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farang beaten up in patpong i think

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Roughly 6 minutes into this video a doctor at Sydney's largest emergency ward tells it like it is as far as fights go in Australia in 2013. 'They keep kicking even when the victim is unconscious'.



You guys have the same access to YouTube that I do - posting any of the more violent brawl footage only perpetuates the idea that this is somehow entertainment, but there is plenty of video evidence of what Dr Fulder is talking about.


On the Sunshine Coast tourist area where I lived a 4/5 years ago, twice witnessed people being assulted by a group of Aussie guys & then being kicked hard to the head whilst on the ground. On another occassion a guy in his fifties walking near to me being hit in the head with a bottle, by a guy in his twenties, after he objected to him making a rude comment to his wife.


As you infer arsexxxx violent behaviour is not unique to Thailand


Ya but at least the perpetrators will have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

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Roughly 6 minutes into this video a doctor at Sydney's largest emergency ward tells it like it is as far as fights go in Australia in 2013. 'They keep kicking even when the victim is unconscious'.


You guys have the same access to YouTube that I do - posting any of the more violent brawl footage only perpetuates the idea that this is somehow entertainment, but there is plenty of video evidence of what Dr Fulder is talking about.

On the Sunshine Coast tourist area where I lived a 4/5 years ago, twice witnessed people being assulted by a group of Aussie guys & then being kicked hard to the head whilst on the ground. On another occassion a guy in his fifties walking near to me being hit in the head with a bottle, by a guy in his twenties, after he objected to him making a rude comment to his wife.

As you infer arsexxxx violent behaviour is not unique to Thailand

Ya but at least the perpetrators will have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

U realy think that,the law is an ass in uk.pone can attack somebody with a knife and not go to jail in uk


Roughly 6 minutes into this video a doctor at Sydney's largest emergency ward tells it like it is as far as fights go in Australia in 2013. 'They keep kicking even when the victim is unconscious'.

You guys have the same access to YouTube that I do - posting any of the more violent brawl footage only perpetuates the idea that this is somehow entertainment, but there is plenty of video evidence of what Dr Fulder is talking about.

On the Sunshine Coast tourist area where I lived a 4/5 years ago, twice witnessed people being assulted by a group of Aussie guys & then being kicked hard to the head whilst on the ground. On another occassion a guy in his fifties walking near to me being hit in the head with a bottle, by a guy in his twenties, after he objected to him making a rude comment to his wife.

As you infer arsexxxx violent behaviour is not unique to Thailand

Ya but at least the perpetrators will have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Video link removed. I only know of one sentence with the kicking, first recorded offence, claimed they were drunk & given a A$1860 fine.




Roughly 6 minutes into this video a doctor at Sydney's largest emergency ward tells it like it is as far as fights go in Australia in 2013. 'They keep kicking even when the victim is unconscious'.



You guys have the same access to YouTube that I do - posting any of the more violent brawl footage only perpetuates the idea that this is somehow entertainment, but there is plenty of video evidence of what Dr Fulder is talking about.


On the Sunshine Coast tourist area where I lived a 4/5 years ago, twice witnessed people being assulted by a group of Aussie guys & then being kicked hard to the head whilst on the ground. On another occassion a guy in his fifties walking near to me being hit in the head with a bottle, by a guy in his twenties, after he objected to him making a rude comment to his wife.


As you infer arsexxxx violent behaviour is not unique to Thailand



Ya but at least the perpetrators will have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


U realy think that,the law is an ass in uk.pone can attack somebody with a knife and not go to jail in uk

What about emptying a sub machine gun magazine into someone at a dinner table? Would that warrant a jail sentence in the UK? :P


When you see the way farangs behave in the bar areas im amazed there are not more of them getting beaten up daily- and in most cases it would be well deserved too. So kudos to the Thais for showing so much restraint, i say.

Agree. Thais will never lay into a farang like this unless provoked. The bloke should consider himself lucky being able to walk away from all this.

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Some people just deserve what is coming to them. The Darwin theory comes to mind. None of us here know the details. The guy was obviously drunk. Drunk men and women very often do very stupid things.


To be fair, there were a number of locals including women who tried to intervene

Also noticed a lot of farangs standing around watching, not helping even a little bit.

Any Farang attempting to intervene in that sort of situation would be a complete fool - he'd simply be drawn into the mele and suffer a similar fate.

There is one chap in the Video - maybe Middle Eastern? - who speaks good English and after the first assault tells the victim to "run away", wise advice and even at that late stage quite a brave act to get involved, but he was ignored by the victim who was subsequently assaulted further but still the chap perseveres to help.

