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Murder of Thai teen: SRT employee says he was drunk when he inflicted crime


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Being drunk doesn't excuse you from a heinous crime. Death is to quick for this animal. 25 lashes with the cat-o-9 tails would be better followed by a hangman's noose.

All you anti capital punishment people sicken me. Are you stupid enough to think that after a few years in gaol this parasite will live a life straight and true and feel remorse for what he did.

I am anti capital punishment but not because I think jail will reform every criminal, I just think that capital punishment makes "us" just like "them". Also in my home country it is cheaper to jail people for life than to give them a sentence of death.

Cheaper to jail for life than give a death sentence? What country could that be that could be so expensive to cut their throat or electrocute them rather than give them at least a bowl of gruel and house them for 50 odd years? Unless you are talking of forced labour where prisoners become slaves.

Its probably more to do with the endless appeals, human rights lawyers etc

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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

Maybe that explains some of your posts.

Seriously though being drunk lowers your inhibitions so you're inclined to do things you wouldn't normally do. You presumably aren't sexually frustrated but he was hence his actions. It's a perfectly valid reason but definitely NOT an excuse. In a previous thread it said he was on drugs as well.

I don't believe in the death penalty but I can't see any way he can, or should be able to avoid a very long prison sentence for taking an innocent life.

He's taken that very short life and ruined the lives of her family and friends, and probably his own family if he has one. He's destroyed his own life as well but that is his own doing.

Nothing can bring this girl back but it would be nice to think that those responsible for employing people like this would start checking on their behaviour and stopping them drinking and taking drugs so as to avoid this kind of thing happening again.


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Being drunk doesn't excuse you from a heinous crime. Death is to quick for this animal. 25 lashes with the cat-o-9 tails would be better followed by a hangman's noose.

All you anti capital punishment people sicken me. Are you stupid enough to think that after a few years in gaol this parasite will live a life straight and true and feel remorse for what he did.

I am anti capital punishment but not because I think jail will reform every criminal, I just think that capital punishment makes "us" just like "them". Also in my home country it is cheaper to jail people for life than to give them a sentence of death.

Cheaper to jail for life than give a death sentence? What country could that be that could be so expensive to cut their throat or electrocute them rather than give them at least a bowl of gruel and house them for 50 odd years? Unless you are talking of forced labour where prisoners become slaves.

In the USA it cost a lot more to handle a death sentence, then a "normal" one.

After all it is a final act and you have to be absolutely sure...

Sometimes you fail, as in you get the wrong man - Thats why I dont agree to that kind of punishment even if I feel that it would be motivated for some crimes. But yes, for acts like murder it should be life ...

And about the alcohol, it may be a catalyst but it can and will never be an excuse ! You drink, you do, you are responsible .. nothing more than that.

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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

Strange that when it was said he was using drugs it was believed that was the reason but when its alcohol that gets to blame people start to defend alcohol.

I think that if your an <deleted> without drugs (alcohol included) then your a bigger <deleted> on them. If your a good guy with drugs then you don't turn into a monster.

But hey don't let logic get into the way of a good bashing and a good excuse.

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

You are obviously a non drinker, which you will likely deny to attempt debase my comment, but I bet everyone is thinking like me here.

By putting the focus on alcohol, what you are doing is actually handing this guy what appears to be in your view, a reason for what he did... a defence almost. Just so you can chime in with a cheap pop at those who like to have a relaxing beer.

I have news for you. although I have witnessed drunken violence in my time, considering the amount of times I have been out drinking, it has been VERY few and far between. Maybe one bar fight every few years.

I have never been in the company of anyone who has displayed violence EVER! I don't hang out with thugs so that is probably the reason, but I have heard and even seen the same person getting into drunken mischief outside our drinking company, and this was because that guy was an out and out thug regardless of alcohol.

Violence is more attributed to the person, not the drink... The drink is the catalyst in that person.

Remove alcohol and you will still see problems and violence in society. Look at the middle east, hardly anyone drinks, and it is probably the most violent place on earth.

So I totally reject your opinion... Drink is not the reason, so stop trying to point to being drunk as a defence.

