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All thai girls are money hungry women looking for a Falang?

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plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Not sure there's tons of actual rich Thai's queuing up to meet farangs but there's certainly plenty of girls who are not poor who are open to dating a farang.

The main reason most Thai girls (whether poor or not so poor) want to date a farang is because Thai guys aren't interested in them or at least Thai guys on a similar educational and economic level and they don't want to date down.

The majority of girls I've come across who are interested in myself and other farangs I know is because they struggle to get a Thai boyfriend of course they mostly don't admit this and say "thai men no good...they cheat, they lie, they steal, they drink, they gamble etc" (no different from most of us then?).

Reasons they can't get a local bf include....

1) The way they look - not necessarily ugly but maybe darker skin / short / pudgy / not the typical Thai perception of beauty - but often still appealing to farang.

2) They are overweight by Thai standards - again doesn't mean fat or obese we can be talking 50kgs here which most Thai's consider very fat yet they can look anything but if they are tall especially compared to Western women who would do anything to be so slim.

3) Single mums - Thai guys will not accept another guys kids.

Not all. I've met plenty who didn't fit into any of the above but seemed to have a thing for farang still, a lot of them had lived abroad for study and work and had maybe had a taste of a life style or man they liked and didn't want to go back to dating local guys for whatever reason.

Solid rebuttal, Spade. But I think falkan is referring to rich bargirls. You know, those with multiple sponsors and pulling in 200,000 bt/month.

Rich bargirls?????? Why are they working in a bar then?

So they can meet more potential sponsors and get richer.


I guess I was wrong, this can't be a boring topic, it's gone on for 8 pages. However, it is still about the same old topics depending on the age of the participants... the war between the sexes. Who cares? Accept the good with the bad, and when relationships end then just walk away with few regrets. Nothing stays the same and we can all get by with far less than we think we need.


The Spade

"I had a conversation recently with an average looking Thai girl who told me she wanted to meet a rich man and anyone on a low income (despite her being on a very low income) wasn't good enough for her. I asked her what she considered 'low' was and she said anything under 100,000B per month...she earned 7k p/m.

This girl had very little to offer herself, no money, average looks, didn't seem particularly bright.

We were just having a civilised conversation at first but then she got quite nasty over it and started being abusive which just showed what type of girl she was even more.

So to spite her I pointed out to her than it's very unlikely a rich man would want a poor girl because he'd be able to snag himself a rich girl or at least one that wasn't quite so poor as her. Or he'd at least pick an attractive poor girl and she really wasn't that attractive.

I stopped talking to her after that and won't be doing so again."

Also my experiences too. All stems from the feudalistic society based upon the patronage system. This "looking for money" mentality is widespread and although not seen in 100% it is seen often enough and expressed often enough. The bar / go go girl mindset is an extreme example but reflects a motis operandi seen throughout all of society. Agreed there are exceptions.

Some of us are in denial, others less denial, while still some may be realistic. A very high % of women on dating sites are there because they cannot get a thai bf/husband and/or have heard about "nice financial support" from foreign men. Many/most have no prior dating experience with foreigners. Usually if the foreign guy speaks / reads/writes Thai the interest from those women drops to near zero. Why? They think they cannot manipulate you nor maneuver you for money. I know actual cases to corroborate this.

In my experience and opinion the thai women that usually would date foreign men are those with exposure to other cultures via work or study abroad or at international upscale institutions (expensive in thailand; abac for example) You wont find abac women on online dating sites because they typically not looking for money. The reality is also that us expats as a group are not the most "upscale" life offers LOL.

All the best for those that have found happiness albeit true or perceived. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Entering the foray...

I can only bring my experience: having been in Thailand since 22yrs of age:

I have only ever entered relationships with women my own age (+/- 3 years).

With confidence I can say that the Women I have dated are from financially secure backgrounds, have been well educated etc..

I can also say that with confidence had I been older than 40 (as that seems to be the figure which has been thrown around so far on this thread) these ladies would not have been interested in me (I'm nearing 40 now BTW).

I can also say that had I not been introduced to these ladies or had overlapping friends they wouldn't have been interested in me (I know this because on a couple of occasions they didn't want to date a tourist, it was only when they found out I was a long termer here that they opened up to the idea of going out for a dinner etc).

Thus: The ladies I know and have been in relationships with, and the ladies with whom 'most' of my friends have been in relationships with have not entered those relationships for reasons of financial gain or security, they have their own financial security.

That said: I in the past I have been on dates with girls who have confessed to only wanting to date foreigners. These 'occupational farang hunters' have not been 'relationship material'... any preconceived notion that a girl will like a Westerner above a Thai man with whom they share more with in regards to culture and language etc is born of financial gain and thus perhaps true of the 'money hungry suggestion', IMO these women were best left to continue hunting else where.

