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Unfriendly Farangs


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If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then what are you trying to say? What does that have to do with my post?

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mate, there are always those that think they are above everyone else and that their sh*t dont stink.You probably arent wearing trendy enough clothes for them, strangely enough most around here will smile and acknowledge you but if they dont I dont really give a rats, they arent worth it anyway. They probably wouldnt realize if their ar*e was on fire with their noses that far up in the air, I find "well f*** you too" generally gets a look or if in close proximity "did you fart or just sh*t yourself", especially if others are around, bit of embarrasment does wonders.thumbsup.gif

they go,to,the gym to tone their flabby old bodies thinking they are sexy. Preening to,other men and then,you have the f...n hide to say or think,people are gay for doing so?

Get a bloody life.

There is absolutely no need to be impolite or rude to,your fellows at the gym.

Even if the guy is gay, I bet 100% he wont want YOU. we have taste.

Marcusd. Via tapatalk

I tried to find where Seajae mentioned gays in his post, but I couldn't find it.

He must have hit a nerve

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If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then what are you trying to say? What does that have to do with my post?

He got an OBE and was Knighted. You would have to ask one of his hundreds of victims if he ever did it in public. Tory MP accuses bosses of 'kicking evidence into the long grass. You can read the story but it is much worse than anything you have mentioned occurring in Thailand.


For you to imply that those kind of things (however reprehensible) occur only in Thailand is flat out nonsense.

Edited by thailiketoo
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I give up. My English must be so bad I can't convey even the simplest of thoughts. What does "being intimate" mean to you? I'm serious because maybe I don't get it. One is not "being intimate" with a son or stepson or wife's younger brother. In my English "being intimate" is a polite way to say some type of sexual contact.

Some sort of PDA?

Sitting close, holding hands, sitting on lap.

Give us all a clue what you saw?

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If you really think that a 60 year old top tier executive could “make out” with an under aged boy in a restaurant in London and get away with it what can I possibly say to change your mind?

Savile later received an OBE for his charity work, and in 1990 he was knighted. His sordid sexual exploits however, only emerged following his death in October 2011, just two days short of his 85th birthday.

Over the past few years hundreds of victims have since come forward to highlight horrific stories of sexual abuse.

Did he make out with any of his victims in public? If not then what are you trying to say? What does that have to do with my post?

He got an OBE and was Knighted. You would have to ask one of his hundreds of victims if he ever did it in public. Tory MP accuses bosses of 'kicking evidence into the long grass. You can read the story but it is much worse than anything you have mentioned occurring in Thailand.


For you to imply that those kind of things (however reprehensible) occur only in Thailand is flat out nonsense.

I have no idea what you're talking about. No one has mentioned nor implied anything about anything and nothing I said has anything to do with anything other than the example I gave. The motives of those who imagine beyond my words are only known to themselves and their maker so I don't have a clue as to what you're on about.

If you want to make a seperate post, topic or comment please do but leave me out of it.

I've decide to add what many people here are thinking: I'm not the only one who expressed having caution because of the class (or lack of) of many farrangs here. Other posters gave examples of bad farrangs. I gave a small example in a much larger post about a pedophile and suddenly several members here can't stop themselves from obsessing about pedophilia and completely ignore all the other examples. That is very suspicious.

Edited by healthbkkbkk
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Maybe they don't speak or understand English. People from English speaking countries often assume everyone speak their language.

I find that Russians usually assume every one who is farang speaks Russian. I have been spoken to by Russians in their language. I don't understand one word of Russian. When I just look puzzled. I can tell they just think that I am being rude. You might be experiencing the opposite of what I am.

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Not true. I think most TV posters are well worth the time of day. I have had so much help from them and gotten to know some personally.

Sent from my GT-S5360 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Yeah, I've noticed the same. There's quite a few farangs who will say hi or whatever at the grocery store, but many will try to avoid you like the plague.

I actually find it kind of sad. Us Westerners in Thailand make for a pitiful example of immigrants. You go to a large multi-cultural city out West, say Toronto, and you'll notice the immigrants of each nationality all somewhat stick together, and help each other out. If you're from say Turkey and just off the plane, you can goto "Little Istanbul" or where ever the Turks hang out, and you'll easily find fellow Turks to talk to, and help you get settled. If needed, help you get a residence, bank account, SIN#, job, whatever.

Like you said; immigrants of each nationality. I tend to only associate with Americans, Canadians and Australians as I can relate to them easily. Europeans and British are just so different that the only similarity we share is white skin. I'm friendly but just feel indifferent towards strangers and what common interests do we have?

I find a lot of immigrants here to be somewhat from the lower spectrum of success in their home country while I'm driven and motivated to work hard.

At least it's only Yanks, Canucks and Aussies who'll have to converse with a short, bald bloke with a Napoleon complex banging on about how much paid tail his wallet buys him on the Sukhumvit strip.

Thank heaven for small mercies!

God Save The Queen !

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Yeah, I expected the "gay, unwashed" response.

My Gf hasn't mentioned a smell although she did wonder about the rear approach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don't take it the wrong way. Often , good looking males who are in good shape at the gym are sometimes gay - they are from the genus gym bunny. They have a tendency to be too happy and that can scare folks. Take it as a compliment. Maybe you intimidated them. Some westerners are scared of handsome guys in close proximity. By any chance, are you well endowed and goliath was evident? That too could scare some people. wink.png On the other hand, if you are one of those bulky guys with roid zits and back hair, maybe they were afraid you might go off into a rage or rub up against them......

