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Thousands march to US Embassy in Bangkok


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As if the U.S is going to side with rebels to overthrow Thailands elected government. What an absolute pack of Morons these Yellow shirts are. So if the U.S doesn't side with them what are they going to do, resort to violence against the Embassy and demand that the U.S accepts their terms like they are trying to do to the Thai government.

I'd be careful who you call morons. I don't think most of these protesters are yellow shirts. Going to the US embassy was probably just a way to get wider international media attention.

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As if the U.S is going to side with rebels to overthrow Thailands elected government. What an absolute pack of Morons these Yellow shirts are. So if the U.S doesn't side with them what are they going to do, resort to violence against the Embassy and demand that the U.S accepts their terms like they are trying to do to the Thai government.

I'd be careful who you call morons. I don't think most of these protesters are yellow shirts. Going to the US embassy was probably just a way to get wider international media attention.

O.k my apologies these redshirt morons who are trying to dispose of the government.

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Why does every country that has a problem turn to USA either to blame or to ask for support. How come I never see then ask China or Russia or India. I think American citizens are pretty sick of being the police of the world. This is a problem of Thailand and it needs to be settled in Thailand. I feel that Yingluk is a poor leader but she was democratically elected and must finish her term unless she commits a crime and is impeached. We were stuck with Bush but he was legally elected and was allowed to finish his term as god awful as he was.

I agree 100%. I think most of the yellow shirts are a bit confused about what a democracy is. When your unhappy with the election results you can’t keep throwing the winner out of office and install your own Government expect the people to be happy about it and still call yourself a democracy.

If they are unhappy about loosing they should take a look at why they lost and see what they can do to gain the peoples trust and popularity instead of trying to oust the current leadership who as you said was democratically elected. And by an overwhelming majority I may add.

As for Bush, not so sure he was LEGALLY elected the first time round., that just shows the problem with our electoral system of electing our leader.

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I'm not American, but have to question what on earth has to do with the current issues in Thailand? Are these people now so desperate and delusional that they are imagining enemies on every corner? Abhisit led this march? Just becoming crazy.........

It`could possibly be something to do with the International Monetary Fund.

Although the IMF is suppose to be organization of 188 countries, it`s headquarters are based in Washington DC and it is really the Americans that are running the show.

Thailand has turned to the IMF during times of financial need to borrow money and perhaps Abhisit and his cronies are trying to dissuade the United States from supporting the present Thai Government by giving loans and other favours that may benefit the Yingluck Government.

I do not know for sure, but it seems likely the case.

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Thailand is a strategic asset for the US obviously due to it bordering China. Also Thaksin's Carlyle-Group days are still a concern to some of us, as CG is linked to the Nest Of Vipers who are pushing the buttons in the States. There is a lot more behind the scenes activity between the US and Thailand, imho, that most people including myself don't know anything about. However I seriously doubt that is the reason the protesters went to the embassy, it seems more like randomised defiance in the current spirit of spiralling hubris. Personally though I do still have a lot of questions about Thaksin and the US deep-state.

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They want them to stop all aid flow to Thailand.

Even in the event of a coup that will not happen. By US law, in the event of a coup military aid will stop for a time. There is no direct way around that as it is written into the law. However, I am sure that through the use of intermediaries and other governments that nothing would really start. It also does not abrogate the US-Thai treaties including defense.

You can be sure that Abhisit is well aware of these aspects as they came into play in 2006.

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Meh. I was there. The protests went past my offices and then down the road to the US embassy.

It was a happy and energetic crowd. A few anti Thaksin signs here and there. Lots and lots of people. No anti American stuff.

Saw Korns speech in front of the embassy.

Spoke about why they are protesting, that you can be democratically elected but then you have to act democratically ( and with an unelected Thaksin in Dubai pulling the stings, he has a point).

Talked about how they would succeed so long as they keep this a peaceful struggle. The only reference to the US that I heard was the importance of free speech, just like in the US, and that all countries of the world who value democracy should be concerned with the current government ( the irony of his statement given how he got into government the last time was lost on many....).

My take on it was it was more a request for understanding to the US for what they were doing.

The protest was happy, peaceful. I spotted a huge US 'continental' driven as part of the convoy, left hand drive and all. If this was an anti US protest that car would have been the first to be torched.

The protest dispersed quickly, and traffic quickly refilled wireless RD. Which was a shame case it was a lovely day and I enjoyed walking down the middle of that tree lined street for a bit.

Thanks for that first hand report :)

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So...can someone please enlighten me, what TF they wanted at the US- Embassy?

