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Dangerous Slow Driving


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The argument for robots taking over the cars in Thailand is very strong.

traffic lights would now be traversed efficiently not waiting for the sleeping driver to get a move on, no slow motion cutting you up at 20 kmh,

and no slow drivers in the overtaking lanes, why oh why does someone feel it appropriate to do 40 in the overtake lane when there is no turn off?

I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender

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When I go into Pattaya for some light shopping during the weekend, there are a couple of habits of other riders that I hate. The first one is the people who go about 20 kph down Sukhumvit and their extreme opposites who whiz by at 100 or so. This creates a dangerous situation if someone is not paying very close attention when attempting to go around the slow-pokes.

The other annoying habit is the scooter riders who insist on weaving their way up to the front of the pack who are waiting at a red light, but when the light changes, they delay starting or accelerate very slowly, creating congestion and slowing everyone down behind them who wants to drive at a normal speed. The need to watch any racing qualification and understand why qualifying happens. It LOGICALLY puts the slower entrants at the back where they belong.

Edited by Brevity
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I'd like to think that the slow take-off from a green light is due to their knowledge of the all too common red-light jumpers. But actually think that most believe the higher gear you are in, the more petrol you save - they thus think pulling away in 3rd gear saves fuel.

Whatever the reason, neither you nor I will ever change it, so simply accept it's always going to be the case and don't have a heart-attack over it!

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I find that Thai drivers either drive too slow or too fast, often leaving me in the middle. Like today there was an old geezer in front driving super slow in the fast lane speeding up on any possible passing stretches, meanwhile a heavy duty Hino dirt hauling truck was right on my arse sandwiching me between both idiots.

Driving at a medium speed is often the most dangerous thing to do. Better to drive fast and stay ahead of the pack.

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Don't let it bother you just accept it & make sure you are aware that anything can happen at any time. My favourite is whenever I think I have a clear run, a noodle bike, or a truck or bus pulls out at 2 kph, the best was whipping around a bus & getting stuck behind a scooter with 6 foot carpet roll. You cannot change, so don't let it worry you

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oh for gods sake, the Thai traffic system has evolved through necessity. Your stupid western nanny state rules can never apply here because it would lead to gridlock.

For the most part the hive mentality results in efficiency that western nations can only envy. Sure there are morons who perform ridiculous maneuvers but that applies to every road on the planet. Do Thai drivers make more risky maneuvers overall? Probably. And their road statistics are proof. Should we enforce arbitrary nanny state rules to deal with the problem? Definitely not.

"I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender"

This is the ultimate in tosspottery and the reason why you have complained here. You have no idea how to drive on ANY road system so have concluded that personal enforcement of YOUR rules is the best option.

Put a Thai / SE Asian on a road in the West and they will probably cop a fine. Put the equivalent Westerner on a SE Asian road and they will either panic or cause gridlock.

I read somewhere here about drivers in Jakarta being "aggressive" because of the non-stop hooting of horns. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those drivers use the horn almost as a form of "echo-location". The horn is "tooted" (not blasted) to say "I am here and I want to go there".

If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

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oh for gods sake, the Thai traffic system has evolved through necessity. Your stupid western nanny state rules can never apply here because it would lead to gridlock.

For the most part the hive mentality results in efficiency that western nations can only envy. Sure there are morons who perform ridiculous maneuvers but that applies to every road on the planet. Do Thai drivers make more risky maneuvers overall? Probably. And their road statistics are proof. Should we enforce arbitrary nanny state rules to deal with the problem? Definitely not.

"I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender"

This is the ultimate in tosspottery and the reason why you have complained here. You have no idea how to drive on ANY road system so have concluded that personal enforcement of YOUR rules is the best option.

Put a Thai / SE Asian on a road in the West and they will probably cop a fine. Put the equivalent Westerner on a SE Asian road and they will either panic or cause gridlock.

