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Arrest warrant issued for Thai protest leader Suthep on rebellion charges


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Yep. And not only bc of the infighting but also the xenophobic visa and property laws as opposed to the surrounding countries, Thailand will be losing out. attachicon.gifinfighting.jpg

Maybe the surrounding countries have easier laws compared to Thailand because fewer people want to live there.

Good point! How many guys are knocking down the door or creating loads of traffic online to race into Indonesia or Cambodia and get married or invest.

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"He seemed to imply that the protesters could force their way into the Government House."

Well... the police just caved in at their HQ.

They didn't 'cave-in'; they removed the barriers before the protesters even got to the site en-masse and there was an announcement they would allow the protesters to camp in the grounds. IMO a clever and strategic move that knocks the wind out of Suthep's sails. This man loses face more and more with each passing day. And note that 'rent-a-thug' are the ones hurling stones, bomblets, stealing vehicles and breaking the barriers. They sure ain't office workers and middle class!

Yes they did cave... they ceded territory because they in no way could have stopped the anti government protesters today without out a lot of bullets being fired. It's the police that have lost face today and not the anti government protesters. I'm watching it now and they don't seem to have the wind taken out of their sails. Indeed, they rather seem emboldened.

IMHO what must be in this picture somewhere is the fear that YS and others could face charges in relation to death and injuries. Powerful stuff.

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Arrest warrants are dime a dozen here in Thailand, and if I'm not mistaken, there are already

some very serious charges against him following the 2012 unrest, so what's one more?

here in Thailand, if you're not wanted by the authorities or fugitive on the run, you're not

considered a true Thai politician...

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The people that went to demonstrate last week and blew whistles were not paid to do that.

Those were mostly your average Thai person dissatisfied with the current government, particularly the amnesty bills.

A lot of them are still dissatisfied because the last amnesty bill was suspended, not cancelled.

I even had people from my office go to the protest sites last week, during lunch and in the evening.

I know they were not paid.

As for PTP and/or the police seeming passive: the deaths of last weekend were mostly pro-government supporters, who

seemed to have been killed by anti-government protesters (be it student groups, PAD, yellow shirts, whatever).

The anti-government protests, lead by, and incited by, Khun Suthep, have turned into violent disruptive protests.

Sitting around and chanting is peaceful. Storming buildings and throwing rocks etc is not peaceful.

However, as soon as police start shooting the anti-government protesters, and kill an anti-government protest,

be it with rubber bullets or live ammonition, all the blame will be put on PTP, even though by now the police

are within the law to defend the buildings that are under violent siege.

As with most people and groups with an opinion or cause, reason and objectivity is usually quickly out of the window.

Although the cause of the anti-government protesters (probably) has merit, the way they now go about achieving that cause has no merit.

The hardline anti-government protesters still outthere now, apparently believe that their cause is so good and just,

that using violence and breaking the law is justified.

I believe that is what the Red shirts thought 3 years ago.

And it is what muslim-extremists think, such as for example the muslim-insurgents in the South.

I think Suthep over-estimated himself. It is likely he will loose.

Should he succeed though, he will probably be absolved later of his current crimes (probably by himself as he leads and appoints

the members of his People's Council: this will all be declared in some Victory of the People Declaration to avoid confusing with

Amnesty Bill). Now what does that sound familair to?

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Has Abhisit and Korn really distanced themselves from Suthep? It could all be an elaborate charade. Waiting in the wings, so to speak. The KTM municipal government workers were pretty much at the disposal and service to the demonstrators. The Democratic party should be dissolved as they certainly aided and abetted this insurrection. But highly doubt that will happen. So, Mr. Suthep, what now? How do you form your peoples' government? Or do you just wait for the military to solve your problems for you. Coup #20 on the way.

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

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I'm not surprised he has distanced himself from this: the rally is sickening, almost like a poor man's version of Triumph of The Will in presentation and styling. Abhisit would be embarassed by it and in particular the fanatical, ultra-nationalist ranting. But I'm sure he'll be back.

Where and what has happened to his great leader Abhisit. It has become very noticeable that he has distanced himself from Suthep since the mobs became unruly. Even going back to when he was asked if he would lead the protesters if Suthep was arrested, he said that anyone could be their leader. He knew the writing was on the wall then. However the leader of the opposition has become very quiet. Is he hoping that he won’t be charged for murder and it will all blow over and the Gov will focus on Suthep now that more people have been murdered and maimed?

Unfortunately I am sure you will be too.

