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'Hitler' Fried Chicken: KFC may sue restaurant in Thailand

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I don't think that this chicken shack is something to get your panties all up in a bunch about either, but I think that it's quite absurd to try to justify it on the basis that Jews control the world or that KFC has murdered more chickens than Hitler did Jews. If one is to go with that train of logic, one must assume that this restaurant was created in order to make a political point. I don't believe that it was.

Agreed. I've spent my likes ...

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A brief google search will show that the picture of the "Hitler" chicken restaurant in Ubon is about two years old, they've long since changed their name. Maybe somebody ought to let KFC know?

So this whole arguement is about something from 2 years ago that doesn't exist anymore?

Regardless it is fairly tasteless. If the Thais don't know anything about Hitler and westerns hate everything to do with him than why do it? I'm guessing the free publicity is what they were after, which someone stated earlier.


That restaurant in Ubon, across from the university, opened in March of 2009. I know since I attended the school then. After changes in the name from the original UBU to Hitler to H_tl_r it went under. I am not sure if the branch in the city of Ubon is still operating.


A brief google search will show that the picture of the "Hitler" chicken restaurant in Ubon is about two years old, they've long since changed their name. Maybe somebody ought to let KFC know?

Good grief, no! Think of all the law suits that would be flying around...










The award-winning Tojo's Restaurant in Vancouver for example.


I guess no trademarks are in dispute with that one, but your point does underline the fact that so many western ThaiVisa subscribers seem to feel that the Thai people are stupid because they don't have the exact same knowledge-set as we westerners do. That actually makes those ThaiVisa subscribers seem stupid to me. It should be obvious that the Thais are very knowledgeable in many areas where we are not, and vice versa.

I doubt any 2 people have the same knowledge set, and different knowledge sets have different values - some are so lacking as to be stupid.

It took me some time, and a threat to take my business elsewhere, to convince my mechanic that hitting hardened steel bearings with a hammer face was not very smart, not to mention that he was destroying the new bearings that he was installing.

For example, I'll take my knowledge of mental arithmetic over '27 interesting uses of buffalo crap' any day.


It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

Who said it was a national embarrassment? Anything about this in the domestic press?

Thais embrace Hitler because he and the swastika are iconic and they themselves are to a man (perhaps 1 or 2 exceptions) uneducated.

But lets forget that 6 million people died because of this imbecile, yet show a Thai 'ho' and all he11 would break loose.

Not good for our image, it doesn't happen, not in keeping with Thai culture (sic) whereas "there is more culture in out of date yoghurt"

An offensive post that is incorrect and/or inaccurate in every detail.

Agreed. People get the swastika confused here in Thailand. One is over 2500 years old and faces left to right. Hitlers came about in the 1920's and faces right to left. Still the whole chicken story is in poor taste.


A brief google search will show that the picture of the "Hitler" chicken restaurant in Ubon is about two years old, they've long since changed their name. Maybe somebody ought to let KFC know?

Good grief, no! Think of all the law suits that would be flying around...



What? No KFU?!?


It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

KFC can complain about it, but can not take legal actions against a company that has a slightly similar display of there shop.

But for the shop to use a Hitler image display is very strange, and wrong indeed, and people are bound to wonder why they use the image of Hitler in their business.

As this aspect becomes now public knowledge, it is possible that the local authorities will remove it, then perhaps image of Stalin will be displayed in shop ... hmm

Good thing you are not a lawyer or you'd be sued for malpractice.

Your reply does not represent "unanimosity:"as outlined on your code, it presents "animosity"


The store's logo is in poor taste. Not sure why they would use such a destructive person's image to advertise their store. If it is impact their after, it seems to be working all be it for the wrong reasons.

Most farang get the Thai swastika confused with Nazi Germany. The Thai's faces completely opposite to Hitlers. The other difference is one is over 2500 years old while the other surfaced in the 1920's during the rise of the Nazi Party. See the attached pic




No - it's an international embarrassment of epic proportions - a mass murderer is being lionized here to the discredit of Thailand. There's places to eat - tee shirts and people emulating the "seig heil" gesture - oddly enough - the people embellishing this are not "white" and therefore would have ultimately found a place in Hitler's ovens.

I'm about as lilly "white" (German/Scotch ancestry) as you can possibly get and am highly insulted that this is allowed to exist let alone flourish in my adopted new country.

Thailand went through WW2 and should well be aware of what could have happened, abeit; at the hands of the Japanese or the German forces, if they had prevailed.

