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Upsurge In Retirement Visa Extensions


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It is not realistic to think that immigration rules should be fair and similar to other countries, each country makes its own rules based on what is it considers is best for the country, they bear no relation to the rules set in other countries.

In some countries the rules and too lax, and the result is too many immigrants living of the state and costing the tax payers (such as in the UK) in other countries the rules are too strict and and the result is that inward investment is reduced.

In my opinion Thailand is making it too difficult for individuals and businesses to set up in Thailand (and bring wealth to the country), we accept accept it, or move somewhere else, it is pointless complaining and saying it is not fair.

Those in control of this country do not want additional wealth brought in. These folks do not want competition of any sort and when that becomes clear, it is much easier to be happy here.

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I have this snip snip wise in the Safe-zone.


Would it be bebond you to take a tiny fraction of your net worth and put it into a fixed term deposit account and leave it B?

The 400k is not unfair to just you... it is the same for everybody...well actually I have to find 800k.

I think Thais have lot of sense keeping a tight rein on immigration. Perhaps after 5 years of retirement extensions a longer term extension could be provided if the passport lifespan permits it. Something more to worry about is when Thailand gets fed up of all these retirees, decides the bank deposits they have are not such a big deal and makes it tougher for all of us by having to pay a large amount, non-refundable, per year!

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As per Post #153 I remember this:

When the judge asked Charlie Sheen why he would pay for sex, Sheen reportedly responded, "I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave."

One thing the young studs will eventually learn is that you always pay for sex one way or another.

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I think the rules of our adopted land are one of the things that create crankies like OMG, who seems to be in a contest with many others on Thai Visa to win an award for the most venomous posts. Regardless of Edwins financial status, I think he is likely agrieved at the fact that you can stay in Thailand your whole life, yet still regardless of your family,marital or financial obligations and commitments, nothing changes at immigration. I for one think from a purely nationalistic perspective Thailand has it's immigration policy spot on. From a foriegners perspective who comes to live here, puts down roots and then finds their life circumstances changed the system can be inhumane. God forbid your finances should go down the pan OMG...no means to leave, no means to stay! Lets hope your arrogance never catches up with you. I also think a lot of foriegners resent the 4 days a year prison sentence of attending immigration for the 90 day reporting when after laying down roots having a yellow or blue book etc they are still expected to jump thru a hoop every 90 days...surely your name in a tapien baan should be enough, produced once a year at the time of visa extension?

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In using Thai Visa I agree:

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Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

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As per Post #153 I remember this:

When the judge asked Charlie Sheen why he would pay for sex, Sheen reportedly responded, "I don't pay them for sex. I pay them to leave."

One thing the young studs will eventually learn is that you always pay for sex one way or another.

Controversial but true! Us men are such suckers!

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Well, this is something that I've been thinking about , who the hell cares if the number of people on retirement visas increases or decreases, or if the most of the applicants r britishers or russians, they, they are not the real problem, the elephant is the huge number of foreigners( of all nationalities and colors) that hav thai families( married to thais, or that have thai husdband/wife) and don't even have the right to earn a living in this country unless you hav a bachellor degree, or lots of money in the bank. we r thousand of people in this situtatuion, and it seems that no one in teh goverment care about us or about the well-being of our thai relative who in most of cases depends on us, at least give us the chance of work freely, eliminate the income requirements to our visa or make it equal to the normal income of a thai 15000 bath/ month ( 400,000 yearly = 33,333/month), and pleace lower the income requirements for pr and citizenship as well, we r human beings and our thai families too.

If you don't have the degree or skills to get job here, you could always take the family back to your country and see how you go there.

Do you think you could live on 15,000 baht a month here with a family?

First of all, yes, you can live here with 15000 baht/ month, most of thai people that i know live with that and even less, and secondly not allways your thai family want to leave thailand, after all is their country, and in my experience for thais learning english is difficult so just imagime how much more difficult must be learning, spanish, portugese, italian , french etc, is not so simple as you think.btw i do have my degree, and earn enough but i do know many foreigner that r suffering because of these absurde rules.

