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SO..tonight i am sitiing around outside my appartment with a few thai guys when another walks by with his GF

It is just on dark but this guy walks along with a flashlight, the expensive long silver type,and is pointing it along the ground.

Now this soi is quite well lit up, and has no problem with lighting, so i am puzzled!

I ask the these guys why does he carry the light like that.They told me this..

and i speak Thai OK but not perfect, but still i hear words like:

" he carries it because if the crazy soi dog annnoys them he will shine the light in the eyes of the dog"

Now I am thinking..IF this does work, then its actually so simple and quite clever, i would never think of this, but yet, somehow i dont think it will stop these crazy mongrels who want to eat you!

What do you think? could this possibly work? anyone ever seen this theory in action before?

On Another note: For sure this would not even work on the crazy SOB !#$% soi dog in the next soi over...who does sneak up behind you silent, so you don't know he approaches, then will try bite your ankles and bark like a Ba$tard and scare the holy khrap outta you..mad.gif

why someone hasnt dealt this !#$% in a more more permanent way i will never knowangry.png

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Rene, yes i would like to make one of these for sure but would think this does attract some attention around the neighborhood?

more so if you do live in a city like BK.

I did find a long bedpost somebody threw away, is about the length of a walking stick...to carry around to fight off these B4stards but do get some strange looks from the locals..

<deleted>..a farang walking around with a baton!!! would remind me of that D'head farang in the video at the time of the riots, wanting to "burn the place down"!!

Sometimes i worry carrying this weapon around will attract the attention of the police and make them want to stop me..so i dont carry it anymoresad.png

Now have to take a long detour behind the block and go back to appartment the long way just to avoid these !#$% bah.gif

Kennedy, i dont know about your theory, these dogs are the same ones that seem to live here many years and never moove away. I do not think anyone around here would have ever hurt them.

I think this last month or so there must be some on heat..fighting and barking all !#$%^ night..never get any peace bah.gif


Just make it look like a nice walking stick. You can easily make a nice leather handle, or get some leather worker to do it for you. Nobody will notice the nasty little screw in the bottom. Lots of hikers and photographers carry walking sticks. I've got one that is just under 2 meters long. Nobody questions me carrying it.


There are adjustable - extendable metal walking sticks - quite sturdy... I've learned that dogs are smart but not as smart as they think they are. Along my exercise walk route in semi-rural Texas there are many dogs. One big old bloodhound always wants to chew my leg off. So - with my adjustable walking stick I go by with the stick extended to about 1.4 meters. I swing it at the dog and he quickly learns to come just out of reach. Next time - I do the same thing - then on the way back set the length to about 1.7 meters or so. The big old dog comes rushing out to meet me snarling and barking - just out of reach - so he thinks. Then with a strong forward or backhanded swing - BAM right on the barking mouth ... he yelps off to his porch. smile.png

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In another town where I lived there were many dogs - not leashed or fenced. On my walking route I carried a small sling shot. I used 1/2 inch (1 cm or so) chrome hex nuts. I found I could pull the slingshot out of my pocket pretty quickly - load a hex nut and shoot a zinger pretty much on target. I did this numerous times to different dogs. After just a couple of times with the dog or group of dogs - I found that they stayed put - barked a bit - but did not come out at me... After a few more times - they usually ran away up seeing me - or when I raised my arms to shoot. The hex huts have a secondary action - even when I missed the dog - the nut gives off an audible and non human audible whistle. Just going by them the hex nut had a great effect.. After a while on my regular route - if I just faced them - they would run away.

Then there is always Pepper Gas -- Works great ...!!!

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Maybe on my next trip I'll bring a batch of Blackthorn Walking Sticks or Shillelagh ( Shi - Lay- Lee (Irish, not Thai))


But then again, maybe better not to. Shillelagh Law might break out.


The name, an Anglophone corruption of the Irish sail éille, appears to have become convolved with that of the village and barony in County Wicklow.[2][3]

The shillelagh was originally used for settling disputes in a gentlemanly manner—like pistols in colonial America, or the katana in Japan. Modern practitioners of bataireacht study the use of the shillelagh for self defense and as a martial art. Of the practice, researcher J. W. Hurley writes:

Methods of shillelagh fighting have evolved over a period of thousands of years, from the spear, staff, axe and sword fighting of the Irish. There is some evidence which suggests that the use of Irish stick weapons may have evolved in a progression from a reliance on long spears and wattles, to shorter spears and wattles, to the shillelagh, alpeen, blackthorn (walking-stick) and short cudgel. By the 19th century Irish shillelagh-fighting had evolved into a practice which involved the use of three basic types of weapons, sticks which were long, medium or short in length


dogs arnt abused, we feed them, bath them, work to pay for all there needs.

we are a slave to these dogs, picking up thir s#$t, who owns who.

and you say they are abused.


In my gated community their are two dogs who have challenged me. While I was walking my two year old, one of the dogs had the audacity to start barking at us. I shielded my son and stood firm and looked the mutt right in the eye with murderous intent. It came closer towards us and for every step it took, I positioned myself in a pose for attack. I actually believed it may attack so I decieded when we engaged in fight I would go for its balls.

It barked and started towards me, I pushed my son to one side and went for the dog, I grabbed it balls and tried to bite them. Knowing what I was trying to do, the dog flew away at high speed and now everytime its sees me, it legs it quick.

Dogs learn fast and Soi dogs learn faster.

Funny thing was my adreniline was pumping so fast, I actually given the chance would of bit his balls off.