The death penalty solves nothing???? Well it would certainly solve the possibility of this poor girl's relatives have to endure the news that her killer has been pardoned and is walking as a free man by the time he is in his 30s, and trust me... that is not so much as a possibility in Thailand it is a probability.

Thank you for your opinion. But I don't think you read my post.

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There are those who call for the death penalty and there are more enlightened people who realise that the death penalty is barbaric and belongs to another era. In my work with learning disabilities (ie people with mental health problems) I discovered that 70%+ of prisoners are on the autistic scale. I have been inside prisons in Denver and the UK and spoken to prisoners, 'tutors', warders and so on. I know for the lowbrows here who only see one solution (the hang 'em, flog 'em lobby) that it is difficult for them to broaden their world view and understand that not all people are cast from the same mold. It's interesting, eh, how those with physical disabilities are cared for and sympathized with, but those with mental disabilities are condemned. Sadly, some people with mental disabilities commit ghastly crimes against their fellow human beings: whether this is the rapist/murderer on the train or people who attain positions of power (Thaksin, Saddam, Bush, Hitler etc) and their ability to process 'normal' behaviour ( ie the behaviour that we expect in society so that the whole show runs smoothly) is sadly diminished. Understanding the process, the disabilities and so on, leads most reasonable people to a different conclusion. Indeed, those of us who are 'normal' may possibly breathe a huge sigh of relief ('There but for the grace of god go I') because there is a thin dividing line between what we may call on the one hand 'sanity' and on the other 'insanity'. In my view, and certainly the view of prominent psychoanalysts, those who call for draconian measures (stoning in public, hanging in public, shot or injected with powerful drugs) do so from an inbuilt fear. These calls do not come from any rational thought process. In saying all of this, no one would argue that these people should walk free (although many are) but an enlightened society should understand the threats and make provision accordingly in order to create a safer society. That doesn't mean prison, though it might mean secure villages or something similar. So less of the ignorant comments please and a bit more rational thought.

Edited by ianf
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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

Strange that when it was said he was using drugs it was believed that was the reason but when its alcohol that gets to blame people start to defend alcohol.

I think that if your an <deleted> without drugs (alcohol included) then your a bigger <deleted> on them. If your a good guy with drugs then you don't turn into a monster.

But hey don't let logic get into the way of a good bashing and a good excuse.

Has someone just given you an alcohol free beer by mistake ? I haven't read any posts that excuse this monster because he was drunk

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They always blame it on the drugs and alcohol. NO ! It happened because the murderer is an evil bastard, let's get that straight. He deserves to spend the rest of his days in pain and suffering of the worst kind...

Your post is a perfect example of what I was trying to explain. Indeed many people use alcohol and drugs as an escape route from their own mental health problems.

So explain: what do you mean by 'evil bastard'? Where does that come from? Why is he evil and you and I are, presumably, not? Is your post simply an example of your own fears and prejudices or does it contribute to understanding why people commit these heinous acts?

I look forward to reading your considered reasoning tingtong.

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They always blame it on the drugs and alcohol. NO ! It happened because the murderer is an evil bastard, let's get that straight. He deserves to spend the rest of his days in pain and suffering of the worst kind...

Your post is a perfect example of what I was trying to explain. Indeed many people use alcohol and drugs as an escape route from their own mental health problems.

So explain: what do you mean by 'evil bastard'? Where does that come from? Why is he evil and you and I are, presumably, not? Is your post simply an example of your own fears and prejudices or does it contribute to understanding why people commit these heinous acts?

I look forward to reading your considered reasoning tingtong.

He is an evil bastard because he gave way to an evil thought and raped and murdered a child for his own satisfaction with no consideration of the sanctity of life or of her innocence,he took advantage of the fact that she couldn't defend herself. That would be my definition. If you are going to come over all liberal and mitigate this crime by bringing up perhaps his terrible upbringing or some trauma that he has gone through you're on the wrong forum.

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

Not true. The death penalty rids the planet of vermin and protects future victims as the dead cannot rape and kill. Glad I could help alleviate your ignorance.

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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

Strange that when it was said he was using drugs it was believed that was the reason but when its alcohol that gets to blame people start to defend alcohol.

