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Thai man points pistol at Russian visitor in Phuket


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Why did he set up video equipment before opening the door? He must have known something was up. And he is way too calm.

He should have taken the 10,000 Baht and blamed the girl, she was the one fooling around.

I think the Russian was smart to set up the recorder before hand. He trusted his instincts and they were correct. How many of us would mouth off to an angry Thai man with a pistol pointed at us. Conversely, if the Russian started begging, that would most likely encouraged the Thai to become even more agressive.

Even with this evidence the police dismissed the case so remember that justice is pretty elusive for foreigners in Thailand.

But maybe the Ruskies will push back a little and have a few "You know?" and "This is Russia!" chats to Thai men in Moscow.

Karma OR Whose the Daddy now?

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I was expecting the actor on his knees to turn around after the guy with the gun walked out the second time to turn around and say "live from New York, it's Saturday night!"

After perusing the comments of people asking if it were set up why would the guy allow the other guy to hit him so hard in the face.

Well, I've got news for you people. Some people, men and women alike actually enjoy that type of thing.

Are the police actually investigating this alleged attack? Did the Russian man really refuse an offer of cash before it goes to court? Where did this "new story" come from?

This whole thing looks like one big really terrible gradeschool drama class bad acting farce.

Perhaps the man with the gun is trying to get his own TV reality series?

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Probably all too real because involving the police wouldn't make any sense if this was contrived. I will make a guess that the Russian was informed by the girl to be careful of her brother or husband. The cam makes perfect sense if he had prior knowledge of the visit. There is a viewer on the door so the Russian could have seen the Thai on his earlier visit. Those slaps are very real. Dialog is typical for an angry Thai with limited English ability. Gun replicas often look very real.

Doing nothing was probably the best response to the Thai idiot. Most of the readers would probably sh!t and p!ssed themselves had they been in the same situation, including the very brave macho keyboard warrior types here. Any other action by the Russian would not have much chance of survival if the gun was real.

Just can't understand why he didn't lock the door.

Edited by aguy30
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Mr Tubaev told The Phuket News’ Russian-language sister paper Novosti Phuketa that he knew she was “living with some guy” but that he was led to believe that the man was her brother.

He had lunch with Karn and her colleagues a couple of times and then, on May 26, the girls invited him to go with them to Khao Lak.

Pretty much obvious that the Russian knew that he screwed a married woman. The Thai guy played "Russian roulette with him.

What would happen to a Thai screwing a married Russian woman, let's say in Moscow? Russian roulette with a real gun, I'd think....-w00t.gif

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Probably all too real because involving the police wouldn't make any sense if this was contrived. I will make a guess that the Russian was informed by the girl to be careful of her brother or husband. The cam makes perfect sense if he had prior knowledge of the visit. There is a viewer on the door so the Russian could have seen the Thai on his earlier visit. Those slaps are very real. Dialog is typical for an angry Thai with limited English ability. Gun replicas often look very real.

Doing nothing was probably the best response to the Thai idiot. Most of the readers would probably sh!t and p!ssed themselves had they been in the same situation, including the very brave macho keyboard warrior types here. Any other action by the Russian would not have much chance of survival if the gun was real.

Just can't understand why he didn't lock the door.

Because it's fake. It's a totally staged event.

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Why did he set up video equipment before opening the door? He must have known something was up. And he is way too calm.

He should have taken the 10,000 Baht and blamed the girl, she was the one fooling around.[/quote

But, that would have been an admission of his inadequacy as a man. He would have been admitting typical husbandry behavior here, such as cheating, gambling away the family money, lack of affection, and not having a romantic bone in his body. Who wants to be with that? So, instead he does want a 13 year old would do. Leave my wife. Leave my country. I am a big man with a fake gun! I will hurt you. So thrilled he is pursuing the thug, though my guess is that the courts are not up to the task.

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Why did he set up video equipment before opening the door? He must have known something was up. And he is way too calm.

He should have taken the 10,000 Baht and blamed the girl, she was the one fooling around.

I think the Russian was smart to set up the recorder before hand. He trusted his instincts and they were correct. How many of us would mouth off to an angry Thai man with a pistol pointed at us. Conversely, if the Russian started begging, that would most likely encouraged the Thai to become even more agressive.

Even with this evidence the police dismissed the case so remember that justice is pretty elusive for foreigners in Thailand.

But maybe the Ruskies will push back a little and have a few "You know?" and "This is Russia!" chats to Thai men in Moscow.

Karma OR Whose the Daddy now?

"Even with this evidence the police dismissed the case so remember that justice is pretty elusive for foreigners in Thailand." Did I miss something in the story? Did they dismiss the case? I don't think they did.

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I dont know if I should laugh or cry at that story .... such courage to hit someone on his knees , typical local "wanabee" though guy ... This is a disgrace and shame for Thailand, knowing the Russian tourists numbers is very high , such story will go around on Russian TV , not good for Phuket or Thailand in general.

Got it all wrong man, this is actually good news!! Yes, this will be widely reported in Russia and, here is hoping, the Russkies will stop coming......please please.....The "gunman" told the guy to go back to Russia....hear hear, atta boy!

