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Sinsod 1 Million Baht


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Surely the oiffer of 20 baht was a joke which got passed on or taken literally, i suspect.

Personally I have never paid a penny, explianed that I was against it and we discussed it, eventually 40k baht was used, 1 baht gold given to wife which she kept, money returned immediately after the ceremony. Family save face, everyone happy.

thats the way to go, better take care family all the time, but sure put some money and gold on the table just for respect for the family, just not insult the Mom with 20 bath that's stupid, remember you take her daughter, and income they don't have big retirement here, so think who have to help when mom get to old to work.Good system

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i also was asked for a sinsod amount 400.000 my wife at the time 46 year 3 adult children

because i had done my home work about this subject made the offer of 100.000 which was accepted

about 2 months after the marriage wife gets letter from bank saying unless the bank loan was paid the home would be reposessed mmmmmmmmmmmmm ok my reaction to this was no sinsod but i would pay bank,

this offer was immediately accepted but the twist is the bank payment 200.000

do all your home work another Thai tradition borrow as much as you can and forget to repay

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Need to know more information.

Roi Et is a very poor area. If the mother is a rice-farmer, then the 1 million baht + 10 baht of gold is an insult.

What does your gf work as? What's her education? This is important.

I've even heard of guys being asked for 500,000 baht when the girl in question is divorced, 35 years old with kids! This is a blatant insult and the reply offer of 20 baht is not less insulting.

A good point, insulting offers do work both ways. Not sure if i would have come back with a 20 baht offer however

The OP could fill in a few more details for us all.

the offer of 20 baht was made in a private conversation between me and my girl friend in the car away from the family.

Perhaps it didn't remain private............

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My sinsod was 7mil THB. In saying that, minus the cost of the wedding, we got it all back. The large amount was solely due to face value (well know family business) and making the son in law look good. Stupid I know but it's easier to just do what you're told I find!

Most families (at least Chinese Thai family) will give the sinsod back from what I'm aware.

In saying that, the amount can vary. There is no hard and fast rule either.

Sounds like the girls mum had no sense of humour!

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Surely the oiffer of 20 baht was a joke which got passed on or taken literally, i suspect.

Personally I have never paid a penny, explianed that I was against it and we discussed it, eventually 40k baht was used, 1 baht gold given to wife which she kept, money returned immediately after the ceremony. Family save face, everyone happy.

Run a mile. If your financial status is all that's important, the rest of the relationship will be a failure.

Spot on Neeranam......the best way to find out if your missus true to you (money wise).... is let the cash flow slowly dry up for 6 months or so and see if she hangs around..worked for my mates

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Sin Sod is to be negotiated on, instead you apparently felt the need to insult her mother with an offer of 20 baht. No wonder your relation broke up.

You could have explained that in your culture sin sod is not done and you are not comfortable with it and start from there.

Bearing in mind ...alot of Thais havent got a sense of humour too

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Sin Sod is to be negotiated on, instead you apparently felt the need to insult her mother with an offer of 20 baht. No wonder your relation broke up.

You could have explained that in your culture sin sod is not done and you are not comfortable with it and start from there.

>Need to know more information.

Roi Et is a very poor area. If the mother is a rice-farmer, then the 1 million baht + 10 baht of gold is an insult.

What does your gf work as? What's her education? This is important.

I've even heard of guys being asked for 500,000 baht when the girl in question is divorced, 35 years old with kids! This is a blatant insult and the reply offer of 20 baht is not less insu


she runs a small resort of 4 bungalows in koh lanta, her education she left school early to take care of her sisters children, however she is now studying law, she is 34 with no children, I am 41 with 2 children. Her ex-boyfriend is 76 he funded the resort. Mother is a rice farmer.

This says it all run like hell and do not look backcheesy.gif


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My sinsod was 7mil THB. In saying that, minus the cost of the wedding, we got it all back. The large amount was solely due to face value (well know family business) and making the son in law look good. Stupid I know but it's easier to just do what you're told I find!

Most families (at least Chinese Thai family) will give the sinsod back from what I'm aware.

In saying that, the amount can vary. There is no hard and fast rule either.

Sounds like the girls mum had no sense of humour!

Are you telling us that you put up over $200,000 on the 'understanding' that it would be given back? You did that because 'you were told'???

Who has $200K+ in ready cash? The only place for that sort of money is earning an income, and to have it in cash denotes a mug to me..

Edited by F4UCorsair
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the offer of 20 baht was made in a private conversation between me and my girl friend in the car away from the family.

If she has the typical Thai mindset, and has not had exposure to western philosophies, you need to understand a few things (you may know this already but may not have clicked).

When you talked to her and offered her 20 baht, away from the flapping ears of the family, you may have thought it was a few words said in jest between the two of you. The reality is, you were speaking in jest about her family to her, to her mother, and her father, as well as to the village all at once (she will repeat everything you say about the family, even if you ask her not to) - you were putting a price on the family.

Sin sot is about bragging rights in many cases, about who can get the most presented at the ceremony, who can have the newest cars, who can have the biggest houses. In my case, the sin sot is being asked because another girl in the village got 800,000 - the mother now wants to beat that with 1 million because of their standing in the community.

I argue that because I bought her to my country, sponsored her visas, got her a job here which pays well and will give her a future, cover all costs in the household and because she saves almost her entire salary in her own accounts (we have a shared account we use for a dinner a few times a week when I am off work) that this should be taken into consideration -- but the family see this as the natural duty of a man in Thailand, ignorant of the fact that women have equal rights, responsibilities and (arguably) opportunities in the western world.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Surely the oiffer of 20 baht was a joke which got passed on or taken literally, i suspect.

Personally I have never paid a penny, explianed that I was against it and we discussed it, eventually 40k baht was used, 1 baht gold given to wife which she kept, money returned immediately after the ceremony. Family save face, everyone happy.

Same situation with me, 200,000 baht was shown to people and luckily my parents in law understood westerners don't like it one bit. As Charlie said "Family save face, everyone happy." Everyone was a winner that day.

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