I don't know many Thais that could live on 15,000 baht/month even if they were single, let alone if they had a family. 35,000-70,000 for main earner, plus extra for second earner is more like it. But of course it's POSSIBLE to live on 15K. Whether you'd want to is an entirely different thing. I think for most farangs this would be very depressing indeed. 15K is 500 baht/day. That's for all expenses - home, food, transport, entertainment, etc. That is pretty close to hell.

Just a thought, 500 Bht a day is more than single persons unemployment Benefit in the UK where,in large parts of the country if you've no degree there are virtually no jobs to even apply for + horrific costs of living, gas, electric etc. I know where I'd rather be poor & it certainly isn't the UK....
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And someone would really risk all that just to get an extension of their visa?

About 50% of the Americans I know in CM are lying about their income.

The American government lie to the American people, the American people lie to the American government ...... seems fair.

Not sure that is risking 'all that' ...... what they gonna do?

(PS replace American with any other western country, if you like, works just as well)

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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Quite so, difficult is it to be in Thailand - like I said, try being a Thai in the UK

It's very easy being a Thai in the UK ........ the problem is getting there.

It's very easy being a Brit in Thailand .......... the problem is staying here.

Wise words.

As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

NO------ there are no differences for Brits----- I am a Kiwi and do the same and I actually enjoy going to Immigration as it is always a pleasant experience {I am living in Udon Thani] I think the Brits tend to love a whine and bash at every opportunity.A letter from my Bank once a year and a 5min[literally] pop in every 90 days it all it takes-------- Just to say hello!!!!-------- and I am on my way home. I dress smartly,I am polite to them,and I TOO SMILE----------- Try a different attitude you Brits----------It might change your life-----Dougal the[happy]Kiwi

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The Government is in panic because Thai people do not speak English and cannot compete with the ASEAN countries. Thai schools gets any volunteer they can to teach English for few months, but cannot get a regular English teacher because immigration rules do not allow retirees to work, or ask for teaching degrees and certifications...even paying 3 times less for foreign teachers than in most of the ASEAN countries. Retirees are the best language teachers for many reasons, but they do not wants to get into the visa paperwork to make THB10000/month....If Thai immigration does not change the rules....Thailand youths will be without any English language knowledge for generations to come....and more retirees will risk their visa situation just for making a favor to Thai government schools...

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I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


Compared to me you are a man of VAST WEALTH and yet you are quibbling about a relatively small sum of 400,000bt-------- get a life man.You cannot take any of it when you go so ENJOY YOURSELF---------Dougal the Kiwi

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As an American I find it quite easy. Once a year I go to my consulate get a verify of income statement from them. Take it and my passport along with a photo of my self to immigration fill in there forms pay the money and am good for another year. Every 90 days I report in. Easy for Americans have they got different requirements for Brits.

NO------ there are no differences for Brits----- I am a Kiwi and do the same and I actually enjoy going to Immigration as it is always a pleasant experience {I am living in Udon Thani] I think the Brits tend to love a whine and bash at every opportunity.A letter from my Bank once a year and a 5min[literally] pop in every 90 days it all it takes-------- Just to say hello!!!!-------- and I am on my way home. I dress smartly,I am polite to them,and I TOO SMILE----------- Try a different attitude you Brits----------It might change your life-----Dougal the[happy]Kiwi

Naughty, naughty.

TV Rule 7?

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation. Not all Brits are as you describe and I suppose not all Kiwi's are like you.whistling.gif

It depends very much on how busy the immigration office is that you use. Getting a retirement extension can take a whole day or more. The first visit to get an appointment at immigration is quite quick, just get a number, if you are unlucky, you need a second visit to actually get the extension and for sure there will be considerable hanging around.

Add to that the letter from the consulate to confirm your bank statements always takes two days, the first to submit the paperwork and pay the 2,750 Baht. The second to collect the document.

I rather liked the suggestion by Rufanuf:

Snip snip.

I also think a lot of foriegners resent the 4 days a year prison sentence of attending immigration for the 90 day reporting when after laying down roots having a yellow or blue book etc they are still expected to jump thru a hoop every 90 days...surely your name in a tapien baan should be enough, produced once a year at the time of visa extension?