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I hope all that think the Thai man should be hanged would overlook their missus getting hit on and taken to Bali by the Bangladeshi dude that just moved to your neighborhood.

A normal persons reaction to someone hitting on ones gf/wife would be to let the gf/wife dismiss the person and that will usually be the end of it. If the gf/wife voluntarily runs away with the guy, then you react towards your gf/wife, not the other guy. Ie. you get upset with her (no violence), throw her out, sue her, divorse her or whatever, and let that be the end of it. Beating and threatening a stranger because of what your gf/wife is doing is rather pathetic - and illegal
Well, if the guy hits on my wife to my face, like in this case. He knows the lady lives with a man. The Russian knows the deal as in two siblings usually don't share apartment room, a house may be. So if he is so balled up to hit on her so close to my surroundings, slaps will be the least thing I ll be doing to him.

S for the wife, that's a different thing all together, but I ll not be nice to her either.

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I dont know if I should laugh or cry at that story .... such courage to hit someone on his knees , typical local "wanabee" though guy ... This is a disgrace and shame for Thailand, knowing the Russian tourists numbers is very high , such story will go around on Russian TV , not good for Phuket or Thailand in general.

Got it all wrong man, this is actually good news!! Yes, this will be widely reported in Russia and, here is hoping, the Russkies will stop coming......please please.....The "gunman" told the guy to go back to Russia....hear hear, atta boy!

The news in Russia will be 'if you o to thailand don't take another man's wife away for the weekend else the husband will come slapping you around come 3AM'.
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The case is now going through the courts. Mr Tubaev has now left Phuket.

Police told The Phuket News the gun was a replica, and could not fire bullets.

Case closed.

BIB get 10.000.- instead of the Russian, Case closed.

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maybe its a bit of a andy warhol,15 minutes of fame scenario,on youtube now there both famous,,how many hits igor,,??what to my face,,??no you tube,,,says nok,,,boring to say the least,,just seems crap,,,and im not barry norman (FILM CRITIC),,,,

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There is some funny old men in these forums.

In 2013 we record everything on our phones.

Car accident, record it, works great in a dispute or court when you show who is where when.

Somebody says or threatens you, record it.

Get it.

This guy knows somethings up with that girl and boyfriends pissed off, he's got a hunch

or the word from her friends.

Knowing he's up against little big man who is a local, he records what happens when he opens the

door as the local may say something else.

It was smart thinking to protect himself, wish he didn't have the gun.

The Russian would of bashed the crap out of him and the local would of claimed he was

attacked and cops sided with him.

He's left town because his a target for boy wonder and his friends.

The Thai Visa Secret Service need to get their detective skills into the 21st century.

Well done rusky for exposing that midget with a hand cannon.

Lets see where it goes, the whole worlds watching now.

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Why even approach the guy, she is the one in the wrong!

The Thai man provided the answer to that question:

"This is Thailand".

Sad but true

This is Thailand and we don't belong here, thai man who suspect his wife is having an affair with some falang have to save his face at any cost, pointing a gun at him, slap him, force him to get out on the balcony........I'll Leave the Rest to Your Imagination

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That video clip looks like it was all set up. Who just happens to have a camera at the ready perfectly aimed at the door. Possible that he expected this and wanted the video evidence.

I think the same. I guess this is the most powerful way to fight against people with power complex.

Then again, he took an big risk unless he knew before that the gun was indeed an replica.

It is all a setup, from both sides. The Russians reactions don't seem real, and the Thai guys anger also seems not real, looks much more like a bad actor.

But why?

slaps sure looked real

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very strange. many points already mentioned.

1. why did he set up can 2

why did not lock door after

3.why did it take 2 days to go to police

The slap looked real enough but a bit pussy really. not want to say how hard I am but with the amdrenaline that was bound to be running through my blood it would be really hard not to fight back there was many openings to take the gun off him and he was a short ass. if I didnt take him on imediately, I sure as hell would have done the minute i knew his gun wouldnt fire. If the Thai guy was really serious he would have come in with a tool he would be prepared to use like a bar and proceed to kick crap out the russian..

I dont know what to make of it really...

You know the husband wasn't serious, he showed up alone.

he had back up, smith and western

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I've watched the video quite a few times and have come to the

conclusion that the entire video is bullshit, a sham, a scam

perhaps? Who knows. The supposed Russian is way too calm

and also he never locked hs door after the feller with the

pistol walked out the frst time nor did he lock it when the same

feller walked out the final time. Furthermore...being slapped

by a local lad by the hand just ain't so...why didn't the local

lad pistol whip the Russian if he wanted to scare him; short of

blowing his ass away. Just sip satang....

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I don't claim to be a "bad ass", but with my background and training, that video would have had a much different ending. I counted at least 4 places where I could have easily taken that piece of Thai crap

Right. You're at, like, the wizard level or something, in that video game, right? Wouldn't even need to put down that diet coke in your left hand, you'd just push the red button on the joystick with your other hand. Bang bang bang, swish wosh kabang, and he'd be like, dead and stuff, and you'd enter the next level.

Top score: Just1Voice.

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