There are some areas of life where boundaries are better not crossed - this is one of them. Regardless how "trendy" it might seem. Isn't that where the real problems really take root? Trendy.....popular.....chic....fun......ignorant.....


Most farang get the Thai swastika confused with Nazi Germany. The Thai's faces completely opposite to Hitlers. The other difference is one is over 2500 years old while the other surfaced in the 1920's during the rise of the Nazi Party. See the attached pic


Just not true, the religious swastikas can be left, right, or slightly rotated.

The only rule is there are no rules. Here is a collection, including a Jewish one.


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Very distasteful, do the Thai people not know who this monster was? Have seen Nazi flags here for sale, politefully pointed out very bad!


^^ It was me, and I'm getting the impression your just fixing for a fight. Carry on. coffee1.gif

Thai at Heart......sounds to me ' freedom of speech ' and ' having an opinion ' have been cancelled by theblether -- unless of course, it happens to be in line with his own thoughts.....


i posted it once and I'm posting it again: That "Hitler Fried Chicken" place is NOT in Bangkok, but in Ubon Ratchathani. Secondly, it's been open for about two years.

The story in "Daily Mail" - a notorious U.K. tabloid - twisted all the facts and made it look like this fast food joint had opened only recently. Not so. But now all the other media are carrying on the same mistakes without even bothering to cross-check the facts and sources.

"Hitler Fried Chicken" closed down briefly a year ago or so after KFC (Thai) had field a complaint against the operator for misappropriating its "Col. Sanders". The joint re-opened after a while, with Hitler's face now being obscured by black sunglasses and the name changed to - wait for it! - H-ler (with the 'it' replaced by a hyphen). Unfortunately, they apparently didn't get it the first time around, because they still maintain Col. Sanders' apron-clad body in their logo, so perhaps KFC (Thai) has now decided to sue them for good.

Anyhow, I'm wondering if a place like "Mao Zedong Steam Buns", "Pol Pot Beef Noodles", "Saddam Hussein Kebap", "Josef Stalin Borscht" or "Attila the Hun's Steak Tartare" would've received the same amount of outrage "Hitler Fried Chicken". Honestly, I don't think so, although they were all mass murderers, too, and arguably killed even more people than Hitler.

That reminds me. I'm all out of Darlie Tooth Paste. Darlie Tooth Paste used to be called Darkie Tooth Paste.


One strongly suspects you would have to be European, of an older generation and well educated to fully appreciate the context of some of these statements and to understand that insults are not involved..


Very distasteful, do the Thai people not know who this monster was? Have seen Nazi flags here for sale, politefully pointed out very bad!

I think the common Thai on the street thinks Hitler was a very strong "f-rang" leader in war. In Asian cultures, strong leaders are admired. I don't think most are aware of the extent of his evil actions. As is well known, the Thai educational system doesn't emphasize WW2 very much possibly because Thailand's role in it was not very flattering. I also doubt there is much education here about the specific issue of racial and industrialized GENOCIDE which is of course is needed to fully appreciate the extent of the badness of this Hitler man.

A country where the people were adequately educated about WW2 would not be subject to the Nazi and Hitler fashion incidents that predictably keep happening in our beloved Thailand.


^^ It was me, and I'm getting the impression your just fixing for a fight. Carry on. coffee1.gif

Thai at Heart......sounds to me ' freedom of speech ' and ' having an opinion ' have been cancelled by theblether -- unless of course, it happens to be in line with his own thoughts.....

Well, the blether obviously speaks for Thais. I've just watched the evening news in Thai, and not a peep about Adolf's chicken restaurant.

No one knows let alone cares one jot, beyond these pages. That and the fact that the story is out of date and inaccurate. There are real neo Nazis still today all over the world. Somchais chicken in ubon isn't that scary really.

But a national disgrace? They have hundreds of thousands of their own daughters and sisters swinging around poles every night and that doesn't even seem to register. What odds a German psycho from 80 years ago?


Very distasteful, do the Thai people not know who this monster was? Have seen Nazi flags here for sale, politefully pointed out very bad!

I think the common Thai on the street thinks Hitler was a very strong "f-rang" leader in war. In Asian cultures, strong leaders are admired. I don't think most are aware of the extent of his evil actions. As is well known, the Thai educational system doesn't emphasize WW2 very much possibly because Thailand's role in it was not very flattering. I also doubt there is much education here about the specific issue of racial and industrialized GENOCIDE which is of course is needed to fully appreciate the extent of the badness of this Hitler man.

