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who uses the "ignore" option ?


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Everyone is free to put me on ignore, nothing I can do about, but imho it shows the weakness of that poster as he seems to be unable to accept other peoples views on a subject and is unable to defend himself.

Nothing to be proud about I would say.

Missed the point completely ! Its about not having to be subjected to the pointless personal attacks that some posters delight in making and total venom spat out that has nothing to do with the topic being discussed. Its done I suspect out of frustration and inability to articulate their point if view, more realistically for sport, because they can hide behind a keyboard.

There are valid arguments for any viewpoint, each to their own, but the option allows for a person not to be subjected to pointless bile. In my opinion.

I think for that there is a report button, and if valid it will be dealt with by the mods.

Considering your 180 + posts I can see why you may have that opinion albeit misplaced in my opinio.

So because someone attacks you in a particular thread because as you say he can't articulate his point of view, that means he will attack you in every thread regardless of the subject ?

Sorry but in my opinion for that there is a report button. Because I don't agree with you in this thread doesn't mean, although a small chance :-), that I will not agree with you on another subject.

You still see this or am I on ignore already ? biggrin.png

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I didnt say at me did I ? There are individuals that attack anyone, not just the same poster, but as you seem to post on average, not even once a week, you may not encounter this. There are aggressive rude individuals that bate indiscriminantly, yes IF it is caught by the Mods or reported it is often dealt with accordingly.

BUT they cannot be everywhere all the time, they do what they can when then can.

I personally dont like the pointless baiting, and verbal attacks made by some on many, ultimately, as you can read as stated above in this thread many such posters are subsequently banned.

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Can I suggest that if yiu have time yiu read the thread below to see, not just my opinion but that of many others, and yiu can also see where this thread then originated from. Perhaps it can explain and give the bigger picture.


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Everyone is free to put me on ignore, nothing I can do about, but imho it shows the weakness of that poster as he seems to be unable to accept other peoples views on a subject and is unable to defend himself.

Nothing to be proud about I would say.


My experience shows that what people perceive as signs of an incredibly rude and unsightly nature of personality is when you point out to someone that they are wrong, and this is what triggers their reptile brain to go into defense-att-all-cost-mode, even if it result in TV Self-humiliation. There appear to be four steps these posters go through in the process of humiliating themselves:

1. First phase is when the user runs away after realising he posted something that was completely wrong but tried to make it look like he had a clue.

2. Phase two means invectives and minor insults. These insults tend to be things like 'have you taken your medicine yet?". Generally, the insults are very seldom accompanied by any argument that actually contributes to the thread. In my opinion this is the first phase of self-humiliation, but this is seldom realised by the posters who makes these insults.

3. The third phase usually involves asking completely irrelevant questions about the opposing posters personal life. "How many children do you have?", "are you a danish lawyer?", usually followed by accusing the opposing poster for dodging these completely irrelevant questions. The self-humiliation at this phase is now at the level where it gets embarrassing for all parties. The highest grade of self-humiliation in phase two is when posters turn to the "troll accusation" for help.

4. The fourth stage is usually when the poster has realised their complete and utter lack of knowledge; their incorrect gibberish and embarrassing attempts to defend themselves is now on public display and in a last attempt to preserve whatever credibility they think they have left (actually they don't have ANY), they turn to the ultimate refuse-to-admit-being-wrong-trick and post something like "OK, you are now on my Ignore-list" to make it look like they dont read your posts anymore. All in an attempt to make everything go away without having to admit being wrong.

Trust me, putting someone on your ignore-list is not going to help you; if you are in the habit of posting stuff that you don't know shit about, chances are that someone else is going to catch you with your fingers in the cookie jar.

But why ignore these posters?? These posters are, for crying out loud, what makes this forum amusing and interesting. Keep an eye on the Snake-topic and I can almost guarantee that a poster or two is about to enter phase two of "TV Self-Humiliation", two posters are already past phase one...

Edited by Forethat
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Everyone is free to put me on ignore, nothing I can do about, but imho it shows the weakness of that poster as he seems to be unable to accept other peoples views on a subject and is unable to defend himself.

