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Men Going shirtless in the LOS. acceptable or not


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Actually, even as an ex-smoker, I have no problem with people smoking. And unlike here in Cambodia, most restaurants in Thailand are smoke-free anyway.

True story this: we had these two Russian couples in a hotel I worked in a few years ago. The guys obviously had money and their wives were absolute stunners. Looked like Azerbaijanis, legs to the armpits, curvy like hell, the works. Well, they showed up for breakfast wearing string tangas and bikini tops that were waayyyyy too small to do their job.

I got a heck of a load of complaints about that one.

All by ladies who were none too happy that their hubbies and boyfriends were sitting there with their tongues hanging down to the floorbiggrin.png.

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Now, I have no problem with ladies going shirtless anywhere smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

I don't smoke and never have taken up the habit, don't see why I should have breath it in and have it stink out my clothes?

I do like to drink beer and the by-product of that is having to p*ss a lot, I don't go around p*ssing all over the others around me.

Edited by soihok
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Personally I don't go shirtless anywhere in public in Thailand, or elsewhere, apart from the beach or in a swimming pool.

I think it looks a bit rude and out of character with the country.

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Going shirtless is ok on the beach, but should stop there.

.....and I agree about smokers smoke wafting over you when you are trying to eat (most of the time the fag is burning away whilst being held at a distance from the person holding it) ............very smelly xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Agreed ... fags stink ... bah.gif

Cigars are worse.

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Going shirtless is ok on the beach, but should stop there.

.....and I agree about smokers smoke wafting over you when you are trying to eat (most of the time the fag is burning away whilst being held at a distance from the person holding it) ............very smelly xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Agreed ... fags stink ... bah.gif

Cigars are worse.

But in which restaurant in Thailand can you still smoke. One thing I appreciated even when I still did smoke was the fact that restaurants have been smoke-free for years, at least the ones I go to.

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I visited Rio in Brazil in 1995, the big beaches are right in the heart of the city (or the other way round) and there were guys walking around the city in only swimming trunks, it seemed to be normal.

Certainly ain't normal in Thailand though.

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Going shirtless is ok on the beach, but should stop there.

.....and I agree about smokers smoke wafting over you when you are trying to eat (most of the time the fag is burning away whilst being held at a distance from the person holding it) ............very smelly xsick.gif.pagespeed.ic.tVTSNn-2vr.png

Agreed ... fags stink ... bah.gif

Cigars are worse.

But in which restaurant in Thailand can you still smoke. One thing I appreciated even when I still did smoke was the fact that restaurants have been smoke-free for years, at least the ones I go to.

As always, my personal experiences ... but, in general, I find (relatively) few Thais who smoke in public.

Maybe it's a Bangkok thing.

At home ... sure. The future FiL does ... as does some of his workers.

But really, what we class as 'Social Smokers' in the West.

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I visited Rio in Brazil in 1995, the big beaches are right in the heart of the city (or the other way round) and there were guys walking around the city in only swimming trunks, it seemed to be normal.

Certainly ain't normal in Thailand though.

That's interesting. I was there not so long after that and did not notice that at all. Only at the beaches. Maybe a different season or something.

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I visited Rio in Brazil in 1995, the big beaches are right in the heart of the city (or the other way round) and there were guys walking around the city in only swimming trunks, it seemed to be normal.

Certainly ain't normal in Thailand though.

In Antibes, French Riviera, the mayor did not like cheap charlie tourists, so no shirt in town area, fined 25 !
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  • 3 weeks later...

A couple of years ago I was in a Bangkok park and sweating profusely.

I dont agree with shirtless slobbery away from a beach, but just had to take my soaking wet shirt off for a few minutes ... in a park.

There were only a few people around but one or two obviously thought it odd and noteworthy. One group of girls were shouting "hey mister" and giggling. (They obviously dont see such toned perfection toooooo often).

Any way of more relevance .... after a few minutes I sat / laid on the banks of a lake. After a very short time I was approached by a Policeman who was very angry .. shouted at me, with a look like I was some he had just stepped in, to put my shirt on.

He walked back the way he had come so obviously was not passing. He came specifically to rollock me.

I thought he was gonna fine me as I had heard they like any excuse for Tea money, but he walked off muttering and disgusted.

I have never known heat and humidity like it.

