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Is it appropriate to tell a farang tourist that their behavior is inappropriate?

Old Stud

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Have to say there are multiple examples of bad behaviour by Thai and westerners that are a whole lot more serious than no shirt.

In general around the world, I think it is petty to spend time on this, while people are dying in BKK from "bad behaviour" by all colors of Thais.

These young guys maybe wear a suit everyday when back home, lucky to have customers, with or without shirts. All said I agree shirts should be worn at times, like at a restaurant at nite, no singlets etc, rude in any language.

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In my years here I have always minded my own business, and have never said a thing. I do live and let live. More of the story why I posted: I have been a regular customer in this very nice restaurant for two years now. I was sitting there again minding my own business. The Thai woman owner is very sweet and would never say anything to offend anyone. She knows I'm a respectful gentleman. But she did look over at me when she stood in front of those shirtless guys, with her Thai eyes - like she wanted to say, "You're the elder here - can't you monitor your own people?"

I mostly have Thai friends, not many farang friends at all. In Pattaya the Thai's would tell me how much they don't like the Russians. In Chiang Mai they tell me how much they don't like the Chinese. But they have never told me how much they don't like the Aussies, Brits and Americans - I think because they unconsciously lump me with them, and don't want to offend me. I appreciate CivilWars , Dave's and Makkam's remarks. Thanks.

I have an extremely high opinion and respect for the Thai people. Most the time they're more tolerant than I am. I'm not a person who fights or pushes my opinion. I love going shirtless, I'm open-minded, liberated and FREE! but I live here, I'm still a visitor in this land, and I wai to their customs. How do these obnoxious tourist know they are in essence saying f u to the Thai people if nobody says a bloody thing?

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Tourists are not expected to know all the mores and customs of every country they visit. Nor do they feel they need to conform to them. Thais understand this in the main and are pretty tolerant. There is no Sharia law here yet.

So why not put it down to people relaxing and letting their hair down while they are on holiday. After all thats what holidays are for.

If you find it so offensive try telling them and see how offended you are with the responses you get.

The mark of a gentleman is how he treats people who can do him no good. Samuel Johnson

It is the responsibility of the person or persons traveling to take the time to learn the do's & don'ts of the countries they are traveling to.

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One must remember that farang holiday folk are used to Spanish holidays where lack of attire is the norm.........smile.png

if i lived inn a shithole in russia where the temperature is minus 30 most of the year i suppose id take my shirt off in thai weather too .........

it maybe the only 2 weeks of the year they can afford to get some suntan on holiday

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Feel free to inform them of the local customs and that in the view of the local Thais they are likely seen as disrespectful pigs with a smile and a decidiely un-aggressive attitude. You are simly sharing info, "just some FYI mates" ,have a nice day" and walk away. It is up to them what they do with the info.

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You can definitely say something. But do it in a nice way, polite and friendly. But also assertive and confident.

Something like: I am sorry, perhaps you are not aware but in Thailand it is perceived as very rude not to...

Tell them they will have a much nicer holiday... that Thai will not tell them as they are shy but that Thai definitely have a negative perception

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Hi old ape, I don't think they are doing anything wrong since they are not doing anything that's illegal or that offensive. these are probably habits that are taken for granted at home and since they are holiday makers Thais can easily look sideways and even giggle or laugh about it. You may want to hand out Thai culture leaflets at the night market next time.

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Call them on it. I did a border run a few weeks back, was stuck in line next to a backpacker with some stankin' b.o. I damn sure let him know. He sort of mumbled an apology. Another time at a muay Thai fight there were some guys sitting ringside with their feet up on a table, I told them it was inappropriate but they didn't take it so well. I was polite but told them they were being jack***es. They pretty much told me to f off, but they didn't put their feet back up :D

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You must have a pretty low opinion of Thais if you think they can't enforce their own rules or deal with offences themselves without a foreigner doing it for them.

I suggest you take you colonialist attitude and start packing

The original post in no way warrants a response like this.

Anonymity is not an excuse to make insulting comments - would you post/say that if your real name and pic were posted, or would you say this to someone you met for the first time 1-1?

If the answer is no, then your anonymous posts should have the same boundaries of civility. If the answer is yes then either you are aware of this and just don't have any regard for others and be a thoroughly unpleasant person to meet, or if you are not aware of it today can be the day you make your first appointment to receive counseling, or some medication to help with the problem.

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Dear all,

from my Point of view it is more than appropriatte to tell farang Tourist (but not only them) if their behaviour is inappropriate. Disregarding this behaviour is like accepting it. Reasons for wrong behaviour could be that peaople wants to behave in this way, that they are thoughtless, or they simply don't know how to behave appropriate. At least in the 2 last cases commentaries in a polite but clear way will help. For me as a farrang it would be helpful in different culture if somebody who is better experienced as I am would tell me if "my way" is wrong.

Otherwise I would do the same mistake again and again without recognising this as a mistake / inappropriate behaviour.



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I understand the OP's position.

In my eyes ignorance is no excuse. With the amount of trashy looking foreigners in Thailand I would think carefully before putting myself in danger. It's not worth it. Often you will hear the Thais speaking about this trashy foreigner, that is if you can understand Thai.

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In my years here I have always minded my own business, and have never said a thing. I do live and let live. More of the story why I posted: I have been a regular customer in this very nice restaurant for two years now. I was sitting there again minding my own business. The Thai woman owner is very sweet and would never say anything to offend anyone. She knows I'm a respectful gentleman. But she did look over at me when she stood in front of those shirtless guys, with her Thai eyes - like she wanted to say, "You're the elder here - can't you monitor your own people?"

I mostly have Thai friends, not many farang friends at all. In Pattaya the Thai's would tell me how much they don't like the Russians. In Chiang Mai they tell me how much they don't like the Chinese. But they have never told me how much they don't like the Aussies, Brits and Americans - I think because they unconsciously lump me with them, and don't want to offend me. I appreciate CivilWars , Dave's and Makkam's remarks. Thanks.

I have an extremely high opinion and respect for the Thai people. Most the time they're more tolerant than I am. I'm not a person who fights or pushes my opinion. I love going shirtless, I'm open-minded, liberated and FREE! but I live here, I'm still a visitor in this land, and I wai to their customs. How do these obnoxious tourist know they are in essence saying f u to the Thai people if nobody says a bloody thing?

if the woman in question explicitly asked you to intervene then doing so politely would be no issue.I would happily speak for a freind or a business owner if asked to do so and the request was justified. otherwise not my business.

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OP didn't say whether any Thais were actually offended or complained.

If the restaurant owner wishes to apply a dress code in her establishment the OP could help her write an appropriate sign to that effect.

Yeah must have been a shitty restaurant if they let people in with no shirts on. Sure it wasn't some noodle emporium full of Thai laborers knockin' back whisky?

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