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Tensions grow as Thai protesters gear up for showdown

Lite Beer

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Forming an unelected government is illegitimate and will bring more conflict and violence," warned Tarit Pengdith, head of the Ministry of Justice's Department of Special Investigation (DSI). "

It's too late, because Pheu Thai have already picked someone from half a cabinet - something for which there is no provision in the constitution. A prime minister can only be constitutionally nominated through a quorum-filled parliament or through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Period. Not one Pheu Thai spokesman has sited any part of the constitution for what they're doing. Why ? Because there isn't any. The Senate, on the other hand, is indeed trying to fulfill it's constitutional duties. Only Pheu Thai won't let them function. Is that the DSI solution to the crisis - to prevent the Senate from functioning ?

Please do not spread this nonsense amongst the uninformed here. You just make the discussions worse because inevitably the uninformed pick it up as if it were true. I personally think you actually know that the constitution has a "part" as you put it, which justifies ANYTHING. It is typically Thai to have such a "part"; so many, many laws in Thailand individually have their owner version of it.

In fact Section 7 makes legal any action that is not otherwise covered. There's nothing to cover picking half a cabinet? Well, Section 7 does. Nothing says anything about a Lower House with no quorum? It's covered by Section 7. No mention in the constitution of what day to hold the gloveless muay thai finals? Refer to Section 7. Okay, that last one is silly. Nevertheless...

Have a read of Section 7 and tell us again that "no provision" covers Pheu Thai, Suthep, the senate, the Election Commision, the Constitution Court... covers any legal group to do anything that seems worthwhile. Or, as Section 7 puts it: "any case". The standard, accepted English translation for Section 7 is on Page 4 of the excellent English version of the constitution released through the Senate. It is technically CHAPTER I (General Provisions), Section 7 (of 309 total sections in the charter). It says, in full:

Whenever no provision under this constitution is applicable to any case, it shall be decided in accordance with the constitutional practice in the democratic regime of government with the King as Head of State.
Tell us what you think this section does NOT cover.
Meanwhile, the political groups and independent groups will only be arguing about how Section 7 covers what they want. Contrary to your post, Pheu Thai has specifically cited Section 7 for their proposals. As has the PDRC. And as well might they and everyone else who wants to go beyond what the constitution specifically covers.

But, But, PT, Capo, Jutaporn and several other red supporters have been telling us that section 7 cant be used to elect an independent PM.

And now you are telling us they have used it themselves.

And the one they have chosen was not even an MP but one of the revolving chair appointed cabinet.

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Who comes up with these ridiculous titles...

Never mind the titles.

Let's hope that not even one drop of blood will be shed, either in the red or yellow camps.

And let's hope the police and the army will at last do something to prevent that happening.

I certainly don't think the police will do anything. As for the military, if they do anything before the violence (which almost seems inevitable) starts, they will be accused of instigating a coup by the reds, which will only further infuriate them more.

However, if they wait until the after the violence starts, and then step in to put an end to it, it will lend legitimacy to the coup.

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The army should step in. Go and take a group of the leaders from both sides and put them in a glass house similar to a "big brother" house.

Give them a limited supply of Mama noodles and water and tell them to sort it out. They can have silly games and challenges for extra som tam and other treats.

Broadcast the lot live on a couple of channels so the everyone can see what prats they are.

Only let them out when they have reached an agreement.

What do you think? Will it rate?

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Forming an unelected government is illegitimate and will bring more conflict and violence," warned Tarit Pengdith, head of the Ministry of Justice's Department of Special Investigation (DSI). "

It's too late, because Pheu Thai have already picked someone from half a cabinet - something for which there is no provision in the constitution. A prime minister can only be constitutionally nominated through a quorum-filled parliament or through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Period. Not one Pheu Thai spokesman has sited any part of the constitution for what they're doing. Why ? Because there isn't any. The Senate, on the other hand, is indeed trying to fulfill it's constitutional duties. Only Pheu Thai won't let them function. Is that the DSI solution to the crisis - to prevent the Senate from functioning ?

And yet we answer to the cabinet and to him and not to your Suthep.

I think it's pretty clear what's going to happen. Firstly the remaining protestors will be cleared out, either by this sort of mob:


Or by this sort of mob:


Or this sort:


But it's not like we're ever going to accept Suthep as leader.

