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Why Do You Like Living in Thailand?


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Because at 52 I can't even look at a 23 year old without fear of being called a perv. In LOS I can live with one.

As long as you understand its not cos you are one hansum man.And the cost of these relationships and the material expectations that comes with this can be exhaustive.

Unless of course your lady is HI SO chinese thai with a bank balance bigger than yours.

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Because at 52 I can't even look at a 23 year old without fear of being called a perv. In LOS I can live with one.

As long as you understand its not cos you are one hansum man.And the cost of these relationships and the material expectations that comes with this can be exhaustive.

Unless of course your lady is HI SO chinese thai with a bank balance bigger than yours.

ThaiVisa Norm....................''Rich young girls attracted to old decrepit farangs, quite normal....................

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I didn't think any Thai Visa members liked living in Thailand facepalm.gif

They're always moaning and whining as though Thailand is the worst country in the world, yet, they still choose to stay here,why ?


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After just 4 years wearing just shorts and sandals........even not speaking the language....now my mind and soul feels in Thai. No way back...I changed.

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Low cost of living.

Not having to worry about speed traps and back breaking fans.

Would have needed to work until I was 66 if stayed in U.S because of the cost of living. So enjoying not having to work at things other than my hobbies.

I like having the time and ability to travel to other parts of Asia because I can live inexpensively here in Thailand.

Female companionship. She's manicuring my toe nails as I write. :)

My dog runs free.

Nice areas to bicycle near where I live.

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Low cost of living.

Not having to worry about speed traps and back breaking fans.

Would have needed to work until I was 66 if stayed in U.S because of the cost of living. So enjoying not having to work at things other than my hobbies.

I like having the time and ability to travel to other parts of Asia because I can live inexpensively here in Thailand.

Female companionship. She's manicuring my toe nails as I write. smile.png

My dog runs free.

Nice areas to bicycle near where I live.

One of the things I like least about Thailand: Other people''s dogs running free when they leave a souvenir in front of your front gate for you to clean up.

Edited by JLCrab
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After 57 years in California, there wasn't much new in my life anymore.

Difference in cultures, people religions, climate, religions and customs , all very interesting for me.

I have been here a whlie now, and still find new experiences almost every day.

Not all good experiences, but still interesting ones.

As of late, I have been wondering if it is time to find a new interesting place to learn about.

Maybe Laos?

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Because at 52 I can't even look at a 23 year old without fear of being called a perv. In LOS I can live with one.

I'm sorry to be the one who breaks it to you but the main difference is here you don't understand what people are saying about you. For having liiving here full time for the past two years I can honestly say that Thais don't hold people in your situation in high regard.

and what they say?
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Because at 52 I can't even look at a 23 year old without fear of being called a perv. In LOS I can live with one.

I'm sorry to be the one who breaks it to you but the main difference is here you don't understand what people are saying about you. For having liiving here full time for the past two years I can honestly say that Thais don't hold people in your situation in high regard.

and what they say?

I have a beautiful sister do you have a Farang friend?

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I didn't think any Thai Visa members liked living in Thailand facepalm.gif

They're always moaning and whining as though Thailand is the worst country in the world, yet, they still choose to stay here,why ?

Strange reason for living in Thailand

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In America I don't even bother chat up a female. It's as if I don't even exist to them. I get to Thailand and the girls are all over me. It's an upside down world.

You know why you're getting

attention in Thailand? it's

because you're perceived to

have money. You know why

you get nothing in America?

It's because you're lazy and

don't make the effort to

appeal to them. That's a

reflection on you rather than

the American women

In my experience of being in the west, girls are brought up to think of all men as bad and stupid- just look at the tv ads that make men look like morons and the shows that portray men as evil rapists and mass murderers ( Criminal Minds is a classic example ).

It takes a lot of money, nice car and a big house to pursuade them that you are worth more than a passing glance, let alone become a sexual parrtner, then the first thing that goes wrong in their mind, like you even look at another woman, and you are history.

I worked with hundreds of women in my job, so I do know something about it. The Philipinas that I worked with were always far more friendly than the white women.

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As long as you have money,then you have no cares,and thailand is an easy place to live,sure the smiles have disappeared a bit,but weather, cheap living, are all good.

You are correct about the smiles. When I first came to Thailand everyone seemed to be smiling, but now it's rare to see a Thai smile on the street.

The moniker "Land of Smiles" is a thing of the past.

Seems related to Thailand becoming more westernised.

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Low cost of living.

Not having to worry about speed traps and back breaking fans.

Would have needed to work until I was 66 if stayed in U.S because of the cost of living. So enjoying not having to work at things other than my hobbies.

I like having the time and ability to travel to other parts of Asia because I can live inexpensively here in Thailand.

