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Bed Bug Help!


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i think i have them...im not 100% yet as ive not actually seen one but i have woken up twice in the last 2 week with a line of bites :(

i need to get rid asap as i canny deal with the little bastardos.

I live in an apartment and i dnt wont to move as ive literally just spent a fortune on it with new furniture and alsorts from at Ikea (gutted...)

I think the bed is the culprit as it was here when i moved in 1month a go (altho the mattress is new)

I dnt no what to do!!!!! :(!

I know they are an <deleted> to get rid of and pretty much get in everything so i was kind hoping someone on here maybe knows of a good pest controller? or used one like rentokil here in bangkok? are they any good? expensive?

ANY advise would be really appreciated as im freaking out.


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Get rid of the bed and mattress,and all other bedroom furniture,this is a hard pest to control,then you need to have a thourough treatment by a proffesional pest control company,hot wash clothes,i cannot stress enough,you have to remove and treat all area's of harbourage,these are tough and persistant bugs.

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"Get rid of the bed and mattress,and all other bedroom furniture"

ive REALLY like to avoid this as ive just bought a whole apartment full of new furniture....*sobs*

i was thinking that a professional could come and spray but im not sure if that would be possible as its an apartment block and im sure they have to get everyone out of the building before they can fumigate?

or can they just seal the room or something?

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The way they treat a bedbug infestation is with heat. The increase the temp of the room to above 140 (i think), pesticides do not always work on these tough little critters. Hire a professional to make sure that you actually have BB.

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Yikes, bed bugs. Had a bad experience at a hotel in Oregon last year. First sign is specks of blood on the bed sheets where they are biting you. Then you will see nasty welts on your skin. Pesticides are not very effective but steaming is. Lots of steam! This is huge problem with flight crews now and there is actually a line of luggage that you plug in to heat all your belongings to kill the bed bugs you might carry to your next destination, which might be your home. If you have them, buy a strong steamer.

edit... for those that don't believe the story about the luggage:


Edited by T_Dog
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My grandmother used to wipe the bed with vinegar twice a year because of this. But that would be more about prevention than elimination.

Sent from my GT-S7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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"Get rid of the bed and mattress,and all other bedroom furniture"

ive REALLY like to avoid this as ive just bought a whole apartment full of new furniture....*sobs*

i was thinking that a professional could come and spray but im not sure if that would be possible as its an apartment block and im sure they have to get everyone out of the building before they can fumigate?

or can they just seal the room or something?

Interesting,usually they are found in existing bedding,unusual in new bedding,but they can live a long time ,about a year without a blood meal,if the stuff is all new,well maybe just get rid off the mattress,and checked with a torch in the cracks and crevices of the bed frame,if there are only a few,you can get on top of it before they spread too much,by trying the methods suggested above this may negate the need for throwing out the furniture etc,i know that sounds extreme,but i was thinking maybe it was a rented place already furnished,as with big infestations that is recommended,best of luck with it mate,and keep us posted on how you get on.

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make sure you have bbs before taking action, there are many biting critters here, ants and spiders often. googelize to get pics, if you got em you can spot em.

I just googled "googelize" blink.png .... Sorry, no result.

Back to the topic. Cinnamon bark oil works wonders against bed bugs.

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If you have bed bugs they are attracted to the darkest places in your room. Cracks, corners, cracks and crevices in the bed frame whatever. This is where they will be in the day time. If you leave black jeans or a black bag on the floor or on the bed during the night they will be attracted to blackness and hide in the seams and corners. Check anything like that. They can move quite fast, they are not slow. When dawn approaches they go back into hiding.

Hard to get rid of. My advice if you can live without aircon open the windows and let jingjoks move in. They will hunt them down free of charge but you will need to give them a few weeks.

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Well was the bed/matress NEW when you bought everything else? Lift the mattress and look along the seem for red dots...(dried blood). Perhaps you took the mattress for a test run after your purchase and now you are infested with scabies as they comw out at night, when the body is warm and burrow under the skin in a "line" leaving red line marks

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Thanks for all the advice!

I had a proper look today. I have wooden framed bed that the mattress sits on. I pulled the mattress off and looked under there- nothing. I also checked in the corners of my cupboards and drawers... nothing.

I did wake up with a few new bites tho today- at least I think they are new as Ive never noticed them before.

I am getting alittle paranoid about these lil bastardos...

The mattress is still in its plastic wrapping so i dnt think they are in there (altho there are a couple of holes in the plastic they might squeeze thru-im not sure)

I think ill try drying all my clothes/bedding in the dryer, buying some spray alchohol and vacuuming EVERYWHERE at the weekend. Also going to duct tape the wholes in the matress wrapping. I guess I can then only see what happeneds...

I really want a steamer but they are 5000 baht!! expensive... might be cheaper to get rentokill in and see what they think first.

(oh and to answer the question posted- no i dnt have pets)

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Sotirios is correct. There have been a number of deaths in Thailand from people overspraying pesticides in hotel rooms - the guests don't wake up. And if you call in the exterminator for advice, then they will spray regardless so they can get paid. I find it odd that you only get bitten a couple times in two weeks though. Suspect something else may be the problem.

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If it is bed bugs, they could have been on other things brought into the room..... they travel from place to place by "hitch-hiking".... i.e. suite cases etc... So may not have been the new stuff you brought....

It's a world wide problem even in high end hotels... sad.png

I like the vinegar idea too, as Cooked suggested... for wiping things down.... good on mold too....

You could actually use a steam iron, and put vinegar in it.... (a lot cheaper than a steamer !)

The vinegar smell, will take your breath away at first! You can buy 3 litre bottles of vinegar at Tesco etc.

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