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Muggings - Some Personal Observations


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Reading through this forum and various press reports about muggings and other general Farang rip-offs I notice that the victims always had sufficient “wealth” on show to make it worthwhile for the thieves.

Why do some people feel they have to display (rub noses) into others with their show of “prosperity”. Bulging wallets, gold watch, gold bracelets, necklace rings and all sorts of personal accessories of questionable taste.

The yuppie days of “if you got it flaunt it” are long gone and do not apply any more especially in a developing country.

It is therefore a mystery to me why some people flaunt and then wonder why they get robbed. Is it that they feel inadequate without their “rich” trappings? How sad to think that nobody will love them without the rich accessories.

I have known various people of wealth who were also streetwise. They had luxury cars but were not above using a beat up old Nissan for certain occasions when visiting dubious areas. They did not have the need to wear flash cloths or Rolex watches and gold accessories or have bulging wallets that all could see to make them feel adequate.

So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Does one need to wear an expensive Rolex; does one need a wristwatch at all? How about a cheap Casio?

When one goes out clubbing do you need a bulging wallet? How much do you expect, can afford, to spend in one night? Why not just take enough money that you will need and leave the bulging wallet at home?

I know this kind of thinking does not apply to all cases but seems to me a majority of muggings would be prevented if some basic observations were followed.

Just my personal thoughts.



Any comments made by this poster either sober or under the influence of any alcohol have no relation to the real world and any similarity to events or persons in the real word are purely coincidental and under no circumstances should any recommendation or suggestions regarding any situation made by this poster be tried at home or be taken seriously by anyone living or dead”

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U live in a country where it is based on pretence and showing what you have got for all to see, so they think wow and respect you.

So why ask that in this country ??

Oh and by the way, I got attacked by 3 ladyboys early one morning with a knife and I look like a bum, so your average just dropped.

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So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Not sure why you are pointing out farangs. A Thai wants to show their status either via cars, jewelry, clothing etc and you see it everywhere. Their culture is hierchical and this is one way of showing it. And the Thais get mugged too, probably more then the farangs.

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So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Not sure why you are pointing out farangs. A Thai wants to show their status either via cars, jewelry, clothing etc and you see it everywhere. Their culture is hierchical and this is one way of showing it. And the Thais get mugged too, probably more then the farangs.

Ok you are correct and don’t let anyone think otherwise.

I thought this forum was mainly about Farangs so I address my question to this forum


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U live in a country where it is based on pretence and showing what you have got for all to see, so they think wow and respect you.

So why ask that in this country ??

Oh and by the way, I got attacked by 3 ladyboys early one morning with a knife and I look like a bum, so your average just dropped.

Sorry about your attack.

I do not want to point finger at anyone.

I do, really do, understand about showing your prosperity, why not, everyone works hard at achieving their goal.

Unfortunately in this word there is only envy at other people’s achievements and the best way to keep your achievements is to keep them to your self.

Sad but true.


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I thought this forum was mainly about Farangs so I address my question to this forum


Fair enough. I personally don't see that many farangs pimped out, but perhaps the high end tourist regions maybe there are and I suspect they are dressing pretty much the same as back in their home countries. Or more likely, dressed down some due to the climate. Certainly there are pretentious farangs and they are pretentious everywhere. :o

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So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Why go out looking like a poor farang?

So as not to get mugged!!!!

Holy shit!

No wonder it happens so often :o

Your typing this from within your temperature controlled oxygen tent right?

There is not one country in the world where your argument could be deemed as more ridiculous!

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Reading through this forum and various press reports about muggings and other general Farang rip-offs I notice that the victims always had sufficient “wealth” on show to make it worthwhile for the thieves.

Why do some people feel they have to display (rub noses) into others with their show of “prosperity”. Bulging wallets, gold watch, gold bracelets, necklace rings and all sorts of personal accessories of questionable taste.

The yuppie days of “if you got it flaunt it” are long gone and do not apply any more especially in a developing country.

It is therefore a mystery to me why some people flaunt and then wonder why they get robbed. Is it that they feel inadequate without their “rich” trappings? How sad to think that nobody will love them without the rich accessories.

I have known various people of wealth who were also streetwise. They had luxury cars but were not above using a beat up old Nissan for certain occasions when visiting dubious areas. They did not have the need to wear flash cloths or Rolex watches and gold accessories or have bulging wallets that all could see to make them feel adequate.

