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Caught With Weed


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If one cannot abstain from carrying and/or using drugs in Thailand then one must ensure that they do not get caught. If caught you need to pay a " fine " ASAP. If it gets to the police station and the duty officer has to deal with it then your're in a world of doggie poo poo. In short ? He is going to Jail. post-4641-1156693976.gif Deported for a and banned from re-entering for a 3, 6 or 12 month period.

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Great post. Even in England, the police plant it on the accused, or 2 gm becomes 200 gm (whoops) as in a recent case here in Thailand. Glad to see that you are not stupid, nor ever have been. I am, sometimes, have been and will be.

By the way, Bangkok? ฿50 000 by now and rising by the minute.

There is a flip side to that coin. And one that happens alot more often here in Thailand is..... Perp gets caught with 2kg's of meth amphetimines and finds himself back at the station only getting charged for one .wink.png

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So, 75.000 and out on bail.

He still has his passport?

I mean, do they expect him, to leave and let the money behind?

But of course, he will not get any baht back, in a court case. Money flow is a one way system, going in to Thailand!

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What's the saying?

Don't want to do the time, then don't do the crime.

I think it will be jail followed by deportation and will never be allowed back in LOS.

No sympathy for your friend. Anyone caught with or use drugs are stupid.

Where are you from and how old are you?

I agree the fellow erred but your attitude is impossible. He had 7 grams over an ounce. Did you ever have a toke?

Please remove your back side from your high horse. Have some understanding. it is just grass for christ's


Maybe next time you fall off your bar stool you'll think again about your silly post.

Edited by watcharacters
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I find it so hypocritical that non-habit forming ganja is illegal.

Recently, I had an accident and suffered severe pain and couldn't sleep - my wife went to the drug store and came back with two highly addictive drugs that she bought OVER THE COUNTER. One was diazepam(valium, a highly addictive benzodiazepine), whose withdrawals are much worse than heroin. I used to buy this drug in Foodland! The other was a painkiller which also is highly addictive and mind-altering Tramadol, which. is a NARCOTIC.

Yes, the OPs friend broke the law but it is a stupid law. There are other laws(that might help people save their lives) that people break all the time like wearing a helmet on a motorbike.

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Lucky he wasn't in Malaysia or he'd be getting the Cain. Didn't they recently sentence a Thai woman to death for 1kg?

Malaysia, not Thailand. 1 KG, not 32 grams.

For all the relevance your example holds, you might as well say, "Lucky he wasn't burning a Koran in Afghanistan"

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I was planning on posting something about that. Then I realised this was a thread about getting caught with weed in Se Asia, so alas, I refrained.

My mistake. I thought it was about being an individual caught in THAILAND with an amount that wasn't obviously for trafficking purposes and the possible conserquences thereof, rather than someone anywhere in SEA with amounts up to and including that obviously intended for trafficking.

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My mistake. I thought it was about being an individual caught in THAILAND with an amount that wasn't obviously for trafficking purposes and the possible conserquences thereof, rather than someone anywhere in SEA with amounts up to and including that obviously intended for trafficking.


When my life is seeming as interesting as yours and I have nothing better to do than read thru the 22 pages of this thread and countless others, I will ensure my posts are more relevant to the current topic. If of course, that would make you happy? ;)

Edited by frankold
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My mistake. I thought it was about being an individual caught in THAILAND with an amount that wasn't obviously for trafficking purposes and the possible conserquences thereof, rather than someone anywhere in SEA with amounts up to and including that obviously intended for trafficking.


When my life is seeming as interesting as yours and I have nothing better to do than read thru the 22 pages of this thread and countless others, I will ensure my posts are more relevant to the current topic. If of course, that would make you happy? ;)

Hey, a somewhat subtle and smooth variation on the classic "get a life loser and stop spending your time on this forum" -- which is always an impressive rebuttal to criticism of one's post on the same forum -- with touch of the passive aggressive! (By the way, I'm not sure how my life could seems any way to you -- it actually is fairly full and content, thanks)

Nicely done. I know when I've met my match. :)

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So, 75.000 and out on bail.

He still has his passport?

I mean, do they expect him, to leave and let the money behind?

But of course, he will not get any baht back, in a court case. Money flow is a one way system, going in to Thailand!

Interesting. Wonder if he left would they try to extradite or is that even possible? I'm guessing if he was looking at jail time he'd probably want to fly out.

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So, 75.000 and out on bail.

He still has his passport?

I mean, do they expect him, to leave and let the money behind?

But of course, he will not get any baht back, in a court case. Money flow is a one way system, going in to Thailand!

Interesting. Wonder if he left would they try to extradite or is that even possible? I'm guessing if he was looking at jail time he'd probably want to fly out.

So, 75.000 and out on bail.

He still has his passport?

I mean, do they expect him, to leave and let the money behind?

But of course, he will not get any baht back, in a court case. Money flow is a one way system, going in to Thailand!

Interesting. Wonder if he left would they try to extradite or is that even possible? I'm guessing if he was looking at jail time he'd probably want to fly out.

