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Stats show that violence against women is increasing. Most of these cases can be related to religious extremism, alcohol abuse, drugs, etc.

Yet the common factor must be mental issues related to past experiences and these men know unlike many mental patients,

know exactly what they are doing.

They target Thailand specifically because of its lax laws and its man dominated culture as law enforcement back home, tighten its grip when it comes to fighting these types of crimes.

If Thailand some day magically would become like a western country... developed and somewhat civilized, they would simply pack their bags and move on to the next undeveloped country, picking their new targets.

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Stats show that violence against women is increasing. Most of these cases can be related to religious extremism, alcohol abuse, drugs, etc.

Yet the common factor must be mental issues related to past experiences and these men know unlike many mental patients,

know exactly what they are doing.

They target Thailand specifically because of its lax laws and its man dominated culture as law enforcement back home, tighten its grip when it comes to fighting these types of crimes.

If Thailand some day magically would become like a western country... developed and somewhat civilized, they would simply pack their bags and move on to the next undeveloped country, picking their new targets.

That sounds more scary then i mentioned before max..


Forgive me for noticing but I believe both you and Guesthouse are offering your opinion of Thai wives and out of all the people posting on Thai Visa you are among the few who don't have one.smile.png

This claim.

I know the basis of your statement with respect to Rene, I'd liek to know the basis of your statement with respect to myself.

As I have said, you and I have never met and I assure you I have never made any statement on TV with respect to the nationality of my wife.

We have a difference of opinion. I think you don't have a Thai wife and you are not saying. OK. It would make your argument stronger if you had a Thai wife and family like I do. In 40 years of knowing Thai people in and out of Thailand I have not come across a subservient Thai woman. I have come across a lot of dominant Thai women. Lots.

I think what it comes down to is credibility. You can't prove your point except with a couple of cases of anecdotal evidence and I can't disprove a negative. I would refer you to Russell's teapot. Russell wrote that if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they cannot prove him wrong. You are telling me I am wrong because I can't prove you wrong.

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In 40 years of knowing Thai people in and out of Thailand I have not come across a subservient Thai woman. I have come across a lot of dominant Thai women. Lots.

Not been here that long, but again I have to agree.

My BIL has to hand his wage packet to his wife unopened the moment he gets home on pay-day.

Every foreigner I have met who has lived with a Thai partner, I always ask "Have you ever been subjected to domestic violence by your Thai partner", they always answer yes, then go on to tell the story. The only exception I know is a guy living with a Thai woman his own age.


In 40 years of knowing Thai people in and out of Thailand I have not come across a subservient Thai woman. I have come across a lot of dominant Thai women. Lots.

Not been here that long, but again I have to agree.

My BIL has to hand his wage packet to his wife unopened the moment he gets home on pay-day.

Every foreigner I have met who has lived with a Thai partner, I always ask "Have you ever been subjected to domestic violence by your Thai partner", they always answer yes, then go on to tell the story. The only exception I know is a guy living with a Thai woman his own age.

Personally I have been attacked with knives and cleavers, plates; you know the usual but the worst was a bottle of Listerine. She threw it on the floor. I don't know if she meant to hit my little toe but she did and broke it. Lots of blood.

I remember my current wife was a bit surprised when she first saw my condo. All the plates were plastic and there was nothing sharper than a butter knife in the drawer.

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Personally I have been attacked with knives and cleavers, plates; you know the usual but the worst was a bottle of Listerine. She threw it on the floor. I don't know if she meant to hit my little toe but she did and broke it. Lots of blood.

My darling has come at me with a carving knife and a rock.

The rock one was good, she went crazy when we were driving a m/c (never found out why). I stopped the m/c cos she was throwing herself (and us) all over the place. She jumped off then picked up a sizable rock from the roadside and took a couple of practice swings at me. I pinned her arms, then two Thai guys came up to help her 'sort me out'. She chased them up the road for their trouble, rock held high, you should have seen them run.

Note to white knights.

Never interfere in an ongoing disagreement between a Thai lady and her partner, she'll turn on you every time.


Okay, I stand corrected. All I will say is that you guys got what you chose. Despite my red haired temper, and mean right hook, I've never felt the need to hit someone. It just wasn't worth it. I can't speak for someone else.