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Where and what has happened to his great leader Abhisit. It has become very noticeable that he has distanced himself from Suthep since the mobs became unruly. Even going back to when he was asked if he would lead the protesters if Suthep was arrested, he said that anyone could be their leader. He knew the writing was on the wall then. However the leader of the opposition has become very quiet. Is he hoping that he won’t be charged for murder and it will all blow over and the Gov will focus on Suthep now that more people have been murdered and maimed?

Yes,... Abhisit has become noticeably silent of late but IMHO I don't see that as "distancing" himself from Suthep.

I see it as him taking the low road and hedging his bets in the hope that Suthep actually pulls of something worthwhile, at which point Abhisit would enter the fray once again.

If Abhisit was smart he would have formally denounced Suthep's actions and intentions to undermine the constitutional establishment of government.

The time to do that I believe was 24 hours ago but it's still not too late to do it today,- especially in view of the warrant being issued for Suthep's arrest.

I doubt that we'll see anything like this from Mark as he is not that tenacious or politically smart when it comes to political strategy!

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

"Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters."

Yeah, it's a trolls wet dream.

Edited by Local Drunk
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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

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Where and what has happened to his great leader Abhisit. It has become very noticeable that he has distanced himself from Suthep since the mobs became unruly. Even going back to when he was asked if he would lead the protesters if Suthep was arrested, he said that anyone could be their leader. He knew the writing was on the wall then. However the leader of the opposition has become very quiet. Is he hoping that he won’t be charged for murder and it will all blow over and the Gov will focus on Suthep now that more people have been murdered and maimed?

Suthep has taken the protests down a road that Abhisit didn't really want to go down, i.e. using the exact same tactics that the reds employed a few years ago. Abhisit i believe was "trying" to effect change in a more subtle, legal way by pointing out the inconsistencies and illegalities in the way the Govt is doing things, impeachment etc etc. A long game, rather than the short game that Suthep is playing.

Abhisit is indeed 'ineffectual' and would never have made a leader of anything bar a boy scout troop. Suthep is as nak reang as those he opposes - what happened to the peaceful demos a la PAD?

This country is well shot of the pair of them. However, this country's people could have no two people truly reflecting their characteristics and deserve what they get. Selfish ignorant bunch of trinket obsessed peasants on the one side, lazy lao swigging peasants on the other. Hell with the lot of them. dry.png

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

lol, you just made my day, was laughing all the way through. :)

I am not a red shirt and despise thaksin and his bunch, just to be clear but.

1. Suthep as progressive? come on, he wants to go back to an appointed government, thats not progressive, thats trowing thailand 100 years back in time, think about burma.

2. free elections? he is demanding no elections and an appointed government, where is free in that?

3. no vote buying, problem is, his party did the same, but he is only complaining about the winner, sore looser he is.

4. current government is tained by the blood of peaceful protests? come on, the whistle blowers are peaceful yes, but the guys making all the trouble the last 2 days are far from that. The moment he took over government buildings he changed it from a peaceful protests to a criminal movement, forcing his will on all around him.

To bad for him that no matter what happens now, in the next elections he and his friends will not get a majority again, thats just the way it is, as he is not speaking for the whole country, he is speaking for himself and nothing more.

again i am not red, and totally agree that this government should be gone, and so should all the other grandpas in politics, it is time for something new, something fresh, and Suthep (why people call him Khun?, thats way to polite for this guy, better call him EE) is definitely not part of it!

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Deservedly so. I sincerely hope this arrest warrant is actioned and this man is actually convicted. The lets see what his stand is related to amnesty then.

That said amnesty is something I completely disagree with no matter what colour etc.

He does not need it, he is a millionair so can just "Buy" himself out, and he knows it. The only thing to stop him is the "Seh Daeng kiss"

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

Edited by Local Drunk
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I thought an arrest warrant had already been issued a couple of weeks ago. This is the second time?

"Arrest warrant issued" means nothing will happen,

I guess the legitimate Pheu Thai leader in Dubai has a couple of them in his collection already...

Amen, Brothers...

It means nothing........

kilosierra rolleyes.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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No doubt corruption is on both sides of the fence but comparing Sutheup with Thaksin is like comparing a regular highschool bully with the unabomber. Thaksin being the later.

And considering the parameter that caused these protests and the parameters that triggered the fighting you cant soley put the blame on suthep. As the where provocted by the red supported by the government.

Then if you look on the background of the protests and if Suthep get imprisoned for this on the same terms as Nattawut and Jatuporn he would spend 2 days in police lockup. He never ordered any one to kill anyone and nor did he order anyone to burn the country.