In any case, don't worry about it. It's nothing.

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People that live, or have lived, in big cities generally avoid eye conract and go into panic mode when someone says hi. Up here in Isaan many Farangs met their girl in Phuket or some other cess pool and they know that we know that. So same thing. A bit of a bummer when I only see one or two a week, they look GUILTY and probably are.

I come from a place where not replying to a greeting was taken very badly.

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Many, not all, but many, farangs coming to Thailand are shady types. Many are anti-social and awkward types. U know the types awkwardly talking with women in the west? Reason to come to Thailand for obvious reasons... the easy accces to girls and sex, which they are deprived of in their home countries.

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In my culture whenever one enters a lift one looks at everyone in the eye and says hello and everyone says hello back.


Up until about 14 years ago, I wore my hair long in a ponytail. I once got in a lift in the US, only one other guy in there, nodded and exchanged 'Hi'.... then after about 10 seconds, this guys says to me, 'Nice hair.'

Back on topic; what's with all the averted eyes, manly silence and homophobic tension at the gym?

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Like you said; immigrants of each nationality. I tend to only associate with Americans, Canadians and Australians as I can relate to them easily. Europeans and British are just so different that the only similarity we share is white skin. I'm friendly but just feel indifferent towards strangers and what common interests do we have?

I find a lot of immigrants here to be somewhat from the lower spectrum of success in their home country while I'm driven and motivated to work hard.

While I partly agree with the second bit, it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. Most American, Canadian and Australian immigrants are European and thus have a similar background. I must admit though, although the Aussies can be a laugh, I do find you lot a bit cold. ;)

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Op, I wouldn't take it too personally. I'm with some of the others who remark on many farang here being of dubious background and thus am more guarded of strangers than elsewhere. But when at the gym, it's a double whammy; I go there to exercise and do not like to be disturbed. A 'hi' is fine, but that can easily open the floodgates with some folk who just like to yap away, or think nothing of trying to be your instructor. Annoying much!

If you're just being polite, don't let it get to you, if you want to meet people, try a bar. ;)

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One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

Going off-topic, but 16 is the legal age of consent in the UK for gays and I believe it is 15 for Thailand (if not prostitution).

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The Gym,huh,maybe they think your gay,trying to hit them up,not saying you are of course only a thought.

"maybe they think your gay,"

Or maybe they think YOU'RE not gay and wonder why you've wandered away from YOUR bar stool.

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I go to the gym to work out.

Back home its bad enough dudes going and hanging out and talking.

Too many farang wear bike pants to my gym....sorry if you have your meat and potatos out I am ignoring you.

Sent from my c64

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omg, I dont talk to falangs too, you try to get away from falangs that is why you come to Thailand

I'm sure they tried to get away from you too, but were out of luck. wink.png

Edited by uptheos
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I'm an introvert and am usually lost in my thoughts, which sometimes causes me to overlook people around me. I'm really friendly if someone takes the initiative but I don't often instigate "small talk" with strangers. I do try to at least smile at people (Thais and foreigners) in my building, but even among "neighbors" many of them just look away. It's a big 35 floor condo building in Bangkok, so that's to be expected. Not sure if you're in Bangkok, but I think you'll find similar behavior in any big city - people are mentally guarded. Anyway there seem to be quite a few socially awkward foreigners here in the LOS.

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I'm thinking the guy starting this post is new to ThaiVisa. This is the wrong place to look for sympathy for anything. Only if you die will ThaiVisa members say RIP and only if it is not your fault. However, I hope you meet some nice farangs the next time you're in the locker room. Everyone deserves to be happy. :)

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One night we stopped for a late dinner at an all night restaurant in Siam Square and in the corner, in the dark was this man and he was being intimate with a 16 year old boy. We then understood why he was here.

Going off-topic, but 16 is the legal age of consent in the UK for gays and I believe it is 15 for Thailand (if not prostitution).

having sex with a child under 18 is a compoundable offense even with the consent of that person. The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action. This ostensibly makes the Thai unfettered age of consent 18.

Did you miss the point about social acceptance and his role in british societe?

Please explain why you concentrate on the pedophile example? As Mel would say:" Do you have a dog in this fight"?

I consider myself a Man and a Man will never lower his eyes to a pedophile or pretend he doesn't see.

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When I go to the gym, I don't talk to anybody except the receptionist or a friend I already know. However, that is because I usually work out at the closest gym to my home, that gym is the Hillcrest 24 hr fitness in San Diego. This gym is the epicenter of all gayness. The patrons are nice for the most part, but I don't want to give any of them the wrong idea, and I totally avoid the locker room.

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Not sure why you have an expectation of friendly farengs? I find most people from the western world are not friendly. Sure, if you go to a small town, maybe. But big city people in the west do not acknowledge strangers usually. So what? Who cares? You are in a country filled with warm, friendly people. Enjoy that. If you look at the average Thai person and acknowledge them with a wave or a smile, most will respond. Is that not part of the reason we are here. Just because people in the west are shut down emotionally, need that affect us here? No. I just ignore them too. Means nothing to me.

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