Nothing to be proud about I would say.


My experience shows that what people perceive as signs of an incredibly rude and unsightly nature of personality is when you point out to someone that they are wrong, and this is what triggers their reptile brain to go into defense-att-all-cost-mode, even if it result in TV Self-humiliation. There appear to be four steps these posters go through in the process of humiliating themselves:

1. First phase is when the user runs away after realising he posted something that was completely wrong but tried to make it look like he had a clue.

2. Phase two means invectives and minor insults. These insults tend to be things like 'have you taken your medicine yet?". Generally, the insults are very seldom accompanied by any argument that actually contributes to the thread. In my opinion this is the first phase of self-humiliation, but this is seldom realised by the posters who makes these insults.

3. The third phase usually involves asking completely irrelevant questions about the opposing posters personal life. "How many children do you have?", "are you a danish lawyer?", usually followed by accusing the opposing poster for dodging these completely irrelevant questions. The self-humiliation at this phase is now at the level where it gets embarrassing for all parties. The highest grade of self-humiliation in phase two is when posters turn to the "troll accusation" for help.

4. The fourth stage is usually when the poster has realised their complete and utter lack of knowledge; their incorrect gibberish and embarrassing attempts to defend themselves is now on public display and in a last attempt to preserve whatever credibility they think they have left (actually they don't have ANY), they turn to the ultimate refuse-to-admit-being-wrong-trick and post something like "OK, you are now on my Ignore-list" to make it look like they dont read your posts anymore. All in an attempt to make everything go away without having to admit being wrong.

Trust me, putting someone on your ignore-list is not going to help you; if you are in the habit of posting stuff that you don't know shit about, chances are that someone else is going to catch you with your fingers in the cookie jar.

But why ignore these posters?? These posters are, for crying out loud, what makes this forum amusing and interesting. Keep an eye on the Snake-topic and I can almost guarantee that a poster or two is about to enter phase two of "TV Self-Humiliation", two posters are already past phase one...

bugger, now I am going to go have a look at the snake topic.........

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Like Ricardo, I use the ignore function in the political threads to get rid of the trolls. Including one person that has posted in this thread. Most of those I ignore, over time, are banned ,,, then a significant protion just stop posting because they consistenlty get called out on the BS they post. A few survive.

Surely there cannot be anything much more crass than commenting in the third party on a person while admitting they are your ignore list

"I rarely see Jayboy's posts (the ignore option is excellent) but he constantly uses the "the war on drugs was widely popular" argument for human rights abuses. Well, at the time of the removal of Thaksin from his extra constitutional position as on again off again PM ... nobody said or did anything either, That coup was widely popular" Months and months later when the offers of cash started flowing it became unpopular in the NE"

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Well It seems as if the trolls disappear so i don't put them on ignore. I know one poster when it comes to politics they are dumber than a board fence. If PTP said Yingluck was a virgin they would believe it. Yet on other threads they have some valid points worth considering and at times right on the money.

If I was to put them on ignore I would miss those items.

Actually as far as being rude goes it is in my nature but to put some one on ignore would be rude.

Bottom line is some of them just make me so happy I have an education. Why cut them out of my life?



Edited by hellodolly
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It is a very useful function I have about 12 people on it, some for the last 4 years. I only use it with the posters that refuse to discuss and always try to antagonize other posters, not seeing their BS post works great.


Only 12..!? In your case I expected at least five or six dozen.

I forgot to mention phase five;

5. This is the phase which represents the total character and credibility meltdown. Characterised by a confused soul who openly claims to have put someone on his/hers Ignore-list, only to minutes later continue to post and meet the ignored posters arguments directly or indirectly, thereby confirm that they are in fact reading every single post by the "ignored" poster.

I actually pity posters like this who reaches phase five, it doesn't get more tragic if you ask me.

Edited by Forethat
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It is a very useful function I have about 12 people on it, some for the last 4 years. I only use it with the posters that refuse to discuss and always try to antagonize other posters, not seeing their BS post works great.