I stick to seaside places where there is always a breeze and more importantly soaking wet shirts can be removed ... on the beach.

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Here is a pic taken about ten in the morning in a medium sized town 60km from the Big Mango.

Since this topic opened I have noticed many men in sleeveless shirts and lots of men, usually older but not always, going shirtless.

The fellow across the street has a corner shop and I have never seen him wear a shirt.

Does this kind of thing really bother people? I mean really?

'nuff said


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Do you know what melanoma is? Keeping walking about without a shirt and you will know soon enough.

And yes, it is considered offensive to go about shirtless. Despite the crass image of Bangla Rd and Walking Street and Patpong, Thailand is a conservative place when it comes to displays of flesh. Only whores, the mentally ill and disrespectful foreigners walk about in public without a shirt.

I dare you to say that to all the men in my village,of all ages and shapes.I just follow their lead.You would have to be insane to wear cloths in this heat.

Uhm actually the best thing you can do unless you never go outside. I live near Udon it's like ninja village up here all you can see uncovered are eyes, walking around outside or on their bikes top to toe coverage including their face. Stops you going "dum" and if you are a falang stops you getting melanoma thumbsup.gif win-win never to hot to cover up. Oh and for the OP just because you think you are in shape and look great doesn't really mean you should be "trolling" around shirtless if you get my driftwhistling.gif

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I was recently waiting to take a night-time Gold Class Nakon Chai Air bus journey back to Pattaya and I was sitting in a new air-conditioned waiting area that Nakon Chai Air have just opened.

A few minutes before we boarded the bus a shirtless Caucasian guy in his late 30s with his Caucasian wife or girlfriend came rushing into the waiting area but I thought nothing of it thinking he just didn't have time to put his clothes back on.

But then to my utter amazement after everyone had boarded the bus just a few minutes before departure this same couple took two seats on the bus I was sitting on and he was still shirtless.bah.gif He then sat in the seat without putting his clothes back on which I consider to be quite unhygienic. bah.gifbah.gif

He stayed like this for a least one or two hours until the air-conditioning on Nakon Chai Air had really kicked into full gear giggle.gif (and this bus company has exceptionally good air-conditioning on board its buses sometimes it's like an icebox) . It didn't take too long then to put his proper attire on .laugh.png

But I kept wondering what all the Thai’s would have thought about this guy who from his accent was European.

Edited by Asiantravel
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Do you know what melanoma is?

Yes, its a skin cancer and the incidence of it exploded, like all soft tissue cancers, after the cancer causing SV40 monkey virus was put into 200 million shots of the Polio vaccine.

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Shirt off on a bus, sounds like an Aussie or Russian.

Aussies live in a very hot and sunny climate all their lives and know the consequences when it comes to sunburn and melenoma. Most Aussies do not walk around without a shirt on in Australia let alone Thailand. BTW Australia has the highest cancer rate in the world from the sun. I doubt if the person on the bus was Aussie.

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I returned to my village today, and like a number of villagers around me, I'm chilling without a shirt. No, I'm not sunning myself. I'm just outside enjoying the relative coolness of this mountain region. This has got me to think about what is really moral hypocrisy, conservative Christian puritanical views, and other Western moralistic clap-trap that are being piggy-backed on what you believe to be 'conservative Thai beliefs'. Bunk. After thinking about this long and hard, I've come up with a conclusion: puritanical conservative types will 'transfer' their belief system to the local belief system, in an attempt to convince all who will listen that 'they are monitoring the immoral for the sake of the indigenous people.'

"Hi! I'm the paragon of morality and I'm protecting the indigenous people from seeing the moral degeneracy of these shirtless perverts.
You're not protecting anyone. You're expressing your bias. You moral relativists are a real piece of work. If it's not complaining about shirtless men, your complaining about Whores. I also wonder how many of you indulge in the exact 'pleasure pool' that you abhor. You folks need help.

Edited by connda
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I have a an athletic body with not much flab so I don't think I am obscene to anyone.

So you mean only guys with great body should go shirtless ? Other fat guys will be obscene to show their man boobs ?

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I've seen shirtless sweaty people walking around the streets - what ever the law is, it is a disgusting sight.

Some, you even see on the BTS sweating profusely and wearing a skinny - disgusting is too good a word to describe that (especially, when one is close-by in a crowded train or bus)

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