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Ministry to try homeopathy in Sing Buri to fight dengue

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The fun fact about homeopathy is that, unlike any other scam, it is specifically designed to not work. In the standard scams, you have some kind of weird and unknown substance that could cure cancer or stop ageing. Why not could say the sceptic. But it is clearly explained that any homeopathic remedy contains absolutely nothing at the usual dilution levels. If someone farts in a 100km radius around a homeopathic pill factory, there is a much higher chance that the pill contains a molecule of that fart than anything of the original diluted substance.

Nevertheless, it is working even better than any other scam in the world. It is impossible that it could have any other effect than a placebo, and countless studies have proven that fact. But it is still a 40 billion $ market worldwide. It just baffles the mind there are so many morons on this planet, including Thailand's ministry of health.

Over a 9ch dilution there is indeed no more molecule of the original substance in the homeopathy remedy, that's right. So, all the question is: what IS inside the remedy for all dilutions over 9ch?

I know the answer, of course, but i won't tell you as i think this discussion leads to nowhere. We have on one side people who have never ( or almost ) take any homeopathy medicine or didn't even tried to understand why it works, simply because there is no scientific studies ( in the way they like them ) to prove it. And on the other side we have people who have spent years and years to study homeopathy and experiment it. I let your brain - if it's still able to work - decide who can have the most objective, and, yes, even scientific talk about homeopathy.

I don't know what is difficult in saying "well, i don't know anything about it, i've never experimented it, so i can't talk about it". Shouldn't be that difficult, right? There is plenty of others kind of sciences in which i know nothing because i didn't learn anything about them, and it wouldn't come to my mind to say that it's total bullshit as i know i can't talk about something i've never studied, and this even if they are tons of officials reports about them... simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

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simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

Babble, nothing more.

Like all of this pseudo scientific rubbish, reason is used to say we should not use reason.

Sorry, but 'it just does' is not enough for a thinking person.

Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact.

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Shocking ignorance. Or maybe not so shocking. Wonder where this witch doctor went to school?

...as you should know this subject is taught on European Medical Schools. And also to become a special doc for homeopathy you have to learn for at least 3 years. So they are all witch doctors??? Think first and then write!

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simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

Babble, nothing more.

Like all of this pseudo scientific rubbish, reason is used to say we should not use reason.

Sorry, but 'it just does' is not enough for a thinking person.

Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact.

"Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact."

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. It is working though - and this is to know - the particular way how it works is sometimes not clear! But this does not implement that homoepathy is "rubbish". But you are not alone with your opinion. There are many ignorant people in this world!

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simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

Babble, nothing more.

Like all of this pseudo scientific rubbish, reason is used to say we should not use reason.

Sorry, but 'it just does' is not enough for a thinking person.

Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact.

"Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact."

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. It is working though - and this is to know - the particular way how it works is sometimes not clear! But this does not implement that homoepathy is "rubbish". But you are not alone with your opinion. There are many ignorant people in this world!

Really. You have any proof other than anecdotal evidence or some quack producing a non peer reviewed piece of ragged cloth?

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The fun fact about homeopathy is that, unlike any other scam, it is specifically designed to not work. In the standard scams, you have some kind of weird and unknown substance that could cure cancer or stop ageing. Why not could say the sceptic. But it is clearly explained that any homeopathic remedy contains absolutely nothing at the usual dilution levels. If someone farts in a 100km radius around a homeopathic pill factory, there is a much higher chance that the pill contains a molecule of that fart than anything of the original diluted substance.

Nevertheless, it is working even better than any other scam in the world. It is impossible that it could have any other effect than a placebo, and countless studies have proven that fact. But it is still a 40 billion $ market worldwide. It just baffles the mind there are so many morons on this planet, including Thailand's ministry of health.

Over a 9ch dilution there is indeed no more molecule of the original substance in the homeopathy remedy, that's right. So, all the question is: what IS inside the remedy for all dilutions over 9ch?