In my gated community their are two dogs who have challenged me. While I was walking my two year old, one of the dogs had the audacity to start barking at us. I shielded my son and stood firm and looked the mutt right in the eye with murderous intent. It came closer towards us and for every step it took, I positioned myself in a pose for attack. I actually believed it may attack so I decieded when we engaged in fight I would go for its balls.

It barked and started towards me, I pushed my son to one side and went for the dog, I grabbed it balls and tried to bite them. Knowing what I was trying to do, the dog flew away at high speed and now everytime its sees me, it legs it quick.

Dogs learn fast and Soi dogs learn faster.

Funny thing was my adreniline was pumping so fast, I actually given the chance would of bit his balls off.

Jezus got some crazy people on here.

I wonder why i don't read more about people being bit by dogs, probably because soi dogs that bite wont stay around long. The Thais don't like them. Here in the village we got some soi dogs (just dogs who sleep outside but they are taken care of). The bark at people... i got dogs too.. im not afraid of a dog barking at me. 99% of it is pure posing.

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Two most effective methods I have found.

1) Show no fear hold head high stand ground ignore the dog it confuses them.As soon as the tail drops from being straight up they generally become docile. You then have a dog that respects you and leaves you alone in future, after the initial bark to announce your arrival.

2) If above fails dog is intent on being aggressive bend down obviously looking like you are picking something up, and then in a exaggerated movement look like you will throw rock or what ever at them 99% run at this point.

Remember most soi dogs are territorial and scared of people and show fear by barking etc,Over 15 years of dealing with Thai dogs never once bitten.

Real good advice, i know when my dog is scared you see his tail drop. He loves barking at people at times (depending on who) but he isn't allowed to roam free much. But most of his barking is from fear you can see it in his posture and tail. But if he senses you fear him he will follow you to the end of his perceived territory (not biting never done that). I can understand people get intimidated by that. That is why if he is free i make sure i respond when i hear him bark.


My .450 Nitro Express generally sorts the little blighters out very qucikly..whistling.gif

How does it work on the guys in brown that follow the gunshots biggrin.png


A friend assures me, that the flashlight works (at least for a single dog).

But it must be a new generation type of LED flashlight (better than 200 lumen).

This will blind any eye for quite a while on a short distance.

If you buy a big one, you can also it as a club.

In Thailand you can buy flashlights with an integrated taser.

I have such a thing but no brave dogs in our village biggrin.png


The main reason soi dogs act the way they do? Being abused by humans.

True. The same goes for humans. But, at some point you have to protect yourself first. Their problems and what caused them are not your concern.

I would agree with sentiments. In the last week on our estate though a couple of rather more sinister 8items have been roaming the estate. Thais like, or it seems to me anyway, to sling the dogs out at night to do their stuff, I can deal with these sort of dogs but when owners allow their Dobermans though the gate its a different kettle of fish altogether and I am not sure that a club with a nail or screw is the answer either, not sure what is!

Out in the villages, nasty dogs get 'et first when times are hard. I walked around with our little poodle discretely carrying a nice knobbly stick and gave the bullies an unexpected whack. Said poodle is now king of the road when we walk around, no longer hides behind me. I do look the b@@@@gers in the eye, and they understand - I worked in many different gardens for 40 years and only ever once had a problem with a dog and I nearly killed the f@@k after chasing it for a thousand yards. (I was younger then).

What is unfortunate here is that occasionally the mad lady neighbour decides to poison chickens and dogs without discrimination, impossible to know why.


I don't know about the flashlight trick, but a meter long piece of green bamboo that is 3 cm thick, and has a 3 inch screw threaded through one end, will make short work of any soi dog that tries to bite you. Just act like you don't notice it creeping up behind you and then swing around and nail it in the head. If they survive they won't do it a second time. It also works well on men who bother women at night.

Holy jesus Rene, thats vicious. At what point did you think hmm, my bamboo needs a 3 inch screw in it to complete my weapon of mass destruction?
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I have a soi dog that I raised from a pup. Nice dog. Short hair and well suited to the climate. I don't seem to have any problems with other soi dogs.

They all look the same soi dogs dont they, kinda like Australian dingo looking.

Normally I listen to music by earphones loudly and just pass by the dogs, they bark but since they don't see any response with attention, they don't follow me or make further efforts to get my attention.

Soi dogs are very vulnerable, they have been treated badly and some spend the night hungry. Don't make it harder on them, just relax so both feel safe.


I have a soi dog that I raised from a pup. Nice dog. Short hair and well suited to the climate. I don't seem to have any problems with other soi dogs.

They all look the same soi dogs dont they, kinda like Australian dingo looking.

Years ago when I first saw them I asked myself, "how the dingos get to Thailand." They look almost the same to me. Dingo on right.




In my gated community their are two dogs who have challenged me. While I was walking my two year old, one of the dogs had the audacity to start barking at us. I shielded my son and stood firm and looked the mutt right in the eye with murderous intent. It came closer towards us and for every step it took, I positioned myself in a pose for attack. I actually believed it may attack so I decieded when we engaged in fight I would go for its balls.

It barked and started towards me, I pushed my son to one side and went for the dog, I grabbed it balls and tried to bite them. Knowing what I was trying to do, the dog flew away at high speed and now everytime its sees me, it legs it quick.

Dogs learn fast and Soi dogs learn faster.

Funny thing was my adreniline was pumping so fast, I actually given the chance would of bit his balls off.

So was this a tall dog, or were you on your knees?

Come on those Chihuahua's are pretty intimidating laugh.png

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