Media attention? With 35++ countries already having issued travel advisory (not warnings, as they are wrongly labeled over and over again), I guess they have enough attention already. My mom calls me, if I am okay in all the "riots" in Bangkok, so...how much more attention do you need?

If the speech that Korn held, was not even remotely about the USA or their involvement in Thailand or anything of that kind...why did it have to be held in front of the US Embassy? Just to inform the Ambassador of the schedule for the coming days?

I guess, this happens if you stir up protests, only footing on a name of a man you don't like.

If you just throw around buzzwords like "democracy" or "corruption" willy nilly, with no further idea attached to them.

Don't get me wrong: I am all for civil disobedience, protests and demonstrations- they are actually part of a democratic process.

But if the same people, who are corrupt to core, who rape "democracy" on a daily basis, want to make me believe, that they are suddenly champions of freedom...it just doesn't work!

Unfortunately, it is very fashionable to throw a tantrum, when the name "Thaksin" is mentioned and this is just what people like Korn, Abisith or (worst of all) Suthep feed upon.

Again: why march to the US Embassy?

Explanations, please!

Edited by DocN
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Bizzare that they would march and protest the American embassy. These are supposedly educated class people?


Yeah. Why not just go and bother the Brits? They were here first. Make 'em feel important.

Ah, that's one difference between the Yanks and the Brits. The British don't need to be made to feel we are important.... we just assume that everybody knows that already. thumbsup.gif

Hence, feeling neglected, snubbed,

BANGKOK, 30 November 2013 (NNT) - British Ambassador to Thailand Mark Kent has expressed concerns over the impact of escalating political turmoil in Thailand.

Mr Kent met with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra at the Government House to discuss the growing wave of anti-government demonstrations and the seizures of government offices.



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OK, some of the protesters according to the Nation were carrying placards saying:

"stop serving Thaksin regime," and "Get Out, Thaksin's servants."

How is that message NOT against the U.S. government? How is that different really than Yankee Go Home? How is that not an accusation that the U.S. is meddling in internal Thai conflicts? Please tell me. I get delivering a letter to the ambassador from a leader of the opposition. I don't get, agree with, or approve of the unfair anti-American message of those placards.

"The United Kingdom is not the only nation expressing its concerns over the ongoing crisis, as the United States, the United Nations and China have previously sent letters to the Prime Minister asking for negotiations between the Government and the protesters."

And, JT, how is this not meddling in internal Thai politics? coffee1.gif

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OK, some of the protesters according to the Nation were carrying placards saying:

"stop serving Thaksin regime," and "Get Out, Thaksin's servants."

How is that message NOT against the U.S. government? How is that different really than Yankee Go Home? How is that not an accusation that the U.S. is meddling in internal Thai conflicts? Please tell me. I get delivering a letter to the ambassador from a leader of the opposition. I don't get, agree with, or approve of the unfair anti-American message of those placards.

"The United Kingdom is not the only nation expressing its concerns over the ongoing crisis, as the United States, the United Nations and China have previously sent letters to the Prime Minister asking for negotiations between the Government and the protesters."

And, JT, how is this not meddling in internal Thai politics? coffee1.gif

Jeez, calling for calm and suggesting negotiations is hardly meddling. That's diplomacy and expressing concern. If that offends you . . . You got some serious chip on your shoulder or personal issues being projected.

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I'm not American, but have to question what on earth has to do with the current issues in Thailand? Are these people now so desperate and delusional that they are imagining enemies on every corner? Abhisit led this march? Just becoming crazy.........

It`could possibly be something to do with the International Monetary Fund.

Although the IMF is suppose to be organization of 188 countries, it`s headquarters are based in Washington DC and it is really the Americans that are running the show.

Thailand has turned to the IMF during times of financial need to borrow money and perhaps Abhisit and his cronies are trying to dissuade the United States from supporting the present Thai Government by giving loans and other favours that may benefit the Yingluck Government.

I do not know for sure, but it seems likely the case.

The tan French lady thinks she is running the IMF.


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Nice try. That message most definitely IS accusing my government of meddling in internal Thai conflicts. Just dealing with the current legal government, whatever it is, is doing NO such thing! Those placards were inflammatory, unfair, and yes anti-American.

No, Virginia, this doesn't make me "pro red shirt" to object to the kind of cheap anti-American tactics represented in those placards.

If that is not the message they wanted to convey they should have had political operatives confiscating those placards. So I am left to conclude that IS the message they wanted to convey. Message received.

I would be interested in seeing if there is going to be a similar march against the British Embassy, after the ambassador went up for a photo op with Yingluck and denounced the protesters.