I know the answer, of course, but i won't tell you as i think this discussion leads to nowhere. We have on one side people who have never ( or almost ) take any homeopathy medicine or didn't even tried to understand why it works, simply because there is no scientific studies ( in the way they like them ) to prove it. And on the other side we have people who have spent years and years to study homeopathy and experiment it. I let your brain - if it's still able to work - decide who can have the most objective, and, yes, even scientific talk about homeopathy.

I don't know what is difficult in saying "well, i don't know anything about it, i've never experimented it, so i can't talk about it". Shouldn't be that difficult, right? There is plenty of others kind of sciences in which i know nothing because i didn't learn anything about them, and it wouldn't come to my mind to say that it's total bullshit as i know i can't talk about something i've never studied, and this even if they are tons of officials reports about them... simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

Let me tell you something about medicine you seem to have forgotten. It relies heavily on experimentation because we have known for a long time (hippocrates actually) that the human body is so complex that theory nor personal experience are not enough to draw any conclusion on that matter.

The theory about homeopathic is non-existent. It is no more a science than astrology or creationism. You say I have never studied it, but there is nothing to study about it. Care to link about any "official report" or scientific paper attempting to explain the theory behind homeopathy? I have a pretty good bullshit detector about anything related to pseudo-science, so you need to find something convincing.

Anyway, as I said, medicine does not rely on theory. Experimentation is king. The fact that you or I have experienced homeopathic remedies is irrelevant. The only way to know if a remedy work is to have a big enough population that tries the remedy versus a placebo in clinical tests. Why would any sane human waste their time doing this is beyond me, but that's how medicine works. The overwhelming conclusion of people who unlike me have spent a lot of time studying and experiment homeopathy is that they have never found any evidence that homeopathy is effective as a treatment for any health condition. I trust them.

So the theory is retarded. Dozens if not hundreds of experiment have been unsuccessful. And yet you want me to try to understand it physically (whatever that means) and at the same time to set aside common sense, every laws of physics and chemistry, the scientific consensus and countless experimentations?

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This bagheera really isn't trolling either, that's the tragedy.

"...because you haven't studied it..."

This is an innane argument. The whole point is that science did indeed "study" homeopathy and found it 100% groundless.

The fact it's not what you want to hear is why you twist the truth about the nature if "study", which in real terms is just you saying one must have tried and had beneficial results from it in order to truly be able to support or discount it - and as such your reasoning is found as wanting as your pseudo-science.

As another poster observed, that you can end an argument with "Nuff said" belies the level of real intellect behind the argument, thus you discredit yourself as any kind of serious commentator.

The really sad thing here though, is the officialdom - supposedly professional - of a country like Thailand could be suckered into buying into this nonsense. It may still be a developing country (as clearly shown by its politicians) where huge numbers of the population still believe in supernatural forces, but it's so disappointing to note medical practitioners could possibly take this seriously.

On a further tragic note for Thailand - and something nobody on this topic seems to have pointed out yet - is the oxymoron of "kindergarten student volunteers".

TiT? Double-you tee eff!

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"Homeopathy has never ever ever been shown to work, that is a fact."

Sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. It is working though - and this is to know - the particular way how it works is sometimes not clear! But this does not implement that homoepathy is "rubbish". But you are not alone with your opinion. There are many ignorant people in this world!


In 2002, a systematic review of the available systematic reviews confirmed that higher-quality trials tended to have less positive results, and found no convincing evidence that any homeopathic remedy exerts clinical effects different from placebo.[128]

In 2005, The Lancet medical journal published a meta-analysis of 110 placebo-controlled homeopathy trials and 110 matched medical trials based upon the Swiss government's Program for Evaluating Complementary Medicine, or PEK. The study concluded that its findings were compatible with the notion that the clinical effects of homeopathy are placebo effects.[13]

