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Curfew may be lifted in Bangkok and elsewhere Friday night


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army want thai want happy happy together why farang no understand it

It's mainly the Red farang who have a problem understanding this. Can't wait the army round them up too.

I don't think it matters what colour your shirt is, the sight of young soldiers with fierce looking M16 rifles and APC 'tanks' parked outside shopping centers does not make anyone I know 'happy happy'. Denying people the right to chose their own leaders is not the way to make them 'happy happy'. All this happy talk is just propaganda.

Edited by PREM-R
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Over the last week or so,I have made a point of noticing the difference in the attitude of normal people around me.Not TV posters,just normal working Thais,and they are ALL happy to see what is now happening,and happy to realize that the worry of the last six months has gone.They are in full support of the military and very appreciative with all they are doing.In fact most of them are amazed that so much has been accomplished in such a short time,and with NO THREATS OR BLOODSHED.For heavens sake you people.What does someone have to do to make you happy.Get off your asses and look eround you.Talk to people with your mouth not your keyboard.You woll be surprised at what is going on"in the background".Perhaps Issan is different to BKK,do not know what it is like up there,but all I can say is TAKE A LEAF OUT OF OUR BOOK-------- here's to the happy future:wai2: wai2.gifwai2.gif

Do they have a choice?sad.png

you just don't get it do you? I am saying that the ordinary hard working Thai is happy with what has happened in the last 3 weeks,yet there are people like you who cannot understand that it is all due to the junta and their way of solving the problems. They were very unhappy before and now they see a different way of life again---just as it was a long time ago.Do not know what you want.Perhaps you are in the wrong country!!!coffee1.gif

You haven't talked to my in-laws...a.k.a., ordinary working Thais. They are not to happy about many currents events but just laying low and talking among themselves for now. Many changes and reforms needed to get many Thais back to a truly happy state of mind. Hopefully they'll get there.

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Over the last week or so,I have made a point of noticing the difference in the attitude of normal people around me.Not TV posters,just normal working Thais,and they are ALL happy to see what is now happening,and happy to realize that the worry of the last six months has gone.They are in full support of the military and very appreciative with all they are doing.In fact most of them are amazed that so much has been accomplished in such a short time,and with NO THREATS OR BLOODSHED.For heavens sake you people.What does someone have to do to make you happy.Get off your asses and look eround you.Talk to people with your mouth not your keyboard.You woll be surprised at what is going on"in the background".Perhaps Issan is different to BKK,do not know what it is like up there,but all I can say is TAKE A LEAF OUT OF OUR BOOK-------- here's to the happy futurewai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

Coups and military rule aren't a good thing in a democracy and if we take the general at his word he thinks the same or he wouldn't be planning on elections. We'll have to wait and see if that happens.

I'm in Mahasarakham in Isaan and apart from 1 or 2 soldiers behind sandbags at the gates to the local government building and the police checkpoint on the road to Borabue now having military there's not much difference. The checkpoint has more people sheltering from the sun under the tent than on the road. There were between 6 and 8 the day after the coup now it's usually 2 or sometimes just 1 poor guy waving everyone through. We're obviously a bit of a risk as the neighbouring province of Roi Et had it's curfew lifted whilst we didn't. I haven't asked Thais in my area about their views but to be honest I haven't seen much difference in their day to day attitude going bacy to the Abhisit governmet. They just seem to get on with life.

Lifting the curfew will be another good step and I think it would be good for the image of the army to ease up on non violent expressions of anti-coup feeling.

I was in Bangkok a couple of times last month around Victory monument and there were more military but it din't seem tense even then to be honest.

What's it like in the other tourist areas in the south?

The biggest difference is on here but then we only discuss the issues and nothing else. On the other forums life seems to go on as well.

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Some of this situation will depend on when various govts lift their travel advisories as less experienced or first time tourists may actually read them.

Another consideration is what travel agents overseas will tell their clients seeking advice or reassurance.

With the military seemingly causing a reduction in scams, tourism could be back to 'normal' very soon. No curfew, no cowardly night attacks or grenade lobbing. Just what most tourists like.