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One post has been removed from view that was a violation of forum rules. Please stay on topic and DO NOT attack other members.

Per forum rules:

In using Thai Visa I agree:

1) To respect fellow members.

4) Not to flame fellow members.

Flaming will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, name-calling, swearing and any other comments meant to incite anger.

5) Not to post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.

Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.


You say

"There is great need for a sarcasm font."

agreed can you in your position of authority speak to the powers that are on this matter?

I realize I am off topic but I did not start it I just agreed with it.wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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As per post #160 I don't care how many Americans or any other nationality choose to lie to officials in their own Embassy / consulate in Thailand. They have decided,at least the Americans, that they are copacetic in committing a Federal felony no matter how unlikely the chance of being charged might be.

It just is an indication as to how one chooses to live one's life.

Maybe now after reading your insightful observation on the 50% of Americans are willing to lie about their monthly income status, the IMM office in Chiang Mai thanks to you will take a closer look at your CM Yank friends.

Edited by JLCrab
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The Government is in panic because Thai people do not speak English and cannot compete with the ASEAN countries. Thai schools gets any volunteer they can to teach English for few months, but cannot get a regular English teacher because immigration rules do not allow retirees to work, or ask for teaching degrees and certifications...even paying 3 times less for foreign teachers than in most of the ASEAN countries. Retirees are the best language teachers for many reasons, but they do not wants to get into the visa paperwork to make THB10000/month....If Thai immigration does not change the rules....Thailand youths will be without any English language knowledge for generations to come....and more retirees will risk their visa situation just for making a favor to Thai government schools...

Just of the top of my head I am sure Thailand has no problem competing with Lao, Cambodia and Burma. Now if you are talking rice well that is a problem but all of Thailand does not need to speak English for that in fact very few in the business. The farmer and his field hands can do fine with out it.

I really fail to see the reason for this running around screaming the sky is falling the sky is falling attitude. the only thing that will hurt Thailand is if the companies leave it for greener pastures, (cheaper labor)

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Well, this is something that I've been thinking about , who the hell cares if the number of people on retirement visas increases or decreases, or if the most of the applicants r britishers or russians, they, they are not the real problem, the elephant is the huge number of foreigners( of all nationalities and colors) that hav thai families( married to thais, or that have thai husdband/wife) and don't even have the right to earn a living in this country unless you hav a bachellor degree, or lots of money in the bank. we r thousand of people in this situtatuion, and it seems that no one in teh goverment care about us or about the well-being of our thai relative who in most of cases depends on us, at least give us the chance of work freely, eliminate the income requirements to our visa or make it equal to the normal income of a thai 15000 bath/ month ( 400,000 yearly = 33,333/month), and pleace lower the income requirements for pr and citizenship as well, we r human beings and our thai families too.

If you don't have the degree or skills to get job here, you could always take the family back to your country and see how you go there.

Do you think you could live on 15,000 baht a month here with a family?

First of all, yes, you can live here with 15000 baht/ month, most of thai people that i know live with that and even less, and secondly not allways your thai family want to leave thailand, after all is their country, and in my experience for thais learning english is difficult so just imagime how much more difficult must be learning, spanish, portugese, italian , french etc, is not so simple as you think.btw i do have my degree, and earn enough but i do know many foreigner that r suffering because of these absurde rules.