I read somewhere here about drivers in Jakarta being "aggressive" because of the non-stop hooting of horns. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those drivers use the horn almost as a form of "echo-location". The horn is "tooted" (not blasted) to say "I am here and I want to go there".

If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.


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oh for gods sake, the Thai traffic system has evolved through necessity. Your stupid western nanny state rules can never apply here because it would lead to gridlock.

For the most part the hive mentality results in efficiency that western nations can only envy. Sure there are morons who perform ridiculous maneuvers but that applies to every road on the planet. Do Thai drivers make more risky maneuvers overall? Probably. And their road statistics are proof. Should we enforce arbitrary nanny state rules to deal with the problem? Definitely not.

"I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender"

This is the ultimate in tosspottery and the reason why you have complained here. You have no idea how to drive on ANY road system so have concluded that personal enforcement of YOUR rules is the best option.

Put a Thai / SE Asian on a road in the West and they will probably cop a fine. Put the equivalent Westerner on a SE Asian road and they will either panic or cause gridlock.

I read somewhere here about drivers in Jakarta being "aggressive" because of the non-stop hooting of horns. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those drivers use the horn almost as a form of "echo-location". The horn is "tooted" (not blasted) to say "I am here and I want to go there".

If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

PATHETIC. Do you think your beloved thais are the worlds best drivers ?

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oh for gods sake, the Thai traffic system has evolved through necessity. Your stupid western nanny state rules can never apply here because it would lead to gridlock.

For the most part the hive mentality results in efficiency that western nations can only envy. Sure there are morons who perform ridiculous maneuvers but that applies to every road on the planet. Do Thai drivers make more risky maneuvers overall? Probably. And their road statistics are proof. Should we enforce arbitrary nanny state rules to deal with the problem? Definitely not.

"I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender"

This is the ultimate in tosspottery and the reason why you have complained here. You have no idea how to drive on ANY road system so have concluded that personal enforcement of YOUR rules is the best option.

Put a Thai / SE Asian on a road in the West and they will probably cop a fine. Put the equivalent Westerner on a SE Asian road and they will either panic or cause gridlock.

I read somewhere here about drivers in Jakarta being "aggressive" because of the non-stop hooting of horns. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those drivers use the horn almost as a form of "echo-location". The horn is "tooted" (not blasted) to say "I am here and I want to go there".

If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

How ever do you arrive at these pontifications??? I can't for the life of me decide if this is satire or delusion.

Edited by bgrassboy
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How ever do you arrive at these pontifications??? I can't for the life of me decide if this is satire or delusion.

Observation rather than pontification. Sadly you may be the one who is deluded.

Have you seen arbitrary and ridiculous laws such as in UK where you cannot overtake on LHS? So all drivers must bolt across multiple lanes in order to overtake a slower car on their right?

Truly a ridiculous system brought into law by some halfwit who couldnt understand traffic flow if he was an insect cheesy.gif

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How ever do you arrive at these pontifications??? I can't for the life of me decide if this is satire or delusion.

Observation rather than pontification. Sadly you may be the one who is deluded.

Have you seen arbitrary and ridiculous laws such as in UK where you cannot overtake on LHS? So all drivers must bolt across multiple lanes in order to overtake a slower car on their right?

Truly a ridiculous system brought into law by some halfwit who couldnt understand traffic flow if he was an insect cheesy.gif

Having driven in Cairo for the last 10 years and been driven around Mumbai (I would never wish to drive myself, but marvel at the way that space appears to expand to the exact size of vehicles entering that space!) for the previous 3 years, I totally agree with the points made by cashpower.

The use of a horn appears to be frowned upon in the UK, to the extent of exposing yourself to a potential road rage incident, whereas in other countries, supposedly with lower driving skills, it is considered as a necessary and helpful aid.

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How ever do you arrive at these pontifications??? I can't for the life of me decide if this is satire or delusion.

Observation rather than pontification. Sadly you may be the one who is deluded.