However, an open minded person who is intelligent and articulate enough to charm and be charmed and deal with each individual based on their own characteristics and merits will generally offer a secure and longing partnership (I used the word generally, not always).

Thus, in conclusion: Money is not always the objective of a Thai or Woman of any nationality, neither is security especially if they can provide their own.

However, in a nation without social welfare where a huge section of the population is less wealthy than its foreign visitors it is hardly surprising and its not a stretch of the imagination to suggest that the majority of relationships are borne out of financial gain on behalf of the poorer party.

Neither is it a huge stretch of the imagination to suggest that with an increasing age gap the chances that the relationship is borne out of financial gain on behalf of the poorer party is increased.

All that we read and see in the West is the media's portrayal of Men taking advantage of poor farm girls who are with them for money. In many cases true, also in many cases not true - but which is it better to gossip, tease and make jibes about ?

And there we may have our answer: 'Mine's different' and unless we are with a 'Bar Girl' or 'Occupational Farang hunter' and Pulling the Wool over our own eyes the 'Mine is different' is often true.... but thats for those in the know...

For those not in the know... i.e. those in our home countries who suffer from bigotry and ignorance there is a simpler answer: Gossip, the dirtier the better.....

"Oooohhh... Bob down the road has bought himself a Thai Bride".... is much better gossip than.. "Bob has met a charming and eloquent Lawyer from Thailand"... but also, which of the two scenarios is more common, more realistic if we are to make a sweeping generalisation ?

Wisdom is priceless.


My wife is Chinese thai...fantastic I said lets go to Hong Kong . When we got there we sat in a noodle bar and and they asked her what she wanted in whatever dialect they were speaking. She looked at them and said " sorry I only speak English" we still laugh about is cos she now realises that she's thai..not Chinese

I had the same issue in Macau, my wife's also of Sino-Siam heritage. First day was hilarious. Waiter speaks purely Cantonese (as in Hong Kong) wife answers in Thai, quickly realizes that she's not in Bangkok, replies in Mandarin. Nothing. Wife's getting frustrated and I'm splitting myself because it hasn't dawned yet. Wife tentatively orders in English. Voila. No problems.

Assumption.. The mother of all xxxx ups..


The other "giveaway" would be the Thai method of using chopsticks. I have yet to see a thai use chopsticks correctly. It seems to be more of an aid to get food into the spoon than to actually pickup and handle it. Sort of funny in asia cause it doesn't take very much to learn to use them properly. If you don't know what I mean, search youtube to see how chopsticks are used correctly. Then observe locals.


Rich bargirls?????? Why are they working in a bar then?

So they can meet more potential sponsors and get richer.


And it is because the bar / go go is virtually the only social circle they know. Most are rice farmers and their self esteem/ self worth is garnered from how much cash they can get for their body rather than personal development via educational, artistic, cultural, intellectual pursuits, Does anyone really expect those girls to use the sponsors money to enroll in dental school?, although english school is often the case since it can mean improved business.. Some of them are not bad people, actually can be charming but I wouldn't necessarily make any plans around them. Heck, you often can't even plan around educated women due to their poor punctuality and reliability / erratic behavior.


I must have hung out with Chinese Thais, or gals who have been in BKK way too long, because I've never seen a single Thai who couldn't use chopsticks properly. Having spent time in southern China, I know exactly how they were meant to be used : you get the bowl up to your mouth and scoop as much food into your gob as possible before the next famine / People's Revolution. The Chinese are many things, but dainty eaters isn't one of those things - from toddlers to octogenarians, they go at it with gusto.

I did have a Thai girl express surprise that I knew how to hold a pair of chopsticks, but then they bought the food out and all idle chatter ceased. Just wish I could burn it off as fast as Thai people seem to, the new generation of fatties notwithstanding.

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ageing thai women with diminishing options look desperate for a farang to leave LOS ,no doubt about that .

pilipinos are worse scammers than Thais. IMO


I am glad that you have found happiness with the best girl that Thailand has produced. It is just amazing how every expat here has found that perfect beer bar girl, that just started work today, and you were her first, and she loves you so much. I know so many women here as friends that are totally in love until the boyfriend has to go back to his home country for 2 months, and they are butterflying as soon as possible. Girls that are receiving 30,000 baht a month from overseas boyfriends to stay faithful, and sometimes from 4 different guys. I know Thai wives in the states that are screwing my friends, and their husband still maintains that Thai women are the most faithful in the world. Wait until the money gets low. She will be gone in a heartbeat.