Only 12..!? In your case I expected at least five or six dozen.

I forgot to mention phase five;

5. This is the phase which represents the total character and credibility meltdown. Characterised by a confused soul who openly claims to have put someone on his/hers Ignore-list, only to minutes later continue to post and meet the ignored posters arguments directly or indirectly, thereby confirm that they are in fact reading every single post by the "ignored" poster.

I actually pity posters like this, it doesn't get more tragic if you ask me.

Oh I forgot 13 on my ignore list, Thank you for reminding me!

Pity on, For-------------- skin!

Edited by kikoman
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It is a very useful function I have about 12 people on it, some for the last 4 years. I only use it with the posters that refuse to discuss and always try to antagonize other posters, not seeing their BS post works great.


Only 12..!? In your case I expected at least five or six dozen.

I forgot to mention phase five;

5. This is the phase which represents the total character and credibility meltdown. Characterised by a confused soul who openly claims to have put someone on his/hers Ignore-list, only to minutes later continue to post and meet the ignored posters arguments directly or indirectly, thereby confirm that they are in fact reading every single post by the "ignored" poster.

I actually pity posters like this, it doesn't get more tragic if you ask me.

Oh I forgot 13 on my ignore list, Thank you for reminding me!

Pity on, For-------------- skin!

Ahh..phase two AND four in the same post!!

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I've put about 40 people on my 'Ignore'-list, over several years, and at least half of them have subsequently been 'Banned".

It's a useful way of filtering-out the rude or idiotic or (I suspect) paid-to-posters, and saves my blood-pressure. smile.png

That said, a couple of times I've un-ignored people, with whom I often disagree but respect their genuine belief in their posted point-of-view.

A little variety or disagreement can be a good thing ! wai2.gif

"Paid to post"....you have got to be kidding.....I think you need to put yourself on your ignore list!

Putting yourself on the ignore list - what an absolutely mind boggling idea. If that's not a sign of schizophrenia I don't what is!

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Everyone is free to put me on ignore, nothing I can do about, but imho it shows the weakness of that poster as he seems to be unable to accept other peoples views on a subject and is unable to defend himself.

Nothing to be proud about I would say.

With all due respect, I disagree. There are several posters who I regularly have rather hot debates with but I would never put them on ignore just because I disagree with them. When we disagree we aren't personal about it. It's only those who are outright insulting instead of, or even when making valid on-topic responses that I ignore.

I won't accept repeated abuse from anyone, and I try not to give it. Try. :)

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Never used it.

I still have the will power and self control to not read posts from those that I find irritating or foolish.

What I want is a " don't like this button"

It would reduce the number of post telling some they are full of excrement!

Used to be such a button.

Got taken out of the programming...

The number of 'Hits' were jamming up the system....whistling.gif

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Maybe it's just me, but I can figure from certain members posting style if they are the kind of people who have others on ignore.

At least three posters in this thread wouldn't need to make it public that they have others on ignore, it is obvious from their attitude.

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The button is wonderful for people who differ only slightly from my world-and-life view; including religious, political, personal, social, economic, professional, and 100 other subjects.

Since employing this feature, for some strange reason, no new posts seem to show up anywhere on my Thaivisa forum.


Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Maybe it's just me, but I can figure from certain members posting style if they are the kind of people who have others on ignore.

At least three posters in this thread wouldn't need to make it public that they have others on ignore, it is obvious from their attitude.

When you have been around for more than a minute, please let us know if your opinion changes.

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Maybe it's just me, but I can figure from certain members posting style if they are the kind of people who have others on ignore.

At least three posters in this thread wouldn't need to make it public that they have others on ignore, it is obvious from their attitude.

When you have been around for more than a minute, please let us know if your opinion changes.

Will you still be able to see that post without someone quoting it ?

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I seldom use it. Actually, on this site, I have never felt the need to do so.

On the other hand, I have felt "ignored" more than once ( when no one considered my post good enough to be commented)

Thinking of it, maybe I am on some people' s blacklist

Mind you, I have also received answers which did not please me but, it helps, sometimes, to understand better what I tried to express


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