Have you seen arbitrary and ridiculous laws such as in UK where you cannot overtake on LHS? So all drivers must bolt across multiple lanes in order to overtake a slower car on their right?

Truly a ridiculous system brought into law by some halfwit who couldnt understand traffic flow if he was an insect cheesy.gif

Sorry I don't have any experience with the traffic laws of the UK. But I do participate in the melee daily on the streets of BKK that could be argued as being akin to a bad acid trip white knuckle hair raising death wish of an experience. Deluded? I think not! Driving in BKK is not for the faint of heart.

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akin to a bad acid trip white knuckle hair raising death wish of an experience. Deluded? I think not! Driving in BKK is not for the faint of heart.

Clearly. You have failed to adapt to the local customs and are petrified because of your expectations not being met.

I seriously question whether you have ever had a "bad acid trip" or are just using emotive hyperbole to advance your closeted agenda.

as far as "white knuckle hair raising" goes you obviously need to find a different way to commute - it sounds like you would express the same level of fear if a child said 'boo'

BKK driving is certainly not for the faint of heart but to suggest any other city is preferable is clearly a delusion based on your prejudice and lack of skill.

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And try using a smaller road after dark, and as you round the corner you are faced with a farmer and his laden trailer, no lights whatsoever, just an old CD hanging off the back, travelling at 15kph !

Now that WILL give you an adrenalin rush! And certainly test your reflexes!

In Thailand, expect the unexpected at ALL times.

Edited by CharlieH
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The other annoying habit is the scooter riders who insist on weaving their way up to the front of the pack who are waiting at a red light, but when the light changes, they delay starting or accelerate very slowly, creating congestion and slowing everyone down behind them who wants to drive at a normal speed. The need to watch any racing qualification and understand why qualifying happens. It LOGICALLY puts the slower entrants at the back where they belong.

doh facepalm.gif It's not a race you know ?

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People drive slow in the fast lanes in EVERY country.

I will agree that Thai's are horribly slow at take off, when a red light turns green it's the slowest driving process, other than parallel parking, in this country.

But in EU when I arrive behind them with my blink they just leave when in Thailand the monkeys don't even see me or just don't care...

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People drive slow in the fast lanes in EVERY country.

I will agree that Thai's are horribly slow at take off, when a red light turns green it's the slowest driving process, other than parallel parking, in this country.

theres usually 100 scooters that prevent thais in cars from taking off as soon as the light goes green

nobody in a car wants to hit a scooter cause they know 90% of cops make the cardriver pay for the bike,the car and the medical bills

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If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

motorbikes riding on the footpaths and passing vehicles on the inside and the outside would work in the west as well

but your licence wouldnt last long :D

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I've spent the majority of my adult life driving in Thailand... It's more dangerous than in the UK.

Traffic regulations - the nanny state, strict enforcement etc mean that when we get in the car in the UK we are at far less risk of someone without awareness of the risks taking a chance and causing an accident. Of course there are idiots in any country, but the enforcement forces these idiots to abide by a set of rules which have evolved to protect the majority.

I agree with the Op in that the slow speeds add risk. You are either stuck behind a slow car or forced to pass, while at the same time everyone else is trying to pass.

On the expressways the slow cars sit in the middle lane - this adds additional risk with cars passing on either side. This risk is unnecessary, many of my Thai friends agree, yet in similar circumstances we also agree to adopt to the universally accepted manner of driving here, which for all its faults is more predictable for those around us.

Driving in Thailand requires additional awareness, we've all seen some incredibly daft road behaviour with such frequency that its the norm. The unexpected is expected - Thats the major adaptation to local driving that I've encountered.

It doesn't stop me driving here, but the additional recklessness on the roads here gives me additional cause to pause for thought before taking a long road journey.

I won't drive outside of a city at night for reasons already touched upon (i.e. no lights on other vehicles).

