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Suthep blasts Chalerm's remark of secession just a political rhetoric


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First, the reds, celebrate the deaths of the children in Trat, then they want to divide Thailand in two parts.

The so called caretaker PM is in Chiang Mai, the new capital of Thaksinland, only concerned about drug and irrigation problems, while the country is falling apart.

Please, tell me, these are not serious people with any kind of human compassion or any intelligence.

Are these the people eligible to vote for the future of this country?

Human compassion? Are you forgetting this is Asia? Compassion is not high on the agenda here and really not very prevalent.

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Wow so glad I am in Pattaya, as I would have little desire to live in Thaksinland.

I wonder what all the upcountry farangs are thinking right now.....

After 8 happy years in Chiang Mai, i'm thinking Koh Samui looks pretty good. I would not stay in the north.

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Nice pic of the Brownshirts on the stage - it says so much.

If Suthep had more than a few brain pixels to rub together (but of course, as little more than the tool of his masters, he doesn't require those) he'd be able to grasp the hypocrisy in his words.

And that's yet another person he's threatened to have killed. That's quite a list he's lined up for eradication over the past few months.

What are brain pixels? I think you've spent too much time on your computer.

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Wow so glad I am in Pattaya, as I would have little desire to live in Thaksinland.

I wonder what all the upcountry farangs are thinking right now.....

I am not thinking about anything other than the fact it is starting to get hot here.

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He is up there PM stage every night doing his best to divide the nation and when people start talking about dividing the nation, he complains.

Maybe should have thought this through a bit better, Suthep.

Suthep and his supporters want a country without Shinawatra influence involved. Only a person who's so blind and who's drunk so much red kool aid would actually have the nerve to compare what Suthep has said to the reds wanting secession. It's kind of expected from the reds and their apologists really. The other side is always evil but when their own do and say something much worse, it's okay! clap2.gif

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Wow so glad I am in Pattaya, as I would have little desire to live in Thaksinland.

I wonder what all the upcountry farangs are thinking right now.....

I am not thinking about anything other than the fact it is starting to get hot here.

Upcountry farangs must be happy to be away from all the crap in Bangkok.

Good air, nice people, no problems.

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He is up there PM stage every night doing his best to divide the nation and when people start talking about dividing the nation, he complains.

Maybe should have thought this through a bit better, Suthep.

Suthep and his supporters want a country without Shinawatra influence involved. Only a person who's so blind and who's drunk so much red kool aid would actually have the nerve to compare what Suthep has said to the reds wanting secession. It's kind of expected from the reds and their apologists really. The other side is always evil but when their own do and say something much worse, it's okay! clap2.gif

I understand that some people may want that, but why force that ideology upon others?

The 2011 election has clearly shown that a majority of the votes wanted a country WITH Shinawatra influence. Or do the opinions of those people not mean anything to you?

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He is up there PM stage every night doing his best to divide the nation and when people start talking about dividing the nation, he complains.

Maybe should have thought this through a bit better, Suthep.

Suthep and his supporters want a country without Shinawatra influence involved. Only a person who's so blind and who's drunk so much red kool aid would actually have the nerve to compare what Suthep has said to the reds wanting secession. It's kind of expected from the reds and their apologists really. The other side is always evil but when their own do and say something much worse, it's okay! clap2.gif

I understand that some people may want that, but why force that ideology upon others?

The 2011 election has clearly shown that a majority of the votes wanted a country WITH Shinawatra influence. Or do the opinions of those people not mean anything to you?

Nobody's forcing anything on others. If people aren't happy about what Suthep's doing, they can exercise their right to protest. Just don't be like the red shirts and say they want to secede and form their own country. whistling.gif

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He is up there PM stage every night doing his best to divide the nation and when people start talking about dividing the nation, he complains.

Maybe should have thought this through a bit better, Suthep.

Suthep and his supporters want a country without Shinawatra influence involved. Only a person who's so blind and who's drunk so much red kool aid would actually have the nerve to compare what Suthep has said to the reds wanting secession. It's kind of expected from the reds and their apologists really. The other side is always evil but when their own do and say something much worse, it's okay! clap2.gif

I understand that some people may want that, but why force that ideology upon others?

The 2011 election has clearly shown that a majority of the votes wanted a country WITH Shinawatra influence. Or do the opinions of those people not mean anything to you?

