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Things That Grate On You In Pattaya....

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Red necks are the crust of the earth and create good county music. Did one ever kick you ass to make you dislike them?

au contraire monsieur

i love rednecks and country music

duck dynasty is my favorite reality show

it was the KKK that kicked my ass.....

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Is this all you have to worry about ? In the collective flotsam and jetsom that makes up pattaya your peeved with PCX riders ( why them in particular), smokers with open windows and sunglasses indoors......is this the collective sum of your frustration...

Please.. get a life


Moaners!! Understand?

Agreed! People hanging their cigs out the window? Sunglasses indoors? How can this grate on a person? How does this infringe on your well-being? Give me a break.

There's far worse in Pattaya but I don't need to mention it because everyone knows.

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Moaners!! Understand?

Agreed! People hanging their cigs out the window? Sunglasses indoors? How can this grate on a person? How does this infringe on your well-being? Give me a break.

There's far worse in Pattaya but I don't need to mention it because everyone knows.

seems you feel empowered to speak for the ''everyone' collective about the worst of Pattaya

so you must be very well informed about the subject

here's the break you requested, so lets hear it

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Pattaya. The place annoys the shizzle out of me. Threes not one thing but the entire monstrosity of it all sickens my stomach.


Pattaya. The place annoys the shizzle out of me. Threes not one thing but the entire monstrosity of it all sickens my stomach.

You know what they say. When your tired of Pattaya, you're tired of Pattaya. The bus station is THAT WAY.

I don't think the idea of the thread is bashing Pattaya as a whole, probably mostly from people who don't live here. The idea to me is more like being much more SPECIFIC.

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Another thing is its propensity to attract men who didn't get any when they were young. It makes it feel like a horny old peoples home...

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Don't worry dude I found out where the bus station was 20 years ago.

Pattaya. The place annoys the shizzle out of me. Threes not one thing but the entire monstrosity of it all sickens my stomach.

You know what they say. When your tired of Pattaya, you're tired of Pattaya. The bus station is THAT WAY.

Why is this thread still open mods?

Better question: why are people who object to the concept of this thread bothering to post in it? coffee1.gif



Don't worry dude I found out where the bus station was 20 years ago.

Pattaya. The place annoys the shizzle out of me. Threes not one thing but the entire monstrosity of it all sickens my stomach.

You know what they say. When your tired of Pattaya, you're tired of Pattaya. The bus station is THAT WAY.

So you're saying you haven't been here in 20 years? If that's the case, how would a person know a thing about today's Pattaya?


I don't mind the Russians, but too many mean there is never a quiet period any more. They are everywhere.


Moaners!! Understand?

Agreed! People hanging their cigs out the window? Sunglasses indoors? How can this grate on a person? How does this infringe on your well-being? Give me a break.

There's far worse in Pattaya but I don't need to mention it because everyone knows.

seems you feel empowered to speak for the ''everyone' collective about the worst of Pattaya

so you must be very well informed about the subject

here's the break you requested, so lets hear it

If all you have to complain about in Patters is people with their arm out a car window flicking ashes and people wearing sunglasses indoors, then you are either a rank newbie or never leave home. In which case you have "too much time on your hands" and "need to get a life".

i repeat for the presumptive out there and if the cap fits...


Phrase used by insecure xenophobes as a response to someone with different hobbies, interests or attitudes to themselves.

These people often think they have a lot of friends, but usually nobody really cares for them.

2 .considered to be the ultimate insult for insecure people who have nothing better to say.

people who use this "diss" have no life themselves.

they usually say this to feel better about their own sad lives by criticizing someone else's "life".

too much time on their hands:

A phrase used by a simple-minded person to demean the creativity, efforts, interests and achievements of another because they do not specifically relate to said simple-minded person's interests.

While it is sometimes used when referring to a genuine waste of time, generally its usage pertains to interests that are very much a legitimate way to spend time.

There is nothing wrong with having hobbies, even if they aren't mainstream.


Pattaya. The place annoys the shizzle out of me. Threes not one thing but the entire monstrosity of it all sickens my stomach.

You know what they say. When your tired of Pattaya, you're tired of Pattaya. The bus station is THAT WAY.
Don't worry dude I found out where the bus station was 20 years ago.
Yes, I know. And then they went and moved the whole <deleted>' bus station and it was game over huh?

one more

people that try and rationalize everything

Or people who think all problems exist solely in Thailand and are too blind to see that most problems exist to greater or lesser degrees everywhere in the world, including the country from which they escaped, but which they remember as being a land of milk & honey, where never is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day.

Now altogether, let's sing the TV Moaners anthem, with apologies to Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe who wrote the words and music for My Fair Lady:

A Hymn to Farang (sung to a Hymn to Him) ... and yes this is meant to be sarcasm.

Thais are irrational, that's all there is to that!

They're nothing but exasperating, irritating,

vacillating, calculating, agitating,

Maddening and infuriating wags!

[To Pickering]

Pickering, why can't a Thai be more like a farang?





Why can't a Thai be more like a farang?

