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No wonder why some end up with financial problems!

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Sorry RS can't use quote on your post, as you screwed around with the "quote" function.


Foreigner can no longer buy house in company name.

A small and easy search of the company records will find any foreigner shareholdings, and a prompt refusal to register the property in that company name will be forthcoming. (and that's 'too challenging' not 'to challenging')


Sorry RS can't use quote on your post, as you screwed around with the "quote" function.


Foreigner can no longer buy house in company name.

A small and easy search of the company records will find any foreigner shareholdings, and a prompt refusal to register the property in that company name will be forthcoming. (and that's 'too challenging' not 'to challenging')

Only if the express purpose of the company is to circumvents the restrictions and solely own property.

A functioning real company can own property.

Who judges if it's a real functioning company, I'm thinking a poorly paid and educated clerk at the land office (who hates foreigners and loves Thais).


My GF would have gotten up and walked out, without a word.

Not to mention, the OP has no idea what the conversation was really about.

Only what his gf told him, and let's face it, she wants the house 100% paid for and in her name.

For all the OP knows they might have been talking about the latest pop songs.


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My GF would have gotten up and walked out, without a word.

Not to mention, the OP has no idea what the conversation was really about.

Only what his gf told him, and let's face it, she wants the house 100% paid for and in her name.

For all the OP knows they might have been talking about the latest pop songs.

Classic. giggle.gif


Well you chose that bank.

And honestly, if you foresee problems arisingwith your wife, why go into business with her, and why get married?

It's called trust. Stop being so paranoid of failure.

  • Like 1

Sorry RS can't use quote on your post, as you screwed around with the "quote" function.


Foreigner can no longer buy house in company name.

A small and easy search of the company records will find any foreigner shareholdings, and a prompt refusal to register the property in that company name will be forthcoming. (and that's 'too challenging' not 'to challenging')

Only if the express purpose of the company is to circumvents the restrictions and solely own property.

A functioning real company can own property.

Who judges if it's a real functioning company, I'm thinking a poorly paid and educated clerk at the land office (who hates foreigners and loves Thais).

On the basis that we don't know he doesn't have an unreal company let's assume he does. So yes companies can own property.


Well you chose that bank.

And honestly, if you foresee problems arisingwith your wife, why go into business with her, and why get married?

It's called trust. Stop being so paranoid of failure.

Ever heard of a prenup?


Foreigner can't buy a house in Thailand.

Entire discussion pointless.

They were either laughing at your stupidity, or your gullibility.

What are you banging on about ??

  • Like 1

Well you chose that bank.

And honestly, if you foresee problems arisingwith your wife, why go into business with her, and why get married?

It's called trust. Stop being so paranoid of failure.

Thought OP said Girlfriend ??


First I love the last paragraph of the last poster its very true.

I have had no end of issue with Banks in Thailand. To the point I flew to Hong Kong to open a company and Bank account with an ATM card.

Now have 100% Western Owned Thai company (BOI)and the Thai Bank account gets only the money it needs transferred into it the day before its needed. Dont trust savings in Thailand!

I have had the bank call to inform my staff to tell me that big money has been received from overseas into my personal bank account! (No Privacy) and then other times staff at the branch have told my partner how much the balance is in my company bank account. Even one time local BIB told me that they often ask the bank staff how much somebody has available in there account.

My advise is don't buy property in Thailand. You cant sell it easily and if your neighbors upset you you cant do anything about it. And if you do buy property dont put any of it in a Thai partners name as even if they love you they could die (Motorbike accident?) and you are left to deal with family... This being said it is possible to legally buy property in Thailand 100% in your own name its just not common and not easy (EG: BOI).

And yes I'm an only child and happy to keep that attitude... (LOL)


First I love the last paragraph of the last poster its very true.

I have had no end of issue with Banks in Thailand. To the point I flew to Hong Kong to open a company and Bank account with an ATM card.

Now have 100% Western Owned Thai company (BOI)and the Thai Bank account gets only the money it needs transferred into it the day before its needed. Dont trust savings in Thailand!

I have had the bank call to inform my staff to tell me that big money has been received from overseas into my personal bank account! (No Privacy) and then other times staff at the branch have told my partner how much the balance is in my company bank account. Even one time local BIB told me that they often ask the bank staff how much somebody has available in there account.

My advise is don't buy property in Thailand. You cant sell it easily and if your neighbors upset you you cant do anything about it. And if you do buy property dont put any of it in a Thai partners name as even if they love you they could die (Motorbike accident?) and you are left to deal with family... This being said it is possible to legally buy property in Thailand 100% in your own name its just not common and not easy (EG: BOI).

And yes I'm an only child and happy to keep that attitude... (LOL)

All very nice but if its not safe to have a simple bank account in Thailand why did you invest millions in to a BOI registerd company in Thailand wich would allow this company to own one measly rai of land.Sounds strange to spend so much in a country like Thailand and a bussines does needs the service of banks i would think.
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Society is very immature... thats why many people are here - for the most part its less stressful than back home.

Added to which people here seem to get promoted not based on merit but on who they know or how polite and nice they are.

As such there are a number of people in positions where they should know more, who are very nice, kind and polite, but they know very little.

Occasionally, when you need assistance on a matter which isn't run of the mill you will get lucky and find one of those who are extremely efficient and know what they are doing. These moments are highly refreshing.

I'm curious though: If you know the rules already, why are you asking advice from a Bank Clerk who clearly doesn't know.

After being in Thailand for more than a few days everyone should be able to recognise the 'Walk Away Situation', whereby the person you are speaking with is simply too dim and un-knowledgable to be of any help whatsoever. Why waste your time ? Just say thanks and walk away to pursue other avenues somewhere else.

Things are done differently in Thailand - If you wish to discuss mortgage options a walk in off the street may not be the best idea. Instead call up head office and ask for an English speaker to call back, if they sound smart then arrange a meeting.

The idea of arguing with an idiot is idiotic... You will not convince a bank clerk with whom you cannot communicate that you are right and she is wrong.. Change the the idea of Winning or Trying show you are Right... and simply walk away, you'll learn soon enough that these little battles are not worth it, they don't care but you get annoyed.


In a similar fruitless situation: Before I bought a car I had a lump sum in my Thai Bank account. Not liking the idea of a large sum of money in my account linked to an ATM card I requested to open another account. I explained that I wished to have another account linked to an ATM with a small amount in it (to protect from ATM skimming etc) the original account was to have no associated ATM or debit card.... The Bank wouldn't let me open a new account. I had my passport, a Bank Book and an account with x million baht in it. But I didn't have the work permit with me.. The logic that I couldn't open an account was flawed, after all I already had an account there !!!.... It was pointless arguing or discussing the issue.. It was a 'Walk Away Situation' no point getting annoyed.

Similar story with UK bank. I used to go into the branch almost every week. Introduced my wife when we married. All the girls there were keen to see my son when he was born, talk about Thai food, Thai holidays etc. When my daughter was born I went to open an account for her as some of my uncles had sent cheques. I was asked for "proof of address - utility bill ect. I had accounts with that bank for over 30 years, we had joint accounts and my son had an account. No - they wouldn't budge, Seems to be a banking thing. No one in banks will risk common senses anymore.


Based on some of comments in this thread glad I only have a small day to day pocket money account in Thailand and do all my real banking via Singapore

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