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Norwegian Proves His Love For Thailand With A Tattoo


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According to a government insider, the Tourism Authority of Thailand is now researching a scheme to provide free "Love Thailand" tattoo vouchers for arriving tourists in a bit to bolster Thailands international image, after all, if millions of farang publicly state they love Thailand that should do wonders for the tourism industry! The TAT has submitted a request to the governmnet to increase their budget by an undisclosed amount...

In related news, the Ministry for Culture is trying to get in on the budget action by trying to limit the appropriate body parts that can be made available to the Tattoo scheme. They have submitted a request to the government to divert some of the TAT's budget increase to fund their research into officially approved body parts. It is rumoured that the TAT is not happy about this development...

Further, the Ministry of Silly Walks, is also trying to partake in the Tattoo scheme frenzie, but has not been able to come up with a plausible contribution, yet.

That's all folks, will keep you updated.

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I wonder if the tattooist was Thai?

Because he has put a "mai dtrii" tone mark on top of the "m" of "meuang" instead of the vowel "sara eugh".

And "meuang" is often used for "city", so "prathet" would have been better.

Apart from that, nice job. blink.png

Its not mai dtrii, its one of the eeuuu vowels its just difficult to make out, and the turn of phrase is quite acceptable with either meuang or prathet.

The real point is that its a dopey tattoo, next story please.

Looks like a mai dtrii to me post-35489-0-30613700-1369996705.gif rather than the eugh vowel post-35489-0-55679600-1369998991.jpg :


Maybe something has happened to the lower part of the vowel? huh.png



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i also know a guy he has a buddah tat on his arm and says in thai i love thailand only he knows it says that because the guy who put it there says so why not put it in english so we in the uk know what it says anyway if you love some where that much why dont you go and stay there the guy with it on his neck is young and stupid but we all done stupid things so be it

Could you make that any harder to read. My eyes were out of breath by the third line.

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I think he should charge people to see this tattoo. Naturally Thais should be charged 4 times that of Farangs and see how they like it!

Hey its there country and you're enjoying their low cost labour reflected in your cost of eating well and enjoying your life in comparisson to the west. If its that much of a bother to you, stop yapping and take action! GO HOME ;D :P

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I think he should charge people to see this tattoo. Naturally Thais should be charged 4 times that of Farangs and see how they like it!

Hey its there country and you're enjoying their low cost labour reflected in your cost of eating well and enjoying your life in comparisson to the west. If its that much of a bother to you, stop yapping and take action! GO HOME ;D tongue.png

Ohhhh! as an afterthought, my apologies, what you probably really meant is Thais should have to pay the same as YOU, so that THEIR costs are higher right? because what you really mean is that you are outraged that Thais are payed so low, and that YOU would gladly pay more for absolutley everything just to see Thais paid on an equal level to what you would work for right? Oh, but then maybe you would'nt have a 'choice' about going home, maybe then you would HAVE to go home because you could no longer afford to live well at the cost of the fruit of others labours right? :D hahahaha

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I never took a liking to tattoos personally, but I never judge anyone by their tats or tits.

As for the love of Thailand, I have traveled the world over, many times, and feel this is truly my home.

The good, bad, messed up beauty is only taken in well over time and deep retrospect.

To unhinge only the negative aspects is truly one dimensional and unequivocal.

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I wonder if the tattooist was Thai?

Because he has put a "mai dtrii" tone mark on top of the "m" of "meuang" instead of the vowel "sara eugh".

And "meuang" is often used for "city", so "prathet" would have been better.

Apart from that, nice job. blink.png

Its not mai dtrii, its one of the eeuuu vowels its just difficult to make out, and the turn of phrase is quite acceptable with either meuang or prathet.

The real point is that its a dopey tattoo, next story please.

Looks like a mai dtrii to me attachicon.gifmaidtree.gif rather than the eugh vowel attachicon.gifeeugh.JPG :


Maybe something has happened to the lower part of the vowel? huh.png


Yeah, i see what you mean, but it looks like neither to be honest. I think maybe the kind of lettering the artist used combined with a bit of a botch job.

Jeez, we really have too much time on our hands don't we......

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I can't be bothered to read 4 pages of comments.

How is this news?