Forgive me for noticing but I believe both you and Guesthouse are offering your opinion of Thai wives and out of all the people posting on Thai Visa you are among the few who don't have one.smile.png

This claim.

I know the basis of your statement with respect to Rene, I'd liek to know the basis of your statement with respect to myself.

As I have said, you and I have never met and I assure you I have never made any statement on TV with respect to the nationality of my wife.

We have a difference of opinion. I think you don't have a Thai wife and you are not saying. OK. It would make your argument stronger if you had a Thai wife and family like I do. In 40 years of knowing Thai people in and out of Thailand I have not come across a subservient Thai woman. I have come across a lot of dominant Thai women. Lots.

I think what it comes down to is credibility. You can't prove your point except with a couple of cases of anecdotal evidence and I can't disprove a negative. I would refer you to Russell's teapot. Russell wrote that if he claims that a teapot orbits the Sun somewhere in space between the Earth and Mars, it is nonsensical for him to expect others to believe him on the grounds that they cannot prove him wrong. You are telling me I am wrong because I can't prove you wrong.

Yes it does come down to credibility.

You have stated I do not have a Thai wife - I have asked you on what basis you have stated this - You cannot provide any basis, but you still want to say your view is more credible because 'You Think I do not have a Thai wife'. - Your head is in a loop on that one.

You have stated that abuse of Thai women by Farangs is a Statisitical Insiginficance - to state this with credibility you would have have first reviewed the statistical data. - I have repeatedly asked you to show us the statistical data upon which you have made the statement. - You have not provided this data.

I'm not asking you to prove a negative, I'm asking you to show us the basis of the statements you claim are hard fact.

Baseless statements about my personal life of which you know next to nothing - unfounded statements about statistical data which you do not have.

Where is your credibility CMK?

I have reported personal observations - these have been followed by others offering similar personal observations.

Personal observations are subjective - but its not me who's demonstratably making things up to support my point of view

I'm not dreaming up opinions of your personal life and stating them as fact

I'm not dreaming up statistical conclusions based on statistical data I do not have.

Yes CMK - Credibility.

Which you might recover if you had the personal integrity to admit your statements about my personal life are assumptions for which you have no basis.

And if you had the personal integrity to admit you do not have the statisitcal data to support the statisical conclusions you have been pedalling as fact.

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I do think in order to establish credibility for opinions on Thai women (or men), one would need to state ones contact levels.

I live in an entirely Thai community with a Thai lady (or two), and have done for the past five years.

They don't didn't speak English, I have had to speak Thai.

Yet you expect to have the same level of credibility while not offering up any level of experience or contact with any Thai persons.

I don't think so!


You know little about Thailand and Thai people. Thai women are not subservient. They are independent strong women from an early age. The great majority of people with a Thai wife and family will confirm this. If you had a Thai wife and family you would already know this.

I don't always support CMKs opinions, but in this case he is entirely correct.

Tourists think all Thais are polite, well-mannered, subservient people who smile all the time.

Those of us who live here know better.

  • Like 1

I do think in order to establish credibility for opinions on Thai women (or men), one would need to state ones contact levels.

I live in an entirely Thai community with a Thai lady (or two), and have done for the past five years.

They don't didn't speak English, I have had to speak Thai.

Yet you expect to have the same level of credibility while not offering up any level of experience or contact with any Thai persons.

I don't think so!

I think he was recounting anecdotes, not making generalisations. If you do not believ his anecdotes, if you want to call him a liar, then say "You are a liar. The stories that you recount are falsehoods".. Shillyshallying about behind equivocal doubts regarding the basis of his credibility does nothing to forward the discussion.


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CMK. I have asked you to provide two pieces of information to substanciate claims that yopu are pedalling as fact.

You have stated I do not have a Thai wife - I have asked you on what basis you have stated this
You have stated that abuse of Thai women by Farangs is a Statisitical Insiginficance - to state this with credibility you would have have first reviewed the statistical data. - I have repeatedly asked you to show us the statistical data upon which you have made the statement.

This is not asking you to prove a negative - it is asking you to provide the basis of the statements you have made.

It is clear you cannot provide this information - and it is becoming clear that you lack the personal integrity to admit your error.

Please do not lecture me on credibility.


You know little about Thailand and Thai people. Thai women are not subservient. They are independent strong women from an early age. The great majority of people with a Thai wife and family will confirm this. If you had a Thai wife and family you would already know this.

