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Am I Being Overly Sensitive Or ....

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So there I am in the skytrain, crowded as usual and in comes two huge farangs (nationality withheld to protect the innocent) complete with their wife beater singlets. They were tall, beefy, hot, smelly and sweaty and of course they had to hold on to the strap, completely ignoring sister Nong, Noi, Nutch (take your pick) who unfortunately had their hairy armpits stuffed in the poor girls' face. I think the fact that they were loud, boorish and uncouth made it all the more embarrassing for me as I shared their guilt by association (not really).

My question is ... have you ever been in a situation where you cringe at the behaviour of other farangs. ... and yes I sometimes cringe at the behaviour of Thais too.

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Yes, but I try to let it go, realizing becoming acculturated here has made me a bit over-sensitive, the Thais are pretty used to such boorishness. For most of them I like to believe if they had any idea how they were perceived, they'd modify their behaviour.

I do cringe for the ones that couldn't care less, especially pity the fact that if they remain here with that attitude they'll suffer the consequences, without any idea where their "bad luck" is coming from.

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I reckon that in the place where i live and on the BTS as well, characters described by the OP are the tiny minority.

Although i have seen much worse, it doesn't bother me anymore.

Maybe i've become Thaier than Thais, i completely ignore anything that is not my business

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My life is so brilliant and perfect...I just need this to stay "grounded"!

Translation - it helps me reassure myself I'm not so bad off, I still have some people I can feel superior to. . .

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Just the other week, I saw a pissed up, middle-aged white bloke trying to shoehorn a hand into an similarly inebriated girl's pants on the dancefloor despite her protestations. She was obviously a working girl but she had the right to a bit of respect.

Still, it didn't take long before security spotted him strongarming her and chucked him out . . . after a quick kicking after he started mouthing off to them.

Justice done

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Yes I am so ashame of these dirty people who do not shave and do not use roll on !!!

I feel like to spray them with my security perfume bottle that i always carry with me !!!


I always find the sight of farangs embarrassing when I am out.

I’m seen them walking with some Thai women that have the appearances of bargirls on they’re day off, fondling the girls asses as they walk about, some look as if they think they’re on the beach, wearing dirty vests, tatty shorts and cheap plastic flip flops, others I been unfortunate enough to be sharing the same space with in a public place, have been unshaven, dirty greasy hair and literally stink to high heaven.

The most cringe making is when you see some aging, fat, grey haired or balding, gross gut bucket farang walking hand in hand with a young Thai girl that looks no more than 16 years old wearing thick make up, bright red lipstick and hot pants looking like some slut he has just pick up from school.

Others that are tall and skinny, with body tattoos and piercings from head to toe walking with some young sluttish looking Thai girl and the old men that look like dirty vagrants accompanied by a passed her sell by date ex-bar type girl Thai wife of about 50 years of age, dressed like a 20 year old, cheap and nasty.

I’ve seen Thai people giving these farangs an unapproving stare and it`s totally embarrassing. If I do happen to see these farangs when out and about I try to keep my distance from them, just in case any Thai people think I am with them.

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I hate the smelly ones, lived in the tropics most of my life and am very sensitive to that issue. Stink is the worst, loud and agressive second, badly dressed, with sleazy girls or whatever..... just part of the amusment of living here and does not affect me.


In retrospect, I sometimes cringe when I think of things that I have done in the past!

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Poor grooming and bad taste in clothes is one issue, being inherently unattractive a different one, and your choice of partner yet another.

But the only issue really worthy of disdain in the OP was the bad body odor and then compounding that by pointing hairy armpits at nearby people's faces.

Wearing a singlet (muscle shirt, sleeveless T-shirt) I agree shows poor taste in town, only appropriate near a beach or at the gym, and pretty sad if the wearer's not actually in good shape, but if you do then at least hold on to a stanchion below shoulder height not the straps overhead, even if you're a sweet-smelling Adonis.