And yes, there were many Thai voices shouting "enough" etc..


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Difference being in Thailand, it will be "Mai Me Phen Ha" a small fine if anything for the attackers.In Uk or elsewhere ABH charges, maybe even attempted manslaughter for using a weapon.

Why people hang out in these sh*t holes is beyond me, Thailand has plenty else to offer.

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When you see the way farangs behave in the bar areas im amazed there are not more of them getting beaten up daily- and in most cases it would be well deserved too. So kudos to the Thais for showing so much restraint, i say.

Agree. Thais will never lay into a farang like this unless provoked. The bloke should consider himself lucky being able to walk away from all this.

Jesus, what Thai-apologist BS!

"The way farangs behave in the bar areas"? Don't you mean 'some farangs'?

And as to the idiotic "Thais will never lay into a farang like this unless provoked".

What is the 'provocation' you're talking about here? Catching their eye? Looking at the wrong girl? Pointing your foot in the wrong direction? Disputing a padded bar bill? Refusing to be insulted or ripped off?

Yeah, never the Thais fault. We all know they're not in the slightest way xenophobic.

Yes, I've seen some westerners behaving terribly in bars here. They deserved to be kicked out and at the most given a slap or two. Not to be beaten senseless or kicked or stabbed to death.

Shame on you!

Yes, should be 'some' Farangs- you are correct. But those farangs who are belligerent, aggressive, angry ( we have all seen the type- and not just in bars, everywhere around thailand) deserve everything they get and the world will be a happier, shinier, better place if they and others learnt from that experience of getting beaten.

Mind you and as you say, there is no excuse - of course- for an unprovoked beating.

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because they never go to bars

I go to bars and I have been to rougher places then Patpong.

then they're living some fantasy life

Beats living a life full of hate.....

These buffoon posters

No need to get personal.

same old suspects to try and show what pillars of society they are here

Fact is that I used to party a lot in Thailand and found myself in some pretty unsavory places. Not once was I even threatened, never mind set upon. Maybe something to do with the fact that I dopn't get aggressive when pissed? I saw people get beaten up, in Thailand and elsewhere, but I have never seen an unprovoked attack. Was the violence excessive at times? Sure, no nead to beat the sh*t out of a drunk, bad-mouthing idiot but this is the case everywhere. Maybe Google "glassing" for example?

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we have all seen the type- and not just in bars, everywhere around thailand) deserve everything they get and the world will be a happier, shinier, better place if they and others learnt from that experience of getting beaten

I wonder whether the American in Krabi 'learnt from the experience' a few months back? Or that taxi passenger?

Oh I forgot! Of course not. They're dead!


Whatever triggered it it's a very difficult situation, if the victim happened to put up a decent fight he'd probably end up murdered - even not retaliating he got a nasty kicking. Anyone getting involved (I'd say particularly a foreigner) is likely to receive the same treatment, the Middle Eastern guy was very brave in that situation. If a group of foreigners got involved I'd place bets on bystanders joining in on the other side with no knowledge of how it started - it would just mushroom in that kind of environment.

What started it could have been anything, I could easily imagine that he could have stumbled into them given he was drunk, stepped on their feet or something. Whatever it was it seems to me that the only course of action for the victim once kicks and punches started flying was to play dead.


When you see the way farangs behave in the bar areas im amazed there are not more of them getting beaten up daily- and in most cases it would be well deserved too. So kudos to the Thais for showing so much restraint, i say.

Agree. Thais will never lay into a farang like this unless provoked. The bloke should consider himself lucky being able to walk away from all this.

I know what you're saying, and those women who get raped from time to time in Thailand are obviously provoking the situation by being in shorts, Thais would never do such a thing unless provocation was involved.

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we have all seen the type- and not just in bars, everywhere around thailand) deserve everything they get and the world will be a happier, shinier, better place if they and others learnt from that experience of getting beaten

I wonder whether the American in Krabi 'learnt from the experience' a few months back? Or that taxi passenger?

Oh I forgot! Of course not. They're dead!

Wrong place, wrong time. I wonder how many Americans died senselessly at the hands of their own countrymen (in some cases, a family member or partner) in the first 7 months of 2013 ?

Thailand has over 60 million people, a very large percentage of whom are consigned to an existence that few of us in the West would be willing to accept. Doesn't justify the actions of the sword-carrying psycho taxi driver or the dimwit motorbike thieves who killed the Australian woman in Phuket a while back, but if you can point me to a country where this madness doesn't happen I'll be more than happy to hear about it. Japan ? Switzerland ? Iceland ? Singapore ?