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The army should step in. Go and take a group of the leaders from both sides and put them in a glass house similar to a "big brother" house.

Give them a limited supply of Mama noodles and water and tell them to sort it out. They can have silly games and challenges for extra som tam and other treats.

Broadcast the lot live on a couple of channels so the everyone can see what prats they are.

Only let them out when they have reached an agreement.

What do you think? Will it rate?

Only if they can wave a few guns around, scream, scratch and punch each other, live in gaudy / ugly houses and have at least 6 servants bowing and scraping every 30 seconds and 4 - 5 cars on the driveway at anyone time. Then you might just have a small chance that it will rate.

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Nothing racial there, mate. It is their real name. They changed it. And it was in 1919. When Taksin's father got married. So not many generations. They are still from Chinese descent. So are you saying calling them Chinese is racial?

No, but the person who dwells on it and denies it and dwells on it again is probably a racist. That's why citizens of Thailand, who call themselves - ALL of themselves - Thai so that nonsense like the above isn't taken as drivel, which it almost always is and causes disputes over racism and racial superiority, such as the above.

Name one person in Government that is full Thai? They ARE the so much referred to "elite" they are the ones taking all the profits from the farmers. They ARE the middle men, with their cronies. Farmers should unite in co operatives and start making their own profits. The fact that his grandfather was into "tax farming" should tell you enough.

This is not just wrong, it is fantastical. Some day, if you can bear it, talk to a Thai and find out who are the amaart. The amaart, often translated "elite" and usually not as wrongly as you, are not defined or identified by their bank accounts or their corporate titles or the home village of their great-grandfather. By this racist post, you seem to have no idea about the amaart at all, and probably could not define "patronage society" either.

Why not just stick to conventional terms and not invite such ridicule as you're getting. The Thai crisis has nothing to do with you, really it doesn't.


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It's important the NACC prosecutes the remaining parliamentarians on the charges for the amnesty bill and the senate election regulations bill asap.

Then the whole caretaker government will be gone allowing Thailand to progress.

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I agree with Blue Nose Codger. Thailand should never accept Suthep as leader. He is not even a political party. In it for himself. As is Jatuporn and the likes of them. Electoral laws need to be changed, then elections. And I like the pictures you posted. They reminded me of something.

Let me see.... Aaaah yep got it! What a stunning resemblance.

why do you all seem to think Suthep wants to be the leader

He has quoted many times he is only the flag ship for the Thai people to protest

and has no wish to return to Thai Politics

is it because this puts pressure on your Hero Thaksin

or you lot can all read fortune balls


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Just on the Nation Tweeter:

tulsathit @tulsathit

Dozens of "red protesters" demand "unpaid" fees after being hired to join UDD protest. - Thai Rath

COME ON!!! rolleyes.gif Don't tell me they're getting PAID? ! clap2.gif But by whom, I pray? thumbsup.gif

Well, they are surely "GEARING UP FOR A SHOWDOWN".

Maybe the Western ONION from Dubai is not so fast. Hang on people. Soon. Just like

YL promised for the money of the rice scheme scam. That was in February. "You will

all get paid within a week".

Is it a good idea to make ALL politicians wear a neck band that will tighten whenever they tell a lie? cheesy.gif


Somehow lies seem sweeter when coming from a woman. wub.pnggiggle.gif

Come on, you have to admit... w00t.gif

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I agree with Blue Nose Codger. Thailand should never accept Suthep as leader. He is not even a political party. In it for himself. As is Jatuporn and the likes of them. Electoral laws need to be changed, then elections. And I like the pictures you posted. They reminded me of something.

Let me see.... Aaaah yep got it! What a stunning resemblance.

why do you all seem to think Suthep wants to be the leader

He has quoted many times he is only the flag ship for the Thai people to protest

and has no wish to return to Thai Politics

is it because this puts pressure on your Hero Thaksin

or you lot can all read fortune balls

Nah, but I just think from HIS rhetoric, we won't be much better off. I hope for a cabinet of HOPE and unification. If possible, new, young people. Mmmmm Taksin is not my hero, that's for sure. Good riddance! I read roo tan Thaksin. Should be prescribed literature.