A 2006 meta-analysis of six trials evaluating homeopathic treatments to reduce cancer therapy side-effects following radiotherapy and chemotherapy found that there was "insufficient evidence to support clinical efficacy of homeopathic therapy in cancer care".[161]

A 2007 systematic review of homeopathy for children and adolescents found that the evidence for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and childhood diarrhea was mixed. No difference from placebo was found for adenoid vegetation, asthma, or upper respiratory tract infection. Evidence was not sufficient to recommend any therapeutic or preventative intervention, and the delay in medical treatment may be harmful to the patient.[162]

Yep, it is working clap2.gif

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Ok, here my two cents/satang

All posters who never used homeopathy after visitng a homeopath (some "conventional" docs are also homeopaths), please shut up!

If you never drove a car, don't tell me, who has been driving cars for long time, how a certain car drives or not drives. It's just bullshit.

Peer-reviewed tests. Those who know what it is also know what it costs, homeopathy is a low cost way to cure, has no patents where BigPharma can earn billions with, so it is already from that point of view impossible to do what BigPharma does. That does NOT mean it does not work.

I am a self homeopath, I mean for myself, my family and my pets. Pets yes, they cannot simulate, a remedy (doctor with 250K patient reports: homeopathy does NOT have medicines, it has remedies, it has no drugs, no side effects, no overdoses) works or does not work. If it doesn't work it was not the right remedy, so try another one. I have treated many dogs and cats.

Homeopathy has been used in patients in coma, they cannot simulate, they have no idea they get a remedy. Still it worked on some other problems of the patient, not the coma itself of course.

I have been bitten by a snake some years ago, probably a young cobra. I went through all sick organs that a body has, temp. up to 45°C, black stool, throwing up, pain all over the body. That's the work of the haemotoxin in some snake venoms, others are neurotoxins and let the heart and breathing stop. I was lucky, I did not see a snake and was not aware of the snake bite, I went from hot fever to cold fever and the only remedies I took were the general Arnica montana and a heart assisting plus artery cleaning remedy. I survived, next day I saw the two symetrical black 1 cm large spots on my ankle, then I knew: snake bite! Thanks to homeopathy I survived, so please all "never-used-it-but-it's-crap" shut up. You don't have to use it or try it, but dont give an opinion about something you cannot know.

Just one remark on acupuncture. Ever tried to put a needle in a cat's neck? Try it? Bet not. I met a acupuncturist/veterinarian back in Europe and she cured many animals, also cats. The first needle in the neck releases an opiate, the cat is high and feels good, no problem to put other needles in and wait till they fall out again. Amazing old Chinese science, blocked energy streams, find where, put needles in the right place, they get warm and release the blockade of energy. It works, yes for sure. So does homeopathy.

Conventional medicine is based on symptom treatment. If you got a headache you get a pain killer (what again could give you stomach bleeding), without anyone wondering why you have the headache (it's a sign of the body that something is wrong), if you have fever you get a AID, without anyone wondering why you have fever (again an alarm signal of the body that something is wrong). Homeopathy is a holistic way to cure, it looks at the whole patient, what is a good remedy for me does not need to be good for someone else. A homeopath will make a holistic profile and decide what remedy to give. The base is "What can make a healthy body sick in pure form, can heal the same illness in diluted form". Not so strange, it activates the body to heal itself, the base of why we are still alive, the body can heal itself if it has the right ingredients inside. Diluted cannot work? Think of vaccines. Always inactivated small quantities of say small pox are inoculated and the body reacts by making anti-bodies, as it is attacked with small pox. These anti-bodies stay in the body and therefor give some protection. So small quantities work, even in conventional medicine.

Last: why is BigPharma not interested? First you cannot get a patent on a product that is freely available in nature. Second the price of homeopathic remedies is so low that they are not interested in such a small margin. Third: conventional medicine is the big market. Example the much too much prescribed Prozac: cost price USD 0.11, sold for USD 1.15. Got it?

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They got to be kidding, do they even know what Homeopathy is?

