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Warathep readies officials for new season of rice pledging program

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Warathep readies officials for new season of rice pledging program

BANGKOK, 7 September 2013 (NNT) – The Deputy Agriculture Minister has met with rice pledging program related officials to provide a policy guideline regarding the upcoming 2013/2014 rice scheme.

Deputy Agriculture Minister Warathep Rattanakorn, during his meeting with rice officials, called for transparency and efficiency in the operation, especially in the registration process. He also told the officials to inform the farmers regarding the program and the registration process.

The cabinet earlier approved the proposed budget of 270 billion baht for the new season of rice pledging program, while the pledging price has been set at 15,000 baht per ton, with the maximum of 350,000 baht per farming household. The 2013/2014 rice program will begin on October 1st and will run through February next year.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Commerce expects to see around 16.5 million tons of rice pledged in the 2013/2014 season, while affirming that all officials will be working under strict measures to make sure there will be no corruption as CCTVs will be installed in rice mills and pledging stations to monitor each transaction.

-- NNT 2013-09-08 footer_n.gif


One can envisage the meeting of the minions.

Right Ho girls and boys have you all noted down the numbers of the interested parties bank accounts?


Now when the scam scheme recommences please ensure the correct payments are made to the proper recipients less of course your handling fee.

Ignore the great unwashed masses the farmers they are of no consequence to our puppet master or his family and of course their brown nosing acolytes. Might is right, more excursions abroad are being planned thus pocket money will be needed for funding the shopping trips along with the puppet masters payroll.

Right Ho girls and boys and those in between off you jolly well go.


Going to be another good rice season--plenty of tax payers baht raining from the sky.

Since the rice and rubber farmers seem to be doing pretty good in pushing (protesting) the govt into buying/subsidizing their crops at above market prices, I wonder when all the other types of farmers...like those who raise corn, pineapple, sugar cane, etc.....are going to start doing the same thing....what's good for the goose should be good for the gander. And maybe pig farmers should start pushing the govt to buy their pigs....or would that end up putting too many pigs at the tax money trough.


Ok remember new guy here. So can somebody tell me how to sign up for this. I know its all a scam but we have never got 15,000 a ton. Realize been getting screwed all along, but like to try for a reach around. Thanks for any advise. In Mahasarakam.

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whatever the ministers studied, if they studied, at university did not include economics, of that you can be certain.


"The 2013/2014 rice program will begin on October 1st and will run through February next year."

Nothing describes the term "deadline" better than this!


Where are they going to store it all ?

regards Worgeordie

Pumped into the ground under Bangkok. It will absorb the water to raise the city and reduce the future flooding.

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while affirming that all officials will be working under strict measures to make sure there will be no corruption as CCTVs will be installed in rice mills and pledging stations to monitor each transaction.

And who will be watching the watchers?

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Ok remember new guy here. So can somebody tell me how to sign up for this. I know its all a scam but we have never got 15,000 a ton. Realize been getting screwed all along, but like to try for a reach around. Thanks for any advise. In Mahasarakam.

A good question. I'm in Mahasarakham as well but we grow just enough for ourselves so it doesn't affect us. As far as I know you have to own the land which is where many farmers lose out as it has to go through the land owner. I think the other problem is when you take it to the warehouse it's checked for moisture content and if it's not at the correct level you don't get as much. May e different if you know the warehouse owner who may well have close connections with the government.

We did consider buying land to grow more rice but we were concerned that this may all go horribly wrong and the scheme may stop.

Hopefully someone will be able to give a more knowledgeable response. Of course you could, with some justification be being sarcastic.


Where are they going to store it all ?

regards Worgeordie

This is really easy. PTP have designed a number of very large rubber 'condoms' in which they can store the pledged rice outside, so to say in the elements In fact without extra expense the rice will be cooked. No need for expensive warehouses. Having pledged to buy rubber they need to do something with it. Win win for rice farmers, rubber growers. I am not sure it is a win for the tax payer though.

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