I too can live happily on a limited budget,I have a retirement visaand great immigration people[udon Thani] 16,000bt pension,a small car,a motor bike and a TukTuk----- yes a Tuk tuk for general messing about.We live in a small house on a "falang Estate",have good neighbors both falang and Thai,and a great wife of 5 yrs.Kids are grown up and have flown the nest long ago[27 and25] and fone Mum and me on a fairly reg basis.I can have a beer in our local bar with falang friends and Thai wives,and really I am so happy to be able to leave all my money problems behind and just settle down to a peaceful and happy life----Thats what I came here for and thats what I got. A lot of falang come here for sex only.OK it is easy but they also want to continue joining the "rat race" here same as in their homeland.Keeping up with the Johneses means you still have to have a big shiney 4wd [mainly to put all the vllagers in the back of !!!!] The wife has all the right labels on her vast wardrobe ,and the 2 storey house is full to the brim with gadgets that work great for a few months,and drive the once proud owner to a heart attack trying to get Thais to replace or repair with parts from O/S. OK some of this is said with toungue in cheek but the picture of Falang chasing "happiness" in Thailand i am sure is a familiar one with many of you. The broken and dejected man who's ambition was to own a bar and became that bar's only customer,and ended Thousands of Bt in debt. The Falang who picked a gorgeous YOUNG girl to marry with disastrous consequenses------ I could go on. I think mainly I am trying to say this.By all means have an initially good time,but try to keep an eye on reality.It is possible to live a happy life here.That life is normally very favourably compared to what it would have been "back home" in all aspects of your new life. Settle down quietly ,make Thais your friends. Maybe find a wonderful loving and caring older lady------ My wife is pushing 50 and she is still worth a dozen of my initial 20 odd year old gold-diggers---- both day and night,and being 76 myself and still active all this is a bonus. Be Nice to Immigration and they will respond likewise.Treat the trip as a day out to see familiar friends ---- its not a trip to the dentist----With a change of attitude and a change of lifestyle I am sure you can enjoy peace abd happiness in this land of smiles.I wish that to all of you that are having difficulties,good luck---------Dougal the [happy] Kiwi


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Well Jingthing I am surprised you had bad service when you did your Retirement Visa Renewal. You say more staff needed. I did mine at Jomtien last week

going in the early afternoon and despite a crowded room I was seen within 20 minutes, dealt with in 10 minutes and returned the next morning to collect my passport. I felt that I had good service despite the crowds. Maybe you are referring to a Bangkok office?

The worst part was paying the British Embassy the 2,250 baht for the short Income Letter. What a cheek.

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Well, this is something that I've been thinking about , who the hell cares if the number of people on retirement visas increases or decreases, or if the most of the applicants r britishers or russians, they, they are not the real problem, the elephant is the huge number of foreigners( of all nationalities and colors) that hav thai families( married to thais, or that have thai husdband/wife) and don't even have the right to earn a living in this country unless you hav a bachellor degree, or lots of money in the bank. we r thousand of people in this situtatuion, and it seems that no one in teh goverment care about us or about the well-being of our thai relative who in most of cases depends on us, at least give us the chance of work freely, eliminate the income requirements to our visa or make it equal to the normal income of a thai 15000 bath/ month ( 400,000 yearly = 33,333/month), and pleace lower the income requirements for pr and citizenship as well, we r human beings and our thai families too.

If you don't have the degree or skills to get job here, you could always take the family back to your country and see how you go there.

Do you think you could live on 15,000 baht a month here with a family?

First of all, yes, you can live here with 15000 baht/ month, most of thai people that i know live with that and even less, and secondly not allways your thai family want to leave thailand, after all is their country, and in my experience for thais learning english is difficult so just imagime how much more difficult must be learning, spanish, portugese, italian , french etc, is not so simple as you think.btw i do have my degree, and earn enough but i do know many foreigner that r suffering because of these absurde rules.