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I agree with Blue Nose Codger. Thailand should never accept Suthep as leader. He is not even a political party. In it for himself. As is Jatuporn and the likes of them. Electoral laws need to be changed, then elections. And I like the pictures you posted. They reminded me of something.

Let me see.... Aaaah yep got it! What a stunning resemblance.

why do you all seem to think Suthep wants to be the leader

He has quoted many times he is only the flag ship for the Thai people to protest

and has no wish to return to Thai Politics

is it because this puts pressure on your Hero Thaksin

or you lot can all read fortune balls

What makes you so confident Suthep will hold true to his promises?

And what is to stop him from running the show by proxy? His step-son will still be around, so will other cronies.

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Suthep HAS TO BLOODY Stop dictating and ordering the people of Thailand to obey him. He is going to cause so much loss of life and serious injury if he does not put his personal vendetta behind him. This is no longer about the amnesty, dissolving the Government then having Yingluk removed, he has achieved these, now it is a personal power grab.

This absolute lunatic has completely lost the plot and every achievement is making him crazier and crazier. He is a run away train full of lunatics laughing their <deleted> off as the country is about to totally collapse.

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Suthep HAS TO BLOODY Stop dictating and ordering the people of Thailand to obey him. He is going to cause so much loss of life and serious injury if he does not put his personal vendetta behind him. This is no longer about the amnesty, dissolving the Government then having Yingluk removed, he has achieved these, now it is a personal power grab.

This absolute lunatic has completely lost the plot and every achievement is making him crazier and crazier. He is a run away train full of lunatics laughing their <deleted> off as the country is about to totally collapse.

In all fairness Chooka, you could substitute another name beginning with a "T" and your comments would still be the same, one must remember Suthep never said it was a case of dissolving the government and getting dear YK removed....all along its been a case of getting the Shins out of Thai politics completely, that goal has yet to be achieved...

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Would be hard to be racial being a "half" myself.

Why would it be hard? Truth is, you already made it seem easy as pie. Anyone, literally anyone, can be a racist. Some racists are racists because they hate themselves. Struth. Lots of halfies in this world. Some of them are racists.

You, specifically, are or you aren't, and your posts make it seem you are. Since I don't know you, I don't KNOW you are one, I only know what you wrote. If you don't want others to think you might be racist, consider what you wrote. If you don't care, at least respect me enough not to pull that "I'm not pure white" card.

PLEASE don't pull that innocence card on me. "Halfies" isn't just a word to me, sir. I know a little bit more than you think I know about that. Maybe more than you KNOW about that. That isn't an appeal to authority, not around me. You're a human being, same possible flaws as every other human being.

And please do not try to translate Thai for me. I speak read and write Thai.

I did not translate at all, for me or you. I said you misused the common term for "amaart", nothing to do with translation. And I'm right, you did. Most people use the TRANSLATION "elite" but you misused that term. And still do.

I presume you will understand when I now say I actually wish I could engage you in this discussion of amaart-elite, but I won't have a public discussion about it. You actually sound an interesting person. But this subject is off limits for meaningful discussion, which you obviously are capable of. I'm sure you understand.

Finally. About politics. You only know what I wrote. But you made up a lot of stuff about me. I wrote not one post, not a WORD that you now attribute to me. You didn't quote me on it because you can't because I never wrote it, and in fact would not write it. Not about Thaksin, parties, democracy, red shirts, Democrats, Jatuporn, Abhisit, Suthep, or any of it. You wrote everything you say I believe, and I wrote none of it. And let's just say you are not at all clueful about my politics.

So that's one of your imperfections right there. In fact, I am way, WAY closer to your position than you have chosen - chosen - to believe, and so posted that right today.

You should be ASKING what my position is instead of telling me. Since you spent time and quite a lot of Ascii telling others what you believe I believe, I guess you care about it. But you are not even close. You are way off the mark.

Your final paragraph is interesting. My own view is that there are really only two choices - the main parties will talk and reach a mutual agreement.

Or Thailand will just become another Philippines of the 1970, descending into unresolvable political madness, becoming one of those "basket cases" economically and losing respect all the way. Then, way, WAY down the road, one of the parties will win, almost certainly what we now call the red shirts, and then Thailand will spend the next 50 years trying to catch up to the lost years. Again, something like the Philippines.

