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My girlfriend just left me!


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OP, it sounds like, unlike most posters here, you are actually capable of feeling love for your gf. To you she was not "just an employee." That's why it hurts.

It will take some time, but you will get over it. Just don't fall for someone on the rebound and give her a ton of money upfront. You can find a replacement and you will eventually be happy this all happened.

Edited by mesquite
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What happens when she has a job, supports herself and then she won't leave? smile.png There is no money to cut off for additional persuasion. OP has it so easy.

I always thought about this angle…find a beautiful girl, offer to pay her 20,000 per month for great sex, she can do all the housework, and when you're ready for a change, just switch it up. Maybe an overall cheaper way to go then hitting the bars all the time.

20k wont get you a beauty full -time. let alone wash the dishes,etc. i had one this past month come over 5 times to do my DISHES., costed me 2600 per cleaning and she also wantes more. I politely kicked her out the last time and told her i will be cleaning my own dishes. Im trying to get her back now. ...lol. i cant do the job like she can.

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No offense intended here, but,

were you living together, or was she going somewhere else at night?

Just curious, as to what a girlfriend is, and what a playmate is.....

these girls also have a risk reward ratio to consider, and frankly 15,000 Baht a month, is "nothing"

not sure what kind of "girl" you get for 15,000 baht, sorry

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With millions of available young women in Thailand, why do you waste any thought on her. It may even be a shit test and she returns later.

Whatever, go on and find the next chick. Shouldn't take more than a few days.

Thank you. Out of the millions there should be at least one that will qualify with my requirements. You see my problem? I have requirements in return for some bills or gold.

Sorry....but...if a man need to use some bills or gold to get its "requirements"...what is the difference of its woman with a bar girl or prostitute..?

I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

Edited by Scarpolo
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Yeah, stop being a wuss and carry on looking for the love of your life. Life's too short.

Thank you. I'm alone here in los except for some Thai friends . May be time to change to plan b. Thanks guys.

What is plan b

Perhaps the B is for Boyztown Pattaya? According to the Pattaya News, Sunee Plaza is a happening place for amore.whistling.gif

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Geez. 15k to cook clean and have some manic depressive old bloke have sex with me. Take away the 11k per month for a decent maid, then you are only paying her 4k per month so she can have some sweaty old bloke on top of her three to four times per week.

I'd move on too.

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With millions of available young women in Thailand, why do you waste any thought on her. It may even be a shit test and she returns later.

Whatever, go on and find the next chick. Shouldn't take more than a few days.

Thank you. Out of the millions there should be at least one that will qualify with my requirements. You see my problem? I have requirements in return for some bills or gold.

Sorry....but...if a man need to use some bills or gold to get its "requirements"...what is the difference of its woman with a bar girl or prostitute..?

I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

Has "proving" your love with money ever convinced one of your girls that you're in love with her?

I highly doubt it. Thailand has a strong culture of indebtedness, you help someone, they will feel indebted to you and will help you back, etc. Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

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I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

Aha. You forgot to marry a rich one. tongue.png

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Thank you. Out of the millions there should be at least one that will qualify with my requirements. You see my problem? I have requirements in return for some bills or gold.

Sorry....but...if a man need to use some bills or gold to get its "requirements"...what is the difference of its woman with a bar girl or prostitute..?

I want to know why anyone thinks in today's world, we are not in a "pay as you go" soceity?

With all the Visa rules and tourists who come thru here, professing to love them forever,

Is it not reasonable for them to exepct you to "prove" your love, as she opens her legs?

I am not sure if anyone here has experienced a US divorce, I have had two, and for the price of the lawyers, I can tell you, 15,000 Baht a month, for a "live female" is toilet paper to us, and to them, so you get what you pay for; and your interest was paid; in full.

sorry for the reality check, but whining in public about mistakes you are making, with "living people" not property or cattle, warrant you seeking advice from a female psychiatrist, perhaps one with a shirt skirt and long boots?

on a more seriosu note prince charming, have you considered for a moment, that you are not exactly a "prize" at 15,000 Baht a month, and there is always going to be a bloke willing to pay more, if she is cute?

Has "proving" your love with money ever convinced one of your girls that you're in love with her?

I highly doubt it. Thailand has a strong culture of indebtedness, you help someone, they will feel indebted to you and will help you back, etc. Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

Any pictures to support this argument ?

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Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

This has a whole lot of truthfullness in it. Thank god some girls like (or accept) they are being used for sex. Works for me.

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Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

This has a whole lot of truthfullness in it. Thank god some girls like (or accept) they are being used for sex. Works for me.

Many of the men I know pay not to have sex. What is that called?

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The guy's got a working girl on a monthly lease for 300 bucks plus tips and she also does his housework.

He is wondering why she left.

This in itself is a fascinating story. It is added to by the fact that he is probably getting world class free advice from a deep pool of highly experienced individuals.

You got to love Thai Visa.

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Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

This has a whole lot of truthfullness in it. Thank god some girls like (or accept) they are being used for sex. Works for me.

Many of the men I know pay not to have sex. What is that called?


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OP, it sounds like, unlike most posters here, you are actually capable of feeling love for your gf. To you she was not "just an employee." That's why it hurts.

It will take some time, but you will get over it. Just don't fall for someone on the rebound and give her a ton of money upfront. You can find a replacement and you will eventually be happy this all happened.

your talking about Quiuvo here,he is probably bored and thought he would post something,anything,but i do enjoy his posts,random and verging on insanity as they mostly are.

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Paying a Thai girl directly tells the girl you're doing something wrong to her and you need to compensate her with money. Usually she will assume it is because you are just using her for sex and have no intention of long-term commitments.

This has a whole lot of truthfullness in it. Thank god some girls like (or accept) they are being used for sex. Works for me.

Many of the men I know pay not to have sex. What is that called?


The voice of inexperience raises it's head again.laugh.png

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It would be interesting to have a little more background concerning both you and your girlfriend, ie your ages, where you met, is she a former bargirl, are you employed, how long together etc. I think you already mentioned that you're from the USA. I hope things work out for you. Good luck.

You forgot to ask for his highest educational qualification and whether she has relatives in government, military, police and whether she went to chula and how many masters degrees does she have

Read the op dear boy, he has been shacked up with a slapper in a financial " relationship" and she wants to renegotiate the contractual T&C's its that simple

Well I did read the original post and in it he didn't give any personal details that could help us form a better or worse opinion of the situation. Anyway thanks for adding your info requests.

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This aversion to admit to paying..............i just dont get.

Guys to the girl its just business. They dont think of us as boyfriends so please stop thinking of them as girlfriends.

I have to believe real bf gf relations here is few and far btween.

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This aversion to admit to paying..............i just dont get.

Guys to the girl its just business. They dont think of us as boyfriends so please stop thinking of them as girlfriends.

I have to believe real bf gf relations here is few and far btween.

Maybe if you had a personality, a woman could have a real relationship with you.

To keep the upper hand in the war of the sexes you have to be ready to walk at anytime anyway, soon as you become actually dependent, it's like sharks smelling blood in the water you're a goner.

Cynical but largely true

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