I think that if your an <deleted> without drugs (alcohol included) then your a bigger <deleted> on them. If your a good guy with drugs then you don't turn into a monster.

But hey don't let logic get into the way of a good bashing and a good excuse.

Has someone just given you an alcohol free beer by mistake ? I haven't read any posts that excuse this monster because he was drunk

Point is people are blaming drugs / alcohol for this .. banning alcohol, cracking down on drugs.. while the guy is just a monster and normal people under the influence of ANY drug wont start raping children.

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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

Strange that when it was said he was using drugs it was believed that was the reason but when its alcohol that gets to blame people start to defend alcohol.

I think that if your an <deleted> without drugs (alcohol included) then your a bigger <deleted> on them. If your a good guy with drugs then you don't turn into a monster.

But hey don't let logic get into the way of a good bashing and a good excuse.

Has someone just given you an alcohol free beer by mistake ? I haven't read any posts that excuse this monster because he was drunk

Point is people are blaming drugs / alcohol for this .. banning alcohol, cracking down on drugs.. while the guy is just a monster and normal people under the influence of ANY drug wont start raping children.

Maybe it's just me but i consider any ''normal person'' who is drunk or on drugs to be dangerous or at the very least uncomfortable to be with,would you leave your child alone for a few hours with someone on speed or ice or drunk,i certainly wouldn't

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There are those who call for the death penalty and there are more enlightened people who realise that the death penalty is barbaric and belongs to another era. In my work with learning disabilities (ie people with mental health problems) I discovered that 70%+ of prisoners are on the autistic scale. I have been inside prisons in Denver and the UK and spoken to prisoners, 'tutors', warders and so on. I know for the lowbrows here who only see one solution (the hang 'em, flog 'em lobby) that it is difficult for them to broaden their world view and understand that not all people are cast from the same mold. It's interesting, eh, how those with physical disabilities are cared for and sympathized with, but those with mental disabilities are condemned. Sadly, some people with mental disabilities commit ghastly crimes against their fellow human beings: whether this is the rapist/murderer on the train or people who attain positions of power (Thaksin, Saddam, Bush, Hitler etc) and their ability to process 'normal' behaviour ( ie the behaviour that we expect in society so that the whole show runs smoothly) is sadly diminished. Understanding the process, the disabilities and so on, leads most reasonable people to a different conclusion. Indeed, those of us who are 'normal' may possibly breathe a huge sigh of relief ('There but for the grace of god go I') because there is a thin dividing line between what we may call on the one hand 'sanity' and on the other 'insanity'. In my view, and certainly the view of prominent psychoanalysts, those who call for draconian measures (stoning in public, hanging in public, shot or injected with powerful drugs) do so from an inbuilt fear. These calls do not come from any rational thought process. In saying all of this, no one would argue that these people should walk free (although many are) but an enlightened society should understand the threats and make provision accordingly in order to create a safer society. That doesn't mean prison, though it might mean secure villages or something similar. So less of the ignorant comments please and a bit more rational thought.

The death penalty, like one or two other issues, is very emotive. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If someone holds the opposite opinion to you that does not make them less educated, intelligent or "enlightened" than you. They have formed their opinion based on their experiences, information, and world view. Just like you have.

Claiming that only your thoughts are rational and that any who have different views are ignorant and irrational is arrogant and ignorant and may demonstrate an underlying intolerance to all with different views. That can be a dangerous trait often associated with extremists.

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Swift execution is warranted here.

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

The death penalty solves nothing.

But further restrictions on alcohol would make a massive difference throughout society.

I get sick of the people here who praise 'beer' and moan when the bars are closed.

Too much alcohol. Too much violence (especially domestic) ......

Not true. The death penalty rids the planet of vermin and protects future victims as the dead cannot rape and kill. Glad I could help alleviate your ignorance.

The death penalty may stop the person who receives it from offending again although he probably wouldn't anyway and can't if he's in prison where he should be. It doesn't solve the problem of future crimes though.

As for alcohol it's its misuse that's the problem.