I too can live happily on a limited budget,I have a retirement visaand great immigration people[udon Thani] 16,000bt pension,a small car,a motor bike and a TukTuk----- yes a Tuk tuk for general messing about.We live in a small house on a "falang Estate",have good neighbors both falang and Thai,and a great wife of 5 yrs.Kids are grown up and have flown the nest long ago[27 and25] and fone Mum and me on a fairly reg basis.I can have a beer in our local bar with falang friends and Thai wives,and really I am so happy to be able to leave all my money problems behind and just settle down to a peaceful and happy life----Thats what I came here for and thats what I got. A lot of falang come here for sex only.OK it is easy but they also want to continue joining the "rat race" here same as in their homeland.Keeping up with the Johneses means you still have to have a big shiney 4wd [mainly to put all the vllagers in the back of !!!!] The wife has all the right labels on her vast wardrobe ,and the 2 storey house is full to the brim with gadgets that work great for a few months,and drive the once proud owner to a heart attack trying to get Thais to replace or repair with parts from O/S. OK some of this is said with toungue in cheek but the picture of Falang chasing "happiness" in Thailand i am sure is a familiar one with many of you. The broken and dejected man who's ambition was to own a bar and became that bar's only customer,and ended Thousands of Bt in debt. The Falang who picked a gorgeous YOUNG girl to marry with disastrous consequenses------ I could go on. I think mainly I am trying to say this.By all means have an initially good time,but try to keep an eye on reality.It is possible to live a happy life here.That life is normally very favourably compared to what it would have been "back home" in all aspects of your new life. Settle down quietly ,make Thais your friends. Maybe find a wonderful loving and caring older lady------ My wife is pushing 50 and she is still worth a dozen of my initial 20 odd year old gold-diggers---- both day and night,and being 76 myself and still active all this is a bonus. Be Nice to Immigration and they will respond likewise.Treat the trip as a day out to see familiar friends ---- its not a trip to the dentist----With a change of attitude and a change of lifestyle I am sure you can enjoy peace abd happiness in this land of smiles.I wish that to all of you that are having difficulties,good luck---------Dougal the [happy] Kiwi

Agree with the majority of what you say Dougal. Just wish you could paragraph a bit more and make it easier to read instead of a complicated chore !

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Sharp rise in retirment visa's - Means more grandpa's & great-grandpa's hobbling about Patpong, Phuket, Pattaya, Patong.....one hand on stroller for balance & mobility, the other hand cupped firmly to the bottom of a tiny-Thai-teen. Geriatric farang's in paradisebiggrin.png

Yes, it's quite amazing just how many of these Thai teens (boy or girl) are freely available to geriatrics here.

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If you have lived here for 10 years, and you are stressed out every year by Thai Immigration rules for Reetirees - you must be slow. Your first As a direct consequence of marrying a Thai, the requirement for cash at bank PLUS any your yearly income got reduced from 800,000 to 400,000.

What is hard to understand is, with 9 million in land and houses, do you not have any Thai income.? what about your foreign pension income? The stress on your happy Thai family is not to be blamed on Thailand - but on yourself. You have created any problems you have. No room for pity parties here, mate.

I have this VISA sh.t luckily only once a year and call it in my case unfair. I'm married with a wonderful Thai woman for close to 10 years. Together we are proud and happy parents off our daughter. Yearly I have to proof myself again. I entered years ago nice amount off Euro's and multiplied this amount quiet a few times thanks to good, property, investments. Our property-evaluated by 2 banks (I paid them both for taxation report just out off curiosity). The properties and land is evaluated at around 9 figures in Thai Baht before the decimal! But Immigration/ Thai authorities doesn't give a sh.t about this. Because we keep investing and always improving our properties. We do have sometimes Cash Flow shortage. If I have this around new Yearly VISA application I'm completely stressed and they drive me nuts with this. This gives then again a huge blow to our normally happy family.

This 400.000 baht regulation is very unfair to people like me. I provide many Thai laborers/families most construction people year after year with an above minimum wages income. I have staff on and around my properties and our land. We feed many families and provide a lot off help to a village in Isaan. i keep investing to secure my wife and kid, for when I pass away (15 years elder then my partner and weak health but fairly good brains) but sometimes Immigration rules are unfair (and always their; "It is Up to You Remark". Thailand should treat us and give us the same opportunities as Thai's get in foreign country's.

Check article 17.1 & 17.2 UN Manifest for Human Rights!

See where wealthy Thai's own easily and legally private property abroad (Thaksin as an example), but many wealthy Thai have the same. Many Thai's working abroad (Europe, US and so on) can buy and OWN.

China is open for foreign investment, even Cuba, Cambodia, Malaysia and so on, but Thailand is still old fashioned and over-protective. A limitation on maximum land-sizes and property could be understandable for security off food supply.

But current Visa & Ownership rights is out off time.

This only beneficiary to the wealthy Thai, many from Chinese origin (Shinawatra family). They "passed the test off time". I keep "wrestling and struggling" knowing that my beloved daughter & if they ever come my Grandchildren will not face the same unfair treatment. They will be Thai. But for me and my wife the system has been really unfair.

I still love Thailand!