Suthep is a corrupt old fool. As a party bagman he was fantastically good. But he is irredeemable and unhelpful at least since February. He is way out of his league now. He is probably the worst street protest leader in Thai history, and there have been some bad ones before him. Jatuporn isn't a political leader of any type.

The current state that Suthep believes he will win EVERYTHING and the Pheu Thai/red people think they will win EVERYTHING is ridiculous. Suthep and all his possible allies together couldn't even win an election whether in July or two years down the road, and their so-called reform is not serious, just an excuse for yet another velvet coup. Pheu Thai/Thaksin/whatever can ONLY win an election, but can't win respect or stability or credible political leadership and standing, and thus only keep the country in a constant state of tension and political instability. Bridging these two incredibly weak sides will take a lot of skill and leadership of the sort that simply hasn't appeared for the past 10 years or more.

There are very smart people around. Abhisit has some, some are even on Suthep's side, and lord knows there are brains galore in the red brigades. These smart people (I'm not including Abhisit or Suthep personally in this) should be smart enough to be calling each other and meeting for coffee or maybe scotch and cigars, and starting to thrash it out. Because if they don't, we're going to need a bigger basket.

So now, you actually KNOW a little bit of what I think, instead of making it up out of wholecloth. Feel free to attack the REAL things I wrote, not what was in your previous fantasy. Thank you.

And if you cease the racist references, that would also be thank-you.

Would be hard to be racial being a "half" myself. And please do not try to translate Thai for me. I speak read and write Thai. Once again: I hold upstanding the Amaart are the Shinawatra's. And YES it has to do with me. And probably not with you. People from all walks of life are being "leaned" upon and threatened. Especially come election time. Don't think you have ever noticed that yourself. But simple to see: Political parties that are not from the Taksin clan cannot even come to the North and North East, that is a democracy right? The fact that you believe all the red rhetoric nonsense that it is a struggle between the Amaart and the Thaat is just a misguided point of view. It's two political sides trying to gain power. Both need to let go a bit and find common ground. Abhisit has been trying to do that by announcing that he wouldn't join elections.

I have been posting on several occasions that a way out can be found and how it can be done. Both sides are too stubborn.

Exactly because of people like you believing all the rhetoric. Suthep is not right, Jatuporn is not right. Two of the largest political parties need to sit down and talk. Before it gets out of hand. Sure I won't find you on the barricades when your inflammatory remarks find their goal.

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Would be hard to be racial being a "half" myself.

Why would it be hard? Truth is, you already made it seem easy as pie. Anyone, literally anyone, can be a racist. Some racists are racists because they hate themselves. Struth. Lots of halfies in this world. Some of them are racists.

You, specifically, are or you aren't, and your posts make it seem you are. Since I don't know you, I don't KNOW you are one, I only know what you wrote. If you don't want others to think you might be racist, consider what you wrote. If you don't care, at least respect me enough not to pull that "I'm not pure white" card.

PLEASE don't pull that innocence card on me. "Halfies" isn't just a word to me, sir. I know a little bit more than you think I know about that. Maybe more than you KNOW about that. That isn't an appeal to authority, not around me. You're a human being, same possible flaws as every other human being.

And please do not try to translate Thai for me. I speak read and write Thai.

I did not translate at all, for me or you. I said you misused the common term for "amaart", nothing to do with translation. And I'm right, you did. Most people use the TRANSLATION "elite" but you misused that term. And still do.

I presume you will understand when I now say I actually wish I could engage you in this discussion of amaart-elite, but I won't have a public discussion about it. You actually sound an interesting person. But this subject is off limits for meaningful discussion, which you obviously are capable of. I'm sure you understand.

Finally. About politics. You only know what I wrote. But you made up a lot of stuff about me. I wrote not one post, not a WORD that you now attribute to me. You didn't quote me on it because you can't because I never wrote it, and in fact would not write it. Not about Thaksin, parties, democracy, red shirts, Democrats, Jatuporn, Abhisit, Suthep, or any of it. You wrote everything you say I believe, and I wrote none of it. And let's just say you are not at all clueful about my politics.

