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I've had it up to here with people having it up to here.


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People who think that they were liked back in the Netherlands.. I had idiot neighbors back home and I have one of them here and others are fine just like back in the Netherlands. Most people back where I come from are indifferent to me just like they are here. Real friendship is hard to find and especially hard if you start out here fresh without speaking the language.

However I can see why Thais in tourist areas don't always like foreigners.. go ask people in the tourist cities of Spain or even the Netherlands how they like drunk tourists.

Thailand is in this respect not much different, there might be a bit more xenophobia but back wherever your from minorities are never liked a lot either.

*not aimed at JL crab*

I just don't see it that way based on my home in Colorado. It has been a tourist destination since the 70's. Most of us that were born there just sat back and watched with some amusement at times but were always considerate and said hello and responded to tourist questions and requests for directions.

As for neighbors, maybe its becuase CO had so many rural communities but my neighbors rely on one another.

Anyway, I can sure see from reading the forums here that my world is in stark contrast to so many. Heck, I don't think there is anything special about this Thailand except my wifes family is here and there are some aspects to the countryside I enjoy.

Its good for my arthritis.

I think it depends on the kind of tourists you get, I can tell you the people in Spain are not so happy with the Dutch (I am Dutch) To think that the sex tourist in Pattaya are loved biggrin.png (yes short time)

Neighbors, are you sure you never had an idiot neighbor. I know I had back in the Netherlands and I lived in a small town. I have had good neighbors just like here.

But the major difference is you haven't grown up here like you did where you came from plus there is a language barrier.

I like it here 10 times more as where I came from and I have been here for 9 years. But i will admit there are many things wrong here just like back home. Just see more positives then negatives here. Though I can bitch like all of you about them. However the posts you often see here are of people who have not succeeded here and are going home justifying it to themselves on the forum. They are just as bad as the purple shade types that have just arrived.

Well, there were some neighbors over the years we weren't too fond of but we had alot of acreage between us and the philosophy of "Live and Let Live" was always the way amongst our people.

I do find your discussion of Holland fascinating as I always envisioned it different. But I must admit the only Dutch I knew had a history in Indonesia during those war years. I have always thought the women are quite beautiful ;-)

Nothing wrong with Holland just like it here more. But its just like any other place where you can have bad neighbors and good ones. Unlike where you are from people are packed closer together so you get more problems. I hate the Dutch weather and the welfare state plus quite a few other stuff. However supermarkets are better stocked so are home marts and electronics are in general cheaper. I got crazy with the roads and speed limits last month when I was there it made absolutely no sense. It all depends what you like and dont like.

However the biggest problem for expats here is the language barrier plus the fact you did not grow up here so making friends is a lot harder. So many are quite isolated and if you can't speak much of the language your so dependent on others it becomes boring. Now that I speak enough Thai to help myself I feel a lot better. Not enough Thai to my liking but still better as not being able to communicate.

The visa rules about working and the 4 Thais to 1 foreigner are a few of my pet hates here but other things are ok here.

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Fools that come here, or go anyhwere expecting a 'paradise' get what they deserve. The ones that complain the loudest are those that seem to think living here is just like living an extended holiday, drinking heavily, sleeping with rent a girfriends...marrying them, making a whole load of bad decisions, hanging around with other drifters...and many, many of them simply refuse to learn even the most basic Thai. I live here like I lived at home, simply. I dont expect it to be paradise, I like living here for the simple things. There are many not so good things about living here, but you will find that anywhere. The simple fact of the matter is that if you dont learn to speak that language of the country you are living in that you will live a very limited existence. If I had to hang around a load of bickering expats everyday, along with jaded tourist area type Thais, or lets face it....airhead bargirls, I would probably end up being pretty cynical myself. People in my own country complain about foriegners not 'assimilating'. Exactly the same thing happens here with farang ex pats.

Very good points. I agree. And these same fools who do nothing but complain about Thailand day after day will be offended if you don't agree with them. They may even call you a "Thai apologist," the typical term used by the failed farang.

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I am in Montréal right now (see my IP Address) obviously not in Thailand, have not failed in life (since I can afford to live in Montréal) but will move to Brussels next week (because it will get too cold here), was in Bangkok early September and did not want to stay in that ugly city.

Are you happy now?

Montreal cold? You Sisi lol, you never experienced winter in Franche Comte (near Mouthe or near Valdahon) ... minus 35 celsius assured for 6 month, with peaks at minus 43 celsius. Witnessed even - 47 celsius (temp given at 03.00 am, obviously). Played rugby by minus 20 celsius too (02.00 pm here).

Monthreal is middly cold, just that.

P.S. Based on your nick, I am assuming you do know where Franche Comte is (mean you are french, as tartempion is only used in France, and in some part around Fleurier and Yverdon).

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There are some people that can make the right decision's in life whether in LOS or in their home country.....I've met absolute morons along my travels (all westerners) that manage bars or gogo's & are living the life, to one day losing their job because of stupidity. Others stories of TG's ripping off expats & losing all their money etc etc....

My advice to the OP is don't read the thread if it upsets you biggrin.png.pagespeed.ce.XhpYJIv77v.png

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"So the point being, why not just shut up and freakin leave? I think that's what he was trying to say. I concur with that sentiment."

