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Are you sure he even understood what you were talking about? I really doubt that there is any such thing as a baht bus hotline, with English speakers to help with your problem, or any problem, but then again, you would have found out, if you called. I dont think they are overly concerned with a few farangs complaining, they cant really see that far into the future, that someday, they will need customers. Have you seen anyone here that worries about tomorrow? A bird in the hand is worth more ............................. I am a Pattaya Pessimistic, since nothing changes for the better.

This thread will probably get to be as long as the jet-ski thread, but the scams just keep coming. At least with the jet-ski's, we can do something, by not renting, and letting others know about the problem, but if you need to take a baht bus, what are your options, walk, take a taxi, or take the bus?? As for the Russians, that we all love to hate, they probably dont even realize how the system works, or did work, until they came along. They are just caught up in the same problem, how to get from point A to B.

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And what is the bus number ?

We could make a list of all the corrupt drivers.

I think that would be a name and shame, so can't do.

We could always just name the good ones............wouldn't be a very long list!


As I've said, I consider what I did a mistake. The best practice would have been to exit the truck and pay the 10 baht and ... better luck next time.

The best practice would be to complain to as many people as you possibly can. The coop, the Mayor, the tourist police, the regular police, the Thai tourism authority, local papers, local TV, Uncle Tom Cobbley. Do it anonymously if you fear repercussions.

If you dont complain you are just wasting your time and compounding the problem. Only if people complain will anything ever be done to stop this, or anything else for that matter.


I wasn't addressing complain or don't complain in that snippet. I was addressing avoiding being confrontational with a potentially violent/armed baht bus driver (and their potential buddies) when complaint-worthy incidents occur. Obviously I recently didn't follow my own advice about that and the risk of doing that really wasn't worth it. I was lucky to get out of that unscathed and now I've got to watch out for this one "enemy" driver as long as I ride the system. Again, not worth it.


I believe the baht buses have the same drivers (sometimes two). Their picture(s) and identifying information (including name in English) are usually on the back window of the cab.


I believe the baht buses have the same drivers (sometimes two). Their picture(s) and identifying information (including name in English) are usually on the back window of the cab.

Interestingly, the bus of the incident had no driver ID in the back of the cab or even the truck number. Instead there was a HUGE poster ad for something. But the truck number was on the SIDE of the truck.

As I said before, I haven't told all the gory details about this incident here and I don't think I will. But part of the adventure is this driver was actually STALKING me for a while and it's been a long time since I've heard so many F Us. That's not a happy feeling.


.... and now I've got to watch out for this one "enemy" driver as long as I ride the system.

Wow. I've been travelling on bahtbuses for 30+ years and I couldn't remember what any of the drivers looks like if my life depended on it, and I dont suppose for one second that any of them can remember me given that I look exactly like a million other farangs. I think you worry too much.

Or maybe your clothes are the same design as your avatar, in which case just get a plain t-shirt.


Too all the posters who keep banging on about " it's only 10 baht" and "they do a hard job",they are completely missing the point,it's the principle that's important here . Why should I someone who works in Thailand and has no other income from my country of birth pay more than a Thai doing exactly the same . Why should I be expected to tip and called a cheap charly when I don't when the Thais do not . Tipping has never been part of Thai culture or custom exept among farang tourist areas

All you "do gooders" throwing your money around trying to give a "good impression " because you can afford it are coursing big problems for people like me who are trying to live like the Thais in Thailand , because 9 times out of 10 when you pay double the normal price the Thais don't think "oh there go's a kind person" they are probably thinking " what an idiot"


.... and now I've got to watch out for this one "enemy" driver as long as I ride the system.

Wow. I've been travelling on bahtbuses for 30+ years and I couldn't remember what any of the drivers looks like if my life depended on it, and I dont suppose for one second that any of them can remember me given that I look exactly like a million other farangs. I think you worry too much.

Or maybe your clothes are the same design as your avatar, in which case just get a plain t-shirt.

He took my picture but I tried to avert my face not sure if he got it or not. He made a point of communicating that he was recording my face in his memory. Surely you know about the famous Thai memory. There is more. I told you I haven't told ALL the gory details. Still skeptical that I should be afraid of this guy? Your experience of 20 years has nothing to do with the incident last night. Trust me folks, don't be stupid like me. Do NOT directly challenge these lunatics -- EVER.

Frankly, about this incident, I really can't complain even if it was going to do something. That's because this guy does know who I am and is likely to see me again, and if he hears about this complaint, he will know it was me, and I am sure this guy is potentially dangerous.

I think for complaints, don't do like I did, take their info, don't make waves, and don't threaten them with your complaint. On the other hand one time I mentioned complaining to another driver and he laughed at me. I can't really know if complaining ever does anything or if his reaction to the threat had anything to do with a real fear of people complaining, though in his case, if any driver has a previous record, he would.

My feeling however, best guess really, is his actions of intimidation were done not only to scare me right then (it worked) but also to dissuade me from reporting him (it also worked). The not taking the money thing also confirms that guess, as technically he could charge me with shirking payment even though he wouldn't accept any money.


