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Murder suspects charged

Lite Beer

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No doubt they will be executed by next week in the hope that come the high season everything will be back to normal ,I have grave doubts about these two guys I believe they have been made escape goats I only hope that during the trial if it is a public trial as the country is under military rule that outside agencies from around the world will be allowed to attend to ensure a fair and proper trial.

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I hope they strongly investigate the manger of the AC Club. Was he obstructing the investigation and diverting attention away. Was he trying to protect the image of AC Club? Did he know something?

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The whole story stinks but after some weeks... it will be a kind of forgotten, for sure not by the families of the victims.

In the end of the day it is ' take it or leave (it), nothing to do about it.

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I hope they strongly investigate the manger of the AC Club. Was he obstructing the investigation and diverting attention away. Was he trying to protect the image of AC Club? Did he know something?

Of course he knew all about those illegal immigrants working on the island with his blessing. He made a fortunate out of illegal labour and defrauded the Thai state. I assume he made billions of baht by not paying any contributions to the Thai social security system not to mention taxes over the years. In any case, whether his family was involved or not, Thai state has the case against him and his cronies on the island. They've been defrauding the state for ages. He will have to pay small fortune to get off the hook. Some high ranking police officers just couldn't believe their luck.

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Tour business operators yesterday lit 5,000 firecrackers to celebrate the arrests of the two suspects, and said they believed both men were the real culprits. A merit-making ceremony was later held on Chor Por Ror beach, where the bodies were found, to bless the area.

And the ghosts left with the night ferry on the same day...facepalm.gif

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"Citing from the "confessions" of the two suspects, police said they entered Thailand about two weeks before the double murders, at dawn on September 15, and worked at AC Pub as general workers. The men said they hardly left the pub, as they had limited knowledge of the Thai language."

And yet they were able to under go interrogation and presumably sign confessions. Hope their translator was a good one.

Dare I ask what interpreter ? The men presumably spoke Burmese and their own regional dialect so was an officially certified interpreter supplied by their embassy for example or as we may suspect it was all done in Thai and they ' freely ' confessed ?

A good defence lawyer, if there is such a thing here would drive a coach and horses through this sort of thing IF there's a trial but what's the odds on a guilty plea ?

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For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

Now you are thinking as a westerner, c'mon, this is still Thailand.

I don't say the two burmese guys didn't do it, but until the evidence and all DNA have been cleared with an outside agency, I hold my breath.

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A damaged iPhone belonging to one of the victims is found in bushes behind the house where Win, one of the suspects, lives.

This phone ?


Most people have more than one phone nowadays i use three one for work one for thailand one for my home country

Ok, its possible. A Burmese migrant spends a whopping 5,000 Baht to be smuggled into Thailand a few weeks ago, gets a job as a bartender (probably paid a handsome salary too) and buys himself 2 mobile phones. You know, one for the wife's calls and the other for calls to all his girlfriends. He can afford it.

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A damaged iPhone belonging to one of the victims is found in bushes behind the house where Win, one of the suspects, lives.

This phone ?


If they steal phones in this part of the world they sell them. Not throw them away.

BIB are just digging a bigger hole for themselves.

Nobody would throw a phone away here. Especially not smashing and leave it behind the house. That smells very fishy. Evidence?

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For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

U dont know that.. if it was his 2 sons they maybe were drunk or on some drugs or idk...

But anyway i have a probably good if not the best question... coz i am always reading about DNA this UK that... so my question to you guys is (hopefully someone is here who knows a bit about the THAI law):

they are now the acused and will have a trial date right? so usually every lawyer has the right to bring expert witnesses into court.. so the easiest way (the UK has her body and the samples of the seamen DNA) is for the lawyer to get an UK expertwitness Scotland Yard or the FBI i read wanted to be involved too and just check the DNA himself with the DNA of these to burmese....

so the question is that possible to bing an expert witness from another country?

I had exactly the same idea. Exactly. :)

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There has been nothing on the Uk news today about these arrests, but then again another Uk hostage has just been beheaded by Islamic state so that was wall to wall covarage.

at least there was this but read the number of comments of people in UK who are also sceptical kike this one " After the allegation of paying for a false witness I honestly cannot believe they have now neatly closed this case, even with DNA evidence they put forward. This whole investigation has been soiled by corruption and incompetence. I'd never now consider holidaying there."


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For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

You are forgetting the Thai mentality and the ability to think about the future!

Also the more people involved in the crime the higher the chance of loose lips and a ship sinking.

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For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

Yes if he was that arrogant and confident that he couldn't be "touched" because of his position/influence on the island.

people with "power" are hardly worried about leaving a few corpses lying around, in fact if it became "common knowledge", that he did do it, it would enhance his "reputation" on KT to show how "powerful" he was...

in fact if the Burmese guys had done it, considering the circumstances one would have expected them to attempt to hid the bodies to try and cover up what happened and it seems they didnt.

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All convenient and nicely wrapped up which of course everyone will accept without question.

What remains now is for them to plead guilty so little or no evidence, other than their ' confession ' needs to be produced and tested in court and they will hope their confession will be taken into account so they don't face the death penalty for screwing with Thais losing money over tourism, maybe that's part of the deal already.

Yes.! The "DEAL" must be exposed. Only then will the TRUTH be exposed.coffee1.gifangry.gif

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jacknorman, on 04 Oct 2014 - 06:43, said:
ukrules, on 04 Oct 2014 - 06:24, said:

A damaged iPhone belonging to one of the victims is found in bushes behind the house where Win, one of the suspects, lives.

This phone ?


Most people have more than one phone nowadays i use three one for work one for thailand one for my home country

Sure, most people do have more than one phone. BUT, how many do you take out with you when you're off to a bar????

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For those posters who seem convinced the headman's son committed the murders, do you really think if he killed the couple he would simply leave the bodies on the beach? With his resources they would surely have taken the bodies out to sea and dumped them, to save his own skin and protect the family business.

What could be worse for an island/ hotel/club or guesthouse than to have2 corpses bludgeoned to death in front of your business that relies on tourists?

Anyone with a vested interest in the island's business would have hidden those bodies if they had been the perpretators.

Just like the politician's son arranged for the disposal at sea of the body of the police sergeant he shot in front of witnesses at point blank range in a night club I suppose.

I think you're mixed up, Suwit Rodwimut's cremation was attended by the police chief.You might be thinking of another case. Anyway was the headman's son on Koh Tao aggressive like Chalerm's sons, did he go round asking people in a threatening manner if they knew who his father was,( because they couldn't remember, the simpletons). Did the son have an argument with or about Hannah that night.? I haven't read any posts either describing incidents or his character.
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