Nobody's forcing anything on others. If people aren't happy about what Suthep's doing, they can exercise their right to protest. Just don't be like the red shirts and say they want to secede and form their own country. whistling.gif

I have no problem with people protesting.

I have a problem with Suthep blocking streets and inconveniencing others, financially damaging the Thai economy and companies that are not owned by Thaksin, running an armed militia on the streets of Bangkok, detaining people at his will, shooting at people who take wrong turns on the streets, beating up taxi drivers who want to drive through the blockades, etc. I could go on for another 40 lines but I am sure you know very well that this is not just a "right to protest".

Right to protest? Yes.

Overthrowing an elected government and suspend Democracy and replace it with a people's council? No thanks

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He is up there PM stage every night doing his best to divide the nation and when people start talking about dividing the nation, he complains.

Maybe should have thought this through a bit better, Suthep.

Suthep and his supporters want a country without Shinawatra influence involved. Only a person who's so blind and who's drunk so much red kool aid would actually have the nerve to compare what Suthep has said to the reds wanting secession. It's kind of expected from the reds and their apologists really. The other side is always evil but when their own do and say something much worse, it's okay! clap2.gif

I understand that some people may want that, but why force that ideology upon others?

The 2011 election has clearly shown that a majority of the votes wanted a country WITH Shinawatra influence. Or do the opinions of those people not mean anything to you?

Please provide your source, or are you just spreading rumours "violation of forum rules" - a line you so feverishly spout.

For your education:

ma·jor·i·tynoun \mə-ˈjr-ə-tē, -ˈjär-\

: a number that is greater than half of a total

: a number of votes that is more than half of the total number

: the group or party that is the greater part of a large group

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Nobody's forcing anything on others. If people aren't happy about what Suthep's doing, they can exercise their right to protest. Just don't be like the red shirts and say they want to secede and form their own country. whistling.gif

I have no problem with people protesting.

I have a problem with Suthep blocking streets and inconveniencing others, financially damaging the Thai economy and companies that are not owned by Thaksin, running an armed militia on the streets of Bangkok, detaining people at his will, shooting at people who take wrong turns on the streets, beating up taxi drivers who want to drive through the blockades, etc. I could go on for another 40 lines but I am sure you know very well that this is not just a "right to protest".

Right to protest? Yes.

Overthrowing an elected government and suspend Democracy and replace it with a people's council? No thanks

Protests always inconveniences someone. You think no one was inconvenienced during Occupy Wall Street?

And don't crap about armed militias when the protestors are the ones getting shot at and bombed on a daily basis. People like you demonize the protestors and their so called 'militia' while conveniently ignoring the REAL armed militia out there attack the protestors almost everyday since the protests started.

Overthrowing an ineffectual government who can't seem to stem the violence, who have screwed up the economy with their rice scam, siphoned off billions from the same said scam and have caused the rice farmers to not get paid for months already. Yeah great 'elected' government!

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Wow so glad I am in Pattaya, as I would have little desire to live in Thaksinland.

I wonder what all the upcountry farangs are thinking right now.....

They'll be thinking, what's all the fuss down in Bangkok about, life is pretty normal around here ;)

What else do you expect them to be thinking? Are they under any threat? Are they about to be rounded up and taken to Chiang Mai football stadium never to be seen again? coffee1.gif

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First, the reds, celebrate the deaths of the children in Trat, then they want to divide Thailand in two parts.

The so called caretaker PM is in Chiang Mai, the new capital of Thaksinland, only concerned about drug and irrigation problems, while the country is falling apart.

Please, tell me, these are not serious people with any kind of human compassion or any intelligence.

Are these the people eligible to vote for the future of this country?

"...while the country is falling apart."

And why is the country falling apart? Could it be that a guy down in Bangkok is trying to overthrow democracy?

Edited by PREM-R
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Wow so glad I am in Pattaya, as I would have little desire to live in Thaksinland.

I wonder what all the upcountry farangs are thinking right now.....

I am not thinking about anything other than the fact it is starting to get hot here.

Yes, very hot in Chiang Dao today, too. A town that is usually at least three degrees cooler than Chiang Mai.

Aside from that, for foreigners like myself, I see little change or little threat, except that with Thaksin's clones in power, they will turn this Country more and more like one of the Western countries, I so happily moved away from. Since he came into power, visa regulations tightened, tougher smoking and drinking laws, bar hours cut back, War on drugs, more police corruption and fines.

That being said, I am only a foreigner. I can leave anytime I want. Thai people, on the other hand, are stuck with their decisions.

