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Sexual assault suspect beaten to death in Thai prison


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Less than 1% of complaints made by women in Thailand against their husbands results in a conviction. That means 99% of Thai women complaining about their husbands were lying.

No it doesn't.

Well noted Deacon Bell.

wprime, what an absurd comment!
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False accusations of rape and child molestation are very common these days, as women know the men will go to jail and they will get all his assets. We need to restore "innocent until PROVEN guilty" to protect men from this rampant trend. More men are raped in prison than women in society. men are consider disposable by society. This must change!

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and will the other inmates be jailed for murder or get a medal

They will be transferred to another prison.

The same happened in a previous case.



The mother can claim indemnities to the killers...

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand Edited by Thorgal
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There is too much 'bloodlust' wanted on these type of topics.  Of course, adults should not be raping or molesting our youth.  That is a given.  But the comments I read makes me think of 'mob justice.'  Where is the security in these prisons?  We will investigate is a rather pablum but expected response.  Fear of being put in prison means more then just going behind bars.  


Comments of similar to 'oh well if he is innocent' does not cut it.  That is NOT how it should work.  Everyone deserves a trial by appointed officials.  Not a vigilante.  

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he cheated the rope . there must have been forensic evidence from the scene  to place him in custody

Check out the time line.

He should have commited the crime on 6th of July.

He was arrested on the 9th by police after his wife charged him.

Why did it take 3 days from crime till arrestment ?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand Edited by Thorgal
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There is too much 'bloodlust' wanted on these type of topics.  Of course, adults should not be raping or molesting our youth.  That is a given.  But the comments I read makes me think of 'mob justice.'  Where is the security in these prisons?  We will investigate is a rather pablum but expected response.  Fear of being put in prison means more then just going behind bars.  


Comments of similar to 'oh well if he is innocent' does not cut it.  That is NOT how it should work.  Everyone deserves a trial by appointed officials.  Not a vigilante.  

You are correct to point out that the process for holding prisoners pending trial is in need of review and that ideally everyone should have a trial before any punishment is given, etc. However, we are all commenting on what has happened and not what should have happened. We didn't create the situation or report it, but are merely commenting on it.


I would like to pick you up on one thing also; a seven year old is not a youth. Seven year olds are infants - I think that is a reason for our reactions.



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There were a few posters the other day saying that nonces in Thai prisons get treated differently than they would if in a prison in the West. I guess this clarifies that they don't. They are hated everywhere.


Not really; they have said the reason for the outbreak of violence in his cage has yet to be clarified.

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Better a guilty free than an innocent (maybe dead) in jail.

Better no law than a law without control.

Killed the victim, offender killed two violent acts in a row make us be peaceful, why, how?

Rape victims should be rehabilitated, to relieve their experience and because probably want the same thing for others, therefore spreading sexual assault consensus and making maximum charge (dead penalty) useless. Castration is not a remedy, rape can be done in multiple ways and probably being a chemical/surgical underdog incentivize new crimes.





Instead we want vengeance laws. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, easy. Or not?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Exicution solves nor prevents anything....

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

He's not going to sexually assault any more women, problem solved coffee1.gif


Oh, and you know for a fact that he did this?  Please, oh wise, all knowing one, tell the rest of us how you know this for a fact?  Or are you merely letting your own stupidity be evidenced by your comments.?

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There were a few posters the other day saying that nonces in Thai prisons get treated differently than they would if in a prison in the West. I guess this clarifies that they don't. They are hated everywhere.

Not really; they have said the reason for the outbreak of violence in his cage has yet to be clarified.

Standard response.

Ever been in a jail?

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Innocent until proven guilty...so this is a bad thing as even in western societies which adhere to this principle many are wrongly convicted..

Due process is an important part of individual rights and let the evidence thru the courts prove guilt...

Reasoning and analytical skills get closer to the truth than passion and emotional behaviors...

The problem with the court system in the west is it only looks after those rich enough ho hire a "Good Lawyer" (ahem??) wether they are guilty or not

& likely here as well .( I know nothing about the court system here as I have never been personally involved) Can you say O.J. Simpson.

It is possible but not certain that the other roommates of the deceased have better information than we will ever see & ensured justice was served in an efficient & timely manner...


                     Bad Tony

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Less than 1% of complaints made by women in Thailand against their husbands results in a conviction. That means 99% of Thai women complaining about their husbands were lying.

No it doesn't.

Well noted Deacon Bell.

wprime, what an absurd comment!



The latter comment was sarcastic (I stopped short of making the comment that 67% of Thai marriages end in death of one of the parties). In case it wasn't obvious, my point was that in less than 1% of such cases a conviction is made (whether the reason is that it is a false report, lack of evidence or general police apathy). It is overwhelmingly likely that the suspect would not have been found guilty if his case went to court yet so many posters in this thread are cheering for his murder.


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

One less rockspider on the planet.  A feel good story.

Comment from an ex cop who you would expect would be pushing for fair & balanced judicial process, not lynching.
Given many of your comments I wonder how you carried out your daily work as a cop.


My football coach forced me to touch him when I was 10 and I have lived with it all more life, I hate these slimy bastards with a passion and if they are murdered in prison then I rejoice.
The problem in Australia this filth is put into a special wing away from the general population where they are pampered and cared for with love.