The rest is just best ignored, which Thais manage to do so well, it's a free country what can you do.

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I always find the sight of farangs embarrassing when I am out.

I’m seen them walking with some Thai women that have the appearances of bargirls on they’re day off, fondling the girls asses as they walk about, some look as if they think they’re on the beach, wearing dirty vests, tatty shorts and cheap plastic flip flops, others I been unfortunate enough to be sharing the same space with in a public place, have been unshaven, dirty greasy hair and literally stink to high heaven.

The most cringe making is when you see some aging, fat, grey haired or balding, gross gut bucket farang walking hand in hand with a young Thai girl that looks no more than 16 years old wearing thick make up, bright red lipstick and hot pants looking like some slut he has just pick up from school.

Others that are tall and skinny, with body tattoos and piercings from head to toe walking with some young sluttish looking Thai girl and the old men that look like dirty vagrants accompanied by a passed her sell by date ex-bar type girl Thai wife of about 50 years of age, dressed like a 20 year old, cheap and nasty.

I’ve seen Thai people giving these farangs an unapproving stare and it`s totally embarrassing. If I do happen to see these farangs when out and about I try to keep my distance from them, just in case any Thai people think I am with them.

SPIT SPIT< racist vitriol, spit, spit. It says that you are an "advanced member" when it appears that you are just a self centered, patronising bigot!!

What the OP decribes is a minority and can be seen on ANY underground train system regardless of the country. I assume that YOUR ARMPITS, HAIR, AND WAISTLINE REMAIN PERFECTLY MAINTAINED!!! DEARY!I also trust that your partner is of a "suitable" age???

Maybe a minority, but certainly not the small minority.

When I do go out I make an effort to look reasonably clean, presentable and befitting to wherever I am and apt for the environment that I’m in, whether out shopping, dining in a restaurant or in Immigration and so on.

And being in Thailand I try to act accordingly as what many Thais describe as dressing politely and exhibiting behaviour not likely to offend such as not groping my girlfriend in public places, or looking like some rag and muffin hippy throw back from the 1960s. I don`t stand out like a sore thumb and do have some self-esteem.

When I see these types of farangs as mentioned above, the first impressions I have of them is that they don`t respect Thailand and have no deference for the culture that they are in.

Just describing the facts, as I’m sure many have seen the types that I have described. This is not racism, but slobism and I’m telling it how it is. And if some consider this as snobbery on my part, than I admit that I am a snob and proud.


Just describing the facts, as I’m sure many have seen the types that I have described. This is not racism, but slobism and I’m telling it how it is. And if some consider this as snobbery on my part, than I admit that I am a snob and proud.

Well you weren't "just describing the facts" in an objective manner, your tone showed much more disdain than the described "transgressions" deserved IMO.

Respect for Thai preferences and the desire to "fit in" here is a choice, not a moral issue. Respect for all human beings despite their poverty, ignorance or lack of taste is to me much more fundamental.


I was living in a small city. People knew me from seeing me around.

One day an older white lady was freaking out in the street, carrying on etc. People looked at me expecting me to react somehow. I just shrugged and walked on.

Same same, these 2 slobs had nothing to do with you, why should you feel otherwise?

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The ones I really object to are the flabby, lily white, socks and sandal wearing tourists, who think it's OK to walk around the streets and malls of Pattaya with no shirt.

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I always find the sight of farangs embarrassing when I am out.

I’m seen them walking with some Thai women that have the appearances of bargirls on they’re day off, fondling the girls asses as they walk about, some look as if they think they’re on the beach, wearing dirty vests, tatty shorts and cheap plastic flip flops, others I been unfortunate enough to be sharing the same space with in a public place, have been unshaven, dirty greasy hair and literally stink to high heaven.

The most cringe making is when you see some aging, fat, grey haired or balding, gross gut bucket farang walking hand in hand with a young Thai girl that looks no more than 16 years old wearing thick make up, bright red lipstick and hot pants looking like some slut he has just pick up from school.

