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Thaivisa Forum Is A Mystery


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I am exaggerating. Still the majority of threads is full of criticism, very little praise.

That one is easy, the reason for that is because TV forum rules forbid discussing specifics of what makes western males happy in Thailand - if rules were different, I'm sure there would be a lot of positive threads.



I like Thailand very much

Edited by manarak
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It´s really puzzling, the vast majority of the members of Thaivisa seem to hate Thailand with a passion. Constantly whining about how things are better in their home country and criticizing the way things are done in Thailand. Almost every aspect of Thailand seems to be horrible according to them

Nothing puzzling about it, these are the same ones that were Constantly whining about how terrible things were when they lived in there own Country biggrin.png

Me still love it here, 6 weeks will be 10 years, Love where I live, my Partner, my 6 Dogs , keep busy with over 200 Fish and of course the warm weather, have no plans or wish to move anywhere... There again if I lived in a City or Town, guess I would hate it.. then I would never have moved here.

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My take is different. If you live here, you see the good AND the bad. As westerners (most active posters here), most of us don't think commenting and criticizing about the bad things ANYWHERE we live is a bad thing at all. It seems natural and potentially even constructive. I think among a minority there is an unfortunate INTOLERANCE of criticism of ANYTHING about Thailand and a rush to label any such criticism in the over top manner of the OP. Kind of reminds me of "love it or leave it" type Americans of lore.

Edited by Jingthing
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I can send you some sweet samples but be aware

you never will own itcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

So whys that so funny? My daughter now owns our house in Thailand. Shes only 6 weeks and owns a better house debt free than you did at 6 weeks.

That must be a new law then that a 6 week old can own a property. smile.png

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OK let's start an 'oh god I feel so happy in Thailand' thread. A mind bogglingly boring thought. We all need a good moan now and again, something to worry about.

I do feel very happy here, actually, I can't believe I made it here.

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I can send you some sweet samples but be aware

you never will own itcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

So whys that so funny? My daughter now owns our house in Thailand. Shes only 6 weeks and owns a better house debt free than you did at 6 weeks.

That must be a new law then that a 6 week old can own a property. smile.png

the legal capacity to own something is acquired at birth and ends upon death

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The whole planet is a mess, i chose Thailand 9 years ago and i have no regrets so far.

Getting old without getting bitter is one great achievement.

I agree with the OP, as most of the Westerners who complain about Thailand , live here by their own choice.

If i had to complain about something, it would be about strict immigration and labour laws, but i can't blame the Kingdom for protecting itself.

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I haven't seen many people who live here 'hating everything'.

Can you list these forum members by name, or are you just wildly exaggerating?

Most men love the cheap women and warm weather ...... does anyone need any other 'likes' to be here?

I am exaggerating. Still the majority of threads is full of criticism, very little praise. Gives a clear picture of people who are unhappy about the country they are living in. Seems like people want the advantages of living in a country without being able to deal with its drawbacks. Maybe people on here are just whiny but it seems quite weird that people move to another country just to then complain that things aren´t the same as back home.

I can tell you what this is mostly about.

Many Westerners plonk themselves in Thailand to escape their home countries and mundane lives believing that they are fulfilling a dream and will be spending the remainder of their lives living a paradise lifestyle, with beautiful young Thai girls queuing up to be laid by them, drinking cocktails by the pool and partying every night, separated from the stresses of everyday life and welcome here with open arms and virtually no limitations.

The problem is that these dreamers arrive here ill equipped to be able to support themselves, mostly on a hope and a prayer that something will turn up to help them continue on with their dream lifestyle of ease and plenty. Then eventually the reality of their situation hits them like a ten-ton weight falling on their heads and suddenly the dream transpires into a nightmare. With nowhere to go and becoming stuck in a rut, they become bitter and angry and start to blame everything Thai on the predicament they have placed themselves in. You see, it`s not they`re fault, it`s all the others that have messed things up for them.

The logic is that anyone who has made a success of their life in Thailand, would not have anything to whinge about, meaning that the complainers fall into category A as mentioned above.

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I reckon it's a case of "familiarity breeding contempt". Take someone out of a tiny, dirty bedsit in South London and move them into J-Lo's mansion in Beverley Hills, and for the first 6 months you'll hear nothing except for praise for the place. Then you'll start hearing about how 50 Cent's dog next door actually has a really annoying bark and they don't know how J-Lo puts up with it. And how one of the legs of the 4-poster bed is a fraction of an inch shorter than the others and it makes them feel seasick when they're watching the 50" plasma on the ceiling. And when someone flushes the guestroom toilet downstairs it makes a terrible whistling sound upstairs...

Unfortunately it is human nature, and the only way to deal with it is to send that person back to the bedsit for a while to remind them what it was really like....

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Alot of the negativity demonstrated in posts is often encouraged by the original story/news post.

Headlines about tourists being stabbed/robbed or scammed will elicit posts about safety concerns...