So far, it's not as bad as Canada. If that ever changes, I will look for better hunting grounds wai2.gif

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Who's that lighter skinned guy on the right with the spectacles? Every time I see a picture of Suthep that guy is somewhere in the background.

Beleive he is Suthep's brother in law and confidante Akenant Promphan. Its not just the Shinawatra clan in politics. Suthep's wife, son and other members are also all deep in politics.

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IMO, it does not matter if the so called 'declaration of the secession of the country' was 'political rhetoric' or 'real'.

If you were at the rally last Sunday or heard the speeches, you would notice the feelings of hurt, bitterness, anger, haplessness, and feeling of being betrayed. These are very dangerous negative energies. When these negative energies are focus together, it will be like a laser beam that can cut through thick steel.

Suthep can use last Sunday's UDD rally to provoke, incite, instigate the Army to take action. That IMO, will be the real national security threat and will make unifying Thailand impossible.

The 'old elite' power should engage the 'emerging power' of the people in a positive manner. Activities that tried to eradicate, annihilate the 'emerging power' have been futile. These activities, if continue, will create a situation like that of the '70s when people were forced to align with the 'communist'.

Is there still a way out? I think yes. Through talks between the people of these two 'powers'. However, talking with suthep and/or av will not work because they are puppets and known to be playing games - even with the 'old elite power'. It has to be people behind these two 'powers' who can persuade and have influence on their people.

Posters here and people of the South and BKK can continue to condemn, belittle, denigrate, the Red/UDD, but to them these have been going on for many years. Now, they are not willing to be continually harassed, belittled, treated not equal and denying of their political, social, judicial, and economic rights, duties and responsibilities.

You can't blame people who are fighting for their political, social , judicial and economic rights. They had stepped back many steps, been patient, exercised utmost restraint, shown tolerance and had used parliamentary process to work for reconciliation and unity. Of course, these intentions were smeared and murdered and were used as stepping stones to seize power from the people.

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Suthep Thaugsuban strongly blasted special security center’s head Chalerm Yoobamrung

Now everything starts to make sense...Chalerm never had his head cut off end of last year, he had his body cut off instead. How else would Suthep be able to blast Chalerm's head? Leave it to Chalerm to screw up even his own beheading.

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What I want to know is why Chalerm has not arrested Suthep yet, he has promised it several times, seems like he is not a man of his word then, good job the rest of the government is not like him eh?

How can he arrest Suthep without massive bloodshed as he is always surrounded by heavily armed bodyguards? And hundreds of fanatics and lunatics who will die protecting him. Besides, the courts have also prohibited use of force to evict or disperse these protestors and get to him in order to avoid a repeat of 2010 when 90 people were killed in the fight between the heavily armed red shirts and the govt of the day?

Edited by saakura
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What I want to know is why Chalerm has not arrested Suthep yet, he has promised it several times, seems like he is not a man of his word then, good job the rest of the government is not like him eh?

How can he arrest Suthep without massive bloodshed as he is always surrounded by heavily armed bodyguards? And hundreds of fanatics and lunatics who will die protecting him. Besides, the courts have also prohibited use of force to evict or disperse these protestors and get to him in order to avoid a repeat of 2010 when 90 people were killed in the fight between the heavily armed red shirts and the govt of the day?

'And hundreds of fanatics and lunatics who will die protecting him her ."


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So to be clear - some obscure <deleted> on a stage said something silly, Chalerm pointed out what a daft remark it was, and now Suthep is upset at Chalerm for not overreacting and wants the army to crash in, arrest the <deleted> and impose the death penalty. Do I have it right?

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Nice pic of the Brownshirts on the stage - it says so much.

If Suthep had more than a few brain pixels to rub together (but of course, as little more than the tool of his masters, he doesn't require those) he'd be able to grasp the hypocrisy in his words.

And that's yet another person he's threatened to have killed. That's quite a list he's lined up for eradication over the past few months.

The poster was later removed by the police and investigation was ordered to find out the people responsible for putting up the poster.

Tell us O wise and all seeing all seeing master what country is going to send the police in? The Thailand police can't even catch a pick pocket when his hand is in their pocket.

Also are you going to continue to see how dumb a post you can put up? Are you expecting a prize or some thing.

To be honest with you I think you are a fake. You know Yingluck and the rest of her clan are justifiably on their way out and you just like the attention.

Maybe if you were a little nicer to the wife she would give you more attention.

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