Jakkriss said "homeopathy" was safe and low-cost and had been used in various countries including the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, the United States, Australia, India and Malaysia.

Of course it is low cost, it is pure water.

It is a substance that has diluted in water or other medium so many times not even a molecule of the original substance remains in the solution.

I take it you are in favor of it if they do not dilute it.tongue.png

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The fun fact about homeopathy is that, unlike any other scam, it is specifically designed to not work. In the standard scams, you have some kind of weird and unknown substance that could cure cancer or stop ageing. Why not could say the sceptic. But it is clearly explained that any homeopathic remedy contains absolutely nothing at the usual dilution levels. If someone farts in a 100km radius around a homeopathic pill factory, there is a much higher chance that the pill contains a molecule of that fart than anything of the original diluted substance.

Nevertheless, it is working even better than any other scam in the world. It is impossible that it could have any other effect than a placebo, and countless studies have proven that fact. But it is still a 40 billion $ market worldwide. It just baffles the mind there are so many morons on this planet, including Thailand's ministry of health.

Over a 9ch dilution there is indeed no more molecule of the original substance in the homeopathy remedy, that's right. So, all the question is: what IS inside the remedy for all dilutions over 9ch?

I know the answer, of course, but i won't tell you as i think this discussion leads to nowhere. We have on one side people who have never ( or almost ) take any homeopathy medicine or didn't even tried to understand why it works, simply because there is no scientific studies ( in the way they like them ) to prove it. And on the other side we have people who have spent years and years to study homeopathy and experiment it. I let your brain - if it's still able to work - decide who can have the most objective, and, yes, even scientific talk about homeopathy.

I don't know what is difficult in saying "well, i don't know anything about it, i've never experimented it, so i can't talk about it". Shouldn't be that difficult, right? There is plenty of others kind of sciences in which i know nothing because i didn't learn anything about them, and it wouldn't come to my mind to say that it's total bullshit as i know i can't talk about something i've never studied, and this even if they are tons of officials reports about them... simply because you need to understand things PHYSICALLY and not only intellectually to really understand them. But with most of you, no, it don't work like that. You need to have an opinion about everything, even if you know nothing about it. Amazingly stupid, really.

So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

Let me tell you something about medicine you seem to have forgotten. It relies heavily on experimentation because we have known for a long time (hippocrates actually) that the human body is so complex that theory nor personal experience are not enough to draw any conclusion on that matter.

The theory about homeopathic is non-existent. It is no more a science than astrology or creationism. You say I have never studied it, but there is nothing to study about it. Care to link about any "official report" or scientific paper attempting to explain the theory behind homeopathy? I have a pretty good bullshit detector about anything related to pseudo-science, so you need to find something convincing.

Anyway, as I said, medicine does not rely on theory. Experimentation is king. The fact that you or I have experienced homeopathic remedies is irrelevant. The only way to know if a remedy work is to have a big enough population that tries the remedy versus a placebo in clinical tests. Why would any sane human waste their time doing this is beyond me, but that's how medicine works. The overwhelming conclusion of people who unlike me have spent a lot of time studying and experiment homeopathy is that they have never found any evidence that homeopathy is effective as a treatment for any health condition. I trust them.

So the theory is retarded. Dozens if not hundreds of experiment have been unsuccessful. And yet you want me to try to understand it physically (whatever that means) and at the same time to set aside common sense, every laws of physics and chemistry, the scientific consensus and countless experimentations?

Well said and I hope you go on to tear it a new one.

It works they say... Really! Can I test it? No, they say. Why can't I text it I ask... Because it beyond science, they say. Really! I say. If it works then it can be shown to work obviously... If it cannot be shown to work then how would you know it works? Belief they say.... Oh, that old chestnut... It is true because it is true.

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So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...

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So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...

I guess that means it must be true.

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The really sad thing here though, is the officialdom - supposedly professional - of a country like Thailand could be suckered into buying into this nonsense. It may still be a developing country (as clearly shown by its politicians) where huge numbers of the population still believe in supernatural forces, but it's so disappointing to note medical practitioners could possibly take this seriously.

