a look at a vote that happened years before any wars the Americans entered into. The vote decided, by a small margin, to use English as the main language of America and not German.

Link please to proof of your claim. I know you are full of it, but will provide you with the opportunity to prove your claim.


No terrorists attacks here, Good job by the Thai authorities.

The alarmist warning by the embassy was unnecessary but without that we would never became aware of these things the the Thai authorities do for us.

After following your posts for the last few days, it is obvious you are trolling or are just plain out of touch with reality.


If it was not for the Yanks, you would probably not be speaking English, possibly German or Japanese.

As for the warning, better to get it out there than no warning at all.

I think you need to look at history, and take a look at a vote that happened years before any wars the Americans entered into. The vote decided, by a small margin, to use English as the main language of America and not German.

Link please to proof of your claim. I know you are full of it, but will provide you with the opportunity to prove your claim.

Find you Links on Google: Zeitgeis the movie ( in the first part you will get the facts of WWII, awsome docu!!!)


How many times have you gone to a restaurant like McDonalds or Food court in paragon (for example), and seen someone place a bag on a table to reserve it and walk away, what would happen if that bag contained a bomb.

People need to be educated about terrorism, maybe things like this will help educate them, but I very much doubt it.

Unlike Americans and Brits Thai's aren't brick scared of empty bags in public places probably because they don't have enemies.

But seems Terrorism has now been imported into to Thailand so I would really advice avoiding places like McDonalds or where US citizens hang out.

Not sure where you have been for the last few days, but the alert was for ALL tourists, not just Americans. Coupled with the fact that 18 separate embassies issued the alert following the Israeli lead.


"The detained man told police about the Hezbollah plot."

If there was a Hezbollah plot, involving Thailand, how does that make a statement that Bangkok is a POTENTIAL target alarmist non-sense scare tactics.

What WAS the plot?

You missed the second part of that quote. " the plot is now cancelled"

= there isn't any danger anymore. To spread that message was the main purpose for that statement by the police chief.

The more extended version would be that there was never really a concrete terror threat. But that is to complicated for the naives.

According to WHO? Chalerm? You make me laugh. Really.

You last sentence says it all, you really are too naive to understand complicated concepts, but that doesn't stop you from trolling these threads, now does it?

How about the 300 pounds of bomb making material seized in Bangkok yesterday in a safe house? Just a figment of everyone's imagination, right?

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I note that not one of the anti-American posters have even bothered to answer any of my questions posed in my post #148. Why not? Are they too difficult for any of you to answer?

Hmmm... probably no answers due to the loaded term "anti-American."

Most people probably don't identify themselves as such just because they disagree with some of its foreign policy.

But your questions are easy and I don't see what they have to do with the US or its foreign policy. My answers in CAPS...

1. Do you not believe that every embassy in Thailand has the right and responsibly to notify its citizens of any threat to their safety? If not, why not? SURE, THEY CAN. WHY NOT?

2. Do you not think that, had the US embassy not issued its warning, that the Thai authorities would have informed the Thai public of this threat? NO, THERE WOULD BE NO REASON TO INFORM... NOTHING MUCH HAPPENED.

3. Do you trust that Thai Government will act for the benefit of its citizens, or for that matter, any foreigner living here. NO, THEY ACT FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT, JUST LIKE THE GOVERNMENTS OF MOST COUNTRIES.

4. Would any of you buy a used car from this mob? NOT SURE WHO YOU ARE REFERRING TO AS "THIS MOB", BUT I DON'T NEED A USED CAR ANYWAY.

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How many times have you gone to a restaurant like McDonalds or Food court in paragon (for example), and seen someone place a bag on a table to reserve it and walk away, what would happen if that bag contained a bomb.

People need to be educated about terrorism, maybe things like this will help educate them, but I very much doubt it.

Unlike Americans and Brits Thai's aren't brick scared of empty bags in public places probably because they don't have enemies.

But seems Terrorism has now been imported into to Thailand so I would really advice avoiding places like McDonalds or where US citizens hang out.

Have you been to a McDonald's recently? Hard to get in...long lines...full of Thai's. You are right that Thai's don't have enemies because they make every effort not to get involved in issues outside their country...they want other countries to carry all the load. But no country is immune to terrorism now days and every country needs to be serious about preventing it versus giving lip service only.


[unlike Americans and Brits Thai's aren't brick scared of empty bags in public places probably because they don't have enemies.

But seems Terrorism has now been imported into to Thailand so I would really advice avoiding places like McDonalds or where US citizens hang out.