Others that are tall and skinny, with body tattoos and piercings from head to toe walking with some young sluttish looking Thai girl and the old men that look like dirty vagrants accompanied by a passed her sell by date ex-bar type girl Thai wife of about 50 years of age, dressed like a 20 year old, cheap and nasty.

I’ve seen Thai people giving these farangs an unapproving stare and it`s totally embarrassing. If I do happen to see these farangs when out and about I try to keep my distance from them, just in case any Thai people think I am with them.

So that makes you Mr. Perfect Right????

What a KNOB you must be in real life ....Geeezwai.gif

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Based upon my internet research I have discovered that there is a fondness for the scenarios described in at least on Asian country and one country on the European continent.

As such, I think it possible that these gentlemen were in fact actors hired to feature in specialty dvds. You can google the subject to learn more and see some of these specialty films.


I always find the sight of farangs embarrassing when I am out.

I’m seen them walking with some Thai women that have the appearances of bargirls on they’re day off, fondling the girls asses as they walk about, some look as if they think they’re on the beach, wearing dirty vests, tatty shorts and cheap plastic flip flops, others I been unfortunate enough to be sharing the same space with in a public place, have been unshaven, dirty greasy hair and literally stink to high heaven.

The most cringe making is when you see some aging, fat, grey haired or balding, gross gut bucket farang walking hand in hand with a young Thai girl that looks no more than 16 years old wearing thick make up, bright red lipstick and hot pants looking like some slut he has just pick up from school.

Others that are tall and skinny, with body tattoos and piercings from head to toe walking with some young sluttish looking Thai girl and the old men that look like dirty vagrants accompanied by a passed her sell by date ex-bar type girl Thai wife of about 50 years of age, dressed like a 20 year old, cheap and nasty.

I’ve seen Thai people giving these farangs an unapproving stare and it`s totally embarrassing. If I do happen to see these farangs when out and about I try to keep my distance from them, just in case any Thai people think I am with them.

SPIT SPIT< racist vitriol, spit, spit. It says that you are an "advanced member" when it appears that you are just a self centered, patronising bigot!!

What the OP decribes is a minority and can be seen on ANY underground train system regardless of the country. I assume that YOUR ARMPITS, HAIR, AND WAISTLINE REMAIN PERFECTLY MAINTAINED!!! DEARY!I also trust that your partner is of a "suitable" age???

Reminds me of the Fat, Stupid, No Shirt and Drunk in Kamala thread that was closed 2012-11-06 12:23:32

as a Troll topic. I wonder why we have to go through it again. I guess some people get a kick of making fun of others.

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I see the same basic thing all over Southern California. People are really the same all over the world. You need to get out more.

The issue is back home we're used to people being slobs and not caring what impression they make no matter the social context.

In the local culture here usually only the subnormal and mentally ill are so careless.

The fact that farang do it out of sheer ignorance or inconsideration makes it more despicable in their eyes, not less.

But you're right, that's just the way it is, and in the end the Thais shrug their shoulders and let it go, that's just the way the alien farang species rolls.


I see the same basic thing all over Southern California. People are really the same all over the world. You need to get out more.

The issue is back home we're used to people being slobs and not caring what impression they make no matter the social context.

In the local culture here usually only the subnormal and mentally ill are so careless.

The fact that farang do it out of sheer ignorance or inconsideration makes it more despicable in their eyes, not less.

But you're right, that's just the way it is, and in the end the Thais shrug their shoulders and let it go, that's just the way the alien farang species rolls.

Walking around un-shaven isn't being a slob, it's being in style, only men who shave daily are out of touch or have patchy facial hair. The generally disleveled look is in style in the US at least.

As for clothes, shorts and a tank top (I refuse to call it a singlet which are the uniforms wrestlers wear) are practical wear for some activities. Unlike people in Thailand we dress based on what we plan to do, not to impress others.

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