What about tourist's insurance being invalidated or their cover reduced because of the coup?

"Tourism will soon be back to normal" - you could get a job in TAT

I wrote "tourism could be back to 'normal". Even in normal English that's not the same as you quoting me with "Tourism will soon be back to normal"

I assume an honest mistake, my dear fabs?

Edited by rubl
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Due to the fluid situation in Thailand and the pressure being placed on the media,
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Against all odds Thailand recovers quickly from all recent catastrophes and setbacks. SARS, bird flu, political unrest, a tsunami, coup d’état 2006, airport takeovers, 100 people murdered in the capital during the political violence of 2010, and a crazed madman whipping the masses into a frenzy this year which ultimately resulted in the military stepping in. Once the curfew is lifted the tourist will come back. This will be in spite of the TAT mismanagement and made up numbers from other ministries.

At least in the west no one likes to be controlled and most wish to have an option to stay up past midnight. Once those controls are removed tourism will stabilize and the perception everything is "OK" will prevail. The lifting of the curfew will actually do what our new military leaders want, to bring happiness and prosperity to all Thais. The fly in the ointment will be those pesky travel warnings.

If it had not been for the "crazed madman" as you like to call him. The situation could have been much worse.

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When the curfew is lifted the tourists and Thais can party more. Means more money spending, no tourists restriction. Tourism will be back to normal values in no time. Business as usual. Not bad for less than three weeks junta.

Anyone remember how things were about a month ago?

Yes I remember how it was a month ago. NO curfew anywhere in Thailand
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When the curfew is lifted the tourists and Thais can party more. Means more money spending, no tourists restriction. Tourism will be back to normal values in no time. Business as usual. Not bad for less than three weeks junta.

Anyone remember how things were about a month ago?

Yes I remember how it was a month ago. NO curfew anywhere in Thailand

... and an unofficial, totally voluntary curfew in Bangkok to avoid cowardly night attacks with shooting and grenade lobbing fun.

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Over the last week or so,I have made a point of noticing the difference in the attitude of normal people around me.Not TV posters,just normal working Thais,and they are ALL happy to see what is now happening,and happy to realize that the worry of the last six months has gone.They are in full support of the military and very appreciative with all they are doing.In fact most of them are amazed that so much has been accomplished in such a short time,and with NO THREATS OR BLOODSHED.For heavens sake you people.What does someone have to do to make you happy.Get off your asses and look eround you.Talk to people with your mouth not your keyboard.You woll be surprised at what is going on"in the background".Perhaps Issan is different to BKK,do not know what it is like up there,but all I can say is TAKE A LEAF OUT OF OUR BOOK-------- here's to the happy future:wai2:

Do they have a choice?

you just don't get it do you? I am saying that the ordinary hard working Thai is happy with what has happened in the last 3 weeks,yet there are people like you who cannot understand that it is all due to the junta and their way of solving the problems. They were very unhappy before and now they see a different way of life again---just as it was a long time ago.Do not know what you want.Perhaps you are in the wrong country!!!

You speak for all the "ordinary" Thai people? How very patronising.

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why they always to that during my favorite show and on all channels ? MAI COW JAI anyway and paying to see my (english) thing, not some blabla, that is for the thai free channels, my thinks

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It's a positive step to lift the curfew, my personal view is that there is likely to be a connection with the World cup.

The curfew was rarely enforced with many bars and clubs open as usual after the first night of the curfew, keeping a low profile they were not the target group for the intent of the curfew.

This week though saw an increased level of enforcement, it was still fairly selective enforcement but widespread beyond the tourist areas. The world cup is high profile and if the bars are open in breach of the curfew now it is unlikely to go under the radar as much as it has been to date, this then results in either a lot of resources and effort to crack down on non-intent target groups or lift the curfew and redirect more focus to the risks the curfew was intended to prevent.

It would seem like a sensible decision in my view but all it will take is one areas of concern to occur for it to be re-introduced with higher levels of enforcement.