That sentiment is anti social and probably another reason why people get burnt out. It is hard to find real good friends here. People are either highly competitive trying to one up everyone else or they are just nuts like most of the posters on TV,

People come to public forums to share information, build relationships and support each other. However, the OP and some other posters that agree with him seem to be the type that come to public forums to berate others, criticize people who need to vent, or just add pointless quips.

Start a thread asking for legitimate advice here and I will guarantee you will get 1-2 answers and 2-4 pages of moronic debate.

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I am in Montréal right now (see my IP Address) obviously not in Thailand, have not failed in life (since I can afford to live in Montréal) but will move to Brussels next week (because it will get too cold here), was in Bangkok early September and did not want to stay in that ugly city.

Are you happy now?

I understand you're leaving but why would you think anyone in Thailand especially us on Thai Visa would want you to write about it? You messed up and the big smoke was too big and too smokey. OK.

Why would you come back on Thai Visa and carp about Bangkok being an ugly city? You see by saying that you have clued all of in to the real reason you left. That's what the OP was about.

People come and go from Thailand every day only the failures come back on Thai Visa and complain ad nauseam about everything Thai to somehow assuage their wounded pride.

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"So the point being, why not just shut up and freakin leave? I think that's what he was trying to say. I concur with that sentiment."

That sentiment is anti social and probably another reason why people get burnt out. It is hard to find real good friends here. People are either highly competitive trying to one up everyone else or they are just nuts like most of the posters on TV,

People come to public forums to share information, build relationships and support each other. However, the OP and some other posters that agree with him seem to be the type that come to public forums to berate others, criticize people who need to vent, or just add pointless quips.

Start a thread asking for legitimate advice here and I will guarantee you will get 1-2 answers and 2-4 pages of moronic debate.

Ahh I'm gonna have to call BS on that one. I started a thread asking a simple question even informing people of a free service and have not gotten one <deleted> reply.


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Usually people who've failed at life come to Thailand, brits who in their own country can only get a job as a cashier in Tesco come here to teach english for 30-45k baht, they get more respect here because they're white, thais feel inferior to whites.

Hey I want to move to bangkok as well, a rent for a normal apt costs 1k usd in my homeland, I can and will rent a pretty decent place in bangkok for 1k usd, a studio in lebua tower!

But I don't consider myself as having failed in life, I just wanna live life and party while I'm still young, If I partied in my home country everyday, I'd need a passive income of at least 15k usd a month, I can do it for 5-6k usd in Bangkok.

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Usually people who've failed at life come to Thailand, brits who in their own country can only get a job as a cashier in Tesco come here to teach english for 30-45k baht, they get more respect here because they're white, thais feel inferior to whites.

Hey I want to move to bangkok as well, a rent for a normal apt costs 1k usd in my homeland, I can and will rent a pretty decent place in bangkok for 1k usd, a studio in lebua tower!

But I don't consider myself as having failed in life, I just wanna live life and party while I'm still young, If I partied in my home country everyday, I'd need a passive income of at least 15k usd a month, I can do it for 5-6k usd in Bangkok.

So says Mr Thailand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I'd happily leave Thailand to the deluded, Thaier than Thai types who haven't yet worked out that the natives (even those closest to them) don't really like them. I wouldn't go on about it here and burst that bubble of yours though, and I would expect it in-kind... ie, please don't come on here whining how it all went wrong when it inevitably does. Have a nice day, in 'paradise' wink.png

Generalization or personal viewpoint Dave?

Sorry, must be deluded. Dam_n it, been doing so well for the last couple of years.........................sad.png

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People come to public forums to share information, build relationships and support each other. However, the OP and some other posters that agree with him seem to be the type that come to public forums to berate others, criticize people who need to vent, or just add pointless quips.

Amazing. And what are you doing exactly? You're berating others.

It's clear what you're trying to say. Thai-bashers have a right to bash. But those who disagree don't have a right to disagree because the bashers just need to vent. "Everyone is free to express their opinion...so long as they agree with me!" Sorry, but I don't agree with you.

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I am in Montréal right now (see my IP Address) obviously not in Thailand, have not failed in life (since I can afford to live in Montréal) but will move to Brussels next week (because it will get too cold here), was in Bangkok early September and did not want to stay in that ugly city.

Are you happy now?

Life I.s all about choices, so you did not like Bangkok ?? , that's fine.... Enjoy Belgium.... Might be more your taste....

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Note I said "If". I am not saying that everyone who leaves Thailand has failed in some way. But if you have, and that is why you're leaving, I don't want to hear about it. As pointed out by some astute posters, I actually have a choice over which threads I read. I had forgotten this- silly me. In all seriousness I am being somewhat serious. But seriously, I'm just kidding.

Please note I am English and everything I say is quite possibly just an (unfunny) joke.

By the way, I am honoured to have been chosen as forum representative and will take the responsibilities with their full weight as I lead us forward to a brighter, better, TV future. If you are unsure of how to think about any topic, please do not hesitate to ask me for the latest community policy on the price of fried rice, whether or not the term "falang" is offensive, how much one requires to get by on per month, and any number of other burning issues.

Carry on.

Edited by OxfordWill
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