Incidentally, I know a Norwegian that had a fly tattooed on the end of his penis (done in Thailand with quite a crowd watching!). So Norwegians aren't exactly discerning about their tattoos!

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Dumbass! Love affairs never last as long as a tattoo. Maybe sucking up to Thai people will get him some points except they will only see it when he turns to leave. He should have gotten it on his forehead so all Thai people will know he loves Thailand when they see him coming. Also, employers love to hire people with neck tattoos. Dumbass!

while i think the tattoo is ridiculous, i think the highlighted statement equally so.

we don't all aspire to the life of a salaryman, some of us actually do make our own opportunities

I tried to make my own opportunities, but the Thais wouldn't let me play dice with them. So then I made some inquiries about working in one of the boiler rooms, and no one would give me any leads. Next, I considered being a time share tout, but, I couldn't get anyone to team up with me because they said the only thing worse than driving around with a fat girl on a scooter was driving with a fat guy on the back. Despite my protests that I was pleasingly plump, no one would listen. Next I considered being a DJj for some of those electro jungle parties the kids attend, but the eurotrash organizer said, he didn't think the kids would be interested in my collection of music. Too 80ish whatever that meant.

Next I thought I'd try my hand at teaching English, as I had more than enough diplomas, but the cads at the school said I was overqualified and far too intelligible when I spoke English. Besides they couldn't meet my salary request. I then thought I'd give a shot at being a F&B expert at some of the hotels. Back when I stayed at the Centara in Karon, I remembered it had an Australian cook that did the breakfasts, and if he could make runny eggs and burn everything, I couldn't do any worse. No was the answer. Then I tried the Hilton. The german guy there walks around wearing a big chef hat yelling at the staff. Heck, I could do that with my eyes closed. However, I couldn't get anyone interested in my original recipe cooking. I guess making a pepper sauce without turning it into a corn starch paste was just too extravagant.

My luck was running out, so I thought, ok, I could be a charlatan or a bounder as some parts of Thailand could always use another. Unfortunately, try as I did, I just couldn't con the tourists. The buggers insisted on nattering in Chinese or Russian. It is very hard to con folks if they don't understand you. The women I tried to befriend looked at me in disgust and had the temerity to criticize my wardrobe. There was absolutely nothing wrong with my shirts. I've had some since university and they are still ok, despite the frayed cuffs and collars. If it's dark, you really can't se it.

My friend suggested I should apply to work as a cultural performer as many continental Europeans have fetishes. The bar owners turned me down. Too old they said and the scruff on my chest wouldn't work with the foreign visitors they serviced as they wanted hairless males that looked young. Egads, what was I to do? I was getting desperate. . No worries said my best friend. I could come and collect bits and pieces of dead people for his studies. there's always a place for a scavenger. However, he warned me that I wasn't allowed to keep any gold teeth I pulled from people. Those were the property of the morgue folks and if they caught me, I'd be sent packing. What was the point then?

I asked my best friend if he could find a job for me assisting him down south when he defuses the IEDs and bombs. He was rather rude, when he said no saying he had enough stress dealing with that stuff without worrying about whether I would set something off. Anyways, to cut to the chase, he spoke to my father last time he called to check on me, and there is a chance that I can get one of those disability pensions so many foreigners seem to be on if they are not on the other government pensions. MY friend and my father both agreed that I was not mentally sound and would surely qualify for one of those allowances. So, I'm going to do the paperwork just as soon as I can figure out the forms, and then I'll be off to pattaya and maybe I'll get me one of those neck tattoos just like the guy in the picture.

If any TVFers are up for a day of balloon chasing and nursing a beer all afternoon, please let me know. I'll put on my best singlet (the one without the big stain) put on my sort of clean shorts ( think I washed them last month after I had the leaky bowels) and off we'll go. PM me for action, ok.

I'm sure that there a quite a few villages in Esaan with a vacancy for a resident idiot. laugh.png

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I can't be bothered to read 4 pages of comments.

How is this news?

Incidentally, I know a Norwegian that had a fly tattooed on the end of his penis (done in Thailand with quite a crowd watching!). So Norwegians aren't exactly discerning about their tattoos!

Just wondering how that is done. Get him aroused and then tattoo a moth, more surface area to work with? :bah:

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