Not me, mate - I'm one of those disgusting sex tourists you keep warning me about. ;)

It's not all about babies and white picket fences in the 'burbs - been there, got the t-shirt. Happiness is where you find it - lets live and let live, eh wot ?

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Hehehe, everyday a good laugh on ThaiVisa. LOL :-0!

(excuse my double post)


I am related to King Edward 2 (really), but be damned if l can get the horse to move it's head in the right direction when I'm jousting. Posted Image .....Posted Image


Don't you have a guy for that? I have a guy who adjusts the horses head.

Of course I pay him his 300 baht a day. I'm no Jefferson Davis, sir :P

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The the OP - Thailand/Thai girls image is unfortunately ruined by so many foreigners who come in red light district and then talk back home how all thai girls are the same. Just look and the youtube-thai girls.You can see it in so many comments.Many of them are men who came here,fell in love with a bar girl who destroyed his life and he's taking "revenge" on all thai girls.Seen many of that.

Especially in Pattaya- even if thai girl with rich parents and 500 million baht when you walk out on street most of the foreigners will think that she's a prostitute. It's like that unfortunately,thai image in the world isn't so good but in reality things are really different and people do generalize to much.

Nobody is forcing someone to get marry or similar,everyone can choose his path. If someone wants to marry a prostitute or a poor girl in Isaan and then complain that you have to take care baby/family, well you should have thought about that first. She is working a bar because of that.

There are so many good,non-money grabbing thai girls out there.

I met mine in Pattaya,she had bar girls as a friend but she never worked in a bar or similar.When i came to stay here with her i had no money(came with only 100.000baht),no work.Nothing.Only she worked after i came.But difference is that she stay for love,not money. Her family isn't rich but isn't poor either.In 6years she never sent just 1 baht to her family(she only buy small things like shirt or similar when visiting).

So..you shouldn't care what what people think. Many foreigners think that all thai girls are same which is ridiculous.Many of them know only bar girl types of thai girls. Truth is someone who marry a bar girl have to be smart to know once you're married with that type of girl you have to use your wallet on order to keep the marriage.

That girls who are working in bars are not working solely for fun.It's all about money. If you don't have money she won't stay with you.

Little off-topic but maybe i answered some of your questions.rolleyes.gif


right across the spectrum from whatever walk of life they come from the horror stories are still the same .

doing the dirty after a few years is inevitable IMO .

a pal o mine is on his 3rd import to the UK ,as the others upgraded to some guy with more cash .

his latest is old and stable and not likely to cut and run ,but none of them were BGs all from a bureau with good credentials.

isnt it funny how this perennial topic appears on thai forums and the replies run to many many pages


Yes. After 39 years, my wife has finally admitted she's only staying with me for the money. She never told me she was Thai.

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I must have hung out with Chinese Thais, or gals who have been in BKK way too long, because I've never seen a single Thai who couldn't use chopsticks properly. Having spent time in southern China, I know exactly how they were meant to be used : you get the bowl up to your mouth and scoop as much food into your gob as possible before the next famine / People's Revolution. The Chinese are many things, but dainty eaters isn't one of those things - from toddlers to octogenarians, they go at it with gusto.

I did have a Thai girl express surprise that I knew how to hold a pair of chopsticks, but then they bought the food out and all idle chatter ceased. Just wish I could burn it off as fast as Thai people seem to, the new generation of fatties notwithstanding.


Spot on.


plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Not many that want a poor farang though so please explain how this reverse scamming works because I don't really want to get stuck with a ten thou restaurant bill for food that's hardly been touched.

Never take you're Thai date to an expensive (by western standards). Most Thai women find it hard to respect men that throw their money away needlessly.


I tried to explain to the TGF who doesn't speak English that there is a website where farang guys brag about how little if any money they ever give to their Thai girlfriends or wives ... I also once tried to explain NFL American football rules to a group of Brits in Hong Kong.

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Never take you're Thai date to an expensive (by western standards). Most Thai women find it hard to respect men that throw their money away needlessly.

I agree with this.

Unless you routinely go to these places yourself anyway and want some company whilst you eat then avoid fancy restaurants and over priced cocktail bars etc.

We had a guy on here the other week saying when he went on dates he spent 3,000B on dinner and then another 3,000B + on drinks afterwards. Bit of an expensive date.

Mines are usually under 1k and often me and the girls I meet will be laughing about the stupid farang who took her to some fancy place to show off whilst he threw money around and she thought he was a mug and boring.

Guys try and make up for their lack of social skills and charm by throwing money at it. You'll only attract the wrong types this way.


OP forgot to tell us how many masters degrees she has. And her possition in one of the top companies in the land.

