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Joint border: Thailand urges Malaysia to consider dual citizenship issue


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Malaysia urged to consider dual citizenship issue
By English News


BANGKOK, Aug 23 – Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Thursday called on Malaysia to host a bilateral meeting to discuss dual citizenship among people on the joint border.

Holding both Thai and Malaysian citizenship could be related to unrest in Thailand’s southern border provinces, she said, adding that she understood it was a sensitive issue.

A joint meeting on dual citizenship, if held, would be second of its kind which should lead to cooperation between the two countries.

Ms Yingluck raised the issue during her meeting with Malaysian deputy prime minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin who paid a courtesy visit at Government House today.

He is in Thailand to attend the 1st Joint Thai-Malaysian Business Council meeting, scheduled for tomorrow.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin complimented Thailand for keeping the door open for peace talks with the Barisan Revolusi Nasional militant group and promised that Malaysia would cooperate in pushing for peace on the Thai-Malaysian border. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-08-23

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Thailand allows it. Malaysia doesn't even recognise the concept of dual citizenship. Doubt they are about to make an official allowance, though they turn a blind eye to it on a day to day basis which is what I think they are talking about when people escape over the border flashing their Malaysian ID's. Basically asking Malaysia to enforce their own laws.

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Will Thailand allow Malaysians to hold Thai citizenship with all the benefits that go with it like owning land etc or is this a one way plan.

With the attitude prevailing here it's hard to think this will be anymore than a paper exercise.

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

Thailand doesn't even come close.

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

Thailand doesn't even come close.

Thanks for the interesting lecture on things I do not give a hoot about!

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Whilst Thailand isn't the most xenophobic country in the world I agree on this point, it can however be noted that it has adopted what could only be described as 'xenophobic' legislation that bars foreigners from aquiring a variety of rights. The Foreign Business Act is a shining example of this, which most would agree as prescribing legislation based on race which has been condemed by many countries as being somewhat 'racist'. Therefore the definition of describing Thailand as being xenophobic is indeed correct. The violations of rights particular pertaining to foreigners has been comprehensively documented on many websites which have a reputation of reporting in an unbiased manner. Readers here who care to examine such violations need only to put in the relevent search term into their search engine.

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

Thailand doesn't even come close.

Thanks for the interesting lecture on things I do not give a hoot about!

Indeed, why pay attention when you can just make sh!t up?

Yeah...ahm...you may have missed the intention of not exactly being factual and I also think, you got my intention!

But go ahead, be condescending all day long, if it makes you happy!

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

Thailand doesn't even come close.

Thanks for the interesting lecture on things I do not give a hoot about!

8433 post in 2 1/2 years. About 20 per day. I did find 3 or 4 worth reading.

Interest choice for a name - thebleather


verb: blether

talk long-windedly without making very much sense.

"she began blathering on about spirituality and life after death"


prattle, babble, chatter, twitter, prate, go on, run on, rattle on, yap, jabber, maunder, ramble, burble, drivel, blabber, gab; More

informalyak, yatter, yammer, bloviate, talk a blue streak

"he just blathered about his old girlfriends"


noun: blether.long-winded talk with no real substance.


prattle, chatter, twitter, babble, prating, gabble, jabber, rambling; More

informalyatter, twaddle, gobbledygook;

vulgar slangverbal diarrhea

"mindless blather"



late Middle English (as a verb; originally Scots and northern English dialect): from Old Norse blathra ‘talk nonsense,’ from blathr ‘nonsense.’


blether - definition of blether by the Free Online Dictionary ...


[from Old Norse blathra, from blathr nonsense]. blath•er (ˈblæð ər) n. 1. foolish, voluble talk. v.i.. 2. to talk foolishly; blither; babble. [1815–25; alter. of blether, ...

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

I'm not sure if the posts are wandering off topic, but while the mods are happy I'll chuck in my bit(!)

Am I right in thinking that it was PTP pseudo-policy to encourage Thais to 'get' a Farang as a means of improving their lot?

It does seem that there is a one-way street for benefits in the country - (and this in a country where one-way streets seem to be a suggestion, rather than a requirement!)

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I'm brain dead. I can't tell from the OP article whether the PM is for or against dual citizenship. Does she want to abolish it due to border problems, or give blanket dual citizenship to all from both countries, or does she just want to go shopping there without a visa?

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I'm brain dead. I can't tell from the OP article whether the PM is for or against dual citizenship. Does she want to abolish it due to border problems, or give blanket dual citizenship to all from both countries, or does she just want to go shopping there without a visa?

Her brother apparently has multiple nationalities and her nephew had dual nationality, as a result of being born in the US while his father was studying there. He surrendered it presumably because the implications of global taxation became an issue on his acquisition of a sh*t load of shares. In the opposition camp Abhisit and Korn are also British and there was a Deputy Commerce Minister in the 90s who boasted that his dual Thai-US nationality made him better suited to deal with international trade. Many influential Thai families include dual nationals which has always made it hard for the hawks in the Interior Ministry to persuade law makers to explicitly ban them.

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One of the most xenophobic countries on Earth is "urging" Malaysia...?

Thailand is one of the most xenophobic countries on Earth? You are joking.

First prize has to go to Saudi Arabia, which has a blanket ban on non muslim tourism. Then you have Burma with it's obsession with trying to exterminate the minorities, the Big Kiddie China where xenophobia is beyond belief. Add to that Pakistan, Afghanistan and North Korea. Cuba with it's ban on tourists mixing with the locals. Iran with it's hate everybody philosophy, along with South Africa that has a proxy war still going on between the blacks and whites, and more perturbing, tribal and xenophobic attacks are daily between blacks in South Africa, including horrific murders and burnings. Zimbabwe with it's anti white pogroms, Rwanda need I say more, Somalia, Yemen, possibly even Syria too. Xenophobia bubbles under in Kenya and other African states. There's even a case to be heard against Argentina, Venezuela and other South American countries that appear to want to blame the white man for everything.

There's a few more borderline cases such as Japan, Vietnam and others again.

Thailand doesn't even come close.

Cuba bans tourists from mixing with locals ?,.......nonsense !! , i was traveling there 5 yrs ago and we were encouraged to stay in what are called casa pensions with locals who had a spare room , and lovely people they were too ,............... the fact we robbed and scammed on our first night is irrelevant ! . I can only go by what i have read as far as the other states you mentioned and agree your prob right . had a great holiday in kenya once though ,where i believe everyone is issued with their own 200 fly's to share their food for the duration of their stay

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