The problem is the same as it was a thousand years ago - under these clothes, we are chimpanzees.


If it's one of our own at the very least knowledge of Thai language and a lot of words might sway them, or maybe get some in the crowd who are farang, arabs-even to try and just pull them off or the farang out of their.

I know if he died and I was there just looking on at it happening I would be troubled by it, even if he deserved a beating etc.

Some Thais seem to get a certain 'bloodlust' when this happens, the rules of combat are ignored and it's five to one etc.


Back in my country of origin, I saw a man being stopped and asked for a light (for a cigarette). The person lit his cigarette and stamped it out on the provider's face. He was given a severe kicking, lifted of the ground and thrown onto the railway tracks below by the 5 people who had given him the kicking. I was 11 years old at the time, this was the first death I had seen.

The victim's crime? Wrong religion, wrong place. When I hear the generalization of all Thai's being cowards because of their 'pack attacks' I would suggest to the people making the claims to look a bit closer to home to see the global trend for these sort of attacks.

There are 'cowards' everywhere you look, but in most places these attacks would not even make the local news as there are more serious crimes happening.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that these sort of things happen, but they do. Nobody deserves it, until you know what it was dished out for; 99% (estimate) of the time there is a reason (valid or not), these are not random attacks.

What country are you from? Were those guys charged? Was it an unprovoked attack?

Was hoping to see the cause of the attack on the video i posted.

Thought one of you guys might actually have chanced upon it or heard from the grapvine or who knows maybe a news report but looks like we'll just have to assume he was drunk got a bit mouthy and hence the retribution there.

I originally come from a quiet little fishing village on the east coast of Northern Ireland, called Belfast. The incident in question happened in September 1969 and yes, it was an unprovoked attack and to my knowledge nobody was ever charged with it.

However, regardless of where or when this example happened, we still have the same 'pack' mentality in every city of the UK and probably every other country in the world. You would be extremely unwise to disregard this fact. The point I am making is that it is not exclusive to Thailand and only makes the news (if it even did????) because there is nothing else to report.

We should be happy with this amount of 'crime', as awful as that may sound.

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Back in my country of origin, I saw a man being stopped and asked for a light (for a cigarette). The person lit his cigarette and stamped it out on the provider's face. He was given a severe kicking, lifted of the ground and thrown onto the railway tracks below by the 5 people who had given him the kicking. I was 11 years old at the time, this was the first death I had seen.

The victim's crime? Wrong religion, wrong place. When I hear the generalization of all Thai's being cowards because of their 'pack attacks' I would suggest to the people making the claims to look a bit closer to home to see the global trend for these sort of attacks.

There are 'cowards' everywhere you look, but in most places these attacks would not even make the local news as there are more serious crimes happening.

It is an unfortunate fact of life that these sort of things happen, but they do. Nobody deserves it, until you know what it was dished out for; 99% (estimate) of the time there is a reason (valid or not), these are not random attacks.

What country are you from? Were those guys charged? Was it an unprovoked attack?

Was hoping to see the cause of the attack on the video i posted.

Thought one of you guys might actually have chanced upon it or heard from the grapvine or who knows maybe a news report but looks like we'll just have to assume he was drunk got a bit mouthy and hence the retribution there.

I originally come from a quiet little fishing village on the east coast of Northern Ireland, called Belfast. The incident in question happened in September 1969 and yes, it was an unprovoked attack and to my knowledge nobody was ever charged with it.

However, regardless of where or when this example happened, we still have the same 'pack' mentality in every city of the UK and probably every other country in the world. You would be extremely unwise to disregard this fact. The point I am making is that it is not exclusive to Thailand and only makes the news (if it even did????) because there is nothing else to report.

We should be happy with this amount of 'crime', as awful as that may sound.

I put it to you that events in 1969 Belfast should not be considered normal by any means and in no way form a standard to be judged against.!

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Can someone please post a link.


Btw guys if you want to comment on facebook here is the link to all the videos on this person's profile and there are tons of interesting videos he has i think it is mostly on thailand/malaysia not very sure but interesting to watch and will provoke a response go search a bit thru the videos and you will find the video. Direct link to the vid causes it to be embedded in here and some of you might not know the link to post on FB.


Video is titled ****Foreign language removed**** aka tourist beaten - thailand.

Can see a few farangs in there calling the thais cowardly and a few asians some writing in chinese how disrespectful some farang are

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