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How to get rid of a Thai lady who has overstayed her welcome?


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I'm sure many people on this forum have had similar experiences ..
So why did you expect yours to be different?
We all reap what we sow.
Can't help you. There is no good solution, and I feel no pity for those who cheat when they are in a, as you misrepresent it, "serious long-term relationship." I think you got what you deserved. I just hope your partner, didn't.

Wow, who invited you to be judge and jury?  This guy is asking a serious question and deserves a serious response.  If you don't have anything helpful to offer, then please stay off this forum!  I suppose you are in a position to cast the first stone, yes?
You have to laugh at all the self-righteous folk on here. I bet they all came to Thailand to see the temples and never thought about the opportunities for easy sex. The guy just fancied a bit on the side like most blokes do. He'll get out of it , just tell her to sod off and if the long termer complains get shut of her too. In Thailand it's best to just use the women for sex and don't fall for the ridiculous thought these women actually love you. They love your money and security it brings them , nothing else and if you believe different then you're just another self deluded mug.

Guys bring it on themselves. If you open that can of worms by giving money then you don't know. But if you have never given the person money in the first place and they stick around then you know it is not for the money and security. In the OP's case the girl was a hooker, so of course she was there for the money originally, but there is always that .001% that it developed into something else. Poor odds, but the chance still exists. Don't try to turn a hooker into a housewife. You wouldn't go trying to use a wrench to do a screwdriver's job.
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You better crack your head and find a very good solution for yourself. When you need to satisfy yourself biologically, she was all right to stay with you and now you are tired of her after she kind of settled down and found a normal job and lead and normal life. If you are not careful, she may go to the extend and pump a bullet into your head, you never know! 


That may be so!  Not a lot of brain to hit though, so the bullet may pass straight through...

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you reap what you sow,  my dad always said to me Son,don't shit on your own doorstep,you took her back to your home so she knows where you live,  big mistake just be honest with your girlfriend and tell her the truth,Grow some balls if not this other girl will own your balls forever.





Good advice. There are few things in the world as thoughtless, disrespectful, or cavalier as taking a hooker back to your house, when you have a steady girlfriend. It boggles the mind, to think of the level of mindlessness required for such an act. So, to a large extent AlanAunuum is correct. You did ask for this. You enabled her. You gave her this power over you, with this hair brained act. Just pay her off to go away. Or own up to the act with your woman. Or move. 

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Well... you could go the Seinfeld route and suggest a menage a trios... or begin to display revolting personal habits that render you unfit for cohabitation (being a guy, this advice comes with a caveat: you might quickly find wallowing in your own filth enjoyable, so stick with the basics: spontaneous noxious gas and skid marks (assuming she's doing the laundry). The spicy Thai cuisine does most of the work for you. If you're more of a performance artist, let her catch you peeing in the sink. Also try watching TV shows that women find repellent: a weekly 3-Stooges film festival (I prefer the Curleys to the Shemps myself, but the ladies seem to hate them all)... Family Guy... 1967's The Dirty Dozen (trust me, women find the movie utterly repellent on some mysterious visceral level).  If that fails, demand she pays rent. Lots of rent. If she's knocking down 12,000 baht a month, demand 15. Gaseous, stanky drawered, sink peeing, cheap Charlie Lee Marvin fans are all bachelors.        

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A lesson I learned the hard way many years ago is never give your real name, never give your home phone number or address etc. to a casual girl in Thailand. You have to be able to cut all ties quickly if necessary and you can't do that if she has your real info. Even if you are having a girlfriend experience, you should be renting a temporary room, hotel or apartment and you should be using a throw away SIM card for your phone.


You never know when a girl is going to go psychotic on you so you have to be careful.

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tell her you have lost your job.Does she know which pawn shops pay the most for laptops?And can she help you find somewhere cheap to live.Can she help you with the deposit on a new place?Tell her you love her very much and have dumped your other girl friend.tell her you need 10,000 baht to pay for your monthly visa. ask her if its possible to go live with her family to save HER money.   Be very serious 

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Buy your wife a romantic trip to somewhere she likes and go there when you arrive. Once the missus sees you are not back on the 28th, she will lose interest. However, be prepared for ignoring her once you return alone, or just hire somebody else temporary to stay with you. Also, it can accidentally happen that your sim card cracks - in which case you would need to buy a new sim card - or wait and order a new in case you had the sim card registered in your name. Also, be aware, that applications such as facebook, line etc. might give away your location. For the future, just hire somebody and tell them it is a temporary job.

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when you can't stand the heat ... get out of the kitchen...


would long term girlfriend understand that you went to play "hide the sausage" with a BAR girl... you might have given her a nasty desease...