It's my understanding that a foreigner absconding while on bail is often the best case scenario for the Thais as well as the person charged; they get the money and don't have to deal with him any further (judicial process and incarceration are neither free nor without a great deal of administrative work involved). Certainly for some crimes they'd very much want to see the person punished but for something like this -- I think typically not.

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Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

Tell that to the people in the Netherlands.. not a high drug use over there while canabis is semi legal.

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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

Tea totter my guess.

Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

What a croc.

95% of guys i know on the stuff were not capable of going anywhere, let alone progressing further.

Sitting at home with a stupid grin is what it is all about.

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Why people do not learn Dont do drugs it is illegal in Thailand how many times do people have to be told there is more to life than drugs

Tea totter my guess.

Right. Being an ex con doesn't make you an expert. Apparently it doesn't even make you a rational human being. We are going way of topic here....smoking grass harms nobody apart from the guy smoking, he doesn't go out on the streets and rob people, he just stays at home with a stupid grin on his face. An ounce is nothing, it is not like an ounce of big H.

The OP wanted to know what might happen, not what you want to happen.

Your view. My view and in direct response to the OP then is that he'll get decent jail time to remind him of his stupidity.

And your view that sitting at home with a stupid grin on his face is sadly completely naive. 95% of guys I came across started on Cannabis and progressed thereafter.

What a croc.

95% of guys i know on the stuff were not capable of going anywhere, let alone progressing further.

Sitting at home with a stupid grin is what it is all about.

I got one of those with no weed. smile.png
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I forgot to mention the hypocrisy: I'd wager money that even if some of the people who have these narrow minded attitudes don't drink alcohol, they don't have the same sort of judgmental attitude about people who do drink that they do about marijuana users. Nor would I be likely to accept as truth their inevitable protestations that the difference is the legality and respective lack thereof.

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Alcohol worse than hard drugs: experts

LONDON--Alcohol is a more dangerous drug than both crack and heroin when the combined harms to the user and to others are assessed, British scientists said on Monday.

Presenting a new scale of drug harm that rates the damage to users themselves and to wider society, the scientists rated alcohol the most harmful overall and almost three times as harmful as cocaine or tobacco.

According to the scale, devised by a group of scientists including Britain's Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs (ISCD) and an expert adviser to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), heroin and crack cocaine rank as the second and third most harmful drugs.

Ecstasy is only an eighth as harmful as alcohol, according to the scientists' analysis.

Professor David Nutt, chairman of the ISCD, whose work was published in the Lancet medical journal, said the findings showed that “aggressively targeting alcohol harms is a valid and necessary public health strategy”.

He said they also showed that current drug classification systems had little relation to the evidence of harm.

Alcohol and tobacco are legal for adults in Britain and many other countries, while drugs such as ecstasy and cannabis and LSD are often illegal and carry the threat of prison sentences.

“It is intriguing to note that the two legal drugs assessed — alcohol and tobacco — score in the upper segment of the ranking scale, indicating that legal drugs cause at least as much harm as do illegal substances,” Nutt, who was formerly head of the influential British Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), said in a statement about the study.

Nutt was forced to quit the ACMD a year ago after publicly criticising ministers for ignoring scientific advice suggesting cannabis was less harmful than alcohol.

The World Health Organisation estimates that risks linked to alcohol cause 2.5 million deaths a year from heart and liver disease, road accidents, suicides and cancer — accounting for 3.8 percent of all deaths. It is the third leading risk factor for premature death and disabilities worldwide.

In an effort to offer a guide to policy makers in health, policing, and social care, Nutt's team rated drugs using a technique called multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) which assessed damage according to nine criteria on harm to the user and seven criteria on harm to others.

Harms to the user included things such as drug-specific or drug-related death, damage to health, drug dependence and loss of relationships, while harms to others included crime, environmental damage, family conflict, international damage, economic cost, and damage to community cohesion.

Drugs were then scored out of 100, with 100 given to the most harmful drug and zero indicating no harm at all.

The scientists found alcohol was most harmful, with a score of 72, followed by heroin with 55 and crack with 54.

source http://www.chinapost...cohol-worse.htm

Just to put things into perspective.

Anyway you wont see me using it here because its illegal But it certainly is hypocritical of all those alcohol users. To bash a far less damaging substance.

Even without this and other similar studies, we all know of copious empirical evidence all around us that supports the same conclusions.

There are also studies that posit that (unlike marijuana) cigarettes and alcohol, ARE potential contributors to users going on to use harder substances.

(That ought to wind some folks up! But it's true)

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Whilst I have read all the posts in this topic, I haven't gone back and re-read them before typing this.

From what I remember, though, no one has said that alcohol and tobacco are not harmful. (But as one effect of cannabis use is both short and long term memory loss and as I smoked a lot of dope in my teens and twenties, it is possible that I have forgotten!)

Yet plenty have intimated by use of phrases such as 'it's only a little bit of weed' that they do not believe cannabis to be harmful.

As previously stated there is a plethora of medical evidence to show that cannabis is harmful to mental health; and I don't mean from hysterical anti drug groups.