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There are those who call for the death penalty and there are more enlightened people who realise that the death penalty is barbaric and belongs to another era. In my work with learning disabilities (ie people with mental health problems) I discovered that 70%+ of prisoners are on the autistic scale. I have been inside prisons in Denver and the UK and spoken to prisoners, 'tutors', warders and so on. I know for the lowbrows here who only see one solution (the hang 'em, flog 'em lobby) that it is difficult for them to broaden their world view and understand that not all people are cast from the same mold. It's interesting, eh, how those with physical disabilities are cared for and sympathized with, but those with mental disabilities are condemned. Sadly, some people with mental disabilities commit ghastly crimes against their fellow human beings: whether this is the rapist/murderer on the train or people who attain positions of power (Thaksin, Saddam, Bush, Hitler etc) and their ability to process 'normal' behaviour ( ie the behaviour that we expect in society so that the whole show runs smoothly) is sadly diminished. Understanding the process, the disabilities and so on, leads most reasonable people to a different conclusion. Indeed, those of us who are 'normal' may possibly breathe a huge sigh of relief ('There but for the grace of god go I') because there is a thin dividing line between what we may call on the one hand 'sanity' and on the other 'insanity'. In my view, and certainly the view of prominent psychoanalysts, those who call for draconian measures (stoning in public, hanging in public, shot or injected with powerful drugs) do so from an inbuilt fear. These calls do not come from any rational thought process. In saying all of this, no one would argue that these people should walk free (although many are) but an enlightened society should understand the threats and make provision accordingly in order to create a safer society. That doesn't mean prison, though it might mean secure villages or something similar. So less of the ignorant comments please and a bit more rational thought.

Contrary to repetitive bleats from the pro-execution lobby, the death penalty does it act as a deterrent. In England people used to pick the pockets of spectators at hangings of pick-pockets. When that idiot was committing his horrible crime, the last thing he was thinking about was being caught and imprisoned or being executed. Decent logical folk with no substance abuse habits & proper self control would be deterred by fear of death but they don't commit these crimes And in fact in the USA and other places, the states with the death penalty usually have the highest murder rates. The standout example was North & South Dakota, I believe. One executed, the other did not. The executing state had the higher murder rate. At some point they independently swapped execution stances, and within a few years the murder rate followed. The state that introduced the death penalty had an increase in murder rate and the state that abolished it dropped. Also, too often people are convicted of murders they did not commit. But execution is final and the number of people executed in the USA who are now being posthumously pardoned by DNA evidence is frightening. That said, some murderers are never going to be safe to release, and life should mean life, not 8 or 10 years as in many countries.

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Cheaper to jail for life than give a death sentence? What country could that be that could be so expensive

USA. Costs for jailing and for keeping a prisoner on death row are ridiculously high - a bit over $50,000/year in NY - to name one state. Americans can't do anything on a state or federal level without spending truckloads of money. Just to fix a single stop sign on a post might entail dozens of hours and thousands of dollars.

They always blame it on the drugs and alcohol. NO ! It happened because the murderer is an evil bastard, let's get that straight. He deserves to spend the rest of his days in pain and suffering of the worst kind...

What's this 'drugs and alcohol' stuff. Alcohol is a drug, so every crime committed while drunk, including killing people on the hwy, or beating a g.f. or wife, is a drug-related crime. Drugs, including alc, exacerbate a f*cked up person's thinking. It's no excuse, it's just a testament on how some people thinking gets fudged. Every one of us has seen drunk people doing and saying stupid things. What do we do about it? Usually laugh - ha ha ha, he fell down and broke the table. ha ha ha, she got drunk and walked through the glass door. At the least, we accept excuses the next morning, when the drunk &lt;deleted&gt; from the night before says something like; "Oh jeez, I did that last night? Jeezo, I must have been smashed." Then everyone chuckles, ha ha ha. ...except me.

You don't want to try any drunkard excuses on me, the morning after. I'll look right at you and tell you you're a drug addled idiot. If you break the law, I won't cover for you. I'll call the cops. I'm no fun for a drunkard to be around, but if there were more people like me around, there might be less people like the rapist/murderer around. It's very likely he's raped and possibly murdered before - just so happened this time he got caught. Those prior times, he and people like him, probably were able to use the drunkard excuse, and his buddies went, ha ha ha.