So that's one of your imperfections right there. In fact, I am way, WAY closer to your position than you have chosen - chosen - to believe, and so posted that right today.

You should be ASKING what my position is instead of telling me. Since you spent time and quite a lot of Ascii telling others what you believe I believe, I guess you care about it. But you are not even close. You are way off the mark.

Your final paragraph is interesting. My own view is that there are really only two choices - the main parties will talk and reach a mutual agreement.

Or Thailand will just become another Philippines of the 1970, descending into unresolvable political madness, becoming one of those "basket cases" economically and losing respect all the way. Then, way, WAY down the road, one of the parties will win, almost certainly what we now call the red shirts, and then Thailand will spend the next 50 years trying to catch up to the lost years. Again, something like the Philippines.

Suthep is a corrupt old fool. As a party bagman he was fantastically good. But he is irredeemable and unhelpful at least since February. He is way out of his league now. He is probably the worst street protest leader in Thai history, and there have been some bad ones before him. Jatuporn isn't a political leader of any type.

The current state that Suthep believes he will win EVERYTHING and the Pheu Thai/red people think they will win EVERYTHING is ridiculous. Suthep and all his possible allies together couldn't even win an election whether in July or two years down the road, and their so-called reform is not serious, just an excuse for yet another velvet coup. Pheu Thai/Thaksin/whatever can ONLY win an election, but can't win respect or stability or credible political leadership and standing, and thus only keep the country in a constant state of tension and political instability. Bridging these two incredibly weak sides will take a lot of skill and leadership of the sort that simply hasn't appeared for the past 10 years or more.

There are very smart people around. Abhisit has some, some are even on Suthep's side, and lord knows there are brains galore in the red brigades. These smart people (I'm not including Abhisit or Suthep personally in this) should be smart enough to be calling each other and meeting for coffee or maybe scotch and cigars, and starting to thrash it out. Because if they don't, we're going to need a bigger basket.

So now, you actually KNOW a little bit of what I think, instead of making it up out of wholecloth. Feel free to attack the REAL things I wrote, not what was in your previous fantasy. Thank you.

And if you cease the racist references, that would also be thank-you.

Would be hard to be racial being a "half" myself. And please do not try to translate Thai for me. I speak read and write Thai. Once again: I hold upstanding the Amaart are the Shinawatra's. And YES it has to do with me. And probably not with you. People from all walks of life are being "leaned" upon and threatened. Especially come election time. Don't think you have ever noticed that yourself. But simple to see: Political parties that are not from the Taksin clan cannot even come to the North and North East, that is a democracy right? The fact that you believe all the red rhetoric nonsense that it is a struggle between the Amaart and the Thaat is just a misguided point of view. It's two political sides trying to gain power. Both need to let go a bit and find common ground. Abhisit has been trying to do that by announcing that he wouldn't join elections.

I have been posting on several occasions that a way out can be found and how it can be done. Both sides are too stubborn.

Exactly because of people like you believing all the rhetoric. Suthep is not right, Jatuporn is not right. Two of the largest political parties need to sit down and talk. Before it gets out of hand. Sure I won't find you on the barricades when your inflammatory remarks find their goal.

Not sure whats more interesting...the civil war...or these 2 going at it....

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Forming an unelected government is illegitimate and will bring more conflict and violence," warned Tarit Pengdith, head of the Ministry of Justice's Department of Special Investigation (DSI). "

It's too late, because Pheu Thai have already picked someone from half a cabinet - something for which there is no provision in the constitution. A prime minister can only be constitutionally nominated through a quorum-filled parliament or through the Senate in the event of a quorum-less parliament. Period. Not one Pheu Thai spokesman has sited any part of the constitution for what they're doing. Why ? Because there isn't any. The Senate, on the other hand, is indeed trying to fulfill it's constitutional duties. Only Pheu Thai won't let them function. Is that the DSI solution to the crisis - to prevent the Senate from functioning ?

Any comment on an illegal election* for Senate President who is not legally empowered as he has not received Royal assent?

You do realise that according to the Constitution the only person that can send ask for this Royal Assent is the PM. And seeing as you agree with suthep that the PM is not legally empowered, well, you're snookered. No need to prevent the Senate from functioning, their extraordinary session is over. Their next gig, sometime in the future, is to call another extraordinary session under section 132 of the constitution to impeach Yingluck or not.