In a few weeks it will be my VISA turn again. And it looks this year more easy for me. Currently I'm Bank-book wise in the Safe-zone.


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Well Jingthing I am surprised you had bad service when you did your Retirement Visa Renewal. You say more staff needed. I did mine at Jomtien last week

going in the early afternoon and despite a crowded room I was seen within 20 minutes, dealt with in 10 minutes and returned the next morning to collect my passport. I felt that I had good service despite the crowds. Maybe you are referring to a Bangkok office?

The worst part was paying the British Embassy the 2,250 baht for the short Income Letter. What a cheek.

Why could you not have picked up your passport when you were there. Here in Chiang Mai busy as ii is we get same day service.

We here in Chiang Mai have to wait a bit more than in Jomtie. It is not the fault of the office here it is duwe to the immagration in Bangkok. They allow for staff of 66 but we only have 52 and they can not hire locally it must come from Bangkok and Bangkok ignores the requests. Maybe you are getting the workers that should be here.We only have two staff doing renewals.

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I'm not pretending to get supporters or detractors with this. I just wanted to give my personal view of the matter. Far from it I gather the profile of most of expatriates in Thailand.

Four years ago, I married my wife in Thailand, and after three months of paperwork she could come to Spain without further mishap. Needless to say, she did not have to leave the country, if she don't have the enough amount of money, every three months, or pay any fee, that is what is practiced here. Once in Spain she received an ID as foreigner married to an EU citizen, and that's it.

Six months ago (seeing how Europe -if Spain can be called Europe rolleyes.gif - is sinking and families with it) I came to Thailand self-exiled biggrin.png with my wife and our 2 year old daughter, and the truth that the treatment I receive in the "uniformed chimps country" is not the same. No upbraided them, because they want to protect their country from the powerful wealthy Westerners. But <deleted>>, I'm a working class family head. I could not make myself strong here nor even wanting. Overwhelms me having to leave the country every three months "to pay the fee" (obviously I have not the famous -or infamous- 400,000 baht), and make me waste time and money. If it's just make me pay every three months in a Thai embassy or consulate in a neighboring country, they might make me go to any office inside the country and pay, even a little more, and thus I'd have a more human concept about their rules.

Also, I do not think it's a matter of pride to publish news of how my country grows economically due the fees we make to pay to foreigners trying to live here, or due the "full stupid party" -yes, I live in Koh Phangan-, or the cheap prostitution of the country and its subsidiaries of sex workers.

I do not pretend to understand the Thais simply that see us as human beings too. That we are not walking ATMs, or in our countries doesn't rains money.

Sorry for my English whistling.gif

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At Jomtien, I have ALWAYS had to wait until the next day to collect my passport. It might be different for people starting in the morning. My last extension just took a really long time compared to the past. I was seen promptly enough for the initial meeting, but then for the second stage where a staff person does some processing there was a large stack of passports, a large crowd and a wait well over an hour simply to get the plastic number thingie to collect the passport the next day. That might seem trivial for other offices, but in my experience a major change at Jomtien.

Edited by Jingthing
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I don't quite understand what do mean, I don't think that I am special, what I think is that like in most of other countries, if you have a blood relationship with the country that you have come to(husband/wife son/oughter etc) immigration rules should be easier in relation to those that don't have any other connection than work, investment or something like that, I do work hard to stay here, with my family, and you can save your pity for yourself, I don't need it.

For Thais to get partner (or similar) visas for other countries, the sponsor needs to prove that they can provide for their partner. The Thai government puts the requirement on the person looking to stay here rather than on the Thai.

That only applies to an initial period of stay (usually 6 - 12 months) depeding on the country. After that application for permanent residence can be pursued (as long as you have proof of a relationship of at least 2 years - NOT marriage, just a relatiosnhip).

Unrelated to your post:

The UK/US/AUS might have "tough" immigration rules, but their rules include a humanitarian aspect i.e. families should be together. Thailand has no problem denying visas to people that have been married for 10+ years, because suddenly their financial situation has changed. This is absolute BS and would never happen in the west (In most countries you'll have citizenship after 5/6 - but definitely PR after your first year.)

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