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Point is people are blaming drugs / alcohol for this .. banning alcohol, cracking down on drugs.. while the guy is just a monster and normal people under the influence of ANY drug wont start raping children.

ven you an alcohol free beer by mistake ? I haven't read any posts that excuse this monster because he was drunk

Maybe it's just me but i consider any ''normal person'' who is drunk or on drugs to be dangerous or at the very least uncomfortable to be with,would you leave your child alone for a few hours with someone on speed or ice or drunk,i certainly wouldn't

I would not either not because they are dangerous but because children need supervision and judgement is impaired when on any drug. Though its safe to say I have been with my parents who were drunk when I was young and I did not get murdered or raped.

Question would be more would you worry about someone who is drunk / high passing by and raping your child more as someone who is not. To be honest yes there is a bit higher risk but the risk starts because someone is cray / a predator not because he is high or drunk. That only gives a bit extra push.

And I probably would have let my 13 yo under supervision of an older sister as I really don't consider a 13 yo totally helpless.

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They always blame it on the drugs and alcohol. NO ! It happened because the murderer is an evil bastard, let's get that straight. He deserves to spend the rest of his days in pain and suffering of the worst kind...

Your post is a perfect example of what I was trying to explain. Indeed many people use alcohol and drugs as an escape route from their own mental health problems.

So explain: what do you mean by 'evil bastard'? Where does that come from? Why is he evil and you and I are, presumably, not? Is your post simply an example of your own fears and prejudices or does it contribute to understanding why people commit these heinous acts?

I look forward to reading your considered reasoning tingtong.

He is an evil bastard because he gave way to an evil thought and raped and murdered a child for his own satisfaction with no consideration of the sanctity of life or of her innocence,he took advantage of the fact that she couldn't defend herself. That would be my definition. If you are going to come over all liberal and mitigate this crime by bringing up perhaps his terrible upbringing or some trauma that he has gone through you're on the wrong forum.

You are another person who jumps to conclusions without reading my posts. Read my explanation earlier. There is no such thing as 'evil'. That is a thought left over from the days when the religions had total control and things were either black or white. Your body can go wrong and so can your brain. Malfunctioning brains are not evil. Neither am I liberal. I take a hard view of people with mental disabilities and am firmly of the belief that they should be treated in a different way from the way you flog'em and hang'em lowbrows suggest.

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Said elsewhere he was on ya ba as well.

RIP little girl and condolences to the family, another young life gone in a horrible way.

Interesting how that works.... hearsay of the guy being on yaba or his drug related arrest 5 years ago will be used to prop up the disastrous drug war. Yet he admits being under the influence of the drug "alcohol", which we can conclude was the strongest influence on his behaviour at the time of the crime, yet there will be no attempt to suggest alcohol be made illegal. The lack of consistency of society's approach to such questions shows how cerebrally challenged people really are.

In any case, any substance should be irrelevant. He's responsible for his behaviour...end of story.

The idea that something made him do it is missing the point, but will be probably be used by the morally corrupt to appeal to the clammering of a mentally deficient populace.

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They always blame it on the drugs and alcohol. NO ! It happened because the murderer is an evil bastard, let's get that straight. He deserves to spend the rest of his days in pain and suffering of the worst kind...

Your post is a perfect example of what I was trying to explain. Indeed many people use alcohol and drugs as an escape route from their own mental health problems.

So explain: what do you mean by 'evil bastard'? Where does that come from? Why is he evil and you and I are, presumably, not? Is your post simply an example of your own fears and prejudices or does it contribute to understanding why people commit these heinous acts?

I look forward to reading your considered reasoning tingtong.

He is an evil bastard because he gave way to an evil thought and raped and murdered a child for his own satisfaction with no consideration of the sanctity of life or of her innocence,he took advantage of the fact that she couldn't defend herself. That would be my definition. If you are going to come over all liberal and mitigate this crime by bringing up perhaps his terrible upbringing or some trauma that he has gone through you're on the wrong forum.

You are another person who jumps to conclusions without reading my posts. Read my explanation earlier. There is no such thing as 'evil'. That is a thought left over from the days when the religions had total control and things were either black or white. Your body can go wrong and so can your brain. Malfunctioning brains are not evil. Neither am I liberal. I take a hard view of people with mental disabilities and am firmly of the belief that they should be treated in a different way from the way you flog'em and hang'em lowbrows suggest.