* The Royal Decree convening the special Senate Session didn't mention the selection of Senate Speaker/President on the agenda. It's mandate was to endorse the new member of the NACC and the appointment of Admin court specialists, and that's it.

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"We will only stop our protest when justice is served," Red Shirts leader Jatuporn Prompan said on Sunday.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

which justice is that Red or the Country Laws?

When you say "country laws" do you mean the laws enacted by the 10 members of the constitutional court? (I was just wondering if there was some omnipotent source of laws in Thailand, or if it was in fact the laws that these 10 fine humans enact that determine the outcomes of 70 million or so Thais are the "country laws" that you are referring to.)

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It's important the NACC prosecutes the remaining parliamentarians on the charges for the amnesty bill and the senate election regulations bill asap.

Then the whole caretaker government will be gone allowing Thailand to progress.

If they do so now, the ban will be only five years.

With reforms imposing a permanent ban on politicians convicted of abusing the public's trust, it would be much better to do it later!

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My wife's community is in the heart of so called red shirt country, the majority of people that I have spoken to want the army to step in because they've had enough of the BS from both sides.

This is the sentiment that I get from a lot of Thai people right now. They fully expect it.

After all, it is the historical cycle of these events in Thailand that the coup always happens to sort out the government mess. It is probably the only solution that the population will respect.

Even though it might not be "politically correct" on the world stage, it just might be the right answer for Thailand.

A country under military law- telling the spoiled children what to do and how to do it, along with a comprehensive housecleaning by the army with no compromises to eradicate the Shinawatra clan once and for all. Basically finish what was started in 2006.

As long as the army agrees with the concept of reform, they could be the one to do it, and introduce a fresh election once completed.

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Funny that from afar it always looks different. Only Royalists and the South? Ask people in Surin, Khampaengphet, Chai nat, etc.etc. what they'll be voting next time around.... That's all middle Thailand. Now after the showdown at Trat I don't think there'll be many reds in Trat and Chantaburi left. So the line should now read: The Sae Khu family supported by the North and North East. And the Democrats by the middle, South and Bangkok.(Mind you: I don't say Suthep) Why did you think the farmers begged the Democrats to join the next election? Because they're not going to vote for them?

This "Sae Khu" business: according to Wikki ( yes I know, the last refuge of the ignorant) the name was born by an immigrant from China in 1860, who married a Thai and founded the Shinawatra family. They have been Shinawatras for a number of generations. Tell us, do you write Sae Khu because you cannot bring yourself to write Shinawatra, is to show us how clever you are, or does it perhaps reveal a slightly suspect racial antipathy to people of Chinese ethnic origin?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

........awwww does it really upset you when he uses a family title then..........coffee1.gif

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Funny that from afar it always looks different. Only Royalists and the South? Ask people in Surin, Khampaengphet, Chai nat, etc.etc. what they'll be voting next time around.... That's all middle Thailand. Now after the showdown at Trat I don't think there'll be many reds in Trat and Chantaburi left. So the line should now read: The Sae Khu family supported by the North and North East. And the Democrats by the middle, South and Bangkok.(Mind you: I don't say Suthep) Why did you think the farmers begged the Democrats to join the next election? Because they're not going to vote for them?

You really do have a fanatical obsession with the "Sae Khu" name, don't you?

I don't know, what is fanatical about calling it what it is. It's their real name. As I always say and ask people: Name ONE person in Government who is full Thai, not Chinese. Everyone is speechless. That shouldn't be able to happen. It is exactly the Chinese "Elite" that's keeping the farmers poor. They are the middle men. Wished people would see this. If they'd be cut out the farmers could finally start building a future.

You are so far removed from reality that it's almost comical. Your understanding of Thai society is negligible and your repeated references to race are both inappropriate and offensive...as well as WAY OFF the mark.

inappropriate way off the mark and offensive??? I have to admit if i wanted a judgement on whether posts contain those three characteristics YOU would be the person id consult Prbkk

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So its true then red shirts have been to the police about not being paid for the rally yesterday!!!!!!!!!!clap2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifgiggle.gif

We come to make civil war.......why you not pay us we not lice farmers!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by love1012
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