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The Eight-Fold Path of TV-Humiliation

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This should be interesting, this has been up for an hour with only one reply.

Wonder how many will be defensive with offensive criticism..........................tongue.png

Careful where you are walking, the floor could be littered with rattles, dummies & teddies soon.


Is it okay to jump around?

Or do I have to go through all the phases sequentially?

I at least want to get being a Richard head right 'cause I can't seem to get anything else right.


Is it okay to jump around?

Or do I have to go through all the phases sequentially?

I at least want to get being a Richard head right 'cause I can't seem to get anything else right.

Good question. I get the impression the majority of offenders jump freely between the phases. In particular, phases four, five and six tend to come into play without previous build up via preceeding phases.

I only get annoyed by people using 'BS' or 'Bullshit' as the all encompassing, all conquering, ultimate reply to what ever he doesn't agree with. I did write a BS post one time ( well maybe more than once) but this insulting put down really stops me answering posts.

Probably a charming American phrase that I don't really understand.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I feel so enlightened that you have felt us worthy to share your perspective.

Is it their reluctance to be wrong, or others insistance on being right ?


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My attitude when the recipient of any of the above courtesy Paul Newman (Gondorf) and Robert Redford (Hooker) in The Sting:

Johnny Hooker: I gave him the breakout just like you said.
Henry Gondorff: And?
JH: 'S good. He threatened to kill me.
HG: Hell, kid, they don't do that, you know you're not getting to 'em.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I feel so enlightened that you have felt us worthy to share your perspective.

Is it their reluctance to be wrong, or others insistance on being right ?

Phase four..?

I only get annoyed by people using 'BS' or 'Bullshit' as the all encompassing, all conquering, ultimate reply to what ever he doesn't agree with. I did write a BS post one time ( well maybe more than once) but this insulting put down really stops me answering posts.

Probably a charming American phrase that I don't really understand.

I am not sure...but I want to believe calling BS on someone is not a breach in case it is accompanied by reasonable evidence with facts which proves that it was actually....bull shit.

But that's only my opinion, I could be wrong.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I feel so enlightened that you have felt us worthy to share your perspective.

Is it their reluctance to be wrong, or others insistance on being right ?

Phase four..?

Really? It was intended as phase 6!


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To be fair to the OP this thread title shouldn't have the words TV in it cos not only do forummers here behave like this here they do that in other places too in fact all forums with heavy traffic have ppl that behave exactly like that it's just human nature.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, I feel so enlightened that you have felt us worthy to share your perspective.

Is it their reluctance to be wrong, or others insistance on being right ?

Phase four..?
Really? It was intended as phase 6!
It was just a question, so good thing you clarified your intent.

To be fair to the OP this thread title shouldn't have the words TV in it cos not only do forummers here behave like this here they do that in other places too in fact all forums with heavy traffic have ppl that behave exactly like that it's just human nature.

Never thought of that. You might be right there.m

There's a classic No.3 that posts regularly. If his responses/denials/accusations have less than three irrelevant questions in every post, I feel kind of cheated. whistling.gif


To be fair to the OP this thread title shouldn't have the words TV in it cos not only do forummers here behave like this here they do that in other places too in fact all forums with heavy traffic have ppl that behave exactly like that it's just human nature.

Never thought of that. You might be right there.m

It's not just internet forums, it's about human interaction. The study of styles of debate and argument styles are well defined and documented.

On a side note, I thought I'd made a mistake once, but I was wrong.coffee1.gif


To be fair to the OP this thread title shouldn't have the words TV in it cos not only do forummers here behave like this here they do that in other places too in fact all forums with heavy traffic have ppl that behave exactly like that it's just human nature.

Never thought of that. You might be right there.m

It's not just internet forums, it's about human interaction. The study of styles of debate and argument styles are well defined and documented.

On a side note, I thought I'd made a mistake once, but I was wrong.coffee1.gif

Partly true, but the interweb really changes the nature of human interaction.

I can say in 10 seconds what it would take me 20 minutes to type. And during those 10 seconds, I can read feedback from facial expressions and body language, and head off in an entirely different direction based on that feedback.

Not to mention the anonymity afforded by a keyboard.

Are you sure you were wrong? That doesn't sound like you.


To be fair to the OP this thread title shouldn't have the words TV in it cos not only do forummers here behave like this here they do that in other places too in fact all forums with heavy traffic have ppl that behave exactly like that it's just human nature.

Never thought of that. You might be right there.m

It's not just internet forums, it's about human interaction. The study of styles of debate and argument styles are well defined and documented.

On a side note, I thought I'd made a mistake once, but I was wrong.coffee1.gif

yes human interaction but there is a difference in human behavior on the internet vs face to face and ppl tend to be more civil face to face as not doing so could sometimes erupt into something physical. Also ppl tend to get into more intimate/intellectual discussions with strangers like i am sure most of us are here with one another. You wouldn't do that outside the internet.


It get.s a bit predictable when long winded intros are followed by..... Moderators, Please note this is not an attempt to stir up anything.............!

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Step 9 can go two ways:

9.1 The thread descends into a diatribe on how immigrants are taking over the UK.

9.2 It is somehow all Obama's fault

25 likes to this post please...

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I honestly think ThaiVisa would do well to get rid of the General Forum altogether. It's mostly aggressive, arrogant and nasty and it's the first sub-forum most site visitors go and it does not provide a warm welcome.

It's a shame, because the other sub-forums are quite the opposite. Friendly, informative, fun and interesting.

This is not aimed at the OP by the way, or any particular regulars here.

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I like the posters who don't have an inkling of what the post is about or where Thailand is located on a map or how to type but have figured out how to use a smiley. coffee1.gif Further the posters who are twice as dumb and palsied who hit the button twice coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif and the poor guy who has stuttering fingers but has still not figured what the post is about coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif .

  • Like 1

I like the posters who don't have an inkling of what the post is about or where Thailand is located on a map or how to type but have figured out how to use a smiley. coffee1.gif Further the posters who are twice as dumb and palsied who hit the button twice coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif and the poor guy who has stuttering fingers but has still not figured what the post is about coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif .





I like the posters who don't have an inkling of what the post is about or where Thailand is located on a map or how to type but have figured out how to use a smiley. coffee1.gif Further the posters who are twice as dumb and palsied who hit the button twice coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif and the poor guy who has stuttering fingers but has still not figured what the post is about coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif .

Do you understand the meaning of 'ad hominem'? laugh.png

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