They feel invincible and I think many are of duty cops.

A friend of mine, driving with his family in his SUV bumped mirrors with one. The baht bus driver became confrontational and my friend retreated to Soi 9 police station with the baht bus in pursuit. Right in the police station parking lot, the irate driver smashed in the windshield of the SUV, then drove away.


.... I think many are of duty cops.

I think policemen in Pattaya have incomes high enough to avoid having to moonlight as bahtbus drivers.

They take the most lucrative spots, right outside shopping centers / hotels and overcharge the customers. What are you gonna do when you exit BigC with your stuff, walk?

Police scammers that use their position to control the prime scam areas.


It seems to me if a person is scared and easily intimidated, maybe it would be best to try and keep a low profile.

That may be true, but if someone can tell me what is to be gained by directly confronting corrupt baht bus drivers even if you're a prize fighter, I'd like to hear that.

Seriously, imagine if that driver in this incident was afraid of me physically, do you seriously think he would have caved on his demands to the entire load of people, gotten back in the driver's seat and continued on as a regular bus and stopped doing the same thing with next load of his victims?

What could someone fearless do anyway even in a fight? Any driver has the quick aid of gangs of baht bus drivers, motorcycle drivers, and the police ...

I am only asking academically because I AM afraid of Thai thugs especially when they gang up and I think that's the rational response.

The incident gave me an idea of what to do with my jar of SATANG coins I've got sitting around and assumed I'd never touch. Paying with SATANG coins would have been a passive aggressive way of making a statement the other night (at Pattaya Tai, just get off the bus and pay).

This being intimidated in the face of corruption backed by threatened, implied, or real violence actually reflects back to much bigger aspects of Pattaya and Thai society in general. As most of us know, Pattaya and this country is massively corrupt, and those small minority of Thais (where are they???) who might have the cajones to actually confront that corruption know they risk their lives just as much as mafia fighters did in Sicily. Very few Thais care enough to do that, so foreign residents with no real status in Thailand should? That sounds rather insane to me, just my opinion.

Yes baht bus games are small change. I realize that. But it's a symptom.


It seems to me if a person is scared and easily intimidated, maybe it would be best to try and keep a low profile.

That may be true, but if someone can tell me what is to be gained by directly confronting corrupt baht bus drivers even if you're a prize fighter, I'd like to hear that.

Seriously, imagine if that driver in this incident was afraid of me physically, do you seriously think he would have caved on his demands to the entire load of people, gotten back in the driver's seat and continued on as a regular bus and stopped doing the same thing with next load of his victims?

What could someone fearless do anyway even in a fight? Any driver has the quick aid of gangs of baht bus drivers, motorcycle drivers, and the police ...

I am only asking academically because I AM afraid of Thai thugs especially when they gang up and I think that's the rational response.

The incident gave me an idea of what to do with my jar of SATANG coins I've got sitting around and assumed I'd never touch. Paying with SATANG coins would have been a passive aggressive way of making a statement the other night (at Pattaya Tai, just get off the bus and pay).

This being intimidated in the face of corruption backed by threatened, implied, or real violence actually reflects back to much bigger aspects of Pattaya and Thai society in general. As most of us know, this country is massively corrupt, and those minority of Thais who might have the cajones to actually confront that corruption know they risk their life just as much as mafia fighters did in Sicily. Very few Thais care enough to do that, so foreign residents with no real status in Thailand should?

I am just saying sometimes it is best to keep a low profile, no offense. It does seem to me from reading your previous posts that you enjoy confronting these drivers. Almost like it is a daily thing and especially trying to get tourists and other people on the bus to get involved. If you use the baht buses as much as it seems you do, of course these drivers will get to know you and probably why they stop at Pattaya Tai knowing you will not pay to go further. Using your satang is just another way to antagonize them. I don't know your age but I am up there in retirement years and not looking for a cardiac arrest over an unfair 10 baht charge in a third world country. Like the song says, "know when to hold them and know when to fold them" smile.png


This driver didn't know me BEFORE that incident. Your impressions of my general daily experiences on the baht buses with the drivers and passengers is absurdly exaggerated and false. I have very good techniques of AVOIDING conflict on baht buses (I have posted them before). This recent incident where I stupidly confronted a corrupt driver was an unusual, unfortunate, and very regrettable slip up from my usual M.O.


This driver didn't know me BEFORE that incident. Your impressions of my general daily experiences on the baht buses with the drivers and passengers is absurdly exaggerated and false. I have very good techniques of AVOIDING conflict on baht buses (I have posted them before). This recent incident where I stupidly confronted a corrupt driver was an unusual, unfortunate, and very regrettable slip up from my usual M.O.

Having a "technique" and an "M.O" to ride a baht bus is absurd. Majority of riders enjoy this great inexpensive system. You will always have the naysayers on any topic in this forum.


Majority of riders enjoy this great inexpensive system. You will always have the naysayers on any topic in this forum.

I doubt you can speak for majority of riders, but maybe you can.