I don't always support CMKs opinions, but in this case he is entirely correct.

Tourists think all Thais are polite, well-mannered, subservient people who smile all the time.

Those of us who live here know better.

It seems you both missed my earlier statement.

I suggest CMK you read again what I have said - Don't miss this bit.....

I personally do not subscribe to the view that Thai women are subservient, personal observation convinces me Thai women are far removed from that.


think he was recounting anecdotes, not making generalisations. If you do not believ his anecdotes, if you want to call him a liar, then say "You are a liar. The stories that you recount are falsehoods".. Shillyshallying about behind equivocal doubts regarding the basis of his credibility does nothing to forward the discussion.


There are many people that have opinions on Thai ladies whose only contact has been a 'paid for' holiday romance.

Their opinions will have been based on entirely shallow observations.

There are many people that have opinions on Thai ladies whose only contact has been stories in 'the Daily Mail'

Their opinions will have been formed entirely or a reporters propaganda.

It would be inappropriate to call these people liars as their opinions have been honestly formed.

Thailand is a bit of a strange place.

The people and government deliberately project a unified group personality ..... which is entirely at odds with the actuality.


But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.

You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.


lucky people. my wife always try to stop me going out. just recently i was stopped from joining a thai visa party. and she had a say in my dressing as well. she refuse to let me wear my scoccer jersey out

dont worry mate, plenty of others gave the parties a miss as well.

But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.
that is not necessarily true. you have droned on about her quite a bit in days gone by.

But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.

You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.

I've made no assumptions about you at all.

If you are not prepared to state your experience leading to your opinions (about Thais), then your credibility with me is zero.

  • Like 1

But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.

You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.

The suspense of it all!!!

Are you planning to reveal the truth on New Year's Eve?

But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.
that is not necessarily true. you have droned on about her quite a bit in days gone by.

Well thanks for that. I was wondering if I had actually made a mental error. Possible of course but I thought I did remember what he said a while back.


As an asside.

If you trawl the pages of TV Forum you will find I repeatedly and consistantly give the advice not to ever introduce one's wife, girlfriend or anyone one cares about into discussion on TV as doing so will inevitably result in personal insults being made against them.

So in the first instance, I have followed my own advice and you will not find persnoal information about my family on TV - You should not invent missing information to suit your own assumptions.

Secondly, I will not provide personal information.

I therefore advise you deal with the point of view I express and stop trying to undermine it with your own unfounded assumptions.

But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.
that is not necessarily true. you have droned on about her quite a bit in days gone by.

Well thanks for that. I was wondering if I had actually made a mental error. Possible of course but I thought I did remember what he said a while back.

Then you'll have no problem finding what I said a while back will you.


Managed to dig that statistical data out yet CMK?

Or are you going to demonstrate some personal integrity and admit you do not have the statistical data to support your claim of 'Statistical Insiginificance'?


But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.

You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.

The suspense of it all!!!

Are you planning to reveal the truth on New Year's Eve?

Or his home life pictures thumbsup.gif


whistling.gif ....................smile.png


But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.

You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.

I've made no assumptions about you at all.

If you are not prepared to state your experience leading to your opinions (about Thais), then your credibility with me is zero.

I sometimes refer back to the Original Post, just to check what it is we are arguing about.

  • Like 1
But you are making the same mistake as CMK - you are making assumptions for which you have no basis.You have absolutely no idea what nationality my wife is, you don't even know if I have a wife.
that is not necessarily true. you have droned on about her quite a bit in days gone by.

Well thanks for that. I was wondering if I had actually made a mental error. Possible of course but I thought I did remember what he said a while back.

Then you'll have no problem finding what I said a while back will you.

Posted 2005-11-16 15:05:46


If you trawl the pages of TV Forum you will find I repeatedly and consistantly give the advice not to ever introduce one's wife, girlfriend or anyone one cares about into discussion on TV as doing so will inevitably result in personal insults being made against them.

I'm always talking about my wife and family on TV forum, never had any problems with insults against them.

If any poster were to do that, I'm certain the mods would be quick to ban said offender.


Oh Gord...... More unfounded assumptions from Transam.

Please, my personal life is my personal life. I am not going to discuss it for you.

Deal with the point I have raised or move on to another topic.

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