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All the best and hope your health problem will be sorted and you return to pattaya one day.

Your posts here was always spot on and not stupid/negative as many sadly are.


All the Best to you, hope you get sorted out OK.

Enjoyed your posts and did notice by a couple of bar names you mentioned think we have probably been in some of the same music bars in Pattaya.

I guess it will be quite a wrench after 9 years.

Take care.smile.png


Wishing you a safe journey and quick recovery from your ailments.

You will be missed chum. Just get sorted and stay in touch if you can. thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

Thanks :)

The sentiments are appreciated.


Good luck with your health issues, wishing you a speedy recovery - and return.

All the best and hope your health problem will be sorted and you return to pattaya one day.

Your posts here was always spot on and not stupid/negative as many sadly are.

Best wishes, hope you can return one day and good luck with whatever lies ahead.

Thanks, guys.

I will miss Thailand and the fun and games we can have here. But I really do hope to get back in the future. We cannot take too many chances where health is concerned and I'd much rather do my best now to make sure I am around for a lot more years of fun w00t.gif


All the Best to you, hope you get sorted out OK.

Enjoyed your posts and did notice by a couple of bar names you mentioned think we have probably been in some of the same music bars in Pattaya.

I guess it will be quite a wrench after 9 years.

Take care.smile.png

Thanks :)

The big bad boss who is off to bed now has insisted we go one more time before I depart as she loves her heavy rock music.

Give her some Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Black Sabbath etc., and she is a happy lady wub.png

Now she thinks Thai music is boring, especially all those songs about broken hearts clap2.gif

But she will have to put up with Thai music again when she heads back home to her parents.

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Excuse me, unfinished business. Did you go back and sort out those two chihuahuas that scared you off your bike last week? Seriously, the embarrassment of a couple of Mexican rats in fur coats causing you to crash into a thorny bush. You need to sort them out before you go. coffee1.gif


Sorry to hear that PD, hope you get yourself sorted out medically.

Just to replicate what a lot of others have said, you (and your posts) will be missed on here; I for one have always read them as black is black and white is white and in the majority of cases spot-on the mark.

Keep in touch with the forum, and get back over here as soon as.

Very best of luck,



Excuse me, unfinished business. Did you go back and sort out those two chihuahuas that scared you off your bike last week? Seriously, the embarrassment of a couple of Mexican rats in fur coats causing you to crash into a thorny bush. You need to sort them out before you go. coffee1.gif

Aye, rats. Nearly as big as those I saw in the Welsh marshes when I stayed in that foreign country for a while.

Those dogs attacked again. Other m/c riding by on an evening around the same time they had a go at me sad.png

The leader of the pack has not been seen for a couple of days. The security guard at the entrance to the estate + a couple of neighbours did mention the main dog would not be around. Better to leave it to them and for them to sort the problem the Thai way, especially with a few young children about.

Maybe they fed the dog some Haggis ? cheesy.gif The ones built for running round mountains, you know the ones, they have 2 long legs and 2 short legs ! wink.png

Enough of dogs!!

You'll get some people on this topic going on about how to deal with them and that is in the other topic!

Bad, bad, Blether disrupting this topic! Be off with you wub.png


Sorry to hear that PD, hope you get yourself sorted out medically.

Just to replicate what a lot of others have said, you (and your posts) will be missed on here; I for one have always read them as black is black and white is white and in the majority of cases spot-on the mark.

Keep in touch with the forum, and get back over here as soon as.

Very best of luck,


Thanks :)

Now I'm off to watch some tv I got from the box.biz before the deadline to close up shop ;)


Excuse me, unfinished business. Did you go back and sort out those two chihuahuas that scared you off your bike last week? Seriously, the embarrassment of a couple of Mexican rats in fur coats causing you to crash into a thorny bush. You need to sort them out before you go. coffee1.gif

Aye, rats. Nearly as big as those I saw in the Welsh marshes when I stayed in that foreign country for a while.

Those dogs attacked again. Other m/c riding by on an evening around the same time they had a go at me sad.png

The leader of the pack has not been seen for a couple of days. The security guard at the entrance to the estate + a couple of neighbours did mention the main dog would not be around. Better to leave it to them and for them to sort the problem the Thai way, especially with a few young children about.

Maybe they fed the dog some Haggis ? cheesy.gif The ones built for running round mountains, you know the ones, they have 2 long legs and 2 short legs ! wink.png

Enough of dogs!!

You'll get some people on this topic going on about how to deal with them and that is in the other topic!

Bad, bad, Blether disrupting this topic! Be off with you wub.png

Did you or did you not post this topic last week? xdry.png.pagespeed.ic.Kc5N3hfS-T.webp

On the m/c this evening riding down the same Soi I ride down every day several times.

I had to slow down because of the really rough ground, as usual.

Three chihuahuas attack. Out of the blue and no warning. These dogs are alongside me when they attack. Well two of them were. One was waiting on top of a bin, I'm sure he had a mask on just like the Lone Ranger. Maybe that's what caused it. They've seen the new movie and decided to get even with the Gringo. Going for my leg. No time to think. Not even time to think, how the *ff can a Chihuahua jump that high?


I pull away, accelerate too fast to avoid their fangs. Yes, I did just write Chihuahua fangs. Bike out of control on a rough road. Swerve right into the path of an oncoming bike. Miss him by inches and I plough into a thorny bush.

Very lucky to escape with a few scratches.

The other motorcyclist got my m/c off my legs. Security guard there in a few moments too. It took him longer to get there as he was buckled at the sight of me panicking like a girl. They get me out of the thorny bush / tree. I thank them and everyone is on their way.

I know those dogs. The one with the yellow ribbon in it's hair is the leader. I've always hated yellow ribbons since that stupid song came out. Never been a problem in almost one year. No idea why they attacked.

Next time I am out there I'll have something heavy. And will they get it!! No chihuahua is getting away with taking the p*ss out of me!!

Anyway, get even with the Chihuahuas, get back to England, and come back healthy and soon. You will be missed. wai.gif


certainly we miss you too ! the end of a chapter, is just the beginning of the next ! take good care and always enjoy whatever ahead. hope to see a post from you soon - I'm BACK !!


Excuse me, unfinished business. Did you go back and sort out those two chihuahuas that scared you off your bike last week? Seriously, the embarrassment of a couple of Mexican rats in fur coats causing you to crash into a thorny bush. You need to sort them out before you go. coffee1.gif

Do not be pointing fingers about crashes there sport you who wears flip-flops on a motorbike. How are your toes doing. As his partner said looked like a big beach ball bouncing down the road

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@ Pattaydingo

There are many great Ciders about,and Thatchers Gold is one of them(not to mention the Real Ales), and also on the plus side you will no doubt be very happy to have some excellent quality Farang food again,without having to take what's on offer! Cheeses? the Supermarkets are awash with so much choice,you won't know where to start,I recommend starting on Cathedral Seriously Strong Mature Cheddar (400 g for £ 3),followed up with some Mature Stilton.

Good luck,and I hope your health is speedily dealt with, don't worry i'm sure you will have good unquestionable service!

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