So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

Does one need to wear an expensive Rolex; does one need a wristwatch at all? How about a cheap Casio?

When one goes out clubbing do you need a bulging wallet? How much do you expect, can afford, to spend in one night? Why not just take enough money that you will need and leave the bulging wallet at home?

I know this kind of thinking does not apply to all cases but seems to me a majority of muggings would be prevented if some basic observations were followed.

Just my personal thoughts.



Any comments made by this poster either sober or under the influence of any alcohol have no relation to the real world and any similarity to events or persons in the real word are purely coincidental and under no circumstances should any recommendation or suggestions regarding any situation made by this poster be tried at home or be taken seriously by anyone living or dead”

No animals were harmed during the typing of this post




I get really pissed off by people who think everyone is flaunting their wealth .

Let,s face it the real problem is that we now live in a society where you cannot even wear even basic stuff.

Why shouldn,t we be able to wear a watch which after all is worn to be able to tell the time.

Why shouldnt we be able to wear a wedding / friendship ring or a necklace that has sentimental


Why are we considered to be flaunting our wealth.

Please do not class everyone as wealth advertising or posing as most people are not.

The ones that are will have only themselves to blame. ?????????????????

What next, as the low lifes are also attracted to clothing.

Will we be expected to go around in a sack cloth or even naked.

It,s about time to stand up and sort the bastards out who are, after all the ones that need addressing on this problem.

Changes in attitude need to be enforced and re adjusted.

STOP finding excuses and blaming the victims for **** sake and hells bells.

Do not have the mentality of a do gooder no brainer and make the victim responsible just because they have the odd bit of jewellery or watch on.

You,ll be blaming intoxicated people for getting beat up just for walking down the street because they,ve had a drink and are fair game also i suppose.

Maybe even the victim of a rapist just because they are easy targets. ect.ect.

Let,s show a bit of reasoning here and let people be allowed to be free to move about without fear off being mugged / attacked ect. ect.

Another thing being poor does NOT give anyone the right / excuse to do this just because they do not have it.

The right we all have is again to be able to move about freely without fear of intimidation and that,s a right.

If you want to express reasonable comments on why the problem is allowed and it really is because of not

addressing it, i,ll be pleased to read it.

As for the bullshit reasons as to why these thugs / criminals and low life do these things, put them where the sun doesn,t shine.

There,s a hel_l of a difference on offering advice and being sensible as against finding excuses why we should be attacked and it being our fault.

Also if it,s in the tone of blaming the majority because they wear the odd bit of stuff or whatever pathetic excuse you wish to use, save the energy and negativity for the offenders.

marshbags :o:D:D

P.S. just in case before any clever dick prints it, i do live in the real world, am street wise and above all else know right from wrong and know the difference between victim and offender. amen

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I just showed them a picture of GreenslimeWanderer in my wallet and they ran.


Is there a particular reason why you carry this photo in your wallet?

Maybe there is something you want to tell us all - We're all ears :o


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wearing a watch or wearing a watch covered in diamonds and platnium worth over a millions of dollars in thailand will defenately increase your chances of getting mugged and should not be worn when walking around in poor neibourhoods.

Marshbags, i know what your saying we should where whatever the hel_l we want, as i do but it definately is not smart wearing things worth thousands of dollars in a bad neighbourhood, thats just common sense.

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Good post marshbag. I couldn't agree with you more. I am not one who flaunts my wealth--no expensive jewelry, watches etc., but that is by choice. If I had it, I'd wear it. I do, however, resent the many people who invariably blame the victims for everything that happens. Everywhere people have to be careful and prudent, but beyond that a lot of things have to do with luck and with having a police force that enforces the law and helps people.

I mean, I hear about the farang's getting mugged, shot etc., while walking home from the bar and the remarks are always about how dumb they were, shouldn't have been walking there at that time, etc. I am just happy they weren't driving!

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wearing a watch or wearing a watch covered in diamonds and platnium worth over a millions of dollars in thailand will defenately increase your chances of getting mugged and should not be worn when walking around in poor neibourhoods.

Marshbags, i know what your saying we should where whatever the hel_l we want, as i do but it definately is not smart wearing things worth thousands of dollars in a bad neighbourhood, thats just common sense.

No criticism or offence intended but............................

Part of my post is :-

Why are we considered to be flaunting our wealth.

Please do not class everyone as wealth advertising or posing as most people are not.

The ones that are will have only themselves to blame. ?????????????????