Thai terrorize each other so no need to import it. I would advise staying away from the provinces near Malaysia, Burma, Cambodia and red shirts and yellow shirts as well.

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Hmm that one get boring, this time it was right "Israeli targets". Not that i give a F... I will have a Bagel in the Israelic pub tomorrow lol.

Mazel tov with that one, mate. It's going to be real hard to find a bagel in an Israeli pub. Better settle for some pita and falafellicklips.gif ; they stole that from the Arabs didn't you know?rolleyes.gif

"The detained man told police about the Hezbollah plot."

If there was a Hezbollah plot, involving Thailand, how does that make a statement that Bangkok is a POTENTIAL target alarmist non-sense scare tactics.

What WAS the plot?

You missed the second part of that quote. " the plot is now cancelled"

= there isn't any danger anymore. To spread that message was the main purpose for that statement by the police chief.

The more extended version would be that there was never really a concrete terror threat. But that is to complicated for the naives.

According to WHO? Chalerm? You make me laugh. Really.

You last sentence says it all, you really are too naive to understand complicated concepts, but that doesn't stop you from trolling these threads, now does it?

How about the 300 pounds of bomb making material seized in Bangkok yesterday in a safe house? Just a figment of everyone's imagination, right?

It is horrible to live in a world where you can't trust anything sometime. I believe they found the bomb i have no reason not to believe it. But in the end you never know when it's real an when it's a dirty game. This is a small setup so proberly true. But about the 911 I still dont know with all the stories and falsh results. This is because ivest resurch time in it, if I just watch the FOX, yea then it will all be real to me coffee1.gif


How far away does one have to get to truly get away from the American non-sense that constantly flows out of the government? Sorry, but meaningless scare tactics don't impress me. Furthermore, if two people can stimulate a panic without even doing anything, then the so-called bad guys win, period.

In addition, this 'cry wolf' crap is really getting old. Here's an idea America: try minding your own business and stop pissing on the rest of the world. See how that works instead of the normal gospel-spreading course, please.

Galong you need medical help before you have a heart attack

Good Bye


Are there any countries in the world that are not under threat of Terrorist action? It is a "Fact of Life" in today's world. Civilisation is an extremely thin veneer.

  • Like 1

Are there any countries in the world that are not under threat of Terrorist action? It is a "Fact of Life" in today's world. Civilisation is an extremely thin veneer.

Yes, I think there are some countries with very low chances of hosting terrorist attacks, either internal or external. Costa Rica comes to mind.

How many times have you gone to a restaurant like McDonalds or Food court in paragon (for example), and seen someone place a bag on a table to reserve it and walk away, what would happen if that bag contained a bomb.

People need to be educated about terrorism, maybe things like this will help educate them, but I very much doubt it.

Unlike Americans and Brits Thai's aren't brick scared of empty bags in public places probably because they don't have enemies.

But seems Terrorism has now been imported into to Thailand so I would really advice avoiding places like McDonalds or where US citizens hang out.

Thais don't have enemies? Have you read any news from the south?


The US Embassy is always "warning" I am sure some might be valid but like the little girl who cried WOLF all the time, in the end no one listened.

The US Embassy cries wolf so much in so many places there should be a special DELETE button in Outlook express for US Embassy mail. I am sick of their warnings.

As a first step, then why don't you take yourself off the mailing list? Easy cure. No more anti-acid pills needed.

Yes, there have been many warnings to American citizens through email over the last 9 years I've lived here: warnings about the flood situation, red shirt protests in BKK which resulted in bloodshed, SARS, etc. However, this is the FIRST instance in which there was a specific and imminent terror warning with Bangkok as its target. Now the warning has been confirmed by the detention of a suspect and the discovery of bomb--making materials. I wouldn't call this history of warnings (usually in the face of credible and verifiable threats to security) as crying "Wolf." Remember the "wolf" cry in the story was an unsubstantiated warning. This is a horse of a totally different color.

Enough of your wild, unsubstantiated accusations. Thank you.wai.gif


Are there any countries in the world that are not under threat of Terrorist action? It is a "Fact of Life" in today's world. Civilisation is an extremely thin veneer.

Yes, I think there are some countries with very low chances of hosting terrorist attacks, either internal or external. Costa Rica comes to mind.


I lived in Costa Rica for many years. car bombings, assinations you name it. I suppose it depends on your definition of what constitutes a terroist action. I can tell you many many people live in terror there. I can think of no country that is exempt.

USamericans seem to think CR is perfect.

Oh yea, the Ticos (costa ricans) hate the fact that America and Americans are only from the USA. They are Americans too. Central Americans

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