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Assault, harrasment to daughter

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Daughter attending university outskirts of Bangkok. She broke up with boyfriend 7 months ago, after he slapped her around a bit. No police report made

Boy broke into her apt. at school and trashed it, police report made and his father paid compensation.

Boy intercepted daughter on way to class, knocked her books to ground, spit on her, witnesses called police, same station where report made on apartment incident. The said they could/would do nothing as per daughter.

She went to visit a friend this weekend in Bangkok, boy went to where she was staying, got admitted to house, and became agressive, left when the girk friend got on phone to call police, different police station.

Daughter said another police report would accomplish nothing, as the boy is from wealthy family, etc.

I was told by Siam legal service that Thailand does not have a legal instrument similar to a 'restraining order'.

I am open to suggestions as 'Dads" first impluse is probably not the accepted way.

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Hire a body guard at least on a temporary basis while she is away from home. If at home, Thai criminal Trespass offense may have occurred as per 'dwelling'

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You have sought advice from a Law Firm, they have told you there is nothing you can do. What are you expecting from this thread, sage advice from keyboard warriors who would advise you to kick his ass ?

Just do the same as everyone else here would, nothing, he will get bored of it and find someone else, life goes on.

Well, yeah!! The only thing this boy understands is violence. Kick his ass, dad!!!

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simple 1, thank you for the suggestion and more importantly the refernce to relivant department, etc. Will proceed from that angle, if/when needed

The daughter will in all likelyhood, drop out of university, come home, post haste, as the boy seems like a ticking time bomb, destined to someday self destruct. This type can not be reasoned with nor can their family.

At least she will be home, and if the boy attempts to play games up here (his family vacation home), it is at least in familar/friendly territory.

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Why don't you confront his parents? Where is your wife on all of this? It seems like farang in Thailand come in two forms: crazy, ready for violence over anything and timid little mice ready to pack up and rearrange their lives at a moments notice.

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Do not take her out of university. In thailand she would not be able to fit in if she went into a university with a different group.

Try to seperate what is reasonable and what is not. Most of what you have written shows this is unreasonable and the police should take some action of the report even if it just means giving him a lecture or making him appologise. I would not expect him to get much more and frankly even in the west it would have to go further for really heavy action and jail threats.

It is below the threshold I think the Pavena foundation would act on but it may be worth contacting them for advice.


Clearly, 7 months indicates something well beyond normality. A very unpleasant situation. I would work through the boy's father and try to get him to realise that this cannot continue any longer. Try to get him to pressure the kid to stop. Thai father's usually have the means to do that...so long as it doesn't cause the boy any major loss of face ( ie, providing some safety net for your daughter).


Agree with other posters, its the boys parents I would be harrassing!

The daughter must be the priority, as stated by heijoshine, talk with her, ask her what she wants, how she feels, does she want or would rather move to a different school. If she wants to stay put, then you address the boy directly and warn him, not threaten, then his parents.

If being correct, polite but firm doesnt work, then you consider alternate suggestions and remedies.

Whats the school doing and saying in all this ? This has happened on school grounds, property etc, surely they have an obligation here too ? Protection and safety of students etc ?

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As you stated in your 2nd sentence, he has already resorted to violence and has been on the verge of it several more times. Plus his persistence in pursuing your daughter indicates he won't give up easily. You simply cannot resort to your own sort of vigilante justice as that would only escalate the problem - there's obviously a face issue here with both the turd and his family. Follow simple1's excellent advice and also make contact with the Paveena Hongsakul Foundation. There are other women's groups as well that can help. One other thing is to make sure your daughter and her friends have mobiles that can make a video - the more of them, the better. If the turd can be caught in the act, so to speak, then the "name and shame" technique could be a potent weapon. As the father of a beautiful daughter, I truly sympathise. All the best.

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Stop believing the bar stool experts and the reputation that so many scared of their own shadow Thais trade on. Wealthy family , what are they mafia or something ? Go and talk to them and tell them to sort him out.

I know of very wealthy families who after spoiling their son have disowned him because of his behaviour. Another one who can't be bothered with her own son and doesn't respect him after he's spent about 60 Mb of hers and other peoples money and has nothing to show for it except credit black-listing.

Thais like this behave like this because no one ever stands up to them and no one ever raises their voice or gets aggressive with them. When you do the hard man act suddenly crumbles and you discover the pathetic gutless spoilt little 12 year old boy underneath.

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Entice him into a situation where he gets violent and video tape it. Use this to extract as much bling form his "wealth" family as possible. He will not show his face around after.

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If the parents are beyond approach then get your wife to reach out to someone who know's a high ranking bib,it will cost a fee no doubt but what else can you do,as for taking her up nth you stated that he's if familar with that area as well so that might make the situation even worse.

7 months and still ongoing i doubt the little turd is going to let up any time soon.for now all you can do is make sure she's never alone i hope things work out.for the best.


Are you sure he is not contacting her anymore?Does he have her phone number or email,facebook?

The fact that he knew where to find her make me wonder about this,she may still be under his control but not telling you.

First of all you need to have a really good talk with your daughter ,how does she feel about all this?

There are legal ways to fix this and there are probably legal shortcuts,i would try to talk to the family first.


mate, I lost a teenage daughter to a scumbag in Australia and he had a really bad accident and died unfortunately, anyone that threatrens family, especially a daughter needs to be sorted. Meeting with his father either at home or in his office with a gentle hint that this has to stop before someone is hurt or letting the arsehol_e kid attack then defend yourself with a few witnesses to it all might help a lot. I cannot abide by anyone doing anything to my family, this needs to be knocked on its head now, not after the kid loses it and causes real damage to your daughter especially when his daddy can pay for his aggresion, life is buyable here, stop it now before your daughter becimes another statistic. Sorry if this sounds a bit harsh but sometimes that is the only way to deal with it, especially when the law refuses to help.

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Maybe if you went to talkto the police and brought a little tea money, they would at least talk to hin and maybe shake him up a bit?

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