On a further tragic note for Thailand - and something nobody on this topic seems to have pointed out yet - is the oxymoron of "kindergarten student volunteers".

TiT? Double-you tee eff!

France is worst in that matter. We have world class medicine practitioners, top researchers, one of the best life expectancy, yet 35% of french use and and believe in homeopathic remedies...

Doctors know it is no more than a placebo, but they still prescribe it to their patients thus breaking hippocratic oath. I have a doctor friend. His university even used to deliver an homeopathic diploma... who knows what they were teaching. Himself is not at all friendly to homeopathic concepts. He had a 9 year old patient soon after he started to practice. Totally and irremidatly deaf. Why? Her mother treated her multiple otisis with pure homeopathic remedies.

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So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...


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Hey, I cured my cold taking homeopathy in about a week!

Usually when I don't take anything, it takes 7 days.

Proof that it works... w00t.gif

Absolute proof.

Homeopathy has never ever been shown to work.

As the brillian Tim Minchin put it: "Do you know what they call alternative medicine that has been proven to work? Medicine"

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The positive aspect of homeopathy is that usually, patients refuse to leave the doctor's office without some medicine. So the doctor can easily stuff them with homeopathic pills without fear of any harmful effect. The placebo effect could even be beneficial to the patient. Maybe that could be something to think about in Thailand, where you get antibiotics for any imaginable condition.

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So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...

I thought I farted, what remained was the smell.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I can't believe the amazingly stupid comments posted above... Does any of you, and i mean ANY OF YOU - ever studied of be healed with Homeopathy? And i don't mean to have take once or twice homeopathy pills but REALLY studied it during years and years? Obviously not, because if you did it like i did during the last thirty years you'll know that homeopathy is pure genius, and even a medicine closer to quanta physics than regular medicine as we know it. It's about time that homeopathy is introduced in Thailand as not only it can heal Dengue but also a lot of other diseases or problems more simple like the heat intolerance. And don't believe any of the supposed scientists telling you that homeopathy is bullshit it's their analysis which is. Believe me these guys NEVER tried homeopathy even once in their life! And by the way, Acupuncture is also a great medicine and it's a medicine at least 2000 years old, it was not invented yesterday.

What i can admit is someone saying "i'm sorry but from all what i've studied i can't see how Homeopathy can work". THAT would be fair, and objective. Because this is where all the problem is: they don't understand why it works because homeopathy seems to go against all known scientific current knowledge. Now, mark my words, folks: Homeopathy is so ahead of anything that science knows ( so far ) that when they'll find finally why it works it will revolutionize all others theories.

Nuff said'

There is a lot of ignorance out there, Bagheera. Can't really blame people, after being brainwashed by the media for so many years.

I was very skeptical about mixing drops of Citric Acid and Sodium Chlorite, until I actually did it myself, after hearing all the great claims. My buddy claimed, it cured his Dengue Fever (which he was properly diagnosed with, in less than 48 hours, up here in Chiang Dao.

I took it for a bad Urinary Tract infection, that doctors prescribed three different, strong Antibiotics for, which I all took faithfully, as prescribed, but the infection came back every time, within a few days. I Took these drops of Citric Acid mixed with Sodium Chorite and the infection is gone. (I took no other medicines during that time). Not only that. I had a very bad sinus infections, for may years now. When I sneezed, it stunk really bad. That is gone, too. (My doctor in Canada tried to kill it with strong antibiotics, and it came back shortly after again). There are a couple of other things, it gotten rid off, that I don't want to talk about in this forum, but fact, for me at least, is, it works.

On the Net, they call is MMS...its a really stupid name and the guy who started it, makes so many extravagant and stupid claims, about other stuff now, that he does not sound believable. I had my doubts, until my friend convinced me to try it. I had nothing to loose, so I did and it worked for me, in more ways than one.