Female companionship. She's manicuring my toe nails as I write. smile.png

My dog runs free.

Nice areas to bicycle near where I live.

So you are supporting the out of control dog breeding situation. At least when they were exporting dogs to Vietnam it kept the problem under control a bit.

BTW I had to carry a big stick when I was riding my bicycle to smash the free running dogs that tried to bite me.

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As long as you have money,then you have no cares,and thailand is an easy place to live,sure the smiles have disappeared a bit,but weather, cheap living, are all good.

For now, to be in the top 1% of Americans requires liquid assets of about $US 1.7 million. Your mileage may vary.

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"I ended up meeting a beautiful Thai woman and have been together with her ever since. However I left Thailand 7 years ago and can't seem to find much of a reason anymore to want to live here for the rest of my existence."

Your very bright. Could it be the women most single guys come for?

It's possible, something to ponder.

Do you have a brain?

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This is an interesting thread with many good points raised by people living here, along with a lot of input from people who are visitors. As some have mentioned, the move from 'visitor' to 'expat' may see some likes become dislikes and vice-verca.

Why do I like living in Thailand? Just a couple of the usual reasons really:

Living with a lady 3 years younger than me who I have known for 24 years, married to for 16 who is still probably my best friend. Without doubt, this person saved my life. Truth!

Watching both the children (step) growing up, getting married and becoming what they are today.

(It is noted that the above could happen in any country, but we are talking about Thailand here)

The freedom to experiment with different business ventures and the ease of getting the licences for said ventures. Granted, not in my name, but easy none the less. Dispells a lot of second hand viewpoints I occasionally read on here about nothing being possible for the 'falang'.

I do enjoy the food, but I am a person who eats to live, and not lives to eat so I guess that is a moot point.

But I think the biggest reason I enjoy living here is the challenge, which I relish. Admittedly, it is mostly job-related now-a-days but similar problems raise their heads in different guises in personal life here as well. It keeps me mentally active, which is extremely important for anybody deciding to start a life outside their native soil.

Perhaps I am just lucky that I haven't had any major dramas with either expats or locals. I understand that back-stabbing happens everywhere, so don't regard that as Thailand specific.

One of the biggest observations I have made living here, in all the various modes (party, family, employment) is the inability of a lot of people to be honest with themselves and admit to their part of the blame in situations rather than taking the path of least resistance and blaming the Thais for everything that goes wrong. I hold my hand up to being one of these people way back in the beginning, but have learnt to evaluate situations a lot better, be self critical and honest with myself.

Once you are able to do this, IMHO, then Thailand really isn't such a bad place to live, even with the problems it still has to sort out for itself.

For clarity, 58yo, only lived here full time for 18 years, married for 16, and looking forward to the next 16...........wink.png

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In America I don't even bother chat up a female. It's as if I don't even exist to them. I get to Thailand and the girls are all over me. It's an upside down world.

You know why you're getting

attention in Thailand? it's

because you're perceived to

have money. You know why

you get nothing in America?

It's because you're lazy and

don't make the effort to

appeal to them. That's a

reflection on you rather than

the American women

In my experience of being in the west, girls are brought up to think of all men as bad and stupid- just look at the tv ads that make men look like morons and the shows that portray men as evil rapists and mass murderers ( Criminal Minds is a classic example ).

It takes a lot of money, nice car and a big house to pursuade them that you are worth more than a passing glance, let alone become a sexual parrtner, then the first thing that goes wrong in their mind, like you even look at another woman, and you are history.

I worked with hundreds of women in my job, so I do know something about it. The Philipinas that I worked with were always far more friendly than the white women.

My experience was completely

the opposite. You only have to

listen to the way men on this

forum talk about women to

understand why so many of

them did so spectacularly

badly with them back home.

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In America I don't even bother chat up a female. It's as if I don't even exist to them. I get to Thailand and the girls are all over me. It's an upside down world.

You know why you're getting

attention in Thailand? it's

because you're perceived to

have money. You know why

you get nothing in America?

It's because you're lazy and

don't make the effort to

appeal to them. That's a

reflection on you rather than

the American women

In my experience of being in the west, girls are brought up to think of all men as bad and stupid- just look at the tv ads that make men look like morons and the shows that portray men as evil rapists and mass murderers ( Criminal Minds is a classic example ).

It takes a lot of money, nice car and a big house to pursuade them that you are worth more than a passing glance, let alone become a sexual parrtner, then the first thing that goes wrong in their mind, like you even look at another woman, and you are history.

I worked with hundreds of women in my job, so I do know something about it. The Philipinas that I worked with were always far more friendly than the white women.

My experience was completely

the opposite. You only have to

listen to the way men on this

forum talk about women to

understand why so many of

them did so spectacularly

badly with them back home.

Says the girl whisperer....

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