For example Cannabis and mental health

...............a three year follow up of a Dutch cohort of 4045 people free of psychosis and 59 with a baseline diagnosis of psychotic disorder showed a strong association between use of cannabis and psychosis.10 Length of exposure to use of cannabis predicted the severity of the psychosis, which likewise was not explained by use of other drugs. Participants who showed psychotic symptoms at baseline and used cannabis had a worse outcome, which also implies an additive effect. In a New Zealand cohort, individuals who had used cannabis three times or more by age 15 or 18 were not more likely to have schizophreniform disorder at age 26 (px2009.gif1212), although they showed an increase in “schizophrenia symptoms” (but not schizophrenia).11 The meaning of “schizophrenia symptoms” requires clarification to interpret these results.

The evidence in relation to depression is growing. A 15 year follow up of an adult community sample of 1920 participants in the United States showed that use of cannabis increased the risk of major depression at follow up fourfold.7 Use of cannabis was specifically associated with an increase in suicidal ideation and anhedonia. Similar findings in an Australian study reported in this issue (px2009.gif1195) show a dose-effect relation between the use of cannabis and anxiety or depression in a large cohort of 14-15 year olds followed for seven years.12 This is reflected in higher rates of anxiety or depression according to the frequency with which cannabis was used. The link is stronger for young women than young men in this cohort, although sex differences have not been found in other studies.6,7 Baseline depression did not predict later marijuana use in either study and therefore does not support the self medication hypothesis. The study in the New Zealand cohort did not find an association between cannabis use at age 15 and depressive disorder at age 26. The authors found, however, that young people who had used cannabis three times or more by age 18 were more likely to have a depressive disorder at age 26, even after use of other drugs was controlled for.

Whether cannabis is more or less harmful than alcohol is irrelevant. using that argument is like trying to convince someone that being run over by a car is better than being run over by a truck! Both are going to hurt; a lot!

Cannabis is harmful! Those trying to convince people that it isn't should remove their heads from the sand and read the evidence.

None of which is relevant to the OP.

This guy must have known cannabis, in any quantity, is illegal in Thailand and that Thailand has a reputation for being tough on illegal drugs; particularly foreigners and illegal drugs.

He took a chance, he got caught now he must accept his punishment; whatever that will be.

Before I am accused of hypocrisy again, I must add that my attitude would be the same if he had been caught with alcohol in a country where that is illegal; Saudi Arabia for example.

Edited by 7by7
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Everyone Please DEAR GOD lock your doors and protect your family from the Demons who dare smoke the evil Marijuana.

Let us all join hands and pray for the Evil Doers. i've seen the needle and the damage done - a little bit in everyone.

I'm presently at the airport waiting for a flight and the self righteous remarks can't help but to put a smile on my face.

Please continue.......................

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Thats nonsense ......... MJ is taxed just fine in places that make it legal. It's like saying that since you can grow corn it's impossible for the feds to figure out how to tax it. The feds could easily just say that the tax is X percent of the tax the state is collecting. If it were legal and sold at 7-11 most people would not bother to grow it because the corporations would be able to sell it cheaper at 7-11 than you could grow your own. The feds can't tax it only because you can't tax an illegal product making it legal would solve that. Why do people think taxing a pack of weed cigs would be harder than a pack of normal cigs ? Or a bottle of soda ?

Nonsense. Hmmm. It is so much harder to know how, and to have the environment (climate) to grow, cure, and blend tobacco than it is to grow weed. If I planted weed in my yard it would do just fine. The states tax it, LOL? I'm in Oregon, USA where you are allowed to grow your own or to buy it for "medical" purposes. Theoretically it is taxed, LOL. In reality people just grow it. Colorado will be tougher because it's cold there and they'll need a greenhouse, or grow light, heated area.

If they put as high a tax on corn as they do on corn liquor, corn would be grown illegally and it isn't even a drug. Whiskey is harder to make and isn't for everyone. It's an art too like tobacco. There are the moonshine stills though for the determined.

It's easier to control good tobacco or whiskey because it's for experts. It needs to be done consistently on a large scale. Weed is a weed, even in all but high altitude or Northern US, and then they can have a nice basement with grow lights.

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If that is the worst you can come up with just look at all the deaths and korsakov (much worse IMHO) caused by alcohol not to mention liver damage. We don't even talk about driving and alcohol.

Its not like being killed by a car or a bus its like having a small accident (cannabis) or getting run over by a 8 wheeler. (alcohol). Saying they are both harmful is right but one is much more harmful then the other. Eating certain foods is harmful too.

But, you are right he should not have done it here, one of the reasons i won't use it is that its illegal here. Plus there are other effects that i don't like, but i also don't drink. Just does not fit my lifestyle right now.

I am just saying the laws are crazy allowing a far more harmful drug many times more harmful and prosecuting something that could replace it and is harmful but a lot less harmful.

Its more the hang em high brigade that i don't like. Don't forget prostitution is illegal here to i bet most guys here could not care less (me included).

I hope the guy is not punished to severely, its not a smart thing to do.

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Weed is a weed, even in all but high altitude or Northern US, and then they can have a nice basement with grow lights.

Weed is a criminal offence in Thailand whether you like it or not.

I honestly can't understand why people keep repeating this glaringly obvious and indisputable fact (that was never in contention.)

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