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Actually the supporters of Abhisit and Suthep must be highly ignorant. Suthep is a bigger crook than the unscrupulous Thaksin, just look at the convictions around the land scandal in the 90's

The supporters of the Democrat Party and Yellow shirts are completely clueless about the future, they are selfish, ignorant and belittle the rural poor, who have often much more of a brain than the idiots who claim to know everything about politics in Bangkok.

Just look at their power base. If the Democrat party was so good, how come they have killed 7000 people in the South and hundred plus thousand wounded? The South is the example for how Thailand will become if the elite gets their way again.

A pressing need for a long time lie down in a darkened room is indicated. Don't forget your Valium - and to arrange for a reality check.

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Quote: The Yellow Shirts might also consider who has been supplying and training the Thai army for the last half century Unquote

Well that explains the debacle in Narathiwat in 2004 when Separatist forces raided an Army depot and walked off with 300 rifles. .

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Has Abhisit and fellow Dems apologized for their NASA=CIA weather climate brouha, that they manufactured to descredit Yingluk and the Reds ?

No ? So give them some bottle water since they made the trip and send on to whatever building they want to occupy next biggrin.png

Go Team Yellow!

Fight Team Yellow!

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Al Jazeera English characterized the embassy protest in an interesting way. They paired it with the protest at the Thai army headquarters and presenting a demanding letter to BOTH suggesting that both powers (the Thai army AND the U.S. government) CHOOSE one side to back in this internal Thai conflict. Same TACTIC, different targets. The Thai army action makes sense in the context of Thai politics, sad but true. The demand at the U.S. embassy for the U.S. government to formally take sides, THEIR side actually, in my view was pretty outrageous.

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British readers will be amazed to learn that Abasit is a Geordie. His place of birth was Wallsend,Newcastle-upon-Tyne.Check it out.

Maybe,a glass or two of Newcastle brown ale will clear his head.Thai politicians should learn to accept defeat if they lose an election. A bit like Newcastle United.

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Yooper, you need to study up on parliamentary democracies (including the Westminster model) and quit trying to make comparisons to a country with a president. In all of Thailand's history with the democracy experiment only one administration has completed its term.

20 coups in recent history and many constitutions, makes the use of the word government contradictory. If you keep changing the rule of law anytime you want, then you have no rule of law.

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Conspiracy theories are great fun! - did you know that in the week after 9/11 Thaksin bent over backwords supporting a Chinese UN initiative regarding who was to blame? and Jr Bush and Crowd once the dust had settled (literally) were seething. Thats realy the date that any special relationship between the US and Thailand ended.

But meh don't you worry, conspiracy types are rarely bothered by facts, let alone know of any biggrin.png

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Al Jazeera English characterized the embassy protest in an interesting way. They paired it with the protest at the Thai army headquarters and presenting a demanding letter to BOTH suggesting that both powers (the Thai army AND the U.S. government) CHOOSE one side to back in this internal Thai conflict. Same TACTIC, different targets. The Thai army action makes sense in the context of Thai politics, sad but true. The demand at the U.S. embassy for the U.S. government to formally take sides, THEIR side actually, in my view was pretty outrageous.

These are the people who seas the NASA weather research project was a CIA plot. This was done just to blow up anything ther Yingluck goverment was doing. No other reason. I might make the same comment about a recent temple crisis. I don't like Thaksin and I neither like nor trust the yellows. If it suits thier interest of the moment they would not hesitate to kick me (and all expats) out.

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The USA does have its interests in Thailand, of course. Any Thai government that offers stability, reasonably fair trade, security cooperation in terms of fighting terrorism and balancing Chinese power, would be more than acceptable to American interests. Actual democracy would be "nice" but I think secondary to the self interest concerns that ANY and ALL nations have in their foreign policy. Again, the USA will work with most any Thai government that manages to be in power, "legally" or not really. If the opposition manages to end the "Thaksin regime" and take power, I can see no reason why the U.S. government would not be doing business as usual with the new government as well. But really don't expect them to actively support either side. What's the benefit in that for the U.S.? Pick the wrong side and they lose. Better to be neutral. Not saying the U.S. doesn't sometimes pick sides in such conflicts, they do of course, and often pick the wrong side, whether winning or losing. I just see no good reason why the U.S. would pick a side in the current conflict in Thailand.

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Agree - but I am no longer thinking how the US conducts its affairs, rahter my own affairs. That is why I neither like nor trust Team Yellow. Sondhi and Team Yellow 1.0 said enough. Team Yellow 2.0 is no different. I neither like nor trust either side, but I am certainly not taken in by the Nation Puff peices. Sondhi said what he and they were about in 08. Nothing has changed.

And on a personal note I am glad I have always rented. Why would I risk my life saving on the promises of Team Yellow or Red?!

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