I would like to risk saying that you probably don't have a child of your own. The emotional response is greater for parents. If someone raped and or killed any of my children my response would be emotional,i would think in black and white and would have no interest in helping or curing the beast,my only interest would be the use of primitive force to kill that which destroyed my child and i can understand any parent who would take the law into their own hands.

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This is an example why capital punishment is a must. Thailand has always been too soft on such crimes. They should do something about it before some other victim loses her life just like this little one.

The lawmakers have you ever thought it even fir once, what if it was your own daughter as the victim??? Or your younger sister?? What would you do? It's time to think and do something about it, before it's too late.

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Funny, I get rat arsed most weekends and don't feel the need to rape children. Don't really see what kind of mitigation you could add that would help really.

The headline should have been better thought out. Like you said, there is absolutely zero mitigation that could make this understandable. Who gives if he was drunk or high?

'I was completely wankered on cheap whisky when I raped and killed your daughter' said Somchai. 'Oh that's okay then' replied girl's parents.

Speaking of the girl's family, wouldn't it be nice if the scumbag was left to their 'pleasure'?

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Train rapist was SRT employee, says he raped twice before

By Coconuts Bangkok,


BANGKOK: -- The rail worker who raped a 13-year-old passenger before throwing her from a sleeping compartment window Sunday night told police it wasn’t his first time, but he killed her because he feared she would tell someone.

Wanchai Saengkao, 22, reportedly confessed to having raped two female railway employees in the past, both of whom he said were too embarrassed to report the crime. After getting away twice, Wanchai decided to rape his third victim, Kochakorn "Kaem" Pitakjumnong, whom he decided to kill because he feared she would go to police.

Although a forensic examiner said yesterday Kaem died from the fall, Wanchai told police he tried to strangle her to death but wasn’t sure if she was dead when he pushed her out the window.

Read More: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2014/07/09/train-rapist-was-srt-employee-says-he-raped-twice

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-07-09

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So what does that mean "he was drunk"? Another excuse for rape and murder? Didn't also the swine that raped and killed all those children back a few months ago "Nui" blame it on the alcohol? So what does this exactly mean - he gets a reduced sentence, because he is the poor helpless victim of alcohol?

I'd say shoot him like a dog and bury him in a shallow grave near the railway.

However, back to the alcohol: It's just like with any other thing - A gun itself is not dangerous, but perhaps the person who owns it, alcohol in itself can be a good thing and if dosed properly a nice addition when socializing - it's the person in the end that abuses the alcohol, the drugs, the gun, etc...

if a person is found unfit to use alcohol, that particular person itself should be banned from purchasing, owning and using alcohol, but not the alcohol itself. Plus alcohol should never be allowed as an excuse to crime.

An alcohol ban will not achieve much - look at the muslim world: Alcohol forbidden and banned, but they chop each others' heads off by the minute. If they could enjoy some booze, perhaps they would calm down a little...

Edited by catweazle
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So what does that mean "he was drunk"? Another excuse for rape and murder? Didn't also the swine that raped and killed all those children back a few months ago "Nui" blame it on the alcohol? So what does this exactly mean - he gets a reduced sentence, because he is the poor helpless victim of alcohol?

I'd say shoot him like a dog and bury him in a shallow grave near the railway.

However, back to the alcohol: It's just like with any other thing - A gun itself is not dangerous, but perhaps the person who owns it, alcohol in itself can be a good thing and if dosed properly a nice addition when socializing - it's the person in the end that abuses the alcohol, the drugs, the gun, etc...

if a person is found unfit to use alcohol, that particular person itself should be banned from purchasing, owning and using alcohol, but not the alcohol itself. Plus alcohol should never be allowed as an excuse to crime.

An alcohol ban will not achieve much - look at the muslim world: Alcohol forbidden and banned, but they chop each others' heads off by the minute. If they could enjoy some booze, perhaps they would calm down a little...

Far far far far far far far too good for the likes of that thing!!! Shallow grave, yes, but that's after a long, drawn out, excrutiating...................................you get the point.

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