So to me, saying that something is "Snake Oil" salesmen type stuff, prior to investigation, just proves the ignorance of the posters.

Sad thing is, by being so arrogant, people may just be missing out on some good cures for stuff, that regular medicine still can't deal with effectively.

I know one thing...next time, I get seriously ill with a virus or bacteria, I will try those drops first, before letting the doctors give me antibiotics again.

Then again, to each his own. I don't really care what people do, but I do believe in informing people, when something works, so they can make up their own mind about it.

BTW, this stuff, you can make up yourself. A big batch for $2 or $3. I am not telling anyone to try it. I am only saying that it worked for me and like my buddy, I swear by it now.

Cheers wai2.gif

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I can't believe the amazingly stupid comments posted above... Does any of you, and i mean ANY OF YOU - ever studied of be healed with Homeopathy? And i don't mean to have take once or twice homeopathy pills but REALLY studied it during years and years? Obviously not, because if you did it like i did during the last thirty years you'll know that homeopathy is pure genius, and even a medicine closer to quanta physics than regular medicine as we know it. It's about time that homeopathy is introduced in Thailand as not only it can heal Dengue but also a lot of other diseases or problems more simple like the heat intolerance. And don't believe any of the supposed scientists telling you that homeopathy is bullshit it's their analysis which is. Believe me these guys NEVER tried homeopathy even once in their life! And by the way, Acupuncture is also a great medicine and it's a medicine at least 2000 years old, it was not invented yesterday.

What i can admit is someone saying "i'm sorry but from all what i've studied i can't see how Homeopathy can work". THAT would be fair, and objective. Because this is where all the problem is: they don't understand why it works because homeopathy seems to go against all known scientific current knowledge. Now, mark my words, folks: Homeopathy is so ahead of anything that science knows ( so far ) that when they'll find finally why it works it will revolutionize all others theories.

Nuff said'

There is a lot of ignorance out there, Bagheera. Can't really blame people, after being brainwashed by the media for so many years.

I was very skeptical about mixing drops of Citric Acid and Sodium Chlorite, until I actually did it myself, after hearing all the great claims. My buddy claimed, it cured his Dengue Fever (which he was properly diagnosed with, in less than 48 hours, up here in Chiang Dao.

I took it for a bad Urinary Tract infection, that doctors prescribed three different, strong Antibiotics for, which I all took faithfully, as prescribed, but the infection came back every time, within a few days. I Took these drops of Citric Acid mixed with Sodium Chorite and the infection is gone. (I took no other medicines during that time). Not only that. I had a very bad sinus infections, for may years now. When I sneezed, it stunk really bad. That is gone, too. (My doctor in Canada tried to kill it with strong antibiotics, and it came back shortly after again). There are a couple of other things, it gotten rid off, that I don't want to talk about in this forum, but fact, for me at least, is, it works.

On the Net, they call is MMS...its a really stupid name and the guy who started it, makes so many extravagant and stupid claims, about other stuff now, that he does not sound believable. I had my doubts, until my friend convinced me to try it. I had nothing to loose, so I did and it worked for me, in more ways than one.

So to me, saying that something is "Snake Oil" salesmen type stuff, prior to investigation, just proves the ignorance of the posters.

Sad thing is, by being so arrogant, people may just be missing out on some good cures for stuff, that regular medicine still can't deal with effectively.

I know one thing...next time, I get seriously ill with a virus or bacteria, I will try those drops first, before letting the doctors give me antibiotics again.

Then again, to each his own. I don't really care what people do, but I do believe in informing people, when something works, so they can make up their own mind about it.

BTW, this stuff, you can make up yourself. A big batch for $2 or $3. I am not telling anyone to try it. I am only saying that it worked for me and like my buddy, I swear by it now.

Cheers wai2.gif

Death by misadventure is not a crime nor should it be but if you the same reasoning with regard to the welfare of a child and you could/ should be locked up.