Edited by Bangel72
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Just an observation. Reading through all the posts and reply/retorts in this and other threads, I see that there are just , what appear to be certain expats, who can and do, take each post that in any way refers to the Thais or others, gaining happiness or a lessening of tensions ...... well..... briefly put they are taken by these expats , very badly. This group will take each positive post , and twist and turn it to pull out anything that they can to make into a negative. WHY ??? Could it be that the team you backed is not in control of the situation anymore?? Give it a break already... Things are looking better and better for the people each day..... give it a chance...stop being so negative seeking and magnifying .

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Thais love their footy, so the sensible decision is to lift the curfew and let them have some enjoyment.

I really feel for them and would hate to see this little bit of enjoyment of getting stupid drunk on Thai moonshine taken away from them

I don't think I could sleep worrying about them blink.png

The fact it means I can go to the pub and watch England play has got absolutely nothing to do with it laugh.png

Edited by Tanlic
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Over the last week or so,I have made a point of noticing the difference in the attitude of normal people around me.Not TV posters,just normal working Thais,and they are ALL happy to see what is now happening,and happy to realize that the worry of the last six months has gone.They are in full support of the military and very appreciative with all they are doing.In fact most of them are amazed that so much has been accomplished in such a short time,and with NO THREATS OR BLOODSHED.For heavens sake you people.What does someone have to do to make you happy.Get off your asses and look eround you.Talk to people with your mouth not your keyboard.You woll be surprised at what is going on"in the background".Perhaps Issan is different to BKK,do not know what it is like up there,but all I can say is TAKE A LEAF OUT OF OUR BOOK-------- here's to the happy future:wai2:

Do they have a choice?

you just don't get it do you? I am saying that the ordinary hard working Thai is happy with what has happened in the last 3 weeks,yet there are people like you who cannot understand that it is all due to the junta and their way of solving the problems. They were very unhappy before and now they see a different way of life again---just as it was a long time ago.Do not know what you want.Perhaps you are in the wrong country!!!

You speak for all the "ordinary" Thai people? How very patronising.

I don't think anyone with even a bit of intelligence, took his comment to be the opinion of all the people..... no one other than you , I guess. I certainly didn't. But then again there are those who cannot tolerate others positive opinions..... those that live in and with having to be negative. I'm sure you know the type.

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Roads deaths will be on the rise again once the curfew is lifted. Would be a good idea for the army to be on the streets with the police to stop the crazed drunk drivers. After all it should be the job of the police but...

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Sounds a good idea to me.

I'm in Isaan and all you see more people without helmets at night because there aren't any police and certainly not checking vehicles.

I think it's legal not to wear a helmet in Issan.................. as long as there are no more than 6 people on the same motorcycletongue.png

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Curfew to be lifted across the country


BANGKOK: -- The commander of the Military Junta's peace keeping force Lt-Gen Thirachai Narkvanich has proposed Army Chief Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha to lift curfew in the country.

His proposal to Gen Prayuth, head of the National Council for Peace and Order, came as he has asked commanders of four army regions to assess the current situation in their respective areas of responsibilities if the situation has fully returned normal and curfew could be lifted.

Feedback from all commanders suggested lifting the curfew as now the situation is peaceful and there was no indication of violence.

Lt-Gen Thirachai, also commander of the First Army Region with areas of responsibility covering all central provinces and Bangkok, then proposed the NCPO chief Gen Prayuth to lift the curfew to support the junta’s “Returning Happiness to the Thai People.”

