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:o I am so angry. Just this morning I purchased a new clothes drier from Big C. Cost around 750 baht. Got it home, assembled it and two pieces are missing. Took some photos of it and went back. They refused to give me the other two parts out of another one as 'that one would be short too'. I will admit that I didn't have my receipt however, the time lapse between purchase and return was 90 minutes at the most. :D

Big C = big cheaters.

Won't ever shop there again the cheating buggers.

Rant over,how do I fix the bloody thing so it stays upright.

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I don't have the receipt. I managed to lose it somewhere between the shop and home. The woman on the till out recognised me though. I did have the packaging it came in with the bar code on it. I am furious with myself more than anything. GRRRRRR. I may just slap myself around the face a little. :o

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What staff refused you the return on the item? Don't tell me you was waved away by just the sales staff?

Go back there with the machine, parts missing an all, take it in there and demand to see the manager. If he starts giving you any shit, tell him you'll need his name so you can take the problem to a higher level and report him. They know you only bought the machine 90 minutes ago because the saleswoman recognises you, but they are getting away with cheating you here

End of the day you might need to go in there and make a bit of noise to sort this out if the normal approach hasn't worked. I've never failed to have anything returned in Thailand but theres always been some kind of problem when doing so.

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Most of these stores do not give you any kind of aftersales service. They got the box with the mashine from the manufacturer, if anything is missing or you need repair to be done you will have to go to them.

Unless you want to return the thing but without receipt no luck with that I would guess.

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Thanks for all your kind words. I actually spoke to the manager (at least our home help did). To be honest I am afraid that I'll have to write of the 700 odd baht to experience, I just can't face going back - it is too hot and it will take me an hour to dismantle. I have decided to buy some of that blue pipe stuff and use that.

I will not ever go back to big c either.

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Thanks for all your kind words. I actually spoke to the manager (at least our home help did). To be honest I am afraid that I'll have to write of the 700 odd baht to experience, I just can't face going back - it is too hot and it will take me an hour to dismantle. I have decided to buy some of that blue pipe stuff and use that.

I will not ever go back to big c either.

Well thats fair enough I suppose. You might find you would have had better luck if you had spoken to the manager, not your home help. I imagine your home help was easily brushed off with an excuse whereas you might have had a better standing with the manager and not have been. I find Thai people can be pretty useless at demanding consumer rights. :o

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The advice offered by BKKMadness is sound, always works for me. Put a cruder way, if you don't get any joy from the monkeys insist on talking to the organ grinder. One time I saw some Havana Club rum on sale at Carrefour with a sticker saying the purchase entitled the buyer to a six pack of Coke. The cashier told me that the campaign was no longer valid even though there was no expiration date on the sticker or anywhere else. Went up the chain of command until I met with the Manager, who instantly and very genially found a six pack for me.

The name taking is another great idea. This worked for me years ago at the Thai Malaysian border. Officials were trying to scam some cash purportedly related to tax clearance certificates but entirely bogus. After they ignored my entreaties I pulled out a pen and read their name tags out loud as I wrote them down. Much consternation and consultation, followed by a wave through.

Key point is to avoid shouting matches or scenes-just keep going up the ladder, and if they won't cooperate take down the names. If you have a cell phone that can do so take pics. Always put the fear of the Lord in them.

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Sorry, once again just to clarify things, our home help is Burmese (I suspect the manager of being racist) she speaks impecable Thai. I was standing with her and she interpretted.

As you say, bugger it, it is 700 baht which is less than a tenner. Life's too short.


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The name taking is another great idea. This worked for me years ago at the Thai Malaysian border. Officials were trying to scam some cash purportedly related to tax clearance certificates but entirely bogus. After they ignored my entreaties I pulled out a pen and read their name tags out loud as I wrote them down. Much consternation and consultation, followed by a wave through.

Name takings a key point, whether you are in Thailand or anywhere in the world, you'll be surprised by how staff suddenly lose their power and 'front' when they realise you actually have the power to get them in trouble. When they realise how far you'll take the situation you'll soon find things that couldn't be done before are suddenly sorted out.

I skipped a '600 baht fee for leaving Cambodia on the same day' scam when on a border crossing a year or so back. I told the Cambodian officials that I would need their names so I could contact the British Embassy and tell them who has kidnapped me and that the ransom was set at 600 baht. I was waved through at no extra cost straight away. :o

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I skipped a '600 baht fee for leaving Cambodia on the same day' scam when on a border crossing a year or so back. I told the Cambodian officials that I would need their names so I could contact the British Embassy and tell them who has kidnapped me and that the ransom was set at 600 baht. I was waved through at no extra cost straight away. biggrin.gif

Nice on Madness, it's always worth a try. :o

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You could always go buy another - keep the receipt - and take back the old one with the new receipt. They get the one with the missing bit, and it still only cost you the original 750Baht for a complete one. :o

Edited by wolf5370
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