If you re read my full text in it,s context Donz i think i,ve covered what your saying, and more.....

Obviously common sense and where you go is essential to everyone and is implied in my post as well.

The ??????????????????????????? speak volumes depending on your line of thought.

Temptation is not a recommendation in todays enviroment, sadly.

marshbags :o:D:D

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Well im not saying im wealthy, probaly far from it but I wear my gold nacklace etc most places, if im going into the country (this is thailand im talking about) where people are generally poorer i will take them off and will wear my fake watch (as i always take a few watches, necklaces etc).

Its better to minimize your chances of getting robbed then just thinking arrr it wont happend to me and going out wearing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff on you.

Some desperate people will see you as an oppontunity for food and a better few months for them.

I know a friend of mine many years ago (not anymore) that used to mugg people in sydney support some of his drug habbits.

All im saying is that its not a bright idea to make yourself a bigger target when its pretty easy to make yourself a smaller one.

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Well I'm pretty much on the side of the OP.

Back in the 70's, when I first came to Thailand, a large number of Thais would walk around with their gold necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry dangling from their person. Even people of modest means would save up for a gold necklace (often with an expensive looking Bhudda pendant) and wear it proudly. The gold was often their only savings, and in good times it would be upgraded, and in hard times they would pawn it.

This practise has largely died out, and it is not because they no longer feel the need to flaunt their wealth, (or to hoard gold, which they still do). It is because they wish to avoid being mugged. Many men and women have told me this. Of course the richer ones still flaunt their up market cars, and everyone's on the mobile phone status ladder. But the excessive flaunting of gold has largely disappeared.

There are exceptions, mainly very rich - often Chinese ethnic - businessmen who smother themselves in gold and jewely. However, they are usually accompanied by teams of minders. A couple of years ago, I became involved with a very venal military police colonel, who seemed to have gold and jewery dangling from every limb and orrifice. Again he was in uniform, and had his aides around him, so no fear of mugging. I met him a couple of times alone, out of uniform, and nearly all the gold etc had disappeared.

In the old days, I wasn't averse to wearing a bit of gold during my affluent days, but now I try to be discreet and modest with my dress code. I don't think I look poor - I dress in keeping with my envioronment - and I have a decent watch and a gold weding ring - but that's that. I don't want to attract attention and I don't want to rub people's noses in my apparent wealth. This is especially so when I go up country. Sometimes I still come across Thais who wish to dress in an ostentatious manner, but for the most part, people dress conservatively as far as gold, jewelry, watches etc are concerened, and I do the same.

I've seen a few farangs in Pattaya with their shirt buttons undone and sporting thick gold chains, and personally I think it looks gauche, inappropriate in a 'nose rubbing ' kind of way, and, to be honest, asking for trouble.

But what do I know? :o

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Nothing really to add here , just a little story about me in Patters a few years back.

My and the Mrs ( Thai , married for about 5 years at that time) had a break in Pattaya about 4 years ago. The kids were upcountry with in-laws.

We had a good boozy sesion around South Pattaya, I was sozzled. She wanted to go back to the room, no staying power. I wanted to stay out ( typical). After a few attempts to get me to go back to the Hotel she gave up. She wasn't best pleased , but before leaving me in my state of semi-pissedness ( with a few farang mates in tow ) she removed my 5 baht chain ( more like a rope :o ) and took my money , leaving me with 1000 baht. The next day I asked her why she did this. She replied "Pattaya different these days , too many people look your gold and your wallet" .

btw I drank on with my mates for an hour and returned to wifey. A few hours later they both had chains and dosh nicked in an incident on Beach Road.

Bless her.

ps My bling was returned the next day.... :D

pps I no longer wear the rope... :D

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Nothing wrong with wearing what ever you feel like you want to wear. The feelings of other people less blinged should not really come into the equation unless you’re out on some humanitarian mission or something. Otherwise wear what you wish, just be conscious. Conscious as to your surroundings and your ability to PROTECT what you wear. If you are a sloppy fat old man who likes to get drunk and you’re someplace even remotely seedy, leave the 5 baht chain at home. If you’re young, in decent shape, and not a heavy drinker, then wear your chain. Chances are their will be an older weaker mark for thieves to attack.

Just be honest with your self, put on your gold, your watch, whatever, then look in the mirror and imagine yourself a young thug roaming around pattaya....would you stick this guy in the mirror? If the answer is yes, and you don't have a gun or other means of protection, leave it at home.

Simple as that

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