Headlines about horrific road accidents ,the same about the driving standards here...

Headlines concerning Government,political ideas or police methodology ........corruption....etc,etc.....

Typically these stories are intended to be sensationalist and consequently do rattle peoples cages !

Suggest the OP read through some of the other threads concerning daily life ,photgraphy ,farming ,jokes etc and a

more balanced view of the membership will present itself.

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Many Westerners plonk themselves in Thailand to escape their home countries and mundane lives believing that they are fulfilling a dream and will be spending the remainder of their lives living a paradise lifestyle, with beautiful young Thai girls queuing up to be laid by them, ....................................................

I have escaped my mundane life, and I am living this dream!

Aren't you?

(Don't care for the cocktails or the open arms)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I haven't seen many people who live here 'hating everything'.

Can you list these forum members by name, or are you just wildly exaggerating?

Most men love the cheap women and warm weather ...... does anyone need any other 'likes' to be here?

I am exaggerating. Still the majority of threads is full of criticism, very little praise. Gives a clear picture of people who are unhappy about the country they are living in. Seems like people want the advantages of living in a country without being able to deal with its drawbacks. Maybe people on here are just whiny but it seems quite weird that people move to another country just to then complain that things aren´t the same as back home.

I can tell you what this is mostly about.

Many Westerners plonk themselves in Thailand to escape their home countries and mundane lives believing that they are fulfilling a dream and will be spending the remainder of their lives living a paradise lifestyle, with beautiful young Thai girls queuing up to be laid by them, drinking cocktails by the pool and partying every night, separated from the stresses of everyday life and welcome here with open arms and virtually no limitations.

The problem is that these dreamers arrive here ill equipped to be able to support themselves, mostly on a hope and a prayer that something will turn up to help them continue on with their dream lifestyle of ease and plenty. Then eventually the reality of their situation hits them like a ten-ton weight falling on their heads and suddenly the dream transpires into a nightmare. With nowhere to go and becoming stuck in a rut, they become bitter and angry and start to blame everything Thai on the predicament they have placed themselves in. You see, it`s not they`re fault, it`s all the others that have messed things up for them.

The logic is that anyone who has made a success of their life in Thailand, would not have anything to whinge about, meaning that the complainers fall into category A as mentioned above.

BUT, many have the balls to go for it, instead of ''whingers'' here running them down for having the balls. Some are not constrained by their mum anymore eh. ...............coffee1.gif
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I came to Thailand because I the West won't let you generalise any more. it's all bloody facts, data, evidence, exceptions...

Thank goodness for the opportunity to live by stereotype, generalisation and opinion


You're still building bridges then?

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I came to Thailand because I the West won't let you generalise any more. it's all bloody facts, data, evidence, exceptions...

Thank goodness for the opportunity to live by stereotype, generalisation and opinion


You're still building bridges then?

Helping the homeless

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I came to Thailand because I the West won't let you generalise any more. it's all bloody facts, data, evidence, exceptions...

Thank goodness for the opportunity to live by stereotype, generalisation and opinion


You're still building bridges then?

Helping the homeless

Tents for all!!

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What does me on TVF is not the moaning about LOS ( 18 years and counting and I'll still get my soapbox out about the driving sometimes) but the utter contempt that a number of members seem to hold Thais in. Members who, were you to meet them, within 5 minutes would lead you to the inescapable conclusion that they were a complete and utter <deleted>. It's really no surprise that the most vocal of westerner's I've met who denigrate Thais at every opportunity are people I would actively go out of the way to avoid back home.

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What does me on TVF is not the moaning about LOS ( 18 years and counting and I'll still get my soapbox out about the driving sometimes) but the utter contempt that a number of members seem to hold Thais in. Members who, were you to meet them, within 5 minutes would lead you to the inescapable conclusion that they were a complete and utter <deleted>. It's really no surprise that the most vocal of westerner's I've met who denigrate Thais at every opportunity are people I would actively go out of the way to avoid back home.

So true.

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It's a mystery to me why this topic is in Forum Support biggrin.png

Some questions are better not asked.

Why is that, then?


The OP thought it was a support forum for grumpy old men like AA for alcoholics.

But the truth is that the Thai bashers would post in the support forum.

This forum is for helping people.

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Complaining about people complaining is like yelling at a barking dog...

our dogs bark..I yell......

the worst is a German Shepherd

can I complain about Thai visa now.....getting a touch boring...wish we could ban gutless whining expat scaredtobees ..oh dear I think I am drunk again..I smell burned bbq prawns.....deeeah anudder beer ..NOW!!

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Complaining about people complaining is like yelling at a barking dog...

our dogs bark..I yell......

the worst is a German Shepherd

can I complain about Thai visa now.....getting a touch boring...wish we could ban gutless whining expat scaredtobees ..oh dear I think I am drunk again..I smell burned bbq prawns.....deeeah anudder beer ..NOW!!

While many of the 'whingers' wish they could ban the hopeless 'Pollyannas'

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