You also have to consider if the PTP had not tried to bully and force the amnesty bill together with the visible addmedments unrelated to amnesty and the later after debate added hidden ammendments to the bill. There would not have been a constitution court ruling against PTP which they said they would deny if the court ruled against them before verdict was read. These things is what caused the protests.

If you dont know the content of the bill then you dont understand why people are protesting. Many posts are silly season at best.

Regarding difficulties to establish ourselves in this country owning land and getting a residency is frustrating to me aswell but we also have to consider that even if all these rules exists lots of us still have property in someway...and i could only wish my own home country practised some form of protectionism against our citizens...as the country is being raped by greedy politicians and their venture "vulture" capitalist buddies.

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Chopper distributes arrest warrant of Suthep

BANGKOK: -- A chopper this morning flew over Rajadamnoen rally iste and distributed copies of arrest warrants of rally leader Suthep Thaugsuban

The strategy is aimed to warnthe protesters that their leader is under warrant on charge of treason.


-- The Nation 2013-12-03

Either that or further arouse them.

I believe that Suthep should be charged for the same things Thaksin is being charged with in his part of the 2010 failed coup.

Just trying to avoid double standards. Some thing you would think a half way intelligent person would have already figured out is causing immense problems.

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Why don't you search on the internet and find out for yourself? The answer is you knew already but wanted to put doubt in the minds of like minded posters on here, the usual tactic.

No, he do does not have an arrest warrant for terrorism - it was dropped on 1st October 2013.


Actually, I'd forgotten, hence the question.

The fact that his government dropped the charges doesn't surprise me though.

Lol i dont think anyone should be supprised that Yingluck and the rest of Thaksins puppets drop the Terrorist charges against him

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Khun Suthep certainly has caused some emotional outbursts and frothing from Thaksin supporters. It is to be expected whenever the establishment feels threatened by progressives. I never thought of Suthep as a progressive but here he is proving it, demanding reform of the police force to stop it being a mafia crime gang loyal to a fugitive criminal. Demanding free and fair elections, without the ever present vote buying and intimidation from corrupt establishmentarians.

His methods leave a lot to be desired, but now that the government and puppet PM is forever tainted with the blood of peaceful protesters on it's hands he is on the winning straight. It's all over but the crying and as a liberal democrat I have no need of tissues.

Question: was Suthep Deputy PM during Democrat government for almost 3 years?

Why didn't reform the police that time? Why didn't reform laws to avoid concentration of power during that time?

Careful to be blinded by the words of a dangerous fool. Take a look at the speeches of Hitler and Mussolini. They seemed logical and valid at the beginning then...

Playing the Hitler card are you? Where were you in 2009? Did you hear Jutaporn, Aristman and self exiled fearless leader (via big screen) calling for the destruction of the then existing government? They had no agenda but to topple the government, but I have a better question... where were you in 1936? There is no comparing Thailand's current situation to Nazi Germany.

In 2008 I was completely disgusted the way Democrat seized airports and blocked country.

In 2010 (not 2009, for your info) I was utterly sad and disgusted how Red Shirts seized city, endangered Bangkok population, and put fire to buildings.

In 2013 I am totally against a crazy corrupted fascist as Suthep is. And totally appalled how this government can be still in charge.

I am also tired of the crazy "leader" in charge, progressively destroying democracy, disrupting Country life, business, tourism.

And another fact: did I compare actual situation in Thailand with situation in Germany in 1936? NO!

You are good to manipulate other people words.

Read my post and try again...

P.s.: You can still try the "you Red-shirt, you Thaksinist" card.

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Dear Dusit Thani,

We know you offer access to your roof when the situation asks for it. This time we, the majority of Thailand, would like to send one over. Please do not ask to many questions. It will be a man, or woman, and your staff can recognize him, or her, by NOT having a whistle around the neck. It seems a challenge to arrest an anarchistic clown, spiked by jealousy, and get Thailand back in rest. There is not so much wrong with Thailand. In fact, business is going well and unemployment is extremely low. The actual PM has great global exposure. But some individuals call it a 'regime' nowadays, as if people do not live in freedom and can not make their own choices. Before these individuals focussed their anger on a sacred place as a temple but that game is over now since an International Court with wise people decided how it should be solved. A fugitive ousted PM is now focus of the anger. Next topic will be the salt water shrimp not doing well in normal water. They invent conflicts in their sleep. So we need help from your roof. It is not a courageous General now who chose the side of the working class who has to go 'down', no now it is to avoid more innocent deaths including students and it looks one shot will make the megalomanic 'democrat' silent. No worries, we will use rubber bullets. The Forensic Police Hospital, after his supporters have send away, will be happy to receive him. Thanks.

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