...but he was NOT CONVICTED! I'm in the same opinion as most here, but please!, investigate first. How'd you feel if your wife/gf and you had a fight and she went to the police with this kind of a fictitious claim..? Not saying it happened here, but it does happen. And death penalty is not even needed, in many countries any sentence for sexually assaulting a minor IS a death penalty unless you're separated from the other convicts.

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All kiddie fiddlers (where there is absolute certainty that they did it) should be removed from the planet, definitely where rape is concerned.  If he did it, he got what he deserved.  If he didn't, let's hope karma takes care of his wife...but only once the daughter is old enough to look after herself.


A very sad and petty description (kiddie fiddler) for such a horrendous and brutal thing that happened to that child...

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My belief is that the filthy rock spiders should be eradicated from society. As Chooka said, in Australia they are placed in protective custody and after serving a minimum sentence, are set free to do it again. A clear and strict condition should be mandatory, "conviction of a similar offence in the future  will carry the death sentence".

But, as mentioned in posts, what if it was a stitch up by the wife? The mental torment of being falsely accused, the family and public stigma of guilty as accused regarding such a heinous crime and the destruction of the family structure forever, surely the same fate should be extended to her if found guilty.

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I don't know if this is a good news or bad news. I really encourage farang opinion on this one. Honest opinion please.

It's a bit like the old capital punishment debate - given the absence of appropriate punishment for rape offenders in this country, I guess this is good news - IF this guy is guilty.  I am opposed to the death penalty but the idea of 5 years jail for rapists is absurd.  I honestly don't have much faith in the Thai legal system for determining whether these accused are guilty or not.  If they are guilty the penalty makes a joke out of the right for women to be safe.

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Comments rejoicing on the death of an alleged rapist, with his wife as the only accuser, exemplifies the lack of humanity that some people just have. Hopefully it is contained to the power of anonymity and internet pencils.


Any victim of rape, male or female, must live with this ordeal for the rest of their life, few are able to able to put it completely behind. My sympathy to all of them, yet to wish death upon another person accused of the crime that victimized them does not make your experience any less painful. These comments have no place in today's society where the rule of law and due process are a human right, not a privilege - in any respectable society and country anyway.


Simply put - two wrongs do not make a right.


Any arguments about police forces and prosecutors putting little attention to the matter making it too easy for these criminals to get away with their crimes are valid in many places, however those are debates against the justice system of these countries and often requires self examination of the society that tolerates this in the first place.


The same thing can be said about prison guards that look in the other direction as accused people are mixed in with convicted criminals and allow these criminals to murder another human being. Further examination - if this man had been able to bail himself out because of his standing in the social ladder and access to the financial means to do so the man would be walking the streets alongside any of us by the next morning, his only worry being the additional costs that will be incurred in securing his freedom and innocence. It likely won't even hit the news and if it does it is likely to be hit with a liable lawsuit on the journalists and news organization proclaiming a smear campaign orchestrated by his perceived enemies, wife/ex-wife included.


For those that commented regarding how these people are put in separate holding blocks and what not - yes, it is done in order to afford them due process. In fact, people that are accused of a crime like this by a relative or spouse and have no prior criminal record are never sent to wait for trial alongside violent convicted criminals.


In the end, the only thing this man was surely guilty of is from being poor and unable to ask for basic protection from the very same people that are paid to keep him there until his next court date.





A very good post.


So the inmates that killed this suspect will be charged with murder?


I know it keeps you up at night, even if you did it in the line of work you did? Many years later?

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There is too much 'bloodlust' wanted on these type of topics.  Of course, adults should not be raping or molesting our youth.  That is a given.  But the comments I read makes me think of 'mob justice.'  Where is the security in these prisons?  We will investigate is a rather pablum but expected response.  Fear of being put in prison means more then just going behind bars.  


Comments of similar to 'oh well if he is innocent' does not cut it.  That is NOT how it should work.  Everyone deserves a trial by appointed officials.  Not a vigilante.  

You are correct to point out that the process for holding prisoners pending trial is in need of review and that ideally everyone should have a trial before any punishment is given, etc. However, we are all commenting on what has happened and not what should have happened. We didn't create the situation or report it, but are merely commenting on it.


I would like to pick you up on one thing also; a seven year old is not a youth. Seven year olds are infants - I think that is a reason for our reactions.





That is my point.  People are commenting on what happened and praising his murder IMO.  Before a trial or conviction.  That is what I'm speaking to

Regarding your definition of infant versus youth.  I work in the medical field and have a different perspective.  neonates......up to 1 mo.  infants......up to 1 year..... Child 1 yr up to 9.   [ technically by definition children are from infancy to full growth ]  juvenile 9 to 12 which is puberty then adolescence  12 to 18. 


Also.............definition of YOUTH.............is the time of life when someone is young : the time when a young person has not yet become an adult


Just saying...........and learning.



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Step daughters lie.
Wives lie to protect their children.
Cops lie.

You see this everyday in the US.

and we all know that Thai people will lie directly to our face even if they have no reason to.

So why don't all of you hate mongers give the justice system a chance before jumping to the conclusion that this guy was guilty.

Maybe we should all be happy when you get accused by some 7 year old that is angry because she didn't like the scolding she got.

There is probably much more to this story that will come out in the next few weeks.
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Yeah, let's go back to the good old days of lynching them in the public square as soon as they are arrested. Who needs trials?

Hope  you don't get little girl saying she had sex with you ,where you come from ,


If you read Neversure's response back again you will find he was being sarcastic mate.

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