With regards to taking off quickly from a junction - I agree, its frustrating that everyone pulls away so slowly, however, having observed so many 'red light jumpers' I too take caution when first at the lights and pulling away - doing so has once saved me from being hit by a lorry and numerous times from hitting or being hit by bikes at a junction.

My conclusion with regards to driving in Thailand is that it requires greater caution and attention than in Western countries simply as a result of poorer driver education.

As a final point: I have found it a comfort to have a dash-cam installed in my car as a form of protection from blame if, or more likely when I'm involved in another accident (that is if I am not a fault).

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NOPE ... sorry ... I don't concern myself with the driving style of other drivers.


Well, why worry about something you can't control?

Mindful of their actions ... sure, 100%, but angry of their driving style ... hardly.

Driving is what it is in Thailand and adjust your style accordingly.

OH ... BTW, I used to earn my living riding a motorcycle.

Have ridden/driven in many of the major western countries around the world.

Best I have come across ... were the Poms.

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Anyway there is no solution until corruption will be everywhere because if the driving test was more difficult most of the Thai would buy it.

I am sorry to say that most of these people are not ready to be educated, because education comes with economic growth and this is why they should not all be allowed to vote about too important matters... Imagine that Chinese would vote for a president :-)

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What a load of twaddle so far.

I know the stretch of road from here to the school (25Km) as I do it twice a day. I drive to avoid the bumpy bits, which means that I spend a lot of it on the right hand lane when necessary. People that don't know the road as well as me will probably stay there. I have no qualms about overtaking on the left or going across the central line to do so, Makes me suspect that a lot of the people complaining live in big towns.

Red lights: if you can't stand a 5 second wait, you shouldn't be driving. There is a lot going on at these crossings (last minute red light chancers, people doing a left turn into your path, motorbikes doing unpredictable stuff) and moving forward slowly is the only sensible way to move. Nobody blows their horn at me when I decide to stay behind a motorbike on a narrow road, when I change my mind about which way to drive, stop the car double parked to let people out. I really appreciate that.

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If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

The inquiry would be to see what caused the death rate to increase dramatically.

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oh for gods sake, the Thai traffic system has evolved through necessity. Your stupid western nanny state rules can never apply here because it would lead to gridlock.

For the most part the hive mentality results in efficiency that western nations can only envy. Sure there are morons who perform ridiculous maneuvers but that applies to every road on the planet. Do Thai drivers make more risky maneuvers overall? Probably. And their road statistics are proof. Should we enforce arbitrary nanny state rules to deal with the problem? Definitely not.

"I suggest to all that if this happens to you slow down to 10 and sit in front of the offender"

This is the ultimate in tosspottery and the reason why you have complained here. You have no idea how to drive on ANY road system so have concluded that personal enforcement of YOUR rules is the best option.

Put a Thai / SE Asian on a road in the West and they will probably cop a fine. Put the equivalent Westerner on a SE Asian road and they will either panic or cause gridlock.

I read somewhere here about drivers in Jakarta being "aggressive" because of the non-stop hooting of horns. Nothing could be further from the truth. Those drivers use the horn almost as a form of "echo-location". The horn is "tooted" (not blasted) to say "I am here and I want to go there".

If all drivers in western countries were suddenly replaced with SE Asian drivers there would be a government enquiry to try to find out why the roads were suddenly running so smoothly.

um, no actually, I am proposing we replace drivers driving privalidges with a computer. most locals will be happy to let his obvious chore be done for them.

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People drive slow in the fast lanes in EVERY country.

I will agree that Thai's are horribly slow at take off, when a red light turns green it's the slowest driving process, other than parallel parking, in this country.

theres usually 100 scooters that prevent thais in cars from taking off as soon as the light goes green

nobody in a car wants to hit a scooter cause they know 90% of cops make the cardriver pay for the bike,the car and the medical bills

Feel free to add the word riding when I refer to driving.

Thais suck at a quick take off, and I am not referring to waiting to make sure the red light runners are past.

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