We know she is in the top 1% of the best looking women. Not same has mine bottom 1%. No masters still never mind she is a good cook

Her poopoo dont stink either


plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Not many that want a poor farang though so please explain how this reverse scamming works because I don't really want to get stuck with a ten thou restaurant bill for food that's hardly been touched.

Never take you're Thai date to an expensive (by western standards). Most Thai women find it hard to respect men that throw their money away needlessly.

U know plenty about thai women,they prefer cheaper food hehehehehehe


Entering the foray...

I can only bring my experience: having been in Thailand since 22yrs of age:

I have only ever entered relationships with women my own age (+/- 3 years).

With confidence I can say that the Women I have dated are from financially secure backgrounds, have been well educated etc..

I can also say that with confidence had I been older than 40 (as that seems to be the figure which has been thrown around so far on this thread) these ladies would not have been interested in me (I'm nearing 40 now BTW).

I can also say that had I not been introduced to these ladies or had overlapping friends they wouldn't have been interested in me (I know this because on a couple of occasions they didn't want to date a tourist, it was only when they found out I was a long termer here that they opened up to the idea of going out for a dinner etc).

Thus: The ladies I know and have been in relationships with, and the ladies with whom 'most' of my friends have been in relationships with have not entered those relationships for reasons of financial gain or security, they have their own financial security.

That said: I in the past I have been on dates with girls who have confessed to only wanting to date foreigners. These 'occupational farang hunters' have not been 'relationship material'... any preconceived notion that a girl will like a Westerner above a Thai man with whom they share more with in regards to culture and language etc is born of financial gain and thus perhaps true of the 'money hungry suggestion', IMO these women were best left to continue hunting else where.

However, an open minded person who is intelligent and articulate enough to charm and be charmed and deal with each individual based on their own characteristics and merits will generally offer a secure and longing partnership (I used the word generally, not always).

Thus, in conclusion: Money is not always the objective of a Thai or Woman of any nationality, neither is security especially if they can provide their own.

However, in a nation without social welfare where a huge section of the population is less wealthy than its foreign visitors it is hardly surprising and its not a stretch of the imagination to suggest that the majority of relationships are borne out of financial gain on behalf of the poorer party.

Neither is it a huge stretch of the imagination to suggest that with an increasing age gap the chances that the relationship is borne out of financial gain on behalf of the poorer party is increased.

All that we read and see in the West is the media's portrayal of Men taking advantage of poor farm girls who are with them for money. In many cases true, also in many cases not true - but which is it better to gossip, tease and make jibes about ?

And there we may have our answer: 'Mine's different' and unless we are with a 'Bar Girl' or 'Occupational Farang hunter' and Pulling the Wool over our own eyes the 'Mine is different' is often true.... but thats for those in the know...

For those not in the know... i.e. those in our home countries who suffer from bigotry and ignorance there is a simpler answer: Gossip, the dirtier the better.....

"Oooohhh... Bob down the road has bought himself a Thai Bride".... is much better gossip than.. "Bob has met a charming and eloquent Lawyer from Thailand"... but also, which of the two scenarios is more common, more realistic if we are to make a sweeping generalisation ?

If u could bottle that post,as sleeping tablets u would be rich as well as sexy man,nealry fellasleep reading that tripe


So if the Thai girls one has dated are happy to see someone again how can the number of girls one has dated be in the arithmetic range that is beyond one's ability to count? Seems that within that staggering range of women that would be interested in a multiple shot there would be at least a few that would be worth the repeat occasion. But then again some of these tales of exploits get to the point where they are in the ball park of perpetual motion machines or uphill water flow.

.. as in "I know Ms. Tangmo that you would be happy to see me again but tonight I have other plans."


Most have slept with him on the first date,are there many slappers in Bangkok then????


You got me STP ... but I guess to get up in that number range one has to be really good at getting over one's lack of social skills and just pour on that charm treacle thick.


You got me STP ... but I guess to get up in that number range one has to be really good at getting over one's lack of social skills and just pour on that charm treacle thick.

Hung like a donkey might help,especialy if they want sex on the first date,they must be busy girls


plenty of rich thai girls in bkk that wants farangs, so why deal around with poor issan girls..

reverse scamming is the shit..

Not many that want a poor farang though so please explain how this reverse scamming works because I don't really want to get stuck with a ten thou restaurant bill for food that's hardly been touched.

Never take you're Thai date to an expensive (by western standards). Most Thai women find it hard to respect men that throw their money away needlessly.

Yep. that's exactly my experience. They're not always impressed by the food either.

Try the restaurant on the 37th floor of the Sofitel Silom with your best farang buddy and a couple of ordinary

( non HiSo )Thai women.


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