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Note to self - rice, soya sauce and green papaya doesn't do much for ones diet, I also assumed God fearing folk didn't use the F bomb as frequently.

At first I thought why doesn't he get a job as an English teacher then around the 30 second mark I realised why ......

Seriously if a Thai can sell BBQ on ever street corner surely his wife could wide could bring in enough cash to feed the family, oh wait she's is bed with his brother.

Should be an interesting thread when he surfaces here.


The reason why I posted this is to show how things can go pear-shaped in a hurry( not sure if that's the right term, I see it on here a lot), no matter how long you've lived here. And also to help this guy with some good friendly advice.

I was dumbfounded on how this happened to such a nice person and how his personality changed so dramatically....For those of you who have slow internet, this is a 27 minute video (and believe me, it will keep your interest throughout) of a portly fellow from the USA that has been living in Thailand for 13 years. From looking at his past videos on youtube, he seems to be a jolly, God fearing Christian,good husband, good father; someone who could easily be one of your closest friends. Anyway, Things take a turn for the worse when he loses his job, and depletes his savings. As if he didn't have enough problems, his unemployed younger brother comes over for a visit from the U.S to see if he can make it in Thailand like his big brother. After the brother had stayed a week, one night, the portly fellow goes up stairs and discovers the shock of his life, his younger brother trying to have sex with his wife, while his 3 kids are asleep nearby. He goes on a profanity laced rant throughout the rest of the video about how he's a "dead man walking", how all his friends deserted him by not lending him money and he hates his life, he hates living in Thailand and that its like a "prison." Basically, he wishes he were dead.

My advice to him is to stop spending all that energy feeling sorry for yourself and worrying about what other people have and just focus on your family. Go back to church and Have faith that things will turn around. From one of your other videos,your kids are adorable and did a Thai-commercial that was aired on TV. You could be their agent and get them more bookings, Tutor English, sell stuff on the street with your wife....

Anybody have anymore ideas?


What a bunch of self-pitying crap,if you have no job go back to America and get one you useless,lazy loser!rolleyes.gif

He can't go back to America, he has no money, can't even afford a razor

But he does have a lap top, and presumably an internet connection.....

Seems he is in a very dark place, but blaming everyone else is not the way to go. From the Vid he has a fair bit of teaching experience - I am surprised that he cannot get a teaching gig anywhere - from all I know, they are not that difficut to get.

Sell the lap top, buy some razor blades, and hit the streets for schools and language centers. And lose the earing.

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The reason why I posted this is to show how things can go pear-shaped in a hurry( not sure if that's the right term, I see it on here a lot), no matter how long you've lived here. And also to help this guy with some good friendly advice.

I was dumbfounded on how this happened to such a nice person and how his personality changed so dramatically....For those of you who have slow internet, this is a 27 minute video (and believe me, it will keep your interest throughout) of a portly fellow from the USA that has been living in Thailand for 13 years. From looking at his past videos on youtube, he seems to be a jolly, God fearing Christian,good husband, good father; someone who could easily be one of your closest friends. Anyway, Things take a turn for the worse when he loses his job, and depletes his savings. As if he didn't have enough problems, his unemployed younger brother comes over for a visit from the U.S to see if he can make it in Thailand like his big brother. After the brother had stayed a week, one night, the portly fellow goes up stairs and discovers the shock of his life, his younger brother trying to have sex with his wife, while his 3 kids are asleep nearby. He goes on a profanity laced rant throughout the rest of the video about how he's a "dead man walking", how all his friends deserted him by not lending him money and he hates his life, he hates living in Thailand and that its like a "prison." Basically, he wishes he were dead.

My advice to him is to stop spending all that energy feeling sorry for yourself and worrying about what other people have and just focus on your family. Go back to church and Have faith that things will turn around. From one of your other videos,your kids are adorable and did a Thai-commercial that was aired on TV. You could be their agent and get them more bookings, Tutor English, sell stuff on the street with your wife....

Anybody have anymore ideas?

"this is a 27 minute video (and believe me, it will keep your interest throughout)"

It kept my attention for all of 30 seconds,at which point I'd had more than enough of the fat,whiny loser and turned it off!

You lasted 30 seconds? Hats off.

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What a bunch of self-pitying crap,if you have no job go back to America and get one you useless,lazy loser!rolleyes.gif

He can't go back to America, he has no money, can't even afford a razor

But he does have a lap top, and presumably an internet connection.....

Seems he is in a very dark place, but blaming everyone else is not the way to go. From the Vid he has a fair bit of teaching experience - I am surprised that he cannot get a teaching gig anywhere - from all I know, they are not that difficut to get.

Sell the lap top, buy some razor blades, and hit the streets for schools and language centers. And lose the earing.

I'm guessing he won't want to find a job in another town in case his wife does the you know what.

Hotels badly need English speakers, there must be ones looking for managers. There was an advert on here the other day for one in Koh Chang


Sad story. Let's assume it's true. I don't think he helps his cause any by making such an annoying video. As other posters have mentioned their seem to be teaching positions available so one has to wonder why he hasn't been able to find one assuming in real life he isn't as annoying as he depicts himself on the video.

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Its very difficult for me to feel sympathetic for this guy. Maybe a little harsh, but true. That he has hit the hard times seems true in his video and for that I can feel sympathy, but for his inability, over a two year period, to do nothing about it is perhaps unforgivable on his part for his family's sake.

He talks about poverty yet he is still making videos, OK, perhaps he gets some revenue from U-tube. He has had teaching experience in Thailand (up to 12 hours a week according to his rant) so why does he not pursue this avenue? Make it priority to sort his medical issues out with his first wage and then begin to sort his family life out after that? I know so many people that have taken this road over the years and the majority of those remaining seem to have adapted, a good percentage actually enjoying what they are now doing.

The hardest part of the 27 minute video for me was the amount of time he devoted to praying to his God for an answer to his problems. I have absolutely nothing against people who believe, but when they become reliant on solutions from the beyond, then they really need to get a grip on reality.

I base the above on the fact that Judd has spent the last 13 years living here, he does not have the excuse that he doesn't know how Thailand ticks. When a person finds themselves in a situation such as he does, IMHO, they do what it takes to survive, and don't (or shouldn't waste time ranting/venting on the internet.

If you are reading this Judd, the future is entirely up to you, don't waste time waiting for handouts.

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"Listen to his rant."

Why? "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

Did you watch the video? He lost his job over here.

You're kidding, right? So what was his plan if he lost his job?

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"Listen to his rant."

Why? "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

Did you watch the video? He lost his job over here.

You're kidding, right? So what was his plan if he lost his job?

As u are such a good planner in life...where would u be if everybody else had done the same as you ?


The hardest part of the 27 minute video for me was the amount of time he devoted to praying to his God for an answer to his problems.

For me, the worst part was his having a go at those people who still have things, accusing them of being "greedy".

Somehow we are to blame or are responsible for his misfortune? I can asure him I have never bought myself an iPhone.

Times are tough, they really are. But I do find it incredibly difficult to believe that someone with experience of teaching in Thailand, even maybe without formal teaching credentials, can't find SOME sort of work where ever he is.

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