Farang are so honest, so thoroughly square;

Eternally noble, historic'ly fair;

Who, when you win, will always give your back

a pat.

Well, why can't a Thai be like that?

Why does ev'ryone do what the others do?

Why don't they grow up- well, like farang instead?

Why can't a Thai take after a farang?

Farang are so pleasant, so easy to please;

Whenever you are with them, you're always at ease.

The original Rex Harrison version:

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The OP has raised a couple of my '<deleted>?' moments, although they don't seem Pattaya-specific.

I mean do people really leave the condo at 8 o'clock at night for a night on the piss and stick the sunglasses on the top of the head? I mean why? They are SUNGLASSES for f*cks sakes!!! Maybe they are a hair accessory these days but the dude has a shaved <deleted>' head!!!

The blinged out farang Fortuner with aircon running flat out, window down with the flick, flick, flick of the cigarette. Cooling the whole town dude?

Now my other favourite gripes. The stopped shopping cart at the supermarket, casually angle-parked right in the middle of the aisle while the shopper buggers around in the freezer or picks out their veggies. Or letting the kids push the loaded cart... really???!!! You can't drive worth a sh!t so how you reckon the kids can do any better?

The pensioner with a thing for ping pong balls in gogo bars. Honestly sir, that's just NOT cool. Especially the third and fourth basket full.

There must be an honorable mention for the perpetual queue jumper. I mean, I am about 2 meters tall and around 100 kilos. Whenever did THAT make me invisible???

The 5PM traffic crawl where the cute dolly on the step-through in front of you is suddenly overwhelmed with the need to stop and eat THOSE noodles, the ones RIGHT THERE beside her... and stops the bike and steps away, oblivious to the blocked traffic.

Back in the supermarket, there's the 'express lane - 10 items max' abusers. The ones that quickly empty all 42 items onto the desk and push the empty cart through while the check-out girl is still giving the previous customer his change. Or the variation when there's a special on (for example) fish sauce so the load up a cart with 100 bottles and then have all the family, mum, dad, kids, auntie and granny all take turns to get their MORE THAN 10 bottles each through the checkout.

OK, so some of you are appeasers and accept that this is normal for the place you chose to live. But be honest and tell us what really makes you grind your teeth, spit the dummy or throw the toys out of the pram.

love it!

great post!

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people who can't drive between lines on the road and won't keep in lane , who are likely to be the same people who can't park in car parks within the lines and the parking attendants that let them park that way

bike drivers who insist in squeezing into the miniscule gap at a junction when i am turning left

people who just stop abruptly, especially at the bottom of moving stairways

overuse of the word mafia to describe anyone remotely criminal or that has a moustache


The OP has raised a couple of my '<deleted>?' moments, although they don't seem Pattaya-specific.

I mean do people really leave the condo at 8 o'clock at night for a night on the piss and stick the sunglasses on the top of the head? I mean why? They are SUNGLASSES for f*cks sakes!!! Maybe they are a hair accessory these days but the dude has a shaved <deleted>' head!!!

The blinged out farang Fortuner with aircon running flat out, window down with the flick, flick, flick of the cigarette. Cooling the whole town dude?

Now my other favourite gripes. The stopped shopping cart at the supermarket, casually angle-parked right in the middle of the aisle while the shopper buggers around in the freezer or picks out their veggies. Or letting the kids push the loaded cart... really???!!! You can't drive worth a sh!t so how you reckon the kids can do any better?

The pensioner with a thing for ping pong balls in gogo bars. Honestly sir, that's just NOT cool. Especially the third and fourth basket full.

There must be an honorable mention for the perpetual queue jumper. I mean, I am about 2 meters tall and around 100 kilos. Whenever did THAT make me invisible???

The 5PM traffic crawl where the cute dolly on the step-through in front of you is suddenly overwhelmed with the need to stop and eat THOSE noodles, the ones RIGHT THERE beside her... and stops the bike and steps away, oblivious to the blocked traffic.

Back in the supermarket, there's the 'express lane - 10 items max' abusers. The ones that quickly empty all 42 items onto the desk and push the empty cart through while the check-out girl is still giving the previous customer his change. Or the variation when there's a special on (for example) fish sauce so the load up a cart with 100 bottles and then have all the family, mum, dad, kids, auntie and granny all take turns to get their MORE THAN 10 bottles each through the checkout.

OK, so some of you are appeasers and accept that this is normal for the place you chose to live. But be honest and tell us what really makes you grind your teeth, spit the dummy or throw the toys out of the pram.

I mean do people really leave the condo at 8 o'clock at night for a

night on the piss and stick the sunglasses on the top of the head?

Yes they do, they are referred to as antipodeans, or Ozzys to you and me, although my Ozzy friends refer to them as, bogans, thats, pikey or chavs to you and me.

Take a careful look to see which side of the head the "sunnies" are on, front of forehead tilted upwards, or back of head, or even worse, a hat on the head with the sunnies place on top of the hat.

Get with it, its all the rage in Wonga Wonga.

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