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A couple weeks early for the April fools day article. Astounding lack of medical knowlege from the "public health ministry", Of all the quack therapies homeopathy is the best tested and soundly debunked crock of superstitious garbage available. Pathetic.

Daoyai, I would be interested in hearing your reasons for this rather childish and wholly uninformed condemnation of an important branch of medicine.

Homeopathy is most certainly NOT any kind of "quack" medicine in countries where practitioners are first qualified MD and then go on to study homeopathic medicine for a further 3 years in addition to the 5 years in Medical school then 2 or 3 years as an intern.

Silly and ignorant comments like yours usually stem from - well - ignorance.

The Pharmaceutical Industry is currently (and rather desperately) trying to collar the homeopathic medicines - so that people, perhaps like you, will happily pay ten times the price for the same.

Recommendation. Wise up, Grow up or .....well I'm sure you can guess.

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A couple weeks early for the April fools day article. Astounding lack of medical knowlege from the "public health ministry", Of all the quack therapies homeopathy is the best tested and soundly debunked crock of superstitious garbage available. Pathetic.

The queen of England obviously disagrees with you.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

A couple weeks early for the April fools day article. Astounding lack of medical knowlege from the "public health ministry", Of all the quack therapies homeopathy is the best tested and soundly debunked crock of superstitious garbage available. Pathetic.

Daoyai, I would be interested in hearing your reasons for this rather childish and wholly uninformed condemnation of an important branch of medicine.

Homeopathy is most certainly NOT any kind of "quack" medicine in countries where practitioners are first qualified MD and then go on to study homeopathic medicine for a further 3 years in addition to the 5 years in Medical school then 2 or 3 years as an intern.

Silly and ignorant comments like yours usually stem from - well - ignorance.

The Pharmaceutical Industry is currently (and rather desperately) trying to collar the homeopathic medicines - so that people, perhaps like you, will happily pay ten times the price for the same.

Recommendation. Wise up, Grow up or .....well I'm sure you can guess.

Pleased to note your support of "homeopathy"

Can you now provide a list of what the magic water and sugar pills actually treats and CURES ?

Does this miraculous "stuff" treat broken legs and heart attacks - maybe it cures pneumonia, malaria or whooping cough !

Please be quick to inform us of the facts complete with documented scientific evidence ---------------published , of course, in respected peer reviewed scientific journals.

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So tell me is what inside the remedy? If you know it, don't hold back, because nobody in the world has been able to answer that question...

It's PURE ENERGY. What remain is the part of the "thought" of the product whether it is made from a mineral, animal or vegetal substance, but i doubt you will understand what it mean...

Pure Energy? And you know this because...............................................?

It has never been measured, nor identified, nor even been claimed to exist by responsible purveyors of the products, but you make the claim. Interesting.

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2010 Science and Technology Committee - Fourth Report - Evidence Check 2: Homeopathy

full report here:
overall conclusion here:
"By providing homeopathy on the NHS and allowing MHRA licensing of products which subsequently appear on pharmacy shelves, the Government runs the risk of endorsing homeopathy as an efficacious system of medicine. To maintain patient trust, choice and safety, the Government should not endorse the use of placebo treatments, including homeopathy. Homeopathy should not be funded on the NHS and the MHRA should stop licensing homeopathic products."
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I really hope that this is not true.

Dengue is a serious disease which if "treated" with sugar pills and "magic" water will result in more deaths.

And yet, according to the article, there were less deaths.

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Silly and ignorant comments like yours usually stem from - well - ignorance.

Here is a potential convert for you! Show me one shred of evidence and I could well change my mind but please don't try an introduce anecdotal accounts via some kind of back door because they are not, in any way, evidence. Would you accept as evidence my claim or assertion to have an invisible leprechaun in my shed called Colin? Hmmmm. Bad question because you likely would accept the claim.

[edit]Sorry, you would HAVE to accept the claim.

Edited by notmyself
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