It is not a great system. Everybody I know hates riding it, last couple of years many who live in South Pattaya don't go to Jomtien beach during hi season no longer, because getting back in the afternoon is very painful. Even on the best day it is far from enjoyable. And having an MO and a technique is the only way to use baht bus, knowing where to get on, where not to stand and waite like fool etc


Majority of riders enjoy this great inexpensive system. You will always have the naysayers on any topic in this forum.

I doubt you can speak for majority of riders, but maybe you can.

It is not a great system. Everybody I know hates riding it, last couple of years many who live in South Pattaya don't go to Jomtien beach during hi season no longer, because getting back in the afternoon is very painful. Even on the best day it is far from enjoyable. And having an MO and a technique is the only way to use baht bus, knowing where to get on, where not to stand and waite like fool etc

I disagree with you as I find it not perfect but a great service. You are right I can not speak for majority of riders but on the other hand one can not quote prices just because they think that is what it is. The fare should be posted but it is not and like another poster mentioned they probably don't want to post it. As far as the mentioned technique and MO, it had nothing to do with where to stand or wait but rather on dealing with the fare confrontation. From my point of view, baht bus confrontations over fares is just not a good idea. Can you just imagine a baht bus driver taking your picture and making copies for the other drivers. Not a safe environment to live in. Kind of like the reverse of a previous poster wanting to post names of bad drivers. Drivers posting bad customers (in there view)


Anyone who has read my threads on baht buses over the years would already know that I also think the baht bus system is a welcome, frequent, effective (for its limited routes) and cost effective system for riders, tourists and residents alike. But with some pretty obvious flaws. Such as the baht bus queue in South Pattaya which often becomes a madhouse, both unruly riders and sometimes Kapo like Thai "helpers" add misery to the scene. Most recently the high season peak times lack of availability of ANY seats from Jomtien for those not willing to tough it out for as long as an hour and/or walk or take a ride in the OPPOSITE direction.

My M.O. guidelines are designed to both avoid conflicts AND to assure that you are paying the correct fare, as best as any of us can really know the correct fare given its inherent ambiguity.

My recent unfortunate unpleasant event happened because I stupidly failed to follow my standard M.O. What happened actually confirmed the wisdom of my M.O. not that you have to a rocket scientist to have predicted that.

I understand why people would think having a baht bus riding M.O. sounds absurd. Not saying it isn't absurd, but when I follow it ... it works. So I see no harm in embracing absurdity sometimes.

When compared to Phuket we are doing very well.

When compared to Bangkok, not so well.

The need for a fleet of real taxi meters is obvious and also the need to make the buses act as buses (not "taxis") and to actually stick to their routes predictably is also obvious.


I don't quite understand why people use the queue in South Pattaya going to Jomtien (where I live) as I have always got my baht buses outside of Bamboo bar on Pattaya Tai as the buses turning right go to Jomtien. My M.O. (10 baht). Also I must admit I don't travel at high volume times. I also use a motorbike in heavy traffic times. I agree that we have it better than Pkuket and in Bangkok there is the tram system or metered taxi which is not unreasonable. I know we have a flawed system, but still I find it meets the travel needs of most users. Part of the problem is the big increase of users in the last couple years and the many more tourists willing to pay the buy out rates. I have taken the "bus" once which was 20 baht Jomtien to roundabout, but it is just by accident when you see it. Anyway happy baht busing to all no matter what you choose to pay.

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BTW, if it turns my fun times baht bus driver (Khun <deleted> I like to think of him as, because that was most of his vocabulary) has spread my photo to fellow truckers all over town and the drivers en masse won't stop for me anymore ... well ... no ... I STILL won't buy a motorbike!

I might dye my hair or wear a funny wig though! Blending in, that's the ticket.thumbsup.gif

That or try to look Russian by carrying one of those plastic baskets with holes their men seem to carry. What are those baskets for exactly?


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It gets very tiresome riding the baht buses in Pattaya after a prolonged period of time. The little things start to grate after awhile. Drivers changing the route whenever they feel like it. It seems to happen frequently in high season. Drivers not stopping unless you want to do a charter. Erratic driving of some drivers and inconsideration of some customers etc etc

I am back home driving my own car and it is a relief after six months of using the baht buses. I am surprised that JT hasn't done his lolly sooner as he has been doing the baht bus thing for a long time and does long trips from Jomtien to Pattaya. My trips are all small in comparison as my home base is Pattaya Klang.

There are not many options other than getting a scooter which carries unacceptable risks for me but maybe in the end if you are going to stay long term in Pattaya you might have to bite the bullet and do the unthinkable and get a scooter.


I broke down and brought the scooter for my G/F a couple years ago. Even tho I have a Thai MB license I usually let her drive as she actually is a better driver than I am. One thing I have found is there are so many more places to go where a hassle on baht buses. I like to shop at Macro for instance and almost impossible to get there on baht bus from where I live. Also going to 3rd road (Cherry's) is hard by baht bus. I admit it is not the safest form of travel, but what the hell live dangerous.


Anyone know if there is any other transportation than motorbike taxis up soi watboon (jomtien soi 12) ?

Its 20 baht ride with a motorbike to beach road but I hate it.

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