It was expected that announcement of the curfew lifting would be made late today.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/curfew-lifted-across-country/

-- Thai PBS 2014-06-13

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Over the last week or so,I have made a point of noticing the difference in the attitude of normal people around me.Not TV posters,just normal working Thais,and they are ALL happy to see what is now happening,and happy to realize that the worry of the last six months has gone.They are in full support of the military and very appreciative with all they are doing.In fact most of them are amazed that so much has been accomplished in such a short time,and with NO THREATS OR BLOODSHED.For heavens sake you people.What does someone have to do to make you happy.Get off your asses and look eround you.Talk to people with your mouth not your keyboard.You woll be surprised at what is going on"in the background".Perhaps Issan is different to BKK,do not know what it is like up there,but all I can say is TAKE A LEAF OUT OF OUR BOOK-------- here's to the happy future:wai2:

Do they have a choice?

you just don't get it do you? I am saying that the ordinary hard working Thai is happy with what has happened in the last 3 weeks,yet there are people like you who cannot understand that it is all due to the junta and their way of solving the problems. They were very unhappy before and now they see a different way of life again---just as it was a long time ago.Do not know what you want.Perhaps you are in the wrong country!!!

You speak for all the "ordinary" Thai people? How very patronising.

I don't think anyone with even a bit of intelligence, took his comment to be the opinion of all the people..... no one other than you , I guess. I certainly didn't. But then again there are those who cannot tolerate others positive opinions..... those that live in and with having to be negative. I'm sure you know the type.

Indeed I do!

Sent from my GT-S7270L using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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army want thai want happy happy together why farang no understand it

Well most farangs DO understand that very much it is just some are sad farangs who hate to see others having happy lives. I am sure as with all cultures you have sad Thais like that too. I am a retired and happy farang living here in Thailand and feeling a lot happier and safer since the peaceful bloodless and necessary coup.

Sure we return to democracy when and only when Thailandis truly ready and not listen to stupid USA and their Western puppet states as they are ignorant of the truth here. So let's be happier and enjoy life knowing that we are indeed it clearly seems climbing to a better place ready for an eventual return to true and fair democracy. At least that is my hopes for Thailand which I now consider my home too.

Big trouble with the sick West these days is taking life too seriously and selfishness by the fat cat pond life leaving the masses poor and unable to be happy, sadly that happens here in LOS too.

So I am with you brother lets all try and be happier as we really do live in a fantastic and beautiful world. I honestly fully support what this military Government is doing so far, just what was needed here to try to cure the recent sad sickness here.

Finally, I can see someone properly understand why western world is "unhappy " about changes in Thailand. I would like to see more like Thai general type in western countries to fix their own "democracy"problems but somehow nobody wants to see it ....

I have spent 6 month here in Thailand learning their language and I feel more freedom here then anywhere else before. If Thai's help general ...I am sure it will be even better for them now on.

There is no perfect country in this world and early criticism doesn't help anyone. It does not matter what happen in the future ...it is important that finally someone is doing steps to unite own people. That is most important for any country.

Those who hate it must have not good intentions towards this country as is Thailand.

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Against all odds Thailand recovers quickly from all recent catastrophes and setbacks. SARS, bird flu, political unrest, a tsunami, coup d’état 2006, airport takeovers, 100 people murdered in the capital during the political violence of 2010, and a crazed madman whipping the masses into a frenzy this year which ultimately resulted in the military stepping in. Once the curfew is lifted the tourist will come back. This will be in spite of the TAT mismanagement and made up numbers from other ministries.

At least in the west no one likes to be controlled and most wish to have an option to stay up past midnight. Once those controls are removed tourism will stabilize and the perception everything is "OK" will prevail. The lifting of the curfew will actually do what our new military leaders want, to bring happiness and prosperity to all Thais. The fly in the ointment will be those pesky travel warnings.

If it had not been for the "crazed madman" as you like to call him. The situation could have been much worse.

Don't get the wrong idea mate, he is referring to Thaksin.

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oh dear the naivety of it all - it's as if the population has an average age of 7 . Lets happy!

The average population DO have the equal .....................of a 7 year old......, Lets Happy!

Same as the average IQ of a Thai basher.................:D
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Yay junta!

Whoa, coups ain't coup's, Junta's ain't Junta's, you need to adopt 'advisable nomenclature

Coup = Administration Regulatory Stabilization Events

Junta = Acceptable People (on pain of attitude adjustment) to be Trusted Council

Now that we have that cleared up...

Edited by GinBoy2
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