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I'm sure many people on this forum have had similar experiences ..
So why did you expect yours to be different?
We all reap what we sow.
Can't help you. There is no good solution, and I feel no pity for those who cheat when they are in a, as you misrepresent it, "serious long-term relationship." I think you got what you deserved. I just hope your partner, didn't.

I don't recall asking for moral judgement so please keep it to yourself



You must've made the wrong turn somewhere - this is the "Grumpy and bitter barstool hero forum". Please feel free to join in on the daily bashing contests while you're here. The "Friendly advice forum" is on the other side of the electronic highway.

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Boy I bet your sorry you posted this aren't you.? Look at all the negative comments but as is well known "young and dumb"  To late now  nad has been posted byb many "never bring back bad girl to yoiur home". If you were in home country and living with your parents would you bring hooker home so later she might come back drunk, coked out asking for money and your mom answewred the door? That said its to late to do anything about that now but what has probably happened that in beginning the bar girl said it was like friends with benefits but after being with you awhile settling down leaving bar job she saw it as a growing relationship and maybe eventually marriage.


Really hard to give good way out there may not be one. If she has fallen in love with you even giving her money,ignoring her  might not get her to leave. She will see this as a betrayal on your part and will want revenge. She will want to confront the new girl and cause you as much pain as she feels.Thai surgeons are known for their ability to reattach penis that have been cut off by cheated on wives/GF,s because they have done so many. This could get really bad. My opinion try offering some money explain that you both need to move on and hopefully that will be it otherwise you may need to call police the other girl will find out and your going to have to move.

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Don't tell your old gf anything. Time will fix this situation as your freelance will meet some other guy same she meet you and start the process all over again. If you have to have freelance hookers for your gf then you are no one special anyhow and she knows that. Just be nice and tell her you have another girl you met at another bar who is a little crazy. Tell her good luck and to take care. Then stop answering all calls, messages and chat lines. Delete her from everything and block where possible. After a month your problem will go away.
I hope you learn from this as your so called gf deserves better. I hope you used condoms with the freelance as there are too many things you can get that don't show up right away. The last thing you need to to give your gf hurpies or something worse.
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... just slip out the back Jack, make a new plan Stan, don't need to be coy, Roy, just get yourself free. 

hop on the bus Gus, don't need to discuss much, drop off the key Lee, and get yourself free.

- Paul Simon

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A street walking night talking dame...a sex worker that doesn't work in a massage parlour or brothel.



this is some of that vocabulary one learns moving to Asia from, say, the USA. 

others include 'gik' which is "friends with benefits" most of the time, but not always. sometimes there is no sex or maybe once, but just affection expressed by at least one, which is not always reciprocated.

one could go on and on... 

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Poor girl, to have gotten involved with a guy like you.  A guy who's proud of himself for cheating on the people who trust him, who takes advantage of people who are in bad economic situations for his own benefit, and then thinks that throwing a little money around means he's done the right thing.  Who comes to Thailand to do things he'd be ashamed of if 'real' people knew about it, and then asks for advice on how to 'get rid' of the people he's used.


Those quality tourists, right?

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I'm sure many people on this forum have had similar experiences ..
So why did you expect yours to be different?
We all reap what we sow.
Can't help you. There is no good solution, and I feel no pity for those who cheat when they are in a, as you misrepresent it, "serious long-term relationship." I think you got what you deserved. I just hope your partner, didn't.

I don't recall asking for moral judgement so please keep it to yourself


Unfortunately, there is a certain element who seem to only come to TV to play judge and expect everyone to adopt their morals and ethics.


Never any advise as requested, just criticism about everything from your topic to the way you spell and/or write.


They should all be referred to that special site created just for them    Spincterwinker.com


Please guys! If you can not address the topic as requested by the OP, post your own topic or just go away!

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ignore, block, delete everything of her's.  she should get the picture.

don't give money...she'll come back for more and more.


if you can't get yourself to do this for whatever reason(s)...

tell her you will move to a new big home and that you sold your old place already and put your stuff in storage already.

also, tell her that you got a long-term job else where that will pay for your new bigger place far away from where you currently live..  tell her that there is no wifi where you are and no reception either at your new work site.  tell her she will be the first call that make when you land at the airport and that you will come bearing gifts and money.

if you need me to tell you what to do next, you may want to consider castration with a spoon.


never bring any girl back your place unless you have known her for a few months and/or are serious about being faithful to her for a very long time or forever.  and even then wait a few more months.


have sex in the car if need be on short notice.

also try to find a hotel or two nearby your home or you favorite dating hangouts that meets your temporary needs.

set up online accounts for hotel booking sites so you can save 200-500 baht per night on a last minute bookings on your smartphone or at the very minimum save yourself the long check-in time when the bored hotel staff can eye f both you and your new friend in uncomfortable silence.


remember...much easier for you to leave and never come back than for you to kick her out and keep her away.


good luck to all


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