A country where the people were adequately educated about WW2 would not be subject to the Nazi and Hitler fashion incidents that predictably keep happening in our beloved Thailand.

Could you imagine what Thailand was like in the direct aftermath of ww2. 80% of the country probably didn't even know that the Japanese were in control.

What was Bangkok then 500k, 1mn? 25 to 35 mn rural villagers whose only contact with any form of government was the weekly message from the pooyai ban.

It probably passed most by with barely any notice. What percentage of the population were even literate in the 1950's. What percentage even went to school?

I hate to be glib but most of us aren't married into any families that 2 generations ago weren't full time farmers. It's Thailand it's developing, and 50 years ago it was 95% third world.

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Very distasteful, do the Thai people not know who this monster was? Have seen Nazi flags here for sale, politefully pointed out very bad!

I think the common Thai on the street thinks Hitler was a very strong "f-rang" leader in war. In Asian cultures, strong leaders are admired. I don't think most are aware of the extent of his evil actions. As is well known, the Thai educational system doesn't emphasize WW2 very much possibly because Thailand's role in it was not very flattering. I also doubt there is much education here about the specific issue of racial and industrialized GENOCIDE which is of course is needed to fully appreciate the extent of the badness of this Hitler man.

A country where the people were adequately educated about WW2 would not be subject to the Nazi and Hitler fashion incidents that predictably keep happening in our beloved Thailand.

Knowledge about "Hitler" or better the "nazi system" should not just be reduced on the industrialized mass murder. There was so much more that went wrong, was wrong and should be kept in mind and not forgotten in order not to repeat it.


Frankly folks I really do not believe KFC would waste it's time and money on this rinky dink fried Hitler Chicken shack in BKK. The Thais that have opened this shack and the Thais that allow it to operate just show how really ignorant they seem to be to the rest of the planet. Just my opinion I could be wrong.


Frankly folks I really do not believe KFC would waste it's time and money on this rinky dink fried Hitler Chicken shack in BKK. The Thais that have opened this shack and the Thais that allow it to operate just show how really ignorant they seem to be to the rest of the planet. Just my opinion I could be wrong.

But there are two aspects of the case. One is the political sensitivity of it. The other is the copyright infringement. There could be legal reasons why, in the long term, it makes sense to pursue the latter.


It's a national embarrassment, and KFC are giving it free publicity by doing this.

Who said it was a national embarrassment? Anything about this in the domestic press?

That in itself is a national embarrassment too. Word of this gets into the Western press and it will make the country look stupid and backward again. Hence, wait for it.........a national embarrassment.

There's no excuse for this level of stupidity.

The excuse for this level of ignorance/insensitivity is called "the Thai Education System"


Don't like their chances of suing a Thai.. KFC will probably get charged under the defamation laws for publically embarrassing a thai. A little like the Thai girl who reports assaults by her boyfriend to the BIB and then he sues her for doing so.

It would be one Thai fighting another. Remember all businesses have thai partners


One strongly suspects you would have to be European, of an older generation and well educated to fully appreciate the context of some of these statements and to understand that insults are not involved..

Correct. But then put yourself in Thai shoes, and if someone made a disrespectful poster of any (dead) member of a certain Thai family in any other country of the world to advertise a cr*p product, simply through ignorance of Thai history, what would the response be in Thailand??

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One strongly suspects you would have to be European, of an older generation and well educated to fully appreciate the context of some of these statements and to understand that insults are not involved..

Correct. But then put yourself in Thai shoes, and if someone made a disrespectful poster of any (dead) member of a certain Thai family in any other country of the world to advertise a cr*p product, simply through ignorance of Thai history, what would the response be in Thailand??

Indeed, ironically they would be unable to use the image of a respected universally loved individual without being publicly lynched, but are free to use the image of a despot.

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One strongly suspects you would have to be European, of an older generation and well educated to fully appreciate the context of some of these statements and to understand that insults are not involved..

Correct. But then put yourself in Thai shoes, and if someone made a disrespectful poster of any (dead) member of a certain Thai family in any other country of the world to advertise a cr*p product, simply through ignorance of Thai history, what would the response be in Thailand??

Are you concerned that some Nazis might find it disrespectful if some Thai in Ubon uses a Hitler image to advertise grilled chicken that might taste cr*ppy?

or what is your analogy here?

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