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Thailand May Change Visa Policy As Country Fears More Terror


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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

Edited by metisdead
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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

Do you have to SCREAM your conspiracy theories?

I know it upsets you that it may be harder to carry out your terrorism, but I am sure you will find a way.

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Thailand will be swayed by no one on the visa policy issue. They will do what is in the best interest of Thailand. Virtually every country is the same.

We saw how upset they were with the issuing of warnings. This reaction is one that has to with how they view the threat to themselves, their country and their economy.

As I have said before, these people did not operate without a lot of support and a fair amount of time. It is not that easy for a foreigner to set up these operations without time, patience and help. The question is how many are there? Are there cells?

Whatever it is, the Thai gov't is worried about Thailand; not the US or Israel or Europe.

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Thailand will be swayed by no one on the visa policy issue. They will do what is in the best interest of Thailand. Virtually every country is the same.

We saw how upset they were with the issuing of warnings. This reaction is one that has to with how they view the threat to themselves, their country and their economy.

As I have said before, these people did not operate without a lot of support and a fair amount of time. It is not that easy for a foreigner to set up these operations without time, patience and help. The question is how many are there? Are there cells?

Whatever it is, the Thai gov't is worried about Thailand; not the US or Israel or Europe.

It appears they have lost FACE, after having requested the terrorism warnings to be removed and that Thailand was safe, that immediately a terrorism act occurs. This could be worse than losing tourism.

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My belief is the Iranian government is responsible for the bombings, but they ensured that they would be carried out badly intentionally, in order to convince observers that it was a false flag operation instigated by the Israelis.

Thus the Iranians actually instructed their operatives to trigger the so-called "accidental" explosion at their apartment; to deliberately leave Iranian passports lying around to be discovered once this planned alarm was triggered; and told them to make ostentatiously obvious attempts to "flee to Iran" -- all carefully orchestrated to make it seem plausible that it was a false flag attack and thus attempt to make the blame fall on Israel.

Looks like they succeeded admirably in this very clever plan!

By George, you've got it! Why didn't we see this before. laugh.png

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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

"running dogs"??? I've seen a lot of mangy limping dogs, and dogs snoozing on the footpath, dogs snoozing on the road, dogs eating crap off the road, but not too many running ones. BTW, that rhetoric is passe, it went out with Chairman Mao. You're showing your age, or your reading matter.

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Hmmm...fear, just as USrael planned. Get the sheeple runn'in scared.

Since Thailand supported Palestinian state its been bombs, fear, travel warnings...Thailand got a long road ahead.

Conspiracy theory much?

My belief is the Iranian government is responsible for the bombings, but they ensured that they would be carried out badly intentionally, in order to convince observers that it was a false flag operation instigated by the Israelis.

Thus the Iranians actually instructed their operatives to trigger the so-called "accidental" explosion at their apartment; to deliberately leave Iranian passports lying around to be discovered once this planned alarm was triggered; and told them to make ostentatiously obvious attempts to "flee to Iran" -- all carefully orchestrated to make it seem plausible that it was a false flag attack and thus attempt to make the blame fall on Israel.

Looks like they succeeded admirably in this very clever plan!

Extremely good actors. Break a leg............. or lose a couple, whatever

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Basically there is only one reason why men from the MIddle East come to Bangkok, and it isn't for the culture or shopping; yet, back in their own country, they will say "haram" "haram" (forbidden) to the drinking and night life that they find in the Nana night district.

Whilst others in the West will say things like dirty old men, perverts and users of prostitutes but then hop on a plane and go to Pattaya.

What is different?

The hypocrisy of their ideology.

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i may be speaking off the radar

but thailand needs tourism to survive

but in my years as a under cover soilder

you dont know who is the enemy

but the muslims are a law abiding bunch of people as are the germans russians and the polish

but you cant condemn them all

less than 5% want to do us harm how do you identify them you cant

so thailand will label them all the same

because like you and me they dont know and this is and will always be the problem

there is no easy answer

but in all fairness thailand gets one or two terrorist attack and they close the borders

they need to do some thing about the somalians and the nigerians

they want to scam and rip us all off

do some thing about this ying luck and thaksin

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There is a very simple solution to this problem.

All they need to do is add another box on the back of the arrival card under purpose of visit stating terrorism though, judging from the abilities of the last lot of incompetents they would probably tick pleasure because they were going to Pattaya first.

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My belief is the Iranian government is responsible for the bombings, but they ensured that they would be carried out badly intentionally, in order to convince observers that it was a false flag operation instigated by the Israelis.

Thus the Iranians actually instructed their operatives to trigger the so-called "accidental" explosion at their apartment; to deliberately leave Iranian passports lying around to be discovered once this planned alarm was triggered; and told them to make ostentatiously obvious attempts to "flee to Iran" -- all carefully orchestrated to make it seem plausible that it was a false flag attack and thus attempt to make the blame fall on Israel.

Looks like they succeeded admirably in this very clever plan!

By George, you've got it! Why didn't we see this before. laugh.png

Phew! At least someone gets that this was satire!

The delusional are impervious to humour....

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Iran has been never on visa on arrival list , you should apply in Iran for visa and it takes few days until they issue a visa for you. seems thai officials have no idea about their country visa affairs !

also applying such restrictions will only cause problems to ordinary citizens and tourists , terrorists can come from other countries and use other methods as they have strong financial and tactical support.

if you want to resolve this issue , help iranian people to fight and change this rotten islamic rejime. all of the problems of middle east will go away if we can replace this regime with a democratic government.

You're not a history student are you? The Middle East and the Balkans have always been hotbeds of protest, discontent and violence. The Latins have never been the very epitome of serenity either.

P.S. With all the visitors from the sub continent here, many Brits will feel right at home.

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I am 100% against profiling anyone based on their skin color, religious beliefs, or country or origin. This is BAD policy anyway you look at it and only further causes tensions throughout the world. By coming down on all middle easterners they are playing right into the hands of those that wish to cause harm. The extremists are for sure in the minority and we must not let their actions cause restrictions on the freedoms of the majority that are not out to hurt others.

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Probably the same reason the causeway to Bahrain from Saudi Arabia is packed with Saudis every Wednesday afternoon.

....for that little 10% more freedom they get there...

Same same the Afrikaners who flocked to Swaziland and Bophuthatswana at weekends. In those places they could bonk tinted ladies and gamble.

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As far as I'm concern they can take a real hard line and that is don't allow any of them anywhere, Thailand the U.S.! Don't approve a visa for any of them. They can stay in their own country their own world and bomb the hell out of themselves as far as I'm concern! Their people are their government and if they Iran or any country can't seem to live with others I say isolated them and if they want to travel they can visit China and Russia which seem to love them or their oil?

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Actually, this is about the first sensible and reasonable action I've seen a Thai government take.

Thailand long has been the notorious hub of illegal trafficking of all sorts, to include terrorists and terrorism. It's a lax place that stricly avoids making waves that disturb many unsavory characters and groups, organizations, governments, so this is a good first step towards an improved attitude of tightening up generally in matters of border control and immigration.

Let's hope the government is going to follow through on this and exercise a greater control over its borders and against the many types who circulate here for no good reason. The radical matter of the Iran-Israel and nuclear issues breaking out into the open here do require a response.

Edited by Publicus
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My belief is the Iranian government is responsible for the bombings, but they ensured that they would be carried out badly intentionally, in order to convince observers that it was a false flag operation instigated by the Israelis.

Thus the Iranians actually instructed their operatives to trigger the so-called "accidental" explosion at their apartment; to deliberately leave Iranian passports lying around to be discovered once this planned alarm was triggered; and told them to make ostentatiously obvious attempts to "flee to Iran" -- all carefully orchestrated to make it seem plausible that it was a false flag attack and thus attempt to make the blame fall on Israel.

Looks like they succeeded admirably in this very clever plan!

By George, you've got it! Why didn't we see this before. laugh.png

Phew! At least someone gets that this was satire!

The delusional are impervious to humour....

But not tinfoilery. cowboy.gif

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i still don't believe these were terrorists. A couple patsys set up by someone or some organization. Too much finger pointing from the US and Israel especially since they want to go to war with Iran. I think they are just setting the stage, trying to get as many people on their side, and Thai are pretty easy victims in this. Start with the racial profiling, start a hatred for a particular group of people and let the rights of the people start to dwindle. Soon enough you'll have the TSA "helping" out at the airports, BTS, MRT and the bus stations. I think this is all bullshit and I believe that's what the Thai government thinks too. The Thai government is getting pressured to choose sides, US and Israel, or China and Russia?

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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

Do you have to SCREAM your conspiracy theories?

I know it upsets you that it may be harder to carry out your terrorism, but I am sure you will find a way.

this isn't theory, it's exactly what happened.

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'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

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Did you know that half the planet is populated by Martian clones? The only way you can tell them apart is by their green blood. An "informed source" told me this in utmost secrecy. Shhhhhh....

'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

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Did you know that half the planet is populated by Martian clones? The only way you can tell them apart is by their green blood. An "informed source" told me this in utmost secrecy. Shhhhhh....

'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

Oh great, and when they come out of the closet, we will be called martianophobes.

The definition of Phobia is an 'irrational fear'

It is not irrational to fear a group that intends to murder you.

It's not paranoia if they ARE out to get you.

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'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

How do you know that in the cases where Mossad were reported to be using fake passports to conceal their involvement, that this was the case?

In actual fact I know the passports were genuine and identities of those involved were actually as indicated by those passports.

The idea that they were being used by Mossad was just a deceitful rumour put about after the event by the real instigators: the government of the European Union, the representatives of the Satanic new world order prophesied in the book of Revelations, to cover their tracks as they begin to try to form the World government that signals the End of Days?

For everyone knows that professionals use dodgy passports, so the only way for Mossad to have genuinely been able to avoid being implicated would have been to use Israeli passports and Mossad ID.

Then everyone would have said professionals use dodgy passports so these cannot possibly